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Subject Index


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Acanthamoeba, see Pseudopod morphology Acellular slime molds, see Cytoplasmic

streaming (Physarum) Acrasia

contact following, 387-390

hyaline pseudopod movement, 393-394 intracellular particle movements, 390 motive power, 392-399

movement and locomotion of, 387-405 surface movements, 396-402

Actin, 123, 594, 596, 620, 621

Actinophrys, see Axopodial movement Active shearing force, 33, see also Proto-

plasmic streaming (Characeae) and foraminiferan movement, 106, 409-

410, 426-428

Actomyosin, 123, 156, 425, 626 in motile cells, 155

and plasmodial myosin B, 122 Adenosine triphosphatase activity

in frog embryos, 375

in glycerinated fibroblasts, 369 in Physarum, 91-93

of plasmodial myosin B, 113 of cell surface (Ameba), 277

Adenosine triphosphate, 425, 625-626, 630 and Acetabularia, glycerated, 18 and ameboid movement, 158-161, 166,

184, 239-240, 243, 247, 275-277 on isolated systems, 156-157, 159-161 on viscosity, 122

and fibroblasts, 365-367, 369-373 and motive force (amebae), 268-269 and muscle contraction, 276 and Physarum streaming, 4, 81, 276 and plasmodial myosin B, 112-116 Adhesion

between slime mold amebae, 387-389, 399-401

Aglantha, see Mitotic apparatus

Allogromia, see Cytoplasmic streaming (Foraminifera)

Ameba, see also Pseudopod morphology (Ameba), and Ultrastructure

giant multinucleate, 303-321 food ingestion, 309-311 general characteristics, 305-309 gel/sol ( At/ A8) ratio, 311-313

response to environmental stimuli, 309-311

streaming in broken cells, 313-316 streaming in capillaries, 313

Ameboid movement, 143-171, 237-256, 279- 302, see also Adenosine triphosphate, Ameba, Cell membrane, Deuterium oxide, Direct current, Divalent cations, Isolated cytoplasm, Mitosis, Motive force, Pseudopod morphology of ectoplasm, 283-287

effect of high energy phosphates, 268- 269

of hydrostatic pressure, 300-301 of illumination, 296-300

and external pressure gradient, 261-264 feedback control, 211-215, 249-250, 255 and food ejection, 223-235

formation of lateral ridges, 292-293 front contraction theory, 164-166, 186-

187, 233-235, 237-239, 316-320 function of nucleus, 206-209, 248 motive force measurements, 264-268 movement of endoplasm, 289-290

of granules, 287-289, 291 of pellicle, 280-283

nature of recruitment zone, 243-245 origin of syneretic fluid, 293-295 plasmagel network, 245-249 speed regulation, 249-250

tail contraction theory, 164-166, 233-235, 239-243, 279-280, 316-320

tension transmission, 292 trophic mechanisms, 250-251

Amoeba proteus, see Ameboid movement, Cell membrane

Amoeba striata, see Ameboid movement, food ejection

Anisotropy, optical, 594, see also Bire- fringence

Antigen-antibody studies, see also Fluores- cent antibody studies



in actomyosin, 375 of amebae, 209-211

Arbacia, see Echinochrome granule move- ments, Saltatory movements

AJA ratio, see Gel/sol ratio ATP, see Adenosine triphosphate Axial rods, see Axopodial movement,

Axiostyle Axopodia, 445-456

fine structure, 447-449

function of axopodial skeleton, 454-455 movements, 449-454

Axostyle, 41, 533, 621

formation locus in filopods, 443 in Rhizopods, 437-439, 442-443


Basal bodies, 456, 535, see also Ultra- structure

Basophilia, 529

"Beading", see Cytoplasmic drop forma- tion

Bidirectional streaming (Foraminifera), 428, 431, see also Cytoplasmic stream- ing (Foraminifera), and Organelle movement (Plant tissue culture) Birefringence, see also Mitotic apparatus

changes in, during mitosis, 556-557, 570 form, in mitotic apparatus, 595

intrinsic, in mitotic apparatus, 595 of mitotic apparatus, 123

in Physarum, 88, 116-120 in reticulopods, 423

Brownian movement, 71, 149, 159, 474, 495, 503


Calcium ions, see Divalent cations Carbon dioxide

and streaming in Physarum, 71, 74, 78 Cataphoretic movement, see Ion concen-

tration Cell membrane

of Amoeba proteus, 143-171 changes in area of, 150-151

dynamics of, during movement, 144- 148

formation of new membrane, 147, 151- 154

membrane turnover, 148-150, 169

and cell interior, interchange, 153 and cell motility, 359-360

and cellular slime mold movement, 387- 402

composition of (Ameba), 256 formation, site of, 280

Cell movements (inflammation and im- munity), 351-364

cellular interactions, 357-358, 361-362 single cells, 353-357, 359-361

Cell types, see Cell movements (inflamma- tion and immunity), Morphogenesis (sea urchin)

Cellular slime molds, see Acrasia Centrifugation

and chloroplast exfoliation, 21-23 effect on echinochrome granule move-

ment, 478

on endoplasm (Characeae), 25-26 on Spisula eggs, 514-515 microscope, 25, 136 Centriole, 513, 535, 539

Chaos carolinensis (Chaos chaos), see Ameba, giant multinucleate

Chaos chaos, see Motive force Chaetopterus, see Mitotic apparatus Chara, see Characeae

Characeae, see Cytoplasmic drops (Chara- ceae), Protoplasmic streaming (Chara- ceae)

Chloroplast, see also Plant cell organelle movements

behavior (Characeae), 21-29 chain phenomenon, 28

effect of light on movement of, 498 pleomorphism, 499

rotation of, 497

transformation of, 487-491, 493, 498 Cilia, 532-533, 539-541

Clasmatosis, 356-357 Cleavage, see Cytokinesis Contact guidance, 336-337

Contractile fibrils, see also specific mole- cules

attachment to echinochrome granule, 480-481

Contractile proteins, see also Actomyosin, Plasmodial myosin B, Proteins in Physarum, 4, 81


Contraction, see also Protoplasmic move- ment

of cell surface (Acrasina), 396-402 in isolated mammalian cells, 360-361 molecular mechanism, 625

of sea urchin mesenchyme, 336, 339-341, 343

Con traction-hydraulic theory (Ameboid movement), 331-332, see also Ameboid movement, tail contraction theory Cortex, see also Ectoplasm

in Amoeba proteus, 146

in Characeae, 19, 21-25, 26-27, 29, 33 egg, 482

Cortical gel, see Cortex Cyphoderia, see Filopodia Cysteine, 153, 161, 370

Cytokinesis, 150-151, 372, see also Hydro- static pressure

Cytoplasmic drops (Characeae), 31-41 endoplasm effusion, 31-33

movement, fibrils, 34-39 isolated drop, 33-34 (Physarum), 90

Cytoplasmic drop formation ("beading"), 411, see also Cytoplasmic streaming (Foraminifera)

in amebae, 177, 181-182, 184, 425 in Filopods, 439

Cytoplasmic fibrils, see also Cytoplasmic drops (Characeae)

in isolated ameboid cytoplasm, 163-164 (Physarum)

association with cortex, 105 cytochemistry of, 88-93 differences in occurrence, 94-101 fibrillar network, 83-88

similarity to myxomyosin, 91, 93 Cytoplasmic filaments, see Infraciliature,

Mitotic apparatus, Motile systems with continuous filaments

Cytoplasmic streaming

(Characeae), see also Cytoplasmic drops (Characeae)

cell organization, 19-21 chloroplast exfoliation, 21-25 endoplasm behavior, 25-27 role of cortex, 19-29

streaming in plasmolyzed cell, 25 in filopods, 440-441

(Foraminifera), 106, 407-432 in cell body, 421-422

fibril-droplet transition, 414-417, 424- 426

general description, 408-410 mechanism of, 426-429

particle motion velocities, 417-420 pseudopod extension and retraction,


pseudopod proliferation, 412-414 reticulopodial network, 414 in mammalian cells in culture, 359 (Physarum), 69-78, 111-123, see also

Direct current

temperature difference cycle, 77 pressure-flow mechanism of, 81 temperature dependence of, 606 within axopods (heliozoan), 451


Deuterium oxide

effect on Amoeba proteus, 173-187 form stability, 177-182

gel/sol ratio, effect on, 177, 184 mass contraction phenomenon, 182-183

mechanism of action, 183-184 post pressure recovery, 183 Dictyostelium, see Acrasina Dinitrophenol

and Acrasina, 397

and plasmodial myosin B, 115 Direct current

effect on ameba, 244, 295-296

and motive force of ameboid move- ment, 269-272, 274-275

effect on Physarum migration, 125ff Dissosteira, see Mitotic apparatus Divalent cations, see also Ion concentra-


effect on ameboid movement, 631 on echinochrome granules, 479 on mitotic apparatus, 536

on plasmodial myosin B, 114-115, 122- 123

on protein conformation, 625-626 on sol-gel transformations, 171, 186 and fibroblast relaxation, 367-373 interaction with albumins, 456 and isolated ameboid cytoplasm, 161



Echinochrome granule movements, 471- 483

Ectoplasm, 248, 307, 311-313, 315, 316-319, see also Ameboid movement and Cortex

Emperipolesis, 357*358, 361

Endoplasm, 31-34, 233-234, 307, 311-313, 315, see also Ameboid movement, Cytoplasmic drops (Characeae), Cyto- plasmic streaming (Characeae), Proto- plasmic streaming (Characeae) Endoplasmic reticulum, 547, see also Sol-

gel transformations in Acetabularia, 15-16 and cell movement, 155, 360 and cytoplasmic streaming, 4 and saltatory movements, 520-523 transformation of, 493

Entropy, 135, 597, see also Mitotic appa- ratus, thermodynamic studies Extractions, see Salt extraction


Feedback mechanisms, see Ameboid move- ment

Fibers, chromosomal, 595, see also Mitotic apparatus

Fibrillar polygons or loops, see Cytoplas- mic drops (Characeae)

Fibroblast, see Relaxation

Filopodia, 433-443, see also Cytoplasmic streaming (Foraminifera), Monovalent cations, Morphogenesis, Neuron move- ment, Pseudopodia

characterization of, 433-436 structure and function of, 436-441 Filosa, see Filopodia

Flabellula, see Pseudopod morphology Flagella,

bacterial, 606, 608, 610, 621 mastigamebae, movement of, 199 Flagellipodium, see Pseudopod morphol-


Fluorescent antibody studies on Amoeba proteus, 148-150

Fountain-zone theory (Ameboid move- ment), see Front contraction theory

Free energy, difference in (AF), 597 Front contraction theory, 324-327, 637-631,

see also Ameboid movement and foraminiferan movement, 426-427 Fundulus, see Saltatory movements


Gel, contraction of, 595

Gelation, see Sol-gel transformation Gel/sol ratio, 186, 629, 632, see also Ameba,

Ameboid movement, Deuterium oxide, Hydrostatic pressure, Temperature Gliding movements, 612

Glycerine models of fibroblasts, 365-373 of Physarum, 88-90, 118 G rex cells, see Acrasina


Haemanthus, see Mitotic apparatus Halistaura, see Mitotic apparatus

Heavy water, see Deuturium oxide, effect on Amoeba proteus

Helioflagellates, 455-456, see also Pseudo- pod morphology

Heliozoa, see Axopodial movement, Hy- drostatic pressure

Heparin, effect on ameba, 240

Hyaline ectoplasm, see Hyaline layer Hyaline layer, 182, 243-245, 249-250, 305,

306, 309, 316, 317, 318, see also Ame- boid movement

Hyaline pseudopods, 403-404, see also Acrasina, Pseudopod morphology Hyalodiscus simplex, 404, see also Ultra-


Hyaloplasmic veil, 353-354, 358-360 Hyalosphenia, see Filopodia

Hydrostatic pressure, 151-152, 169, 628, see also Ameboid movement, Deu- terium oxide

and cytokinesis, 374 effect on Elodea, 28, 29 effect on heliozoan, 447 and gel/sol ratio, 177, 184 and gel solation, 174, 177, 183-184 as motive force in Acrasina, 395-397

in Physarum, 77



Incubation, of cytoplasmic fibrils (Chara- ceae), 39

Infraciliature, see Motile systems with continuous filaments

Interfacial force, see Active shearing force Internodal cell, see Cytoplasmic drops

(Characeae), Cytoplasmic streaming (Characeae)

Intracellular movements, see also Acra- sina, Echinochrome granule move- ments, Neuron movement, Plant cell organelle movements, Saltatory move- ments

in egg of Psammechinus, 482 organelle rotation, 135 Iodoacetate

effect on echinochrome granule move- ment, 479-480

and plasmodial myosin B, 115

Ion concentration, regional differences in Physarum, 125-134

Ionic gradients, intracellular, hypotheses concerning, 135

Isolated cytoplasm

(Amoeba proteus), 154-171 active component, 161

motile cytoplasmic fraction, 155-160 motility conditions, 160-161 streaming of, 159-161, 324-327, 630

(Characeae), see Cytoplasmic drops (Characeae)


Kinetochores, see Motile systems with continuous filaments

Kinoplasm, see Plant cell organelle move- ments, cytoplasmic network


Lateral ridges, see Ameboid movement Lecquereusia, see Filopodia

Light, effect of, see also Ameboid move- ment, Chloroplast

on giant uninucleate amebae, 311, 318

Lilium, see Mitotic apparatus

Lithium, in sea urchin development, 347 Lymphocytes, 353


Magnesium ions, see Divalent cations Mastigamoeba, see Pseudopod morphology Mayorella, 281-283, see also Pseudopod


Mayorellidae, see Pseudopod morphology Membrane, of isolated endoplasmic drops,


Metabolic inhibitors, see specific com- pounds


in cell wall of Acetabularia, 13 in Spisula eggs, 504-505


of cytoplasmic fibrils (Characeae), 38, 40 double chamber work with amebae,


effect on ameba, 243-244

Mitochondria, see also Plant cell organelle movements

gradient in sea urchin egg, 346 pleomorphism, 486-487

transformation of, 487-491, 493, 498 Mitosis, 356, 570-573, see also Mitotic

apparatus, Relaxing grana and ameboid movement, 174 amitotic, 531-532

anastral, 527-531 astral, 531

"bubbling" associated with, 357, 363 cinematographic description of, 570-573 intranuclear, 531

in Pectinaria and Spisula eggs, 507-512 Mitotic apparatus, 547, 549-597, see also Mitosis, Motile systems with continu- ous filaments, Saltatory movements effect of low temperature, 573-574 orienting centers, 580-583 spindle birefringence, 552-556 thermodynamic studies, 574-580 Monovalent cations, see also Ion concen-

trations, Lithium effect on filopods, 437-439

on plasmodial myosin B, 114-115 and fibroblast relaxation, 367

and isolated ameboid cytoplasm, 158, 161

and sol-gel transformation, 135


Morphogenesis (sea urchin), 333-349 archenteron formation, 339-341 behavior of filopodia, 335-338 coelom formation, 343-345 exogastrulation, 348-349 gastrulation, 340-341

morphogenetic gradient, 345-348 primary mesenchyme migration, 335-338 secondary mesenchyme migration, 341-


skeleton formation, 338-339

Motile systems with continuous filaments, 527-548

formation of filaments, 537-541 movements without filaments, 543 production of movement, 541-543 structural features, 527-537

Motive force, see also Neuron movement of ameboid movement, 257-277

and cytoplasmic streaming, 26 and size of plasmodium (Physarum), 76 Myosin, 123, 596

Myxomyosin, 122, 156, see also Contractile proteins, Cytoplasmic fibrils (Phy- sarum)


Naegleria, see Pseudopod morphology Neuron movement, 377-385

extension-retraction of filopods and fibers, 379-380

filopod adhesiveness, 381 migration of neurons, 377-379 motile force, sites of, 383-384

particle migration, re: axoplasm, 381-383 peristalsis, 380-381

Newtonian flow, see Rheology Nitella, see Protoplasmic streaming



Organelle movements, 33-35, see also Ame- boid movement, Intracellular move- ments, Plant cell organelle movements (plant tissue culture), 43-68

constricted strand within, 56-58 cytoplasm-transvacuolar strand, 51-53 effect of time, 58-61

transvacuolar strands, 45-51 two directional movements, 53-56

Organization of movement (Physarum)*


description of movement, 69-72 model, 72-75

Oscillosignum, see Pseudopod morphology


Parachloromercuribenzoic acid, and plas- modial myosin B, 115

Pectinaria (Cistenides), see Saltatory move- ments

Pelomyxa carolinensis, see Ameba, giant multinucleate

Pelomyxa palustris, 632, see Ameba, giant multinucleate


effect on filopod formation, 440 intracellular, 597

Physarum, see Adenosine triphosphate, Birefringence, Cytoplasmic fibrils (Physarum), Hydrostatic pressure, Ion concentration, Organization of move- ment, Plasmodial myosin B, Ultra- structure

Pinocytosis, 256, 353, 354 in amebae, 148, 150-154 in neurons, 381-383

Plant cell organelle movements, 485-502 chloroplasts, 497-499

cytoplasmic network, 491-495 Golgi bodies, 495-496 mitochondria, 485-491 nucleus, 496-497 sphaerosomes, 495 Plasmagel, see Ectoplasm Plasmagel sheet, 629, 632 Plasmasol, see Endoplasm Plasmodial myosin B, 111-116, 156

comparison with myxomyosin, 122 enzymatic properties, 113-116 physical properties, 112-113

Pleomorphism, see appropriate structure Potential, transmembrane, in Physarum,


Pressure-flow mechanism, see Cytoplasmic streaming

Pressure gradient theory, see Tail contrac- tion theory


Proteins, see also specific proteins albumin, action on heliozoan, 447, 456 α-helix, 620, 625

α-proteins, basic structure of, 599-602 and chromosome movements, 605-606 helices, motive principle in, 602-604 involvement in muscular contraction,


superhelices, stable, 606-612 unstable, 612-619 Protoplasmic movement

screw-mechanical basis of, 549-597 Pseudopod morphology

(Ameba), 189-219

(Mayorellidae, Hartmannelidae, Mastig- amebae), 189-219

Pseudopodia, see also Filopodia, Axopodia role in morphogenesis of sea urchin

larva, 333-349


Relaxation (fibroblasts), 365-375 Relaxing agent, see Relaxing grana Relaxing grana, 171

action of cysteine on, 370-371 of mersalyl on, 370-371 effect on mitosis, 374-375 and fibroblast motility, 367-373 Recruitment zone, 292, see also Ameboid

movement Ribonuclease, 625 Rheology

and hyaline layer, 149 sol flow model, 289-290

Rhizoid cell, see Cytoplasmic streaming (Characeae)

Rhizopoda, see Filopodia

Rotational streaming, see Cytoplasmic streaming (Characeae)


Saltatory movements, 503-525, 623, see also Echinochrome granule movements discussion of hypotheses concerning, 512-

520, 522-523

in grex cells (Acrasina), 390, 404 during interphase, 506-507

in isolated ameboid cytoplasm, 158, 159 during mitosis and meiosis, 507-512 in Physarum, 70

ultrastructural studies, 520-522 in unfertilized eggs, 504-505 Salt extractions, motile cells, 156-157 Sarcoplasmic reticulum, see Endoplasmic

reticulum, Relaxing grana Shearing force, 451

Sol-gel theory, see Ameboid movement, rear contraction theory

Sol-gel transformation, 186, 233-234, 316- 320, 331, 627, see also Divalent cations, Hydrostatic pressure

in amebae, 293-295, 300-301 and endoplasmic reticulum, 16 in filopods, 442

in foraminiferans, 425 and ionic gradient model, 135 in Physarum, 71

Spisula, see Saltatory movements Stereoplasmic core, see Axostyle

Streaming, see also Cytoplasmic streaming in dissociated cytoplasm, 324-327 Streaming energy, source of in Myxomy-

cètes, 4

Subulamoeba, see Pseudopod morphology Surface precipitation reaction, 151, 170 Syneresis, 164, 254, 318, 323, see also Ame-

boid movement


Tail contraction theory, 324-327, see also Ameboid movement

Temperature, see also Mitotic apparatus effect on ameboid movement, 165

on echinochrome granule movement, 477-478

on gel/sol ratio, 187 Testacea, see Filapodia

Thecamoeba, see Pseudopod morphology Tissue culture, see also Organelle move-


guinea pig spleen, 351-352 of neurons, 377


within axopods (heliozoan), 454-455 Tube-wall contraction hypothesis, 331-332,

see also Tail contraction theory Tonoplast, 19, see also Ultrastructure

Trimastigamoeba, see Pseudopod mor- phology



Ultrastructure, see also Cytoplasmic streaming (Foraminifera), Saltatory movement

of Acetabularia, 7-18 cell wall, 13-15 chloroplasts, 11 crystals, 11 hyaloplasm, 13 mitochondria, 11-13 vacuole and tonoplast, 9-11

Ameba (Hyalodiscus), ground cytoplasm of, 80

of contracted gel (ameba), 161-164 cytoplasmic fibrils, 41

of foraminiferan reticulopod, 423-424 of Physarum, 83-88, 90

Ultraviolet irradiation

microbeam experiments, 580-583, 621


Vanella, see Pseudopod morphology Velocity

(cell movement)

lymphocytes, 354 neurons, 379 Physarum, 127 plasmocytes, 354

(cytoplasmic streaming), see also Cyto- plasmic streaming (Foraminifera), Plant cell organelle movement in Characeae, 20, 25

in filopods, 441 in neurons, 381 in Physarum, 70 in reticulopods, 417-420 (membrane formation), 152

Vexillifera, see Pseudopod morphology Viscosity

changes in plasmodial myosin B, 111-113



of expansion in Physarum, 72 propagation of, 623-624 standing, 617

taxonomy of, 624-625

transmission rate, cytoplasmic fibrils, 37



The appearance of filaments with doublet cross sections, their arrange- ment into a circular configuration, and the addition of central filaments takes place at a later time

Condensed milk, contd... Temperature



viscosity temperature parameters, 451 Decamethylene sebacate, see also

(See also individual Tables of Contents.) Figure in parentheses following page number is equation num- ber; F signifies figure, Τ

corrections for polarization, 34 Zero-density molar polarizability, 196 normalization of, 34 Zero frequency, see subheading static un- plots of reciprocal, 100 der various
