• Nem Talált Eredményt

The Situation of the Albanian Speaking Minority in Sicily 18

In document Identity Crisis in Italy (Pldal 143-150)

Linguistic Rights and Small Minority Communities in Italy from Trento to Sicily

7. The Situation of the Albanian Speaking Minority in Sicily 18

After the end of WWII, at the time of designing Italy’s new constitutional foundations, Sicily was granted a special autonomous statute under the Royal Decree n. 455, 15 May 1946. The idea of offering a relatively broad autonomy to the island was not only intended to counterbalance separatist movements, but it was also seen as a tool for helping the region’s economic development (Verde 2016). Almost two years before the adoption of the Italian Constitution, this special autonomy was a unique test to introduce a differential administrative structure in Italy. While the special autonomy statutes of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trento Alto-Adige/Südtirol and Valle d’Aosta have already from the beginning included provisions regarding the protection of minorities, any reference to minorities is

16 Established by the provincial law 29/1975.

17 Both established by the provincial law 18/1987.

18 Special thanks are due to Pietro Manali, Secretary General of the “BESA” Union and to H. E. Giorgio Demetrio Gallaro, Eparch of Piana degli Albanesi for providing valuable information on the current situation of Arbëreshë communities in Sicily during my research stay in Palermo in May 2017.

missing from the special autonomy statute of Sicily. Among historical linguistic minority communities recognised by Act 482/1999, approximately 50,000 Albanians (Arbëreshë) live in small municipalities around Palermo in Sicily (the total population of the island is around 5 million people), but only 15,135 speak the language.19 It shall be noted that the Arbëresh language is a historical dialect of Albanian and has been the language of these communities for the past 500 years, ever since the Albanians came to settle in Sicily after the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. Arbëreshë communities proved to be successful in maintaining their language because of their isolation, as Orthodox Christians living in the mountain areas. Other factors were the relative prosperity of the community, which made them distinctively proud in respect to rural Sicilians. The Council of Europe Advisory Committee in its last evaluation report points out that small language groups such as the Albanian community are given scarce attention, their language is threatened by extinction, and that there is a clear lack of public funding (Council of Europe 2015, 5). The example of Albanian-language communities in Sicily highlights the relative ineffectiveness of Act 482/1999 if regional, provincial legislative measures are missing. Nevertheless, within the limits of their competences, municipalities having strong Albanian traditions are inclined to protect and promote the Arbëresh language and culture (see below).

At regional level, the first legislative initiatives for the protection and promotion of historical Albanian minority language appeared in the 1980s. Nevertheless, the State Commissioner, responsible for the constitutional control of the decisions taken by the Sicilian Regional Assembly, omitted all the relevant legislative provisions adopted by the Regional Assembly.20 The first attempt was the adoption of the regional law 85/1981 (6 May 1981)21 on the promotion of learning the Sicilian dialect and the languages of ethnic minorities in schools. The State Commissioner abrogated the provisions regarding the teaching of minority languages, arguing that under Article 6 of the Constitution, this legislative subject is in the exclusive competence of the Italian State. A second initiative was presented to the Regional Assembly on 17 February 1992, on measures for the protection and development of the historic, cultural and linguistic heritage of the Sicilian community of Albanian origins.

Based on this legislative proposal the Regional Assembly adopted the regional law 26/1998 on the protection and development of the historic, cultural, and linguistic heritage of the Sicilian community of Albanian origins and other linguistic minorities. Following its earlier reasoning, the State Commissioner abrogated most of the provisions of the regional law, based on the perception that the protection of minorities is an exclusive competence of the Italian State.22 Like the previous initiatives, the Regional Assembly intended to establish a regional institute for Albanian language and culture and wanted to assign a separate budget for the promotion and protection of minority languages.

19 2011 national census see www.guzzardi.it/arberia/ (Accessed: 07 January 2018.)

20 The position of the State Commissioner (Commissario dello Stato) was established by Article 27 of the Statute of Sicily. Nominated by the Government, all regional laws adopted by the Regional Assembly had to be presented for approval to the Commissioner. If he/she found that the regional law is unconstitutional, he/she could submit a claim to the High Court which took the final decision on the constitutionality of the regional law. The Constitutional Court in its decision n. 255/2014 abolished the relative competencies of the State Commissioner, based on the relevant Act 3/2001 which extended significantly regional autonomy in Italy.

21 Legge regionale n. 85 del 06-05-1981, Gazzetta Ufficiale della Regione Sicilia. 09/05/1981. n. 23.

22 See Gazzetta Ufficiale della Regione Sicilia 16/10/1998. n. 52.

Since 1998, the constitutional framework has changed drastically: Act 482/1999 unquestionably opened the way to regional and provincial bodies for adopting minority protection measures. On the other hand the administrative reform introduced by Act 3/200123 grants broader autonomy to the regions, and the Constitutional Court abolished Articles 27 and 28 of the Regional Statute of Sicily which formed the legal basis for the State Commissioner to constitutional veto. Despite the positive legislative developments, the question of minorities has not appeared on the agenda of the Regional Assembly until 2017.

A new legislative initiative was submitted in May 2017, largely building on the previous laws adopted in 1981 and 1998.24 The new initiative focuses on three main issues:

1. Promotion and protection of the Albanian language. The law would establish a Regional Institute of Albanian Culture as a public authority responsible for the protection and promotion of the Albanian language. The main tasks of the institute would be offering Albanian language courses, doing research and publication on the Arbëresh language and culture. The cultural institute, based in Piana degli Albanesi/Hora e Arbëreshëvet shall co-operate closely with the department of the Albanian language of the University of Palermo.

2. Creation of an Arbëresh touristic district (“Skanderbeg”). The touristic district would cover all the municipalities where the legal provisions of the law would be applicable [Article 1 (2) names the municipalities of Piana degli Albanesi/Hora e Arbëreshëvet, Contessa Entellina/Kundìsë, Santa Cristina Gela/Sëndastinhë, Palazzo Adriano/Pallaci and Mezzojuso/

Munxifsi]. The regional assessor responsible for tourism shall provide financial means for the promotion of the new touristic district.

3. The new law would solicit the Region to sign agreements with the regional office of the public television broadcaster (RAI) and with private broadcasters to promote the inclusion of Albanian language programs in their television program.

The draft law also makes a proposal for allocating 150,000 Euros a year for the cultural institute.25 The General Assembly asked its Committee “V” to examine the draft law, but until today it has not taken decision on the adoption of the law.26

Even if at regional level Act 482/1999 has not yet been implemented, during the past decades, the municipalities where Albanians traditionally live, launched various local initiatives for the protection and promotion of Albanian minority interests. As the example of Piana degli Albanesi/Hora e Arbëreshëvet shows, municipality statutes may contain specific minority rights provisions.27 Article 17 of the Statute declares that the municipality has Albanian origins and it is proud to protect its linguistic, religious and cultural heritage. The

23 Adopted on 18 October 2001, “Modifiche al titolo V della parte seconda della Costituzione.” Gazzetta Ufficiale Serie Generale 24/10/2001. n. 248.

24 The legislative initiative was submitted by four members of the Assembly (Pino Apprendi, Alice Anselmo, Giovanni Panepinto and Filippo Panarello – all representing the left-wing Partito Democratico) on 11 May 2017, n. 1318. URL: www.ars.sicilia.it/DocumentiEsterni/ODG_PDF/ODG_16_2017_05_18_426_P.pdf (Accessed:

07 January 2018.)

25 30% of its budget would be assigned to the Department of Albanian Language and Literature of the University of Palermo.

26 The mandate of the Regional Assembly (“XVI” legislature) ended in 2017 and on 5 November 2017, regional parliamentary elections were hold. The winning parties (the right-wing coalition lead by Forza Italia) are usually less inclined to take minority issues into consideration.

27 For more details see www.comunepianadeglialbanesi.gov.it/images/Statuti_e_Regolamenti/statuto.pdf (Accessed: 07 January 2018.)

Municipality promotes the teaching and use of Arbëreshë in its schools, it introduces bilingual street sign and topographical signs and it fosters international co-operation with Albanians living elsewhere in Europe, in particular with Albania and Kosovo. The other Albanian municipalities in the region maintain similar commitments. In 2001, the five municipalities established a union of municipalities under Act 265/1999 which opened the possibility for local governments to exercise jointly certain competencies as a union of municipalities.

The “BESA” Union of Municipalities was created to promote and protect the Albanian language, traditions and culture in various fields.28 Receiving financial support from the central budget, “BESA” could set up language help-desks which offer information and help in accessing public administration and services for Albanian speakers. The municipalities also co-ordinate their activities in promoting tourism, publishing periodicals and books on Albanian culture and language and also in promoting the learning of Albanian in schools.

The local initiatives, however, cannot counterbalance the demographic tendencies and financial constraints that threaten the survival of the Albanian minority.

At administrative level, a serious problem is the lack of secondary school education in the Albanian speaking municipalities. After the first six years of elementary school, students have to continue their studies in Palermo. Consequently, even in the elementary school of Piana degli Albanesi, Albanian is taught as a special course and it is not the language of instruction. The improvement of education, the creation of better infrastructure and other necessary investments are impeded in lack of financial sources. Moreover the budgetary sources allocated from the central budget to the regional government for the protection and safeguarding of Albanian minority are often mismanaged by the regional government.29 Further major problems of the Arbëresh community root in the economic deprivation of the region where they live, pushing young adults to migrate to other regions of Italy.

Even if Act 482/1999 created a favourable legal framework at national level for the protection of minorities, in lack of a proper legislative and administrative implementation at regional level, and especially in lack of accessible financial resources, the situation of the Arbëresh minority in Sicily could not significantly improve.

8. Conclusions

Italian republican constitutionalism aims at reconciling the need to be una e indivisibile (one and indivisible) while at the same time promoting linguistic minorities. The result is a complex and abundant legislation at national, as well as regional level which is also quite inventive at finding equilibrium between the two aims.

The multi-levelled legal protection offered by the Constitution, Act 482/1999 and implementing measures which may be activated on a local (municipal) level can be seen as an innovative approach to address minority issues. But the potential protection mechanism available to linguistic minorities through Act 482/1999 is not fully and equally implemented in the different regions of Italy. The Act seeks a balance between the need to grant linguistic

28 These cover education, language learning, cultural activities, access to media, tourism, etc. (Article 5 of the Union’s Statute) see www.unibesa.it/statuto (Accessed: 07 January 2018.)

29 Author’s interviews with Pietro Manali, Secretary General of the “BESA” Union on 31 May 2017, and H. E.

Giorgio Demetrio Gallaro, Eparch of Piana degli Albanesi on 30 May 2017.

rights and the practical feasibility in cases where minorities are scattered throughout the territory (such as the establishment of a threshold to activate the minority language protection mechanism). On the other side, the twelve recognised minority languages do not enjoy an equal level of protection, they reflect a clear hierarchy (see above on the so-called

“super-protected” minorities). The fact that linguistic minorities are granted different levels of protection is undoubtedly compatible with the Italian Constitution. The Constitutional Court has consistently held that the legislator has the discretionary power to decide the form and degree of language rights and autonomy to be granted. This is also consistent with international legal standards. Nevertheless, the financial decentralisation of minority protection causes serious problems for small minorities living in economically deprived areas as the case of Sicilian Arbëresh has shown. The lack of public funding to implement language promotion activities and the lack of reliable data on actual (minority) language use can be seen as a fundamental problem of the Italian minority protection regime.30


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In document Identity Crisis in Italy (Pldal 143-150)