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Anita Pelle – Gabriella Tabajdi Research and Development in the EU


Academic year: 2022

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Anita Pelle – Gabriella Tabajdi

Research and Development in the EU

Basic concepts of R&D&I in the EU

Task 1

This teaching material has been made at the University of Szeged, and supported by the European Union.

Project ID: EFOP-3.4.3-16-2016-00014



Research and Development in the EU

Basic concepts of R&D&I in the EU

Task 1

In connection with the basic concepts of R&D&I in the EU, please do the following task.

Bring 2-2 (real-world or imaginary) examples to:

o research o development o innovation o invention

Please check the GERD (complete and sectoral composition) and R&D intensity data for EU member states and their international partners at:


What patterns can you identify in the data (timely, geographical, relation to level of development, etc.)? Summarise your findings in a brief report.



o Simply the key facts on the countries (EU contribution, Signed grants, Participation, Success rate, Applications). o How it can be divided among regions (briefly just

The Europe 2020 strategy is about turning the EU into a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy delivering social cohesion and high productivity and high levels

You can get redirected to: countries’ progress comparison, discovering business sectors, exploring statistical articles, statistics for regions & cities.. The main info on

o the overall picture for innovation performance of different member states o which countries belong to which groups and how it changed over time o the innovation leader of

Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD) includes expenditure on research and development by business enterprises, higher education institutions, as well as

The innovation Scoreboard assesses innovation and research performance of EU member states plus some selected non-member state countries.. The EIS allows for better

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) monitors Europe’s overall digital performance and tracks the progress of EU countries in digital competitiveness?. By providing data on

In the WEF GCI4.0, by elevating ‘ICT adoption’ to the level of a basic (3rd) pillar of the Enabling Environment, ‘Skills’ as one of the pillars (6th) of Human Capital, and