• Nem Talált Eredményt

Conclusions – Persistence in the Italian Public Administration

In document Identity Crisis in Italy (Pldal 111-118)

From Post-war to the Twenty-first Century

5. Conclusions – Persistence in the Italian Public Administration

In the conclusions, it is worth focusing on the ‘historical persistence’14 that has characterised the Italian civil service. The history of the Italian public administration is permeated by a ‘dynamic conservatism’ in its path of institutional change. Reform is possible but only adapting and recasting the new policies in the administrative traditions. The history of the Italian civil service demonstrates the resilience of these traditions and their capacity to influence and model the development of reforms. As the administrative historian Geoffrey Elton (1953) pointed out, revolutions in public administration are rare and continuity in values, practices and structures is a dominant trend in this field. This is true even for the Italian State, in which some characteristics have persisted from the creation of the unitary State until today.

a) Ministerial model and centralism. The Napoleonic State was organised into min-istries and departments with a hierarchical structure and a top-down chain of command (Painter and Peters 2010; Raadschelders 2000). This model still characterises the Italian civil service of the twenty-first century. The central government remains organised into ministries shaped by public law and divided into two sections: ministerial cabinets,15 selected through political patronage, and departments under the lead of a director general, who is appointed by the Head of the Government from among professional civil servants.

This framework survived the administrative reforms of the 1990s and 2000s: the partial spoils system introduced by the Bassanini reforms produced instability and precariousness for the top-level positions of the civil service but did not scratch the Napoleonic model of ministries. In this context a typical reform developed during the 1990s in many Western democracies (Campbell and Wilson 1995; Castellani 2015, 2018), under the influence of the New Public Management paradigm (Hood 1991), which is the separation of policy advice, usually a function reserved to top-level civil servants, and policy implementation, developed by line management, did not occur. The organisation has remained hierarchical and unitary, and policy advice monopolised by ministerial cabinets composed of temporary civil servants chosen through political patronage. Furthermore, this model centralises the financial budget into ministries, especially into the Treasury through the Ragioneria Generale dello Stato.

This centralisation was further strengthened by 2008 in order to achieve more control over public expenditure and to promote a spending review. Moreover, the Prefetti and their offices, a symbolic institution of the centralistic Napoleonic State, are still working within the national territory with the main function of ensuring public security and managing emergency policies. There is a Prefetto office in every Italian province, another sign of the persistence of the centralistic framework in public administration. However, despite

14 This concept of historical persistence, or regularities, was particularly developed by the Italian political scientist Gianfranco Miglio (1988). He analysed recurrent political/institutional structures and behaviours through history that characterised a State or a political system.

15 Ministerial staff offices are organised in: a) ministerial cabinet, which exerts functions of coordination with other institutions in order to plan the policy-making process and it produces studies and report on policy issues;

b) legislative office, which drafts laws and regulation both in the phase of policy formulation and in the phase of policy implementation; c) technical secretariat, which drives the policy-formulation process establishing, in agreement with the Minister, principles and guidelines for policy action; d) press office, that manages relationships with the press for ministerial activities.

this prominent centralism, the centre of government has remained weak and dominated by local governments and parallel administration interests. Indeed, many differences occur in public policy implementation among different local governments, and the Italian central government does not seem strong enough to harmonise this process. To conclude on this point, as Cassese (2001) argues, the impact of the New Public Management paradigm, in comparative perspective, has not fostered separate and different administrative systems towards convergence, but it has produced similar policies on a global scale that, in their national implementation, have led to different results. Indeed, in every Western nation, the outcomes of the reforms have been influenced by and adapted to the national public administration tradition, demonstrating how understanding historical legacy matters in understanding the process of administrative reform.

b) Legalism and poor implementation. The dominance of administrative law has not been undermined by the intense efforts of reformers during the last twenty-five years. The legal paradigm continues to represent the shared framework around which a cohesive and decidedly impermeable civil service developed. It has been developed through history by a policy community (politicians, public service employees, trade unionists, journalists and experts) that has shared the language and the legal perspective, with its fundamental values and its administrative culture, as well as the criterion for the eventual access of external participants: in order to become a member of the community, it has been necessary to demonstrate a knowledge of legal terminology, with all the socio-cultural implications this had (Capano 1992, 2003; Dente 1999). The fact that, during the implementation phase of the reforms, policy guidelines on the instruments of reforms and strategies are all interpreted in ways that do not correspond to expectations is owing to the re-elaboration performed by the hegemonic paradigm and the theoretical coherence of the legal system. As Capano (2003) pointed out, due to the discretionary nature of the interpretation, it enables those charged with the duty of implementing legislative innovations to normalise the real impact thereof. Thus new policies were recasted within a grounded cultural framework and moulded by administrative traditions. Indeed, the Italian civil service has absorbed the most radical and innovative reforms undermining them with a poor or inexistent organisational implementation. Furthermore, legal accountability continued to prevail over accountability based on economic effectiveness and efficiency. Administrative reforms have been translated by the law educated civil servants into their juridical language, as the reforms had to be framed in legislation (Kickert 2007). Economic management discourse was translated into legal discourse, diverting attention from policy implementation and results (Ongaro 2009).

Administrative reforms have been reduced to laws and regulations, eliminating the phase of organisational change and performance audit. For the action of the hegemonic paradigm of legalism, the gap between ‘legal administration’, what is written into the laws and the aims expressed by the legislator, and ‘real administration’, the administrative organisation and practices, remained wide.

c) The lack of high-level civil service training. The attempts to set up an Advanced School of Public Administration to train higher civil servants failed. Furthermore, the preeminent model of civil service training has remained obsolete and based on juridical studies. Civil servants have remained more focused on formal accounting procedures than on managerial and operative practices (Tosatti 2000). The difficulties in attracting talented and skilled persons who can work and grow into the civil service have not been overcome

by the age of administrative reforms of the 1990s and 2000s. Hiring restrictions imposed on the public sector after the financial crisis of 2008 contributed to strengthen this trend.

d) The unsolved relationship between politics and administration. As we have seen, the separation began with the 20th century and it continued during Fascism, even if the regime’s control over civil servants was tighter. During the First Republic, the dominance of politics over administration was evident: political parties in the government promoted the policy of ‘power in exchange for (post) security’ to the civil service. Political patronage for the higher civil service posts was widespread and the responsibilities of civil servants in policy-making remained limited. In the 1990s, Cassese’s reform attempted to give more powers and responsibilities to the higher civil service, but a part of the reform was never implemented for the reasons we have described above. Furthermore, Bassanini’s reforms at the end of the 20th century introduced a new spoils system into the Italian civil service.

Political instability, which has remained high even in the last twenty years, and the new spoils system rules produced a continuous process of ‘in and out’ with regard to the higher civil service posts. The policy that ruled the relationship between the higher civil service and politics changed from security (of tenured) guaranteed by political parties in return for less power for civil servants to more administrative powers and money (for higher civil servants) in return of a new political patronage for political parties. The consequence has been a transient and acephalous civil service and the role of politics, through the ministerial cabinets made by temporary civil servants appointed from the outside by the Minister, has remained predominant in policy advice, policy design and policy-making.

Indeed, policy-making is not carried out by officials. Preparation of legislation is done in the ministerial cabinets. Officials only perform executive routine work, yet even that can be sabotaged. Many laws and acts are not implemented and executed by the administration.

The Italian civil service has remained weak in front of politics and spurious for the spoils system mechanism. Its instability and precariousness have put the higher civil service at the mercy of politics (Cassese 2014). Professional civil servants have continued to be mere formal enforcers of laws, means and aims established by politics.


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In document Identity Crisis in Italy (Pldal 111-118)