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archívum rakoczianum.


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(7) I. ^. archívum rakoczianum.. II.. OSZTÁLY:. TI.. KÖTET..



(10) 80RS0S MíSKOLei. Nyomatott Bécsben, Hol/.hansen Adolf. cs.. és kir. egyetemi iiyomtlii.siual 1873..

(11) 266.. Stepney Harley vimúternek.. fhadi. Pozsony tájékán megérkezett;. Harrach. tegnap. gr.. ki ismerte volna ez ügyet. kivettek,. jött ezen gr.. ügy elhanyagolás. volt referendariusuJc,. írótól s. ,. által.. ki erélyesen. —. író bízni kezd. kezdett. —. A. hanem,. maga. az. hízza. nem. selmeczi utasítások. azokat Seilen^n. keze-. tegnapi értekezleten. ügyei a. egész. voltak közölve senki-. készítette két jezsuita segítségével;. semmi magyarázatot nem. volt Seilern. Seilern. azt. adott,. állította,. által. hanem. s. ez. a jelen. hallgatott.. hogy most nem. az alkudozást újra felvenni, mert Heister visszavonult,. elbb pedig ezen. Harrach. a magyar ügy. egy értekezletben felemlittetett Lichtenstein hg.. A. Bruyninxtl. Kinevezésekor felhívta a császárt, ^^^gy minden titkos. bízottságra.. idszer. —. a magyar. értekezlelet. Több irományt. alkudozásokkal hagyjon fel,. vel,. Bazinhan van.. mert nem, tudták hol keresni azokat, oly rendetlenségbe. jó indulatában. léséhez.. els. az. tartotta. szállása. nem sokra mentek, mert nem. ügyekben, de. a Vágtól,. Heister visszavonulván. mondta. azt. kérdést.. volt,. hogy egyedül fegyver döntheti. Egész eljárása tanúsítja,. békét alkudozás utján,. el. hogy nem akarja a. hanem fegyveiTel való meghódítást.. —. Bécsben hírlik, hogy Wilson ezredes 500 emberrel az eperjesi helyrséggel. ,. a mint a megadási. feltételek. Pozsonyba. szerint. a magyarok által felkonczoltatott volna, egy Heister a magyarokon elkövetett hasonló barbár eljárás Eredeti levél. megtorlásául. Az igazat még nem tudjuk. ment,. parancsára. —. State Paper Office. Germany. Right. 183.. Vienna, 24">. .. Jany 1705.. Hoii^i« (Kivonat.). In. my. last. I acquainted. obliged to withdraw from the Rákóczi. F. Levéltára. II. oszt. II. köt.-. you. that. Waag. for. Gen" Heister was want of Provisions. 1.

(12) And hy. our. last letters. from Presburgh. that neighbourhood having. liis. He was. arrived in. head-quarters at Pösing.. Count Harrach held his first Conference upon the aíFairs of Hungary, being assisted by Count Mansfeldt, Prince Eugene, Count Nicolas Palfy and Báron Silern, The Prince of Lichtenstein was invited, but desired to be excused because of an indisposition. This meeting was to little eífect, for want of a Referendary proper and able to lay before them a distinct information of what had been hitherto transacted. Báron Seilern desired M' Consbruck (secretary of State for the afifairs of the Empire) might be called, who had kept the Protocoll while Count Kaunitz had the chief direction But he declined assisting at this assembly, now his Principal, on whpm he depended, is dead. It was then proposed, That M' Tiel should be sent for, a secretary at war who is chiefly employed in the affairs of Hungary. But he being laid up with the gout, The ministers were forced to make use of M"" Locherer the first secretary at war, who from the first beginning of the Commotions in Hungary to this day has had little or no knowledge of those affairs, Therefore build not upon a wrong foundation. Count Harrach has desired of me and M'' Bruyninx several papers which they know not how to relating to this negotiation come atelsewhere; To such disorders this important Comission has been exposed by having been treated negligently Yesterday. ;. ,. an-d. passed thro'. now. many hands.. Count Harrach begins with spirit and authority having upon his first acceptance of this Employment entreated the Emperor not to use any indirect methods by secret correspondencies with Priests or others, but to lay fairly before this Commission I. all. Acts and. begin to conceive good hopes;. letters relating. has granted, and I take. it. to. it.. for. This request the Emp"". a great pointgained: For. all. our. have hitherto been undermined and defeated by cabals and intrigues which are too long to enumerate in a letter: I give one instance only, the Instruction with which the Imperiall Commissioners were lately dispatched to Schemnitz was not communicated to Count Kaunitz, The Prince of Lichtenstein or Count Palfy, But is honest. endeavours.

(13) said. have. to. drawn. been. by two. assisted. up by Báron Seilern himself. This the Prince of Lichtenstein. Jesuits.. insinuated at a conference, where Báron Seilern was present. who never. oíFer'd. ference last night,. to. In. that Report.. contradict. He was. of opinion This. the con-. was not a proper. who might imagine Emperor would now make proceeded not. season for treating with the Hungarians,. any overtures the 80 much from his good. will. as from. the necessity of his. since Heister has been obliged to fali. aflfairs,. of advancing.. When. back instead. the General was ready to strike, then. Báron Seilern declared before M"^ Bruyninx and me, That nothing but arms could decidé the quarrel. After his double way of arguing, we can never expect any Conjuncture favorable for Peace, and in truth all his proeeedings have sufficiently demonstrated that he never designod or desired any accommodation by fair means.. Here is a report as if the Malcontents had put Col. Wilson to the sword with 500 Imperialists as they were on their march from Eperies to Presburgh according to their This barbarous act is said to have been comcapitulation mitted near Boynitz two days after General Heisters victory, in revenge for somé such usage which the Hungarians are supposed to have suíFered in cold blood, whereof the truth ;. will. appear in time. I. am. etc.. G. Stepney. The Eight. Hon'^'« Mr. Secretary Harley.. 267.. Stepney Hill követnek. Heister. Pozsony császár. Nem. irhát. semmi jót MagyarországhóL. egy havi idzés után gyzedelme daczára felé. ilj. nem alkalmas. magyar ügyek. bizottmányt nevezett a. visszavonult. —. ezen parancsnokságra. kezelésére,. .. A. mely. most tamilmányozza a kérdést. Seilern háró mindent elkövetend,. hogy félrevezesse vérei,. ket. s meghitisítson. a jezsuiták érdekéhen.. iró haza. Ha. fog menni; négy év. minden eredményt. y. test-. ezen ntolsó kísérlet sem sikerül, elég volt ebbl.. —. Másolat. 1*.

(14) Germany. State Paper Office. 186.. To. M-^. HilL*) Vienna, 24"' Jati^ 1705.. (Kivonat.). I. wish I could. teli. you any good news from Hungary, Tyrnau after his victory,. Heister after a month stay near. come back towards Presburgh, He command, The Emperor has appointed a new Commission for Our negotiation with the instead is. of advancing. is. not capable of such a. Malcontents consisting of Count Harrach Mansfeldt, Prince. Adam of Lichtenstein, Count Nicholas Palfy and Báron Seilern. They had their first meeting last night, but must have several others before they will righty understand the meríts of the cause which the last will puzzle a^ much as he can to obstruct the good work in favor of his brethren y® Jesuits. I have had a hard time of it since I saw you last, having had to struggle with a perverse people, and if this last attempt should not hit, you must make very good haste home if you pretend to get thither before me; Eugene, Prince. for I think. I. am. 4 years a pretty. fair. term.. etc.. (Stepney.). ,. 268.. Stepney Shrewshury herczegnek. Heister visszavonulásából világos,. hogy. a. császár. meghódítani.. nem. — Az. uj. képes. lesz. magyar. Magyarországot fegyverrel. bizottság megkezdette. mködését.. —. Harrach erélyesen hozzá fogott, csak ugy folytassa. Ha ezen uj bizottság sem. jár el több sikerrel, iró el van határozva visszahivatását. kérni.. —. nem fogadják a hollandiak Magyarországba *) Hill. író attól tart. ,. hogy az angolok. el. által indítványozott fényes követséget s. Bécsbe.. —. Másolat.. angol követ volt a Savoji berezegnél Turinban..

(15) Germany. State Paper OfiBce. To. the. 186.. Duke. of Shrewsbury. 24«i>. Vienna, Jan.. My am. I. Lord,. honour'd with your. Graces Letter of the 23*. Ali I can say of y® affairs of Hungary,. Inst*.. 1705.. that. is,. it. is. evident by Count Heister's recoyling after his victory, that the Emp'^ wiU never reduce that kingdom by arms only. Yesterday our new commissioners held their first confereijce, but could not make much progress for want of due infor-. mation. It. will. Count Harrach begins with be well if he holds on so.. attempt succeeds, but. more. effect. than. out any longer,. all. spirit I. may. and. resolution,. see. how. this. our present Commission has no. if. the former, I. am. resolved. not to hold. but beg for Revocation; for I find neither. pleasure nor reputation in lugging any longer against wind and tide. The Dutch were for sending hither a solemn embassy to force the Emp*^ (as it were) to an agreem* and proposed to her Ma^^ that she might do y® same. But I fear our people in England will not make that step, which I sincerely wish they might, for I shall then have impartial judges of my behaviour here W^^^ I hope has been without reproach, The troubles in Bavaria are not damp'd but a fire. may break I am etc.. out again. if. due care be not taken. (G. Stepney.). 269.. Stepney Harley ministernek. bízott ministerek. ninx. volna képesek eligazodni ha Bruy-. nem közölnek velük némely okmányokat. 25 pontba foglalt sérelmeket, melyeket m.. adott. nevében. béke.. lettek. magyar ügyekkel újonnan meg-. iró. s. nekik a 5-kén. nem. A. —. át. a. császárnak. Hogy a. helyreállitására ;. Átadták é.. június. a kalocsai érsek a magyarok. biztosok lassúk,. mi. kevés történt eddig a. ezen sérelmi pontokhoz hozzá tettük egy-. fell a császár határozatait, másfell azon 18 pontot, melyet a nádor s más a császárhoz híí magyarok azonnal megadandóknák.

(16) 6. ,. a császárt m.. s erre. véltek. é.. Ez. július 18-kán kérték.. alka-. forviában felterjesztették a mediatorok a Kaunitzczal. lommal. levél. tartott. utolsó tanácskozás lényeges pontjait. is.. taluk javaslott eljárást illetleg feljegyezvén a. Különösen az. ál-. 25 pont minde-. azon két kívánságot illetleg, a. nikére saját nézetüket, fÖleg. mely nélkül a magyarok alkudozásba sem akarnak bocsátkozni, t.. i.. törvényes jogaik és alkotmányuk visszaállítása, és az azok. Ez. megtartását biztosító garantia.. még soha sem. most. nyilatkozott,. író utasítást kér a ministertl, az udvar. tovább. abba Rákóczi. és. kedvezmények hirdetve.. ezredes s. néhány. Budára. gyalog. feltételei. ís^. igértessenek.. — Az. eperjesi. tiszt. —. legyen e részb&ii teend,. —. s. neveit foglalja. Holnapra. magasrangú. bele.. tanácskozás. ismét. egy része,. tétettek,. vagy. 400. ugyanannyi Erdélybe a megadás. Heister folyvást Pozsony közelében. angol királyné. férjiakat, mint. —. része leöletett, Wilson. nemsokára segédséget nyer Bajorországból. óta hírlik, hogy az. ka. hogy egyes fembereknek külön. várrség egy. fogságba. érkezett. szerit.. császár. mellzi ezen lényeges pontot.. más fbbek. Tanácsosnak tartanák azt. van. nézve a. hogy ha a császár újra bnbocsánatot. Véleményezték továbbá, hirdet,. mi. hallgatással. is. utóbbira. csak gyengéden érintették,. is. s. Pembrok. —. van,. Bécsben egy. id. a hollandi rendek valami gr.,. szándékoznak küldeni. Bécsbe, hogy a császárt sürgessék ezen béke megkötésére.. Már. —. Ere-. maga a. hír. is. State Paper Office. jó befolyással volt a bécsi iidvarra. deti' levél. Germany. Vienna,. 183.. 28*''. Jaiiy 1705.. Right Hon^ie (Kivonat.). In. my. last I. had the honour. new Commissioners. make. little. to acquaint you, that the. for the affairs of. or no progress at their. Hungary were able. first. to. meeting for want of. being duly informed of several steps formerly made, and. Count Harrach has been so candid to own to the Emperor M"" Bruyninx and I should communicate. himself That unless. him somé of our papers, it would be impossible for them come int the right Tract. We have done it, by a copy of the 25 Heads of grievances and demands which were presented to the Emto to. Lit. A..

(17) of June last in the name of the Hungarians by the Arch Bp. of Colocza's two Deputies Visa and Occu5*^. peror on the. lucsani; which points^ with the Emperor's Resolution there-. upon^ are the grounds on which any Treaty to be made must be founded. That the Commissioners might be sensible how little satisfaction thereupon has been hitherto offered, and with what art in the Emperors Declaration of the 20*'' of June the most matériái articles were or touched. silence,. either quite passed over in. so very hghtly. and equivocally, That. We. the Malcontents could not possibly rely on them, fit. to. down. set. opposite to. each demand such. thought. imperfect. Clauses as the Emperor was then pleased to grant;. And. on another Margin we have placed 18 distinct points, which the Emperor by his own Authority and before a Diet can be assembled,. may and ought. nary towards a peace, Palatin. Prince Esterhasi,. Emperor on. allow by. the 18*^ July. to. the. who presented. way. of Prelimi-. opinion. the. same. of the to. the. by the advice and in the names. Hungárián Nobility here who during these Com-. of all the. .. to. according. motions never departed from their allegiance to the Emperor. I do not trouble you with fresh copies of those papers, since they have been. all. ready transmitted. to. you. on other occasions.. We. way. took this opportunity of laying before them by of letter the substance of our last conference with Count. Kaunitz (whereof you had an account in my Relation of Method wherewith we judged. 27*^ pást) especially as to the. the Negotiation might at present be reassumed and pursued.. Adding with. it. in. a paper apart, a summary of the 25. That these the Emperor's wherein yiew discern, one ministers may at explication of his declaration is deficient, and a furthor. Heads, with our. pleasure. required,. make any. observations to each Article,. before. the Malcontents. will. proceed to. other application according to the last advice. we. received of their disposition from the Arch Bp. of Colocza,. who. you will please to remember) reduces their pretentwo Heads. Satisfactio ad Legalia Petita and Praestanda paciscendorum Securitas. By this last he (as. sions to. Lit.. B.

(18) understands a Guaranty, in which particular the Emperor has never yet explained himself and M"" Bruyninx and I ,. have been cautious not. ürge. to. it. too far least. evén the mediation might be declined, or at. However lay down. ineffectual.. continue to. have gently hinted. and I. since. in. it. that. least. Arch Bp. and. the. means. rendered. Deputies. his. as a fundamental one,. that point. at. by. our remark on the. l***. we. Article,. humbly beg your further Direetions,. in what manner govern myself in case the Imperial Court should artificially excuse it, and the Hungarians persist in their. I. am. still. to. not to. resolution. enter. int any agreement but with. that. assurance and seeurity.. We. have likewise ventured. to lay. down. as our opinion. pleased to. That whenever the Emperor shall be publish fresh tenders of oblivion and indeninity,. He would. do well. on the. 19'^'. Article,. to specify by name Rákóczi and others That they may be convinced there is no reserve against their persons, But that these acts of grace extend to them as weJl as to the rest of the Kingdom, consequently that they ought to be under no apprehension for their lives liberties honours and estates.. of Chief note,. At. the. consideration. close. putting an end to to the. of our Letter. whether. it. may. made. seasonable,. to. their. towards. a diversion which causes such prejudicc. House of Austria and. overtures be. we recommend. not be. their allies,. That somé priváté. of particular advantages to somé of the. Chiefs? This point the States Generáli roundly suggested to the. Emperor. it being a very nice have but just mentioned we. in their laté letter,. but. and disagreable circumstance and in as few words as was possible. These Information may sérve to direct the attention of our new Commissioners to such points as seem to deserve their most mature reflexion; and I believe the method we ,. it. have. taken,. may much. another conference M"". Bruyninx and. The. is. shorten their. appointed,. and. debates;. Tomorrow. at the next I believe. I shall be desired to assist.. report^icontinues that part of the garrison of Eperies. was murthered by the Malcontents near Boynitz on New Their commandant (Coll. Wilson) with somé Years day..

(19) 9 other offieers was clap'd under severe confinement.. may have. not yet appear what particular cause. It. does. occasioned. such violence to be used upon these poor people, since the. has>notbeen exercised against the Garrison of Zatmar, council of war having received notice that part thereof, consisting of four hundred foot, is safely arrived at Buda, and as many horse of the said Garrison has been convoyed liké. Our. to. Transylvania according to their Capitulation.. General Heister continues. still. Neighbourhood of Presburgh and fresh Troops from Bavaria.. On. the. 26*'' ins*. with his Forces in the. be reinforced by. will soon. Cardinall Grimani was admitted and. sworn of the Emperor's Privy Council 'Tis thought he may be sent back again to Romé to manage the Emperor's Interest there, Count Lamberg having obtained leave to re;. turn hither for somé time upon his priváté I forgót to. aflfairs.. acquaint you That there has been a report. for somé time from England and Holland as if Her Majesty had thoughts of dispatching hither the Earl of Perabroke or somé other person of eminence, and the States General were liké w) se disposed to send a solemn deputation, supposing by that means the Emperor might be obliged to make Peace with the Malcontents at any rate; Whatsoever the resolution may prove, I dare assure you the very report of it is likely to produce a very good effect here, For Count Harrach told me this morning The Emperor was pleased to say very pleasantly on that occasion, That it now behaved him to be the more diligent in hopes of finishing the treaty, before this Noble Embassy could arrive. I. am. etc.. G. Stepney. The Kight. Hon^''' Mr. Secretary Harley.. 270.. Stepney Suttonnak.. meg az. Mondják, hogy a magyarok nem tartották. eperjesi rséggel kötött feltételeket^. 200-at közülök. leöltek. Bajmócz, mellett.. hanem uj év napján Ennek okául adják.

(20) 10. gyzedelme utáni napon. Mások KlAlckelsherg táboimokat vádolják szószegéssel a magyarok irányában. Azonban úgy látszik, az egész nem való. hogy. Heistei' tobh. magyarokat. leöletett. —. —. Másolat. Germany. State Paper Office. 186.. To Sutton. Vienna,. My. SSti-. Jany 1705.. Lord. Here are reports. that the Malcontents. have not obser-. Garrison of Eperies, but ved y^ Capitulation made with on new years day as they were on their way from thence to Presburgh, about 200 of them were barbarously murthercd near Boynitz and Coll Wilson (their commandant) with several officers clapt under severe confinément What may have provoked them to this act of cruelty is not yet y**. that. ,. known; Somé say General Heister. certainly. Hungarians tory;. order'd. somé. be killed in cold blood, y® day after his vic-. to. [Others say Gen'' Klockelsberg ,. who commands. in. Zatmar, and had actually signed articles of Capitulation for y® surrender of that. when. it. was. to. place,. flew. back from. his. agreement. be put int execution, and instead of mar-. ching out with his garrison made himself master of y^ wag-. gons which were sent int ye town for y® transport of their. good supply of cattle (which sort of Provision y® Garrison stood most in need of) shut up his Gates again, and resolved to defend. goods, and having. by. that stratagem got a. himself to the last extremity; This trick. we suppose may. have provoked Rakoczi's resentment against the garrison of Eperies].*). Count Goes y® Emperor's Envoy at the Hague has solGeneral to send a letter to Count Collier (which M"" Bruyninx forwards this evening) with particular Instructions That he use his best endeavours to hinder the licited y^ States. *). A. [ ]. közt. lév. sorok az eredetiben kereszttel vannak áthúzva, mire. a levél utolsó kikezdése vonatkozik..

(21) 11. Port fiom giving any assistance to. Malcontents in Hun-. y*^. gary.. The. story I have blotted out. was. told. night by. last. Prince Eugene himself, But has been contradicted this morning by our. from Buda were Gell. Klöckelsberg was who were in garrison at Zatmar, a. letters. arrived vvith 400 foot liké. number. has been convoyed towards Tran-. of Horse. sylvania.. I. am. etc.. G. Stepney.. 271.. Tegnap. Stepney Harley ministernek. bizottság. tanácskozást. adandó válaszokra s. Szirmay, Visa. s. Ez a. nézve.. OkoUcsányi. ezen. tanácskozásokra, és. de nem. Kár. totta. a legszintébben a. nem. neveztetett. ismét betört. Morvába. emberei által. jött;. s több. elkövetett. várrség megadási. érte,. békét.. levél. meg. ö. lévén. —. gr.. A. is. hiva. nehezteli,. Kaunitz. tá-. ö. óhaj-. neheztel,. hogy. mert valamennyi között. Kinszky. kisére-. volt. mondják, hogy. felkelk egy csapata. falut felégetett, megtoi'lásid Heister. hasonló kicsapongásnak.. feltételei. 25 pontra beterjesztetni. császári. tétettek,. a bizottságba.. bele. a. császárnak fog. által egy. Mansfeldt elébe. vollétében az elnök.. tegnap eltt a magyar. Lichtenstein hg. is. tében az érseknek átküldetni.. hogy Harrach. s. megállapodtak. tartván. szerint. Budára. A. szatmári. érkezett.. —. Az. egri várrség különös megadási feltételeket kötött múlt június-. ban; kötelezte magát megadni deczember 16 -kán, ha addig fel nem mentetnek. Ezen határidt meg nem tartották, s 14 nappal tovább maradtak a várban, miért Sinzendorf gr. parancsnok s más tisztek fogságba vitettek Kassára, a legénység pedig besoroztatott.. State Paper Office. Germany. —. 183.. Eredeti. levél. Vienna, SÍ"-. Jany 1705,. Right Hon^i«. Yesterday and the day before the Ministers appointed Hungary have stuck very close to it, and. for the Affairs of.

(22) 12. gone through the 25 points formerly proposed by the Hunwhich they examined one after another, and expres-. garians,. sed on the side of each article what they thought the. Em-. peror ought and might declare as his pleasure beyond what. The Refework on the Report, which is to be made to the Emperor, and by next Post I believe these Ministers may have communicated to M' Bruyninx and me both the Emperor's Resolution on the several heads, and his letter which is to accompany them to the Arch Bp. of Colocza to whom they are to be sent and recommended by Báron Szirmai, Bp. Visa and Occulucsani. Prince Adam of Lichtenstein was again invited to these conferences, as he was to the former, but would not appear; It seems he thinks himself neglected by the Emperor's having named both Count Harrach and Count Mansfeldt before him, whereas in the laté commission He was next to Count Kaunitz, and frequently presided during the has been hitherto signified to the Malcontents.. rendaire. is. now. at. '. Count's absence; By this pique, we have lost a minister, who seemed the most zealous, and best inclined to a Peace of any we have. He has good reason to be so, having the. most for. to lose of any, if these disturbances. he. is. the richest subject in. Europe. all. should continue;. the Hereditary Countrys. His Estate being computed at above. and perhaps. in. ^. year the greatest part, whereof lying in the Mar-. florins a. ;. quisat of Moravia will soon be within the reach of the. Hun-. they should chance to have any advantage.. 'Tis. garians. if. generally believed this unseasonable scruple. has been put. int his head by Count Kinsky, the Grand Chancellor of Bohemia, who appears not a little dissatisfied that he himself is. excluded from those conferences. ;. for,. immediately. upon the death of Count Kaunitz, he expected, and seemeed, have the greatest share in the Emperors confidence; But since that time Count Harrach and Count Mansfeldt (who are the Emperor's 'old acquaintance) have gained ground, and in all probability will keep it; which disappointment heartily affects Count Kinsky, and therefore he is glad to have the Prince of Lichtenstein disgusted for company. To such to.

(23) 13 in matters of the grea-. humours we are exposed here evén consequence.. test. A. Party of the Malcontents. is fallen. and on the 26* burnt several. via,. again int Mora-. villages to revenge. somé. excesses of that kind committed lately by General Heister's. people on the borders of Hungaiy.. from Buda confirm what I mentioned That the garrison of Zatmar arrived there safely on the 24*'' under the command of Lieut. General Klöckelsberg and Major General Levenburg; They were obliged to. Our. in. my. last letters. last,. surrender for want of Provisions of of Erla. made a very odd. they engaged to surrender by the. sorts.. all. Capitulation. in. The. June. garrison. of Decemb''. lö**". when. last, if. they. were not relieved before that time; but it seems they did not exactly observe the term appointed but continued there 14 days longer, which pretence the malcontents made use of to stop them on their march towards Buda, and sent Count Sinzendorf (their commandant) with other officers under árrést to. Cashau. after they. obliged. the. ordinary. soldiers. to. take service.. Yesterday to. whom he. M"". Bruyninx had audience of the Emperor,. presented a Letter from. the. States. General,. and a Memóriái soUiciting his Imperial Majesty to exert himself as far as he is able against this next campaign, and The to animate the States of the Empire to do the liké, Emperor answered witli generál assurances according to Custom, and this evening M"^ Bruyninx will have Audience of. King of the Romans upon the same. the. I. am. subject.. etc.. G. Stepney. The Right. Hou''i« Mr. Sccretary Harley.. 272.. Stepney Harley ministernek. császárnál fekszik reá.. —. három nap. Heister üzeni, hogy a. A óta,. magyar. ilgyekröli jelentés. de válasz. még nem. a. érkezett. Vágón innen járó nagy számú.

(24) 14 felkelket lovassággal fogja vjra megtámadni.. hogy emberei nem kapnak élelmet. és zsoldot.. mködésével megelégedve, mint ki csak. nincs. rasztja. —. katonáit.. Heisterhez, de a. — Panaszkodik,. —. A. hadi tanács. nélkül fáBajorországhói jött két lovas-ezred nem. Csallóközbe küldetett,. Magynr országba Gután. s. Komáromon. át.. terv. onnan menend FelsöTörök hirek szerint. —. Kaleilicos letétetett a vezérségrl, utóda nem tudatik. Erdélybe a felkdk segítségére betört egy tatár csa.pat, a mit a porta Eredeti tiír, nem akarván még nyílt szakadást elidézni.. —. levél. State Paper Office. Germany. Vienna,. 183.. 4"'. Feby 1705.. Right Hon^'« (Kivonat.). The examine. report tlie. made by the Commissioners appointed to of Hungary has lain before the Emperor. aflfairs. these three days, and no resolution taken thereupon, and for that reason. it. has not been communicated yet to M' Bruy-. ninx and me.. General Heister has sent hither his Adjutant General to give notice that the. Malcontents appear in great numbers. Waag. and that he was preparing to give them another chase with a body of Horse: He complains much that his men are disheartened for want of pay and provisions and I perceive our Councill of War, and our other Generals here are not at all satisfied with his manaon. this side the. gement, for they say purpose by. starts,. He. only harrasses his Troops to. and has no. fix'd. maxims. little. for carrying. on. war with any probality of success. Hanovers and Gronsfeldt's Cuirassiers, who came hither lately from Bavaria in-. the. stead. of joining. Heister at Presburgh,. the islands of Schütt to. try. if. are. comraanded. to. they can pass the several. branches of the Danube thereabouts and so find a shorter. way towards Upper-Hungary by Gutta this. or. motion General Heister's passage over the. likewise be. made more. By Waag may. Commorra.. easy.. Yesterday I received large packets from our Merchants in. Turkey. of the. 29*''*. Nov^ O.. S.. but not one word from.

(25) 15^^. Sir. Rob* Sutton or. From Peterwardin and we have reports of fresh Empire That Kaleilicos the new. secretary;. his. other places bordering on Belgrádé. changes happened. in that. Grand Vizir being suspected of a design to depose the present Sultan and set up his brother, was himself displaced, But it was not known, who raight succeed him. A Body of Tartars are said to have entered Transylvania in favour of the Malcontents, at. which the Port connives only being un-. willing to proceed to. I. am. an open rupture as. yet.. etc,. G. Stepney. The Right Hon^e Mr. Secretary Harley.. 273. azokat a ki-. Harley minister Stepneynek.. Vette jelentéseit,. rályné s kormány helyeslik.. Ellenségével {Wratislau gi\) ne. gondoljon,. A és. nem. —. hisznek neki sem,. hollandiak egy wagasabh. Magyarországba. Paget. sem British. Museum. rangt'i követséget. s kivánják,. de. volt szóban,. hogy a királyné. oly határozatlan,. lehet számolni.. additional. M.. —. is azt tegye.. ^^dV. Eredeti. —. terveznek Bécsbe. ^'^^. Lord. semmiben. levél.. ss.. Whitehall, Febraary 6/17 1704/5. 7059.. Stepney Papers Vol.. Londonban sem Bécsien.. II.. Fol. 49.. Sir,. I shall not. as I intended. be able. to write. and therefore. after. to. you this Post so fully acknowledgments of. my. your most accurate accounts which are acceptable to Her Majesty as well as to every one else that hath either justice or good sense I cannot now enlarge upon somé particulars,. Empire and Emperours preCampaigne you will have received before now you see they are the same with the States General but only cloth'd with letter manners and you will I know press them as far as you can. As to the priváté letter you those Circulars relating to the parations for next.

(26) 16. me. wrote. about your persecuted I have discoursed D. M.. it makes no impression in the least he and Lord Treasurer are concern'd that it g^ives you so much disquiet which is better neglected when it is neither believed at Vienna nor at St. James. The States are fuU of the project of sending an Hon^^® Envoy Extraordinary and that we should do the liké and Lord Paget has been thought of to g-o to Vienna and so to Hungary but I must teli you I cannot learn whether he will. heer and I find. go or no he on, this. is. so uncertain that he will be. is. you on. I can write. all. ad that. fore I will only. am. I. neither oíF nor. &. this subject yet. there-. with reál esteem. Sir. Your most faithful most humble Servant. &. Ro. Harley. Mr. Stepney.. 274.. Stepney Harley ministernek. —. kezett.. E. ,. Goes gr. Hollandhói. Bécsbe ér-. hó 5-kén vagy 300 magyar átkelvén a Dunán,. Pozsony alatt egész Bécs közeiéhe jöttek, felégetvén 18 helységet.. —. A. császár ahlakáhól láthatta a tüzeket.. hogy Heister vagy 3. —. vonultak.. — 4000. esélyeknek. Ilyeti. nagyszombati gyzelmének. Naponkint. gának.. 800 er.. lovas. —. A. bizottság. és. vannak vagy. kitéve,. 7000-nyi. ersíttetik seregé,. ma. is. Este hirt vévén,. a Dunán,. lovassal átkelt. vissza-. daczára Heister legjohh. lovassá-. az olasz ezredekbl. ment hozzá; most Magyarországba küldetik minden a magyar. császár tegnap küldötte vissza válaszát. munkálatára; egy-két nap. mediatorokkal. azután elküldetik. s. által a State Paper Office. magyaroknak.. Germany. 183,. —. alatt az. Szirmay. Eredeti. fog a a két küldött. közöltetni s. levél.. Vienna,. 7*''. Feb'-y 1704.. Right Hon^i«. On On. Count Goes arrived here from Holland.. the 4*^. ins*^. the 5*^. we had. a fresh allarm in. the. neighbour-. hood by a Party of 300 Hungarians, who passed severall.

(27) 17 branches of the Dannbe about the Islands of Schutt a líttle below Presburgh, and came within two English miles of this. burning 18 villages between the Leyta and the Swocha. The Emperor could see these fires from his window; they lasted all that day, but the rebels retired in the evening city. upon notice they had that General Heister with 3 or 4000 horse had passed the Danube on this side Presburgh, and encamp at Kitsee. To such accidents we are exposed here, notwithstanding Heister's laté advantage at Tyrnau and that He has actually under his command above 7000 horse as good Troops as any are in the Emperor's service; New Reinforcements are sent him daily, 800 horse. (belonging to. now in Italy) passed by the Suburbs this mortheir way to Hungary; for thither our main force. the Régim*. ning in is. directed at present.. Yesterday the Emperor sent back to his ministers the report they had. made. of the Aífairs. and. resolution thereupon,. to. of Hungary,. morrow. they. believe. I. with his will. have another meeting among themselves. to digest the whole communicate the same to M"" Bruyninx and me, and then to dispatch Báron Szirmai and the two deputies to in order to. the malcontents with such further proposals as the. Emperor. shall please to allow them. I. am. etc.. G. Stepney. The Right. Hon'''*. Mr. Secretary Harley.. 275.. Stepney Marlhwough herczeghez.. Nevi. st. nehezteli. szereti^. hogy a királyné más követet szándékozik Bécsbe küldeni.. nem. helyesli,. a herczeg tett. hogy az oly utasitással láttassék. Wratislanhoz. Seilefrn. báróval. vésbé engedékeny,. st. irt. leneléhen. a jezstdtákkal.. s. emlit,. Ez. el,. mely már közölte-. esetben az. a törökök karjaiba vetnék magukat. Rákóczi. F. Levéltára.. ndvar ke-. kegyetlenebb volna, a felkelk pedig visz-. még el sem fogadtak, Uy módon önkényuralom. szautasitanák a mediatiót egészen, melyet s. De. mint milyent. U.. oszt. II. köt.. ?. 2.

(28) 18. meg egy. alapíttatnék. State Paper Office. országhan,. szép. egészen megrontatnék, a. mi. Germany. a protestáns vallás. s. iró szerint a fczél.. — Má solat.. 186.. To Maribor oug-h. Vienna,. 7*i>. Feb-^y 1705.. (Kivonat.). That Her Ma^^ designs to send another minister hither, me any uneasiness; For I am certain to have a witness more of my Zeal and integrity, and that I have reported matters no otherwise than as I found them is. far fronti giving. who. ever he be,. He. can give him, and. back. is. shall. my. have the. fairest. best wishes for. turnéd; For Peace. is. your Grace that. of pursuing that end. if. you mention. I. when my. good design whoBut I beg leave be no right method. certainly a. ever shall have the honour of making to represent to. informations. success,. it. will. it,. he comes hither with the. fierce in-. struction to Count Wratislaw (which I am positive has been already communicated to Báron Seilern and to the Jesuits) For that will encourage these people to grow more cruel and untractable, and on the other hand will tempt the Malcontents absolutely to reject your mediation (which they have not yet accepted) and to throw themselves int y® arms of the Turks; whereby the Emperor is likely to draw upon himself a war in Hungary, which in. your. letter. and be better provided for, than that against means Arbitrary Power will be settled in a fine Kingdom, and the Protestant Religion utterly destroyed there: This I take to be the drift and discover it plainly to you, tho' I have reason to believe my prophecies may be liké Cassandra's, which proved true, to few people gave crewill last longer,. Francé:. By. this. them.. dit to. I. am. etc.. G. Stepuey..

(29) 19. 276.. Azon körülmény, hogy egyik vár a esik, nagyon emeli ezek tekintélyét a törökök eltt, és ha Arad s némely más határváros hatalmukba kerülne^ könnyen a porta beavatkozását fogná maga után vonni. író nézete szerint a törökök képesek volnának befolyást gyakorolni a vtagyar békealkudozásokra. Ha iró eziránt utasíttatnék és némi pénz adatik redelkezésére^ igyekezni fog odahatni, hogy a törökök ez irányban mködjenek. Eredeti levél. Sutton Harley ministernek.. másik ntán a magyarok kezébe. —. —. State Paper Office. Tnrkey No.. 21.. Pera of Constantinople Jan^. O.. 29.. S.. 1704/5. (Kivonat.). Sir,. We. have endeavoured to infuse int these people a. Conterapt for the Hungárián Malcontents, and to keep up a belief that. they. would. speedily. be reduced. to. termes of. agreement. But the continual advjces of the places of. Hun-. gary falling one after another int their hands begin to raise. and béget an advantageous opinion of them among the Turks, while the French blaze about all their successes. If Arat and any other frontier places should come int the possession of the Malcontents, it would lay a very their reputation,. great. temptation. them,. And. would be a. in. in. the. way. of these people to jóin with. such a case the least that could be expected,. communication with them, and continual them under hand, which by degrees might draw the Turks int a war with the Emperor, especially if the administration of the Government shall fali to a Vizir of a martial spirit, which may easily come to pass. I don't doubt but your honour makes these reflexions; but I thought it the duty of ray station to put you in mind thereof, th e more because there do not appear to be any great advances made towards an accommodation, and 'tis perceivable that the Ministry at Vienna are full as backward and indifferent free. assistances given. to. it. as the Hungarians. 2*.

(30) 20. Though. these people are themselves hitherto favorably. have a constant eye towards. disposed, yet the Hungarians. them, and in conjunction with the French continually court. them. And. succours,. for. able to influence. there. no question but they are. is. now on. [the Neg^otiation. foot. Eraperor and rebels of Hungary] and perhaps. ed [on to contribute towards. vail]. [the latter to it. [to. the other,] if. [be thought necessary, for possibly] the relying. upon the Turks good If. Treaty].. faith. will [please to. send. to take such]. me. her. despair [of success therein]. not]. sum. derato. money. of]. me. be assistant to. difficult in the. [to. measures, your. and I shall had a mosuch of them as may. Ma*^''^. orders,. especially if. promise to. [I. in case of success].*). am,. I. [securely. be the Queen's Pleasure that I should [en-. it. deavom' to engage these people. honour. Emp' more. the. [pre-. both [by] disposing. it]. and giving somé] jealousy. it,. between the. may be. R. Sutton.. 277.. Stepney Harley ministernek. nisterek közöltek. a császár. nézve, melyet. A. is. elfogadott.. 25. tartalmaz válaszúi a magyarok egy. magyar. bizottságot alkotó. más okmány. is. elkészült. Ezen okmány 25 pontot. pontjára.. író hallja, hogy. a kalocsai érsek számára, mely. a császár határozatát 15 pontban foglalva adja el. véleménye az. volt,. — Seilern. hogy a magyarok követelései oly túlságosak^. hogy nem érdemlik a császár válaszát, st csak tudomásul telének. vé-. —. Ezen okmány azonnali átküldése de ugy a magyar küldöttek mint a mediatorok. elismerését. szándékoltatott^. mi-. a mediatorokkal megállapodásnkat a teendkre. sem.. elbb látni kivánják azt s netán észrevételeiket megtenni. író még nem látta, csak annyit mondhat most, hogy az els pontban a mediatió elfog adtatik , de biztositékról egy szó sincsen mondva.. — A fnökök számára. ámbár. ezt. nesen ajánlja, lovassal. *). sincsen. sa. mediatork. a Vág felé indult;. Az. semmi külön kedvezmény. a hollandi kormány a császárhoz. itt. is érintették.. terve. nem. —. tudatik.. irt. igérve,. levelében egye-. Heister4—5000. — Eredeti levél.. zárjelekbe foglalt helyek az eredetiben jelirásban vannak..

(31) 21 State Paper Office. Germany. Vienna,. 183.. ll**'. Febr^. 1705.. (Kivonat.). Right Hon^i^. With my. of the 28"" pást I transmitted to. letter. you. a paper of observations, which M"^ Bruyninx and I had drawn. up. ease. the. for. the Emperor. to. of the. commissioners lately appointed by. manage. the. Treaty with the Himgarians,. together with our letter to the said commissioners, shewing. what manner we judged that negotiation might be reaspursued. After having examined the same at several conferences among themselves and förmed a resolu-. in. siimed and. tion, which the Emperor has approved, by his orders They have communicated to M"^ Bruyninx and me the paper here inclosed for our information, and that Her Ma*y and the States might be assured nothig has been wanting on the. Emperor's part towards an agreement with the Malcontents.. You up. in. be pleased. will. answer. to a liké. to observe this writing is. drawn. we proposed) by way of a distinct number of points presented to the Emperor. 25 Articles. (as. But I hear last by the two Hungárián Deputies. the Arch Bp. of Coprepared for paper has been another in. June. locza,. in. 15 Articles only, containing the same substance,. out of which. may be. the Hungarians. Emperor's Resolution upon. of the. sufíiciently. their. informed. Demands though. (according to Báron Seilern's suggestions) they appeared so exorbitant. and. insolent that. it. was not consistent with the to answer them point by he had eithcK accepted or. Emperor's reputation and dignity point,. nor. evén. to. own. that. seen them.. The design was, immediately to dispatch Báron t mai and the two Deputies to the Arch Bp with a from the Emperor containing his declaration sealed up the Deputies,. alledge. it. ;. But. unwilling to be treated as ordinary couriers,. may be. his resolution,. Szirletter. for. the Emperor's. and hear. their opinion. service to. upon. it,. show them before they. which proceeding seems highly reasonable; and M"^ Bruyninx and I have likewise desired a sight of those papers, that we may be assured they are of the same tenour with that which has been put int our hands, and that. set. out,.

(32) 22. we may be to. express. answer. able, in our. to the. Arch Bp's. laté letter,. near as possible to the sense of. ourselves as. this court.. When we. have seen those papers, and discoursed with. the Ministers, you shall have our remarks upon the whole.. In the mean time I rish,. shall only observe to you,. mediation. article the. first. but not one word. is. is. That. said of the guaranty,. th. Bp. positively asserts the Hungarians will come. ment without somé such assurance and. Nor do. the 28*^ pást. offered. as a bait. I. letter. my. no agre-. On. this. Letter of. hear of any particular advantages. to. the Emperor, and. the Ministers gently hinted the. to. to. flou-. Arch. bring over the chiefs, thö the States. to. General recommended that point in our. the. security:. your further Instruction in. diíFiculty I desired. in the. accepted with a very fine. same. we. as a. proper means towards ending these disturbances. Since. burning in. my. last. we hear no more. neighbourhood. this. ;. of the Malcontents. General Heister, who was. Danube, crossed yesterday the Islands marched towards the Waag with 4 or 5000 horse. His design is not yet known. Major Gen" Glöckelsberg and Col. Sickinghen are arrivcd here from Zatmar.. on. this. side. of Schütt,. I. am. of the. and. is. etc.. G. Stepney. The Eight Hon^i« Mr.. Secretary Herley.. 278.. Stepney Harley nnnisternek. Utasítása, szerint sürgetni fogj0. a. —. A magyaroknak adandó még nem közöltetett a magyar küldöttekkel. Uj tanácskozmány fog tartatni a ministerek által. Ivó nem vár eredményt ezen vj ígéretektl, melyek nem jobbak mint a milyenek készületeket a birodalmi sereg részére.. válasz. múlt júniusban és. is. már. tétettek.. A garantiáról. szó sincsen benne,. a 9dik pontra egyenesen kimondatik, hogy a protestánsok. mitsem várhatnak ország. többet,. mint a mi. három negyedrésze a. angol királyné. és a. már. megígértetett,. pedig az. refoi'mált valláshoz tartozik.. hollandiak. Az. iránti tekintet is megérdemlett.

(33) 23. — Heisterrl. volna pedig egy kis tartózkodást ezen pontra nézve.. semmi vjahb. hir, azt hiszik. rok uj betörést. tettek, s több. határán.. State Paper Office. Germany. Right. — A magya-. valahol a Vágnál van.. —. nagy. helységet felégettek Ausztria. Eredeti. levél.. Vienna,. 183.. Febo' 1705.. 14*'>. Hoii''i« (Kivonat.). Yesterday. I. received the honour of your letter of the. somé heads of what I ara to sollicit in order t an early campaign in the Empire. I have already acquainted you that M"^ Bruyninx had instriictions to that purpose, and in pursuance thereof had presented on the 30*^ pást large memorials to the Emperor, the King of the Romans., Prince Eugene and others, which applications I intend to second, and shall not fail to let you know from time to time the answers we receive and the measures that are 16*^ pást with. taking.. The Emperor's Pleasure. in. the business of. Hungary. has not been yet signifyed to the deputies for what reason, I. know. not. ;. for. I. think no time. should be lost in this. juncture. I hear the Ministers will have another conference. among. themselves. whether. M'^. teli;. and. before. Bruyninx and. am. people. are. be called. to. thcse I shall. very indiíFerent; for. I. dispatched it,. I cannot. scarce think any en-. deavours we should use would prevail with the Emperor's Ministers to. make. the least favorable alteration or addition to. you last Post: I forbear making since you youi'self or whoever else shall examine it, will best judge whether these. the Resolution which I sent. any glosses on. it,. take the pains to. Terms are more advantageous to the Hungarians than those them in June last. I have observed to you no mention is made of a Guaranty, nor of any priváté overtures towards gaining the chiefs; and you will see in that were offer'd to. how peremptorily the clause is worded, That nothing more can be done or expected in favour of the Protestants, than what )ias been already expressed; Tho certain throughout the kingdom three parts of four are 'tis. the 9*^ Article. of the. Reformed Religion, and. it. would have been but an.

(34) 24 ordinary civility to have shewn somé to. Her Majesty and room. little. the States General,. reserve in regard. who. after this rate. any intercession hereafter. We have nothing of moment from General Heister, we suppose He is somewhere on the Waag; Ali we hear of the Malcontents is, That one of their parties had passed the Mark and 3 days ago burnt several considerable villiave no. left for. lages on the borders of Austria.. I. am G. Stepney.. The Eight Hon"« Mr. Secretary Harley. ,. 278 a. Stepney. Harley ministernek.. ment. nem. el,. a császár utasitásait. is. levele. közöltetett. a. kalocsai. a küldötteknek. kat felégesse.. State Paper Office. Germany. két. magyar. érsekhez.. —. Vágón azon. készül kelni a. A. küldött. még nem. sem velk sem a mediatorokkal még. czélból,. —. A. hadi tanács átadta. Heisterrol azt hallják, hogy át. hogy a mocsonoki raktára-. Eredeti. levél.. Vienna,. 183.. W^. Feby 1705.. Right Hon^'« (Kivonat.). The. two Deputies are not yet gone for Hungary, the has given them their Instructions (No. 1), but has not yet communicated to them or to M' Bruyninx and me, what the Emperor has writ to the Arch Bp. We have nothing further from Gen' Heister than that council. of. War. he was preparing to pass the Waag, with a design to destroy a Magaziné which the Malcontents have at Moczonock. I. am. etc.. G. Stepney. The Right. Hon'''* Mr. Secretary Harley..

(35) 25. 279.. Stepney Stanhopenak.. meg van gyzdve, hogy a. író. egyesülnek a magyarokkal a. jöv. hogy addig fel fog jelen állásától mentetni.. méli,. Germany. State Paper Office. törökök. O. május vagy pmiusig.. —. re-. Alá s ólat.. Vienna, Feb, 18. 1705,. 186.. To Stanhope*) (Kivonat.). O. matters. ir. am. for I. on. May. garians by. Jime next, and. or. by reading those. sity. have no pleasing prospect,. side. this. morally assured the Tiirks will jóin. ding the gracious. stories at. it till. curio-. Emperor has given me. (whereof you have been informed) I nor do expect. my. a distance, for notwithstan-. assurances the. vered by that time.. Hun-. Avith the. I shall satisfy. still. hope. to. be deli-. I have not yet heard from yoiir son,. the Parliament rises. (G. Stepney.). 280.. Stepney Harley ministeo'nek.. Ma. reggel a. lésével meghízott ministerek közölték levelét. mára.. érsekhez s vége^igedményeit a. az. —. gosabbak. A s. minister. látni. magyar ügyek. keze-. a mediatorokkal a császár. magyar felkelk. fogja, hogy ezek legalább. szá-. is vilá-. egyenesebbek mint minden eddigi általános phrázi-. Szirmay s a két küldött hobiap adandják véleményüket ezen engedmények felett, mely a bizottságnak be fog jelentetni úgy mint a mediatoroknak Rákóczihoz s az érsekhez Írandó levele is bemutattatni.. sokba foglalt homályos kétértelm feleletek.. Ezután azonnal. átküldetik,. hó. hiszi,. hogy ezen feltételek egy. megindítandó alkiidozás alapjául szolgálhatnak tetni,. s ki fogják tünha váljon a magyarok komolyan akarnak-e alkudozni,. vagy annyira. le. vannak kötve a francziák vagy törököknek,. hogy azt többé nem. *). tehetik.. —. Eredeti. levél.. Stanhope angol követ volt Hágában a hollandi kormánynál..

(36) 26 Germany. State Paper Office. Vienna, 21. Feby 1705.. 183.. Right Hon^i" (Kivonat.). This morning the commissioners for the. gary sent. Bruyninx and. M"^. me. affairs of. Hun-. a copy of the Emperor's. Letter to the Arch Bp. of Colocza with the last conditions. he. is. willing to grant. the Malcontents.. to. make any. I shall. not un-. upon them; you will at iirst sight easily perceive they are at least more clear and distinet than any the Emperor has been pleased to tender hitherto, and as I have formerly hinted may very well sérve for the ground work of a Treaty; Tomorrow M"" Bruyninx and I shall hear the opinion of Báron Szirmai and the two Deputies, wherein they judge these points satisfactory or deíicient; And the day following we shall have dertake to. or remarks. glosses. a conference with the Ministers declaring likewise our sense. on these mattcrs laying before them of the letters. Arch. we. at the. same time draughts. are preparing for Prince Rákóczi and the. Bp., wherewith. Báron Szirmai and the Deputies. be immediately dispatched and from this report (which. may be very. desire. speedy). whether the Hungárián. we. we. be able to discern. shall. as. Cliiefs. will. the Nation. well as. are. sincerily disposed to treat of Peace, or are to far entangled. by. their. engagements with Francé or the Türk, That they own actions; In which case. are no longer masters of their. violent remedies are to be applied. In. my. poor opinion the. same step which the Emperor makes at this time, might and ought to have been made several months ago For you will be pleased to remember all the dissatisfaction I ever ;. expressed against the proceedings of this Court in relation to their management of the negotiation with the Hungarians, was,. That. M'^. Bruyninx and. I. could never obtain of the. Ministers seriously to examine their grievances and or to offer. the. nation any. generál and imperfect. Declaration of June present endeavours I. am. since. Terms contained. last.. may. conditions. And. prove. I. in. wish from. those the all. demands obscure. Emperor's. my. sóul our. effectual.. etc.. Tlie Right Hon'''"^ Mr. Secretaiy Haiiey.. G, Stepney..

(37) 27. 281.. A. Stepney Harley ministernek.. császár Törökoi'szághól híreket. helyette Maholetételét, nem fogja Sution és Collier véleménye szennt megzavarni. Azonban Evgen hg. azt mondja, hogy ok. vett,. melyek megerösitik a nagyvezir. med. basa. a békét. ki. lett,. hirt vettek, miszerint. badon bocsátását, Rákóczihoz. a francziák kieszközölték Desalleurs sza-. kit. a temesi basa a hozott kincscsel együtt. kisértetett, ez gr.. —. Forgáchot küldvén elébe egy ers. E. hó 23-kán a mediatorok a magyar bizottság tanácskozásában feltüntették a császár két irata közti külömbcsapattal.. séget s ajánlották,. hogy egy hai'madik okmány szerkesztessék,. mely a kett lényegét egybe foglalja. Ezt a ministerek elfogadták s megbízták irót s Brnyninxet, hogy ezt szerkeszszék s azon-. nal levélben át lyan intvén. is. küldjék Rákóczinak,. hogy azonnal válaszoljon. ,. ,. t. egyszersmind komo-. ha váljon ö. s szövetséges. a mit a mediatorok Ez alkalommal arra alkalmasnak s elégségesnek tekintenek. a ministerek mérséklettebbek voltak mint valaha, a mit iró meg is jegyzett elttük, mintegy szemrehányásként azoknak, kik elbb társai ezt elfogadják-e alkudozás alapjául,. —. kezelték ezen ügyeket. s,. június óta mit sem. tettek.. —. Eredeti. levél. State Paper Office. Germany. Vienna, 25 Feby 1705.. 183.. Right HonWe (Kivonat.). On. the. 22"*^^. ins*. one of the Emperor's couriers arrived '"^'^. pást confirming the news you of Kaleilicos being removed from the post of Grand Vizir on the 25*'* Decb'^ N. S. One Mahomet Pascha a man of 36 years of age is appointed to succeed him, who is reported to be of moderate principles and not likely to disturb the present Peace. At least this is Sir Rob* Sutton's opinion of him, as you will sec by his letter to me;. from Turkey with. letters of the. I lately sent. Dutch embassador judges in the liké M' Bruyninx He was admitted to congratulate the Vizir the ^ pást on his new dignity, when He had an opportunity to inform him of the present State of and Comit. Collier the. manner, who. telis.

(38) ,. 28. and warn him against the French designs and inHowever Prince Eugene assures me they had obtained leave for Mons'^ Desalleürs to remove on the P* inst* from Temeswaer with the Treasure He brought from Francé, and that the commandant gave him a convoy to conduct him in safety to Prince Rákóczi, who had sent Count Forgatsch with a strong body of horse to guard and assist him on the way. affairs. trigues:. On. Bruyninx and I were called to the conference we expected with Count Harrach, Prince Eugene, Count Palfy and Báron Seilern, where we explained somé differences we found in the points of Instructions designed for y® Ach Bp. of Colocza from those that had been given us for our information^ the latter whereof seemed to be both the favourable; And whereas it might be presumed to be both the Emperor's Interest and Intention to employ the means most likely toward-s procuring Peace; we desired these ministers to consider if it was not suitable to the. 23^. inst.. M''. present occasion that a third writing might be drawn up containing the substance of the other two, with such expressions as might be judged most mild and agreable, and omitting all that appeared to be otherwise: This proposal they approved and have allowed M'' Bruyninx and me to form those articles and send them directly in a letter to Prince Rákóczi himself, with a serious exhortation to answer downright and with authority, whether He and his confederates are satisfied with the offers now made, and are willing to treat sincerely on these preliminarys which we taiíe to be a sufíicient groundwork for a Negotiation: The ministers seemed more moderato at this meeting than ever I have known them, and this is the first time they have put it int our Power to make any decent step in the quality of mediators for Peace, which I could not forbear hinting to them with a sort of reproach to those who had formerly the management of this coramission for suffering the treaty to lie neglected ever since June last without making further overtures towards a reconciliation. M"^ Bruyninx and I have spent this day in preparing our draughts, the. ,.

(39) 29. and I hope by next post to send you copies witli the news Báron Szirmai and the Deputies are dispatched witli them to Hungary.. that. am. I. etc.. G. Stepney. The Right. Hon'''*'. Mr. Secretary Harley.. 282.. Az angol. alsó-ház felirata a királynéhoz. hékealkudozások elmozdítása tárgyában.. szában megigéin, hogy State Paper Office. Germany. The House. of. e czélra. a magyarokicai való. —. mindent. A. el. királyné vála-. fog követni.. Die Lunae, 26 Feb^. 186.*). Commons. 1704/5.. attended her I^a*^ with their. That her Ma*y would be graciously pleased to continue her endeavours for an accommodation between the Emp'^ and his subjects now in arms in Hungary, in order to the better and more effectual carrying on the present and most necessary War. And her Ma*y was pleased to address,. give this most gracious answer.. Gentlemen.. As. the accommodation with the Malcontents in Hungary, I have made application to the Emperor several times upon that point, and shall continue to press him in it. with. to. all. the earnestness imaginable.. 283.. Stepney Harley ministernek. Herberstein tábmmok a hadi tanács elnökévé neveztetvén Bécsbe érkezett.. datja. hogy. 5000. felkel Károlyi. —. Heistei". futár által. tu-. a befagyott Dunán mely azóta engedvén nem jöhetnek vissza, de sem mehet utánok. Azt hiszi, hogy Stájerországba fognak beütni, hol nincsen semmi er, mely nekik ellentállhasson. Heister ^. alatt. átkelt. ,. —. *). Ezen kötetben. foglalt. okmányok mind másolatok, a. bécsi követség levelezési naplóját képezi.. kötet az angol.

(40) a. serege visszatért Baziriba. nélkül, hogy valamit végzett volna.. Panaszkodik, hogy kény erk nincsen. —. van.. mint. s több. 1000. betege. Mindenki kezdi most belátni a mit iró rég mondott,. hogy majdnem. lehetetlen lesz. hóditani, s hogy méltányos. bajon segíteni. State Paper Office. Germany. Right. a felkel magyarokat ervel mega legjobb mód ezen. békefeltételek. —. Ere deti. levél.. Vienna, the 28«' Feby 1705.. 18.'?.. Hon*^'^ (Kivonat.). On Hungary. 26*^. the. General. Herberstein. arrived. in order to take possession of his. here. from. new employment. War. same time three several messengers arrived. as vice President of. At. the. from Gen'^ Heister with advice that 50ÍX) of the Malcontents were passed on this side the Danube over the Ice a little. below Raab under the command of Count Caroli, and were entered int the Rabban, since which time the River is thawed, to that they cannot return, nor Gen' Heister send a detachment in pursuit of them. From which circumstance he supposes they may be obliged to bend their course towards the frontier of Stiria, wliich Province will be in great alarm, having expected no such. ner provided against. command. are. The. it.. returned. to. visit,. and being. in. no man-. troops under Gen^ Heister's. their. old quarters about Posing. without effecting any thing. He complains they want bread, and that above 1000 of his men are sick, and renderad incapable of service by the fatigues they have sustained during their winter campaign. Every body now begins to be of my opinion that it will be almost impossible for the Emperor to reduce the Hungarians by force of arms and the fair means is the most proper method of composing these diíferences. How far M' Bruyüinx and I have proceeded that way, you will see by my seperate relation and the papers which accom-. pany. it.. I. am. etc.. G. Stepney. The Right. Hon'^'e Mr. Secretary Harley..

(41) 31. 284.. Stepney Harley ministernek.. a magyarokhoz szóló. —. leveleiket s. Bruyninx. a bizottság többi tagjai. hogy. s. monda. Írónak,. hogy. és iró. átvizsgálják.. Harrach. azt. író. azt. részérl helyesli s elfogadja.. hogy a többiek sem fognak rajta változtatni.. hiszi,. elkészitettek. átadták azt Harrach grófnak,. dezte a ministereket, mit. —. író kér-. tevk legyenek a mediatorok azon. esetre,. ha a felkelk nem akaimának alkudozásba bocsátkozni, ha elbb a megállapítandó feltételek megtartásáról nem. biztosittatnak.. Azonban csakhamar látta, hogy a ministerek errl mit sem akarnak tudni, mondván, hogy az nem szokás, hogy fejedelmek s népei közt. más. idegen fejedelmek jótállók legyenek.. történetiróból esetet idézett,. mely. szei-int. író egy. Ferdinánd megengedte,. hogy közte s Bethlen gróf közt kötött békeért jótállók nek a spanyol, franczia s lengyel királyok 1620-ban.. legye-. —. okmányokból az ellenkezt bebizonyitani.. lern. vállalkozott. Meg. kellett tehát ez. igérettétellel. id. elégedni,. szerint a. Sei-. —. mediatoroknak egy általános. de kétkedik, hogy a magyarok avval. be-. elégedjenek, kik rövid évek alatt hetedszer kényszerültek fegyvert. fogni jogaik. s. szabadságuk védelmére,. pélyes Ígéreteknek s esküknek.. —. A. daczára minden ünne-. protestánsok vallásszabad-. ságuk nagyobb biztosítására mit sem nyerhettek a ministerektl s. a régi pont megmaradt.. — Egy nehézség az. is,. hogy több pontot. a császár az országgylésre kíván halasztatni, mit a magyarok könnyen tagadó válasznak vehetnek, most országgylés összehívható. nem. lévén,. mert a fegyverben lév magyarok alig fognak. bízni útlevelekben, melyek. a ministerek. e részben. nem mindig. Azonban Brvyninx azon. tartattak meg.. sem akartak engedni.. —. a fbbeknek külön kedvezményeket nem ígérheta ministerek azt adták válaszúi, hogy a császárnak nincs. kérdésére, hogy nek-e,. oka kedvezményekben részesíteni azokat, kik oly sok hajt okoztak neki. —. de kik. legelbb áttérnek. azok több kegyelemre számithatnak. tásként adatott a küldötteknek.. —. s. másokat. is. térítenek,. Ezen válasz magán-utasíHallja,. hogy Loi'd Paget. minden felvilágosítást ód neki, de kételkedik a sikerben, miután a franczíák módot találtak, a Eugen herczegfelkelket pínz s tisztek küldésével segíteni.. jön az alkudozás folytatására,. —.

(42) 32 ti. hogy irataik most Seílernnél vannak, az az a jezsui-. tudja,. táknál, kik azokat hir alják.. State Paper Office. Germany. —. Eredeti. Vienna, Feb^ 28"' 1705.. 183.. Right Hon^i«. levél.. '. my. last M' Bruyninx and I have finished our Hungary, and sent them to Count Harrach that he might examine them with the other ministers who. Since. dispatches. assisted. for. conference with us on the. the. at. judge with them express'd. if. according to. it. hereafter have. He. have made.. satisfied. point. me. told. or. pást,. rightly taken their opinion. their. any grounds. ted any matériái. was. we.have. 23"'*^. to. and and. sense, that they might not. censure us for having omit-. gone too. changes we. far in the. the other day for his. own. part he. with our papers, and sent them about. to the. other ministers for their approbation likewise; I believe they will hardly. meet with any objection or. alteration,. and there-. herewith I send you a copy of our letter to Prince. fore. Rákóczi (N^ 1), wherein the new overtures are contained and likewise what we have writ to the Arch Bp of Colocza on the same subject. We lowed. to. (N*' 2).. enquired of the ministers what we might be say. if. al-. the Malcontents continued positively in their. of not accepting our Mediation nor entring int any treaty without a guaranty. To prepare them for this question I acquainted them her Majesty and the States General were not urgent in this point, nor had any reason to press it, since such an engagement must needs be a burthen to them rather than otherwise Besided that they were unwilling to sollicit his Impe-. resolution. ;. rial. Majesty in a matter which perhaps might not be altogether. agreable. to. him upon. gain time and. ney. to. to. no purpose,. information. several considerations.. However. should. might be necessary that somé sort of be given , and generál hopes that what. it. they demanded in this point would not be peremptorily jected.. not. to. to. hinder the Deputies from making a jour-. re-. But we soon obserwed the ministers were resolved grant any thing liké a guaranty, alledging it was ne-.

(43) 33 ver the. practice. among sovereign Priuces. to. admit foreign. Powers as guarantees between them and their subjects. I quoted the passage (N'^ 3) you find out of an Histórián (reputed to have writ the best qf any on the aflFairs of Hungary) who positively asserts that the Emperor Ferdinánd in his Treaty with Gábriel Bethlem Anno 1620, allowed the popé with the Kings of Spain Francé and Poland to be. Báron Seilern undertook. guarantees thereof.. prove the. to. contrary by old acts and records, and I would not pretend. with him, perceiving. to dispute the case. purpose. So M' Bruyninx and. ;. it. have been. I. would be. to. no. satisfied for the. present with the clause following (et promittit Sua Caesarea. omnem. Majestas lienatis,. ac. tóti. se. impensé daturam operám ne quid aba-. Regno, de sua Securitate Incolumitate. et futura rerum prosperitate dubitandum supersit) which may be interpreted as a generál assurance that the conditions to be now agreed on shall be faithfully observ'd hereafter. It will be well if the Hungarians will think these fair. words a. since this. sufficient Security,. is. few years. to. the seventh. will,. time they have been obliged in a. have recourse. berties and rights. but I scarce believe they. to. Arms. for asserting their. when they found them invaded. li-. notwith-. standing the most solemn Promises and oaths to the contraiy.. Our second objection was, That the Protestants throughKingdom being more than four parts of five the Emperor should endeavour to gain them to his Interest by favouring' them beyond what was settled by the twb last Diets of Odenburg and Presburg, which they say were most preout the. judicial to. them; whereas. concerning. in the present Article. Emperor declares too positively ampliorem satisfactionem vei petendam vei dandam nullám liquere causam. In this point we could obtain nothing more, so we. Religion the. have. the passage stand as. let. in their reply to. plead their. it. is,. own. leaving the Hungarians. by remonstrating deman^ more favou-. cause,. the grounds and reasons they have to rable conditions.. A. we observed was, That several very which the Emperor might and .ought to. third difficulty. matériái articles Rákóczi. F. Levéltára. II.. oszt. II. köt.. 3.



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