• Nem Talált Eredményt

C. monogyna and C. rhipidophylla are the species with the largest area of distribution in Europe, but in Germany C. monogyna and C. laevigata are the most common species, followed by C. ×macrocarpa (see NETPHYD et al. 2013). C.

rhipidophylla is a less frequent species, often even rarer than its hybrids C.

×macrocarpa and C. ×subsphaerica (see maps in KORSCH et al. 2002, NETPHYD et al.

2014). C. lindmanii, a subatlantic floristic element as C. laevigata, has the smallest range of distribution in Europe, and is the rarest species in Germany (for Saxony see SCHMIDT 2000). Similar to C. lindmanii the hybrids of this species (C. ×calycina, C. ×domicensis) are rare in Germany. However, regionally C. lindmanii and C.

×calycina may be more frequent than C. rhipidophylla and C. ×macrocarpa (BUTTLER &

KALHEBER 2012). Although C. laevigata and C. monogyna are the most common species in Germany, their hybrid C. ×media is a not widespread, because the flowering time of the parent species differs one to two weeks, if they occur in the same area. On the other hand this hybrid is often planted, and many cultivars belong to it (e.g. the popular ornamental hawthorn 'Paul’s Scarlet' with double red flowers). The hybrids mostly occur where the plants of the different taxa came in contact or their ranges of distribution overlap, but locally they recently are allopatric, because one or both of the parents disappeared or the hybrid extended its range. An additional reason may be plantings of hybrids. Hawthorn grow at (moderate) fresh to (moderate) dry sites, on rich in nutrients, basic, humous, loamy soils. C. laevigata is a shade tolerant species, growing in mesophilous broad-leaved forests (Fagetalia), at forest edges, in hedges and scrub communities (esp. Prunetalia spinosae). C. lindmanii and its hybrids (C. ×calycina, C. ×domicensis) are shade tolerant as C. laevigata, growing in mesophilous and thermophytic broad-leaved forests (Fagetalia, esp. Carpinion betuli) and their edges, only rarely in hedges. C. rhipidophylla and C. ×macrocarpa are also more or less shade-tolerant, however, they grow not only in mesophilous and light broad-leaved forests (Fagetalia, esp. Carpinion betuli), but also in dense hedges and shrub communities (Prunetalia spinosae). C. monogyna, C.

×subsphaerica, C. ×media are light-demanding, they grow at forest edges, in hedges and scrub communities (esp. Prunetalia spinosae), open more or less dry habitats (e.g.

rocks), but less frequent in light forests (xerothermic and thermophytic, mesophilous broad-leaved forests).


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Table 1. Crataegus in Germany according to different authors, documenting the diverging concepts in C. rhipidophylla agg. (3) and their hybrids (C. ×macrocarpa agg., C. ×subsphaerica) Concept A: acceptance of 1.2 S 1981: C. palmstruchii, 2011: C.

laevigata subsp. palmstruchii, but 3 C. rhipidophylla agg. (S 1981: C.

curvisepala agg., incl. C. ×dunensis =

3.2 C. lindmanii subsp. lindmanii var. lindmanii

1×2 C. (×)media C. ×media (L 1978: C. ×ovalis) C. ×media 1×3 C. ×macrocarpa agg. (S 1981:

C. ×calycina agg.)

C. ×macrocarpa (s.l.) C. ×macrocarpa 1×3.1 C. (×)macrocarpa (s.str.; S

1981: C. ×uhrovae)

S: nothosubsp. macrocarpa nothovar. macrocarpa 1×3.2 C. (×)calycina S: nothosubsp. calciphila nothovar. hadensis 2×3 C. ×subsphaerica agg. (S 1981:

S: nothosubsp. domicensis nothovar. domicensis (C 1992:

C. ×kyrtostyla nothovar. domicensis)