• Nem Talált Eredményt

T h c c o n c l u s i o n c y o u r o a c h o d i n t h i e b o s k w i l l o p o n u p a n o w v i E t a f o r a g e n o r a l i n c o r p o r a t i o n o f t h o i n t o l l e c t u a l a n d I i t o r a r y h o r i t a g e t i f ths German trAufklArung


Academic year: 2022

Ossza meg "T h c c o n c l u s i o n c y o u r o a c h o d i n t h i e b o s k w i l l o p o n u p a n o w v i E t a f o r a g e n o r a l i n c o r p o r a t i o n o f t h o i n t o l l e c t u a l a n d I i t o r a r y h o r i t a g e t i f ths German trAufklArung"


Teljes szövegt


' f i , 8 8


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1 6 , L A N E 2 O 9 P A N Y U R O A D s H A N G H A I ( z o ) . c n r r u a

T E L E P H O N E i 2 2 t 6 r

lnguot 2), L9]o.

Dr. Ocorg Lukace

c/o L. Franckc Ag. Volag Born, Switzorland

Doar Dr. Lukacet

I an tsktng tho ltborty te writc this lcttcr to tcll you how I havo road your rrGocthc und ecino ZcLln wlth groat ploaeurc and adniratlon.

I bcliovc tho gort of rsintorprotatlon you gavo ln thig book le prooicely what tho worlil ncod today for ite futuro intcllcctual and cultural rogcnora- t l o n . T h c c o n c l u s i o n c y o u r o a c h o d i n t h i e b o s k w i l l o p o n u p a n o w v i E t a f o r a g e n o r a l i n c o r p o r a t i o n o f t h o i n t o l l e c t u a l a n d I i t o r a r y h o r i t a g e t i f ths German trAufklArungrr into tho cultural horizon of thc progrsssiYo world.

I ara undortalcing to translato thie booklet of yours into Ohinorct hoping thus lo in+,r..rdurce you and your views to thc rcadlng publlc of this

c o u r r t r y . I w c n d o r i f i t w e r o p o s s t b l o t h a t y o u g i v e m e a c E r r i c u l u m v i t a o o f y o u r e o l f , p a r t i c u l a r l y a I i a t o f y o u r n a j o r r r r l t i n g e . I k n o w t h i s i g a great impoeition. dut I lacic any othor meano of gotting thie nocesoary l n f o r r n a t i o n i n t h i a p a r t o f t h e w o r l d . I e i t a t a I I p o s e i b l o i f y o u w e r o

!c yri.fc a ferr seiaianoc., uhct&nr in the fe,rs of + pref,aee or e lettar-to Bor exprossing your viowa on tho appoaronco of your book ln Chlncse voreion and lte poeeiblo eignificanco to ths ChlneEo at thle hietoric noucnt of thclr dostiny? It woul8 givc euch a porsonal and vlvid toueh ln additlon to tho offcct of tho book itgolf.

I am a profooaor of polittcal thogght at thc itiational Futan Univerelty in Shanghai. At thc eaoc tlno, I au dlrccting thc llaiJcwang Library of tlootorn Thought which I nyaolf have foundod togothor wlth Mr.

K . F . C h o n o f a L o c a l b a n k h o r c . f h c p u r p o e c o f t h i a L i b r a r y i s t o c o l l o c t works of grcat thinkorg of the l{ogt sinca Flato and cpecial t,roatlsoa on thc thought end thc poreoruof thsgc thtnkora, so that ovcntually rc tsay havo a conter hore in Shanghal for ths reacarch of 'ilort,crn;ulturo in ternc of ltg qroat- crcativc artieto and phllosophcrc. I hopc inJibllographlcal Iict of yourft'orkrr Vou uill givo thc dotailg of thcir datJe and pubtiahcre ao that thlg Llbrary rlay nanagc to buy thon Flcaes lndlcato the dotailg oapoclally if aqy of your uritingc havc bcen translatcd tnto Englieh and Prcnch. Most, of tho pooplc In thlg country can read Engllah and Frcnch bottor than Oernan.

iflth your pormleelen, I ehould llko to fa;r a fcw rrordg about Ntctzscho on whon you havc nado ronc caeual roferoncce ln your book. It hae eooncd t,o nc that I'ilctzsehc, rhilc ho has undoubtedly boon nrda usc of by thc Neztrt chsuld not bc .upparlly condenncd as tho lntellcctueL god-fathcr of Fescicn.

f tako hln r.a e pctty-boursoolr thlatccr in rcvslt agalnct the rclgnlng oulturo of thc lat,c capltallsl - wlth ltr rtrto worehlp and vulgarlzod Chrletianlty.

Nlctzgchcle al.n, I fcc}, ls t,o frco nrn fron thc oranping bendage of thc beurgooia convcntiona; hc ains ts fight for a frccr dovclopnont of pcrcoaallty agatnrt thr llnltatlear and conpleccnclcr of tho bourgoole soaloty. Htr nsupornent rcproeontc nothlng norc than a battlc-cry fer a frccr lndivlduallty.

?ha dacprratc Language ln rhleh hr cxprcsEca htc thought le nlelgadlng ln [l'l?l; ili-' lr

Lui:ecs ;1 "'


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1 6 , L A N E 2 O 9 P A N Y U R O A D s H A N G H A T ( z o ) , c s r N n


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Bany ualr., but it ecrvae oaly to rcflcct t,hc norc faithfully thc contra- diclionl and tho lnparcr of hie rgc and aoaiotS entcrlng ae it docs en thc IaEt phasc of capltalign. Nlitzcchc carrioe tha nindlviduelr rnd thc ndloricltlgtr trrdltlon of thc Ronalssancc to a con.ulltnatien pcaelblc ulthin tho lirsitr of t,ha bourgaoia aeolcty. Ro tr a pctty-bourgooic rcbcl t,otalty bliad to tho hletorio noaning of lbc rielng prolctarlat. Hc foundcrg

in tho ncntal donain of a potty-bourgcole, in whicb thc indlvldual atlll countr fer cv{6hlng, and lt 1r ln b;hrlf ef thc indtvldual tbat hc flghte hir lorlng baitlc agalnat thc cncroechnonto of tho noaepollrtla aapltalbn t,hcn arya{elking ln thc cult of 151 Stetr. But trc flghtrr qgalnrt, an cnonyt whoao naturr end idcntlty he cntircly failg to roc: hc fighte thorcforq A la Den Cuixetc. Hoto lloa his tragody. Hc ls antt-etatc, ho nay not bc i f f i p r - o t o - F a g c 1 s t . A p p r a 1 a c d e r a w h o l o , h 1 c l 1 n o o f t h e u g h t r p o o k e

ageinat trtha rcgimcntoil colloaltyr of Farolrn lnctced sf aurtalalBg lt.

I an probably wrong tn ny judgncnt. But I fcol thcrc le a nood of norc rofiscd rc-intorprctatlon of Niotzsehc, juet ae that of Doatoiveky whs I undarstand ta bolng oondcuod ae g rrltcr ln Soviot Rugcla. t'arhapl noitbcr of thc tro nay bi rcElalnod ao la any bda aonsc Drosrc?rl"c tblnkcre -- not in a pogltivc eGnlo. Eut porhap,a thcy ero so ln a ncgatlvc goneo:

tky rxpcc ana unOornipo t&r beurgroiferelity. Tboy do -at eld.-agd .eua!gfa--

lt. I

I ehall bo gratcful if you riII givc )rour coEncnt on this.

I bcllevc thcrc aro qulto a fo'* writcrs in Europo who arc crtlcr of dectcrn eultural hlstery llkc yoursolf. I ehall bo obligod if yeu wlII givo nc a for nance.

Wlth hlgh cmplirnont,g and eollcltudrt

$ l n o o r o l y y o u t E t

Addcss nc at: liaikwang Library of Wcstcrn Iiougc 15r Lanc 20P

Panyr Road, !@9IlI &, Chlna




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