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In document Novell COMPAQ. (Pldal 62-116)

NET - Enterprise szerverek

Juhász Sándor <sanvo@avalon.aut.bme.hu>

Microsoft Magyarország Kft.

A vállalati rendszerek integrálásához, menedzsmentjéhez és web kapcsolatainak kialakításához .NET vállalati szerverek használata nyújtja a legegyszerűbb és leggyorsabb lehetőséget. A .NET vállalati szerverek elkészítésével a Microsoft megbízható, nagyteljesítményű, jól skálázható és karbantartható informatikai megoldást kínál, mely a vállalat teljes egészének belső működését és külső kapcsolatait is átfogja. A .NET szerver generáció a világháló használatára épül, és a szá­

mos támogató partnercég segítségével lehetővé teszi, hogy a termékcsomag polcról levehető, teljes megoldást nyújtson a vállalati működés integrálásához és az Internet alapú vállalati kap­

csolattartáshoz. A teljes termékcsomag az alapoktól kezdve úgy épül fel, hogy a lehető legna­

gyobb teljesítmény elérése mellett teljes körű együttműködési lehetőséget biztosítson az alkal­

mazások között. A együttműködés alapját a Web szabványok és az XML nyelv (Extensible Markup Language) képezi. Az előadásban bemutatásra kerülnek a különböző szerver termékek (Microsoft SQL Server 2000, BizTalk Server 2000, Microsoft Commerce Server 2000, Application Center 2000, Mobile Information Server 2001), miközben különös hangsúlyt fekte­

tünk az alkalmazás integrációra és az üzleti folyamat összerendelésre.

IP alapú contact centerek

Gazdag Norbert <Norbert.Gazdag@S\nergon.hu>

Synergon Informatika Rt.

A Contact Center egy olyan ügyfélkapcsolati pont, melynek működését különböző alkalmazá­

sok teszik lehetővé. Ezen alkalmazások célja, hogy biztosítsák az igényelt szolgáltatásokat, mint például rendelés-adminisztráció, eladás vagy marketing, illetve további szolgáltatások, melyek célja a kapcsolat kialakítása és fenntartása az ügyfél és a szolgáltató között.

A Contact Centerek rendelkeznek azzal a képességgel is, hogy fogadjanak, egy időben megjele­

nő nagy mennyiségű hívást, akár számítógépes automatizáció segítségével, és a fogadott hívás okát azonosítsák valamint a hívó számára legmegfelelőbb helyre irányítsák.

A Contact Centerek egy olyan hatékony kapcsolati rendszert biztosítanak az ügyfelek számára, mely az üzemeltető szempontjából jól skálázható, az ügyfél szempontjából pedig könnyen és kényelmesen kezelhető.


Gbit Telekommunikáció / Hol a határ?

Vass Tibor <vasst@vivendi.hu>

Vivendi Telecom Hungary

„Felültem volna a buszra, de nem volt hely. Taxit akartam fogni, de nem jött egy sem. Ezek után kénytelen voltam repülővel utazni. Még szerencse, hogy ez olcsóbb volt, megbízhatóbb és lényegesen gyorsabb!”

Mint azt a fenti idézet jól szemlélteti, manapság a telekommunikációs szolgáltatók tervező mér­

nökei igen csak törhetik a fejüket, hogy milyen technológiákra alapozva építsék a jelen, és még inkább a közeljövő hálózatait.

Ebben a szakmában azt is megszokhattuk, hogy nem a nagy hal eszi meg a kicsit, hanem a gyors a lassút!

A liberalizációt követő versenyben a piac kommunikációs igénye valószínűleg gyorsan növe­

kedni fog mind sávszélesség igényét, mind pedig térbeli kiterjedtségét illetően.

Az egyre növekvő igényeket kiszolgálni hivatott technológia azonban oly gyorsan változik, hogy egy elhibázott koncepció mentén történő fejlesztés hosszútávon gátolhatja az adott szol­

gáltatót pozíciójának megtartásában, illetve megerősítésében.

Tény, hogy hamarosan a magyarországi szolgáltatóknak is komolyan el kell kötelezniük magukat a manapság még eltúlzottnak tűnő Gigabites tartományban jelentkező igények kiszolgálására.

Előadásomban nem kivánok átfogó képet nyújtani a nagy sávszélességű telekommunikációs technológiákról, sokkal inkább az ebben a tartományban ma elérhető megoldási lehetőségek pár­

huzamos felvillantásával kívánom gondolkodásra késztetni mindazokat, akik érdeklődnek e te­

rület iránt.


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Trends in Supercomputing Technology

Kacsuk Péter <kacsuk@sztaki.hu>


The paper overviews the main trends in supercomputing technology based on the top500 list.

After mentioning the usual software tools and libraries of parallel programming the author argues in favour of high-level parallel programming environments and describes such a graphical environment, called P-GRADE. The possible application areas of supercomputers are enumerated. Finally, the situation concerning supercomputing in Hungary is explained in detail.

An overview of the NIIF international relations

Bálint Lajos dr. <h48bal@helka.iif.hu>

NIIF Iroda

The broad range of the international relations within the NIIF Program are briefly investigated by the contribution. Somewhat more detailed information about some critical elements of this wide spectrum are also given. The joint role o f NIIFI and Hungamet in keeping international contacts of the domestic research, education and public collection community is emphasised and explained in short. A concise analysis of the direct and indirect benefits stemming from these relations for the NIIF Program and the academic and research community will be followed by some more recent information about GEANT, TERENA, ISOC, and the EU FP5 1ST Prog­

ram. The key aspects of international connectivity and co-operation will be stressed throughout.

In relation to GEANT, the latest news about the tendering process and the realisation of the GEANT network will be disseminated. Among the TERENA-related issues, some projects announced/co-ordinated by the Association will be mentioned. Regarding ISOC a number of debated open questions will be listed in order to illustrate the way of how the Society is looking for best adapting to the Internet evolution. As far as the EU FP5 1ST Program is concerned, together with some important network development goals also the possible ways of joining NGN related projects by some Hungarian R&D teams will also be described. The final goal of the contribution will be to draw the attention of the audience to the most important achievements within the relevant international organisations, and to the possibilities of farther improving our fruitful and acknowledged international relations.


The Supercomputing Center of NIIF

Máray Tamás <marav@fs7.hme.hu>

BME Irányítástechnika és Informatikai Tanszék

Installation of the first scientifical and educational purpose real supercomputer in Hungary fulfills a long standing demand o f the Hungarian scientific life. The machine has been bought by the NIIF and it is operated in cooperation with the MTA SZTAKI in the center of the high speed lines o f the Hungarian academic Internet backbone (HBONE) in Budapest, ensuring excellent access possibilities for the users of both the capital and the regions. The supercomputer was delivered by Sun Microsystems, and it is listed among the top 500 computers of the world.

The goal of the Supercomputing Project initiated by the NIIF is to promote the capabilities of this infrastructure, to provide support for the users and to inspire and aid the cooperation between the academic institutes operating high performance computers in order to create a powerful GRID system in Hungary.



Többszolgáltatású gerinchálózati infrastruktúra

Takács József < József. Takacs @ eth. erics son. se>

Ericsson Kft.

This overview gives an Ericsson vision about today and future core networks - a new type of robust, multi-service network infrastructure based on packet switching technologies and designed for real-time services. It will be capable of carrying large and growing volumes of bit traffic, and coping with the network interconnect requirements of deregulated and competitive telecom environments.

The strategic direction is to be the winner in the new telecom world, where telecom, datacom and mobility meet.

Experiences of a Trial Application of Wireless Technologies

Guthy Zsolt <zseuthv@date.hu>

Debreceni Egyetem, Agrártudományi Centrum Herdon Miklós, PhD <herdon@date.hu>

Debreceni Egyetem, Agrártudományi Centrum Kovács György, dr. <kovacs@date.hu>

Debreceni Egyetem, Agrártudományi Centrum Gál Zoltán <zeal@tieris.klte.hu>

Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Szolgáltató Központ

While wireless networking is not widely used at the moment, a rapid spread is prognosticated for the near future, and the demand for mobile solutions is already significant. In December 2000 the University of Debrecen started a pilot project for application of wireless technologies based on the Cabletron RoamAbout product family. The aim and key areas of our project are to provide infrastructure and applications for other University research areas focused in regional development (precision agriculture, environment monitoring, informatical infrastructure development of small settlements, etc.), and to analyze the applicability of wireless technology as a networking medium in the university network. In this paper we would like to report our experiences on both technical level and in regional applications.


Internet QoS: a reality or daydreaming?

Telbisz Ferenc <telbisz@ sunserv.kfki.hu>


Internet was and is still working up to now as a „best effort1* service, but more and more discussion is going on about the quality o f service (QoS) of data communication on the Internet.

This requirement is formulated by the customers, who need a reliable, high quality network for the their applications and the new applications, like video conferencing, VoIP, etc. put special requirements with respect to data transmission.

It was recognised naturally by IETF, too, that the accustomed quality parameters of Internet are not sufficient for the new applications. Thus QoS was dealt by two working groups investigating two different solutions.

The first solution was the so called intserv (integrated service) method, where the communicating entities by to reserve the resources needed for the communication sessioa It turned out, however, that its scaling properties are rather bad, and thus it can not be applied with the backbone providers. The other investigated solution was the diffserv (differentiated services) method. The basic idea of this method is that the traffic is classified into different classes and the necessary resources are also allocated to these classes. The presentation will summarise shortly the main characteristics of these solution as well as it will give a critical analysis of them. As IP is a connectionless datagram service, IP QoS is always global (you can not speak of the quality of a given connection) and statistical, i.e. the quality parameters are fulfilled only on the average.

In what follows the presentation summarises the tools and methods available for providing differentiated services and their limitations. MPLS will be also discussed and its suitability for QoS services with the help of traffic engineering.

Probably this problem will be solved for a while by the aboundance of bandwidth available in the form of DWDM, as it will be higher at least by an order of magnitude as compared to the needs in the next future.

IPv6 in the Hungarian Academic network

Mohácsi János <mohacsi@ik.bme.hu>

BME Informatikai Központ Szigeti Szabolcs <szi(>i@ik.bme.hu>

BME Informatikai Központ Máray Tamás <mara\@iit.bme.hu>

BME Irányítástechnika és Informatika Tanszék Kadlecsik József <kadlec@sunserv.kfki.hu>

As the Y2k problem fades, IT professionals are facing a new challenge: the proliferation of the Internet and IP technologies in the everyday life. Sooner or later every mobile phone, car and household appliance will be able to communicate over the Internet. Hungary and the Hungarian academic network were lucky at the time when they got connected to the net, as class B addresses were still available. The situation has changed considerably since then. Large countries, such as China, Russia or even Japan long for large IPv4 address ranges, but because 75% of the address space is already allocated, they are unable to get it. This means, that there


is a growing need for IPv6. Hungary is expected to start using the new protocol in 2 to 3 years.

The academic network has always played a leading role in introducing new networking technologies, and thus it is leading the way in the experimental introduction of IPv6.

The presentation describes the TIPSTER6 and related foreign (GÉANT, 6INIT, etc.) project and their results.

High-Throughput Computing at the TU Budapest

Szeberényi Imre <s7ebi@iit.bme.hu>


The enormous increase in capabilities of computer networks open new possibilities in distributed computing. In recent years, several different software development environments and program construction techniques have been developed which are based on the distributed supercomputing model. The high-throughput computing (HTC) is an important subfield of the distributed computing, which concentrates the throughput of the system over relatively long time periods. This paper summarises the concepts of the HTC environments, and introduces the Condor system, which is one of the most important HTC tools. The Condor system has been installed in the last year at the TUB. The paper also gives a short report about our experimental HTC environment and our results.

Perspectives of WDM technology in IP networking

Paksy Géza <paksy.geza@ln.matav.hu>

Matáv Rt. PK1 Távközlésfejlesztési Intézet

Due to the synergy of IP based communications and the photonic technology significant improvements in available bandwidth and network performance can be expected in the near future.

Our lecture presents an overview of the latest results of photonic technology, their application in optical networking including the integration of IP with the optical network layer.

The wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology provides Terabit/s transmission capacity over a single fibre pair and the optical switching allows us to create an all-optical network layer, with wavelength add-drop, and routing functionality. This technology will be available in the Hungarian telecom networks, when the user demands reach this level.

This new optical layer provides transport services for ATM, SDH and IP client layers.

In the future the IP and WDM can form a two layer IPoverWDM network with a common, user controlled signalling layer for wavelength routing and IP traffic engineering. This new technology called MPLamdas can be the successor of the currently existing MPLS technology.

The lecture is closed by a brief overview of the emerging new standards and recommendations prepared by IETF, OIF and ITU.


Enhancement of the BUTE network, preparation for GÉANT - case study

Jákó András <eova@eik.bme.hu>


Hungamet, the Hungarian academic research network, provides Internet connectivity of the Bu­

dapest University of Technology and Economics. Hungamet is connected to the European research network (TEN-155) and to the Budapest Internet Exchange (BIX). TEN-155 will cease to exist by the end of 2001; GÉANT will take its place. This means a tremendous bandwidth growth this autumn of the international links of Hungamet, including our university.

In view of the fact that a big portion of the university’s network traffic is international, there arise obvious questions: What impact will GEANT have on our campus network? What is to be done in order to preserve the stability and efficiency of our network, and to profit from these new opportunities?

This presentation briefly introduces the current architecture of the BUTE computer network, discusses a bit the development possibilities of HBONE (the Hungamet backbone) from the perspective of BUTE, and describes the enhancement possibilities and plans of the campus network.

Study of IP Traffic Shaping Instrument

Szaszkó Sándor <s7aszi@sch.bme.hu>

BME Távközlési és Telematikai Taszék Baumann Ferenc <haumann@ttt.hme.hu>

BME Távközlési és Telematikai Taszék

The traffic shaping is essential to providing guaranteed services. The ATM forum defined the traffic shaping as a function of the traffic management. Most of the implementations are created on ATM switches. Today only a small proportion of the IP instruments have this function, but the need is increasing very fast.

The two tested machines are special routers that have ATM interface. They can shape the traffic that goes trough this ATM interface. One of the providers make an ATM switch suitable for handling IP packet. Great benefit of the solution is that all of the services (like traffic scheduling or special possibilities inside the UBR traffic class) developed through long time are working well in the new machines. However the performance results are poor, because the processor cannot achieve the surplus jobs. There is no performance problem with the other solution that was developed from scratch by a startup company but here lot of functions are missing. For instance the traffic scheduling that make a difference between traffic classes do not work at all.


IP multicast routing today

Jákó András <eova@eik.bme.hu>


After long years of research and development, multicast technologies are still in their early days.

Obviously routing must lead ahead of applications, and there is a set of multicast routing protocols, as you could expect. Some of them are just temporary solutions. However, this protocol set is a complete, working solution.

This presentation briefly introduces the set of IP multicast routing protocols used nowadays (IGMP, PIM-SM, MBGP, MSDP), and also notes the research and development directions.

Managing the HBONE regional network devices at the Szt. István University, Godollo

Erdei Tamás <erdeit@lnx.hu>

LIAS-NETWORX Hálózatintegrációs Kft. (LNX)

The main goal of this presentation is to provide the attendees an overview on the network management system used at the Szt. István University, Gödöllő for managing not only the regional HBONE but also the local network infrastructure devices. The main components of the system (HP OpenView NNM and Cisco NetFlow Collector) will be briefly described, emphasizing the new feautures of these software products. A detailed review on the Cisco netflow switching technology and the related Cisco NetFlow Collector software will be also presented. We recommend this presentation to every attendee who is responsible for managing Cisco network devices.

MPLS-VPN-ek a gyakorlatban

Győri Gábor <evorie@lnx.hu>

LIAS-NETWORX Hálózatintegrációs Kft.

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) seems to be the most promising networking topology of the year. The design of it merges the portability and simplicity of IP with scalability and dos features of ATM, as well as relatively simple configuration and providing optimal traffic path at all the time. This technology itself delivered a solution for large ISP providers. The wide range applicability is gained by developing MPLS VPN solution. Uniform virtual private networks over various layer2 (Ethernet, PPP, ATM, etc.) can be created using this. These VPN- s can cover multiple geographical areas using WAN links, provide the security and flexibility of VLAN-s, uniform handling of QoS, and the possibility of commonly used resources (that are reachable from several VPN-s). We can easily recognise the benefits of the multiservice networks that can be build using MPLS VPN even in smaller installations.



Integration and informatics - network development in the Szent István University

Ritter Dávid <rdavid@7eus. eau.hu>

SzIE, GTI Informatikai és Kommunikációtechnikai K.

In January 2000 have been founded the Szent István University as the newest university of Hun­

gary. The very heterogenious status of the informatics in the university needs heavy structural

gary. The very heterogenious status of the informatics in the university needs heavy structural

In document Novell COMPAQ. (Pldal 62-116)