• Nem Talált Eredményt

After the Cold War: A Middle Power Alone

In document Identity Crisis in Italy (Pldal 59-66)

Italy and the Dilemma of Foreign Policy A Historical Perspective

6. After the Cold War: A Middle Power Alone

Although wished for so long, the end of the Cold War caused some troubles to Italy.20 In the first part of the 1990s, the dramatic collapse of the old party system was favoured, to some extent, by the change of the world order that deprived the Democrazia Cristiana of its historical international legitimacy, as well as forced the former Partito Comunista to a political change. In those years of national and global transition, while the NATO was looking for a new legitimacy along with the emerging of the American unilateralism, Italy opted once again for a continental perspective. In doing so it was driven by the European Union, based on the German leadership and through a common currency. In other words, Italy

17 The Sigonella crisis was determined by the decision of the Italian Government not to deliver to the US forces the pro-Palestine commando who had hijacked the Achille Lauro boat in the Mediterranean and killed the Jewish and American citizen, Leon Klinghofer. Although it was the most serious trouble in the history of the Italo–American bilateral relations after the Second World War, Reagan and Craxi were able to relaunch the cooperation in the turning point of the Cold War. See Gerlini 2016; Silj 1998.

18 On the international origins of the centro-sinistra, see Nuti 1999.

19 In other words, the acceptance of the Euromissiles by Craxi prevailed over Berlinguer’s openings to the Atlantic Alliance. See Caviglia and Labbate 2014.

20 On the impact of the end of the Cold War over the national political life of Italy and its consequences on foreign policy, see Varsori 2013; Riccardi 2014.

invested in a new continental integration process in exchange for its economic sovereignty, and finally culminated its historical pro-Europe option.21 The country made a huge effort to meet the requirements of the new European common currency and definitely lost its main national political leverage, the public debt, in creating social consensus. To some extent, this process determined a dramatic change in the Italian political mentality and forced to a new and unique main objective: being able to respect the European economic rules. Along this way, Italy lost large parts of its national sovereignty, but what is more relevant, foreign and national policies basically became the same thing.22 This historical change which occurred in the last decade of the 1990s, seemed to be definitive, but then something went wrong with the European Union. Its clear absence of common identity, especially after the failure in promoting a constitution, and the global economic crisis starting from the USA made less than rhetorical the idea of a civilian superpower. The failure was heavy for Italy: historically, the ruling class had invested a lot in the European legitimacy after the Second World War.

Moreover, at the end of the Cold War, the Atlantic community was no longer relevant in the national political debate. In other terms, with the doom of the European Union, Italy was more at stake, politically and economically, than the other partners.23 Currently, while the country is still facing the consequences of the long term economic crisis, new global issues are seriously testing the roots of the Euro–Italian political confidence. At the moment, the European Union cannot provide for the support and protection that Italy is looking for in order to face the huge and continuous migration flows across the Mediterranean. At the same time, at least from the beginning of Obama’s first presidency, the USA are no longer considering the Mediterranean a main strategic issue. In general terms, while in the Cold War the geopolitical centrality of Italy as crossroads among different regions was a resource which could arouse the interest of the leading powers, in the present multipolar and unstable order it represents rather a factor of vulnerability and, to some extent, of isolation. This is a condition of serious danger for a country deeply focused – once again after the 1990s – on a new national political transition.24 History, and particularly the Italian one, clearly shows that a middle power can no longer stand an ambitious international profile without the support of an effective alliance. For this reason, the Italian ruling class should consider very carefully the lack of a strong international partnership. Along with the chronic government instability, this lack of interest for foreign policy could cause the general decline of the country. In spite of the high expertise of its intelligence in providing for national security, Italy has been facing bilateral tensions with India for the Marò crisis25 and with Egypt after the murder of Giulio Regeni, an Italian PhD student working on the trade union movement

21 Although Europe was a widespread benchmark for peace, democracy and development, in post-war Italy, the leading class rarely preferred the European political engagement to the national one, see Varsori 2010.

22 In these terms, Sergio Romano, former Ambassador in Moscow in the years of the perestroika, then a famous columnist, said that the treaty of Maastricht, which established some new heavy financial duties, was to some extent the last act of the Italian foreign policy. Romano 1993, 211.

23 As a matter of fact, both the Five Star Movement and the Lega, the less pro-European political forces, have strongly criticised the common European currency.

24 The new political crisis was opened by the failure of the constitutional reform through referendum in December 2016.

25 At the moment India and Italy are still waiting to clarify definitely this issue. They both accepted to deliver the case to the International Court of Justice.

in the country after the 2011 revolution.26 These tensions clearly show that at the moment Italy, trying to get along by itself, can only give day by day answers regarding foreign policy without a long term perspective of action. A positive change might come from the Mediterranean, as Italy decided to deploy the Navy in compliance with the agreements with al Sarraj’s Libyan Government in order to contain the migration flows. However, the Italian debate over this issue is more focused on a quite ideological controversy over the autonomy of the NGOs in rescuing lives and eventually on the present meaning of sovereignty, rather than on the key issue of national security.27 As in the past, foreign policy tensions could arise deep political divisions and make Italy weaker as a middle power.

7. Conclusion

Through some continuities with the past, but in a most uncertain international scenario, the force of geopolitics is once again emerging. Italy is the most affected power by the potential consequences of the global change driven across the Mediterranean basin by the migration flows. This issue could really reshape in some decades the Italian social, cultural and religious identity. Recently even Pope Francis said that rescuing lives and welcoming immigrants should be considered more important than national security. This kind of global humanitarian doctrine seems to be hardly acceptable for some EU members, as well as for the parties recently emerged in Italy. It is a fact that the Ius Soli law proposal, a very divisive issue, is no longer on agenda in the Italian political debate. Facing the global challenges without international partners will force Italy to take some strong position and, to some extent, to accept the idea of change, in order to remain a European and Mediterranean relevant actor.


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The Corruption of Regional Presidents in Italy from

In document Identity Crisis in Italy (Pldal 59-66)