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Requirements for the practice class of Physical Chemistry I Teacher: Gyula Samu gysamu@mail.bme.hu Building F I. Room 003/5


Academic year: 2022

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Requirements for the practice class of Physical Chemistry I Teacher: Gyula Samu

gysamu@mail.bme.hu Building F I. Room 003/5

The practical part of the Physical Chemistry I subject consists of six 90 minute classes. The covered material is a calculus overview, ideal gases, real gases (T-S diagram), thermal equilibria, phase transitions of one-component systems, and ideal mixtures. Attendance is not mandatory, but recommended.

At the end of the semester (6th of May) an open book problem solving test is written (not to be confused with the short tests written in the lectures). Students can use a calculator and any notes during this test, however, the use of electric devices (notebook, cell phone, etc.) is prohibited. The grade earned on this test is 35% of the final grade for the subject. Students have to earn a passing grade (higher than 1) on this test to be able to register for the oral exam of the subject. The test is graded as:

Points Grade

0-14.5 1

15-16.5 2

17-18.5 2.5

19-20.5 3

21-22.5 3.5

23-24.5 4

25-26.5 4.5

27-30 5

Students not satisfied with their test grade can re-take the test at either the 20th or the 27th of May.

Note that the second re-take option is only available to students who took the test at least one time before (at the 6th or 20th of May), and it costs an additional fee.



I In thermodynamics the entire thermal f'nergy of a gas is designated as internal (or intrinsic, or total) energy (Eint = C t ): in the kinetic theory of gases

The oral part of the exam is successful if the student can prove that he or she has a significant amount of knowledge (at least 50 %) about both topics.. Finally, the date on


• Plot the thermodynamic cycle on a p–V diagram and denote the known T, p, and V values!. • Collect the equations needed to answere

The system reaches equilibrium without exchanging heat with the enviroment (adiabatic) and at constant pressure (1 bar )... Real systems: water

IV.: Phase transitions of ideal one-component

Gyula Samu & Zolt´ an Rolik. V.:

Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, BME e-mail: zhorvolgyi@mail.bme.hu Consultant: Ádám Detrich.. email: adetrich@mail.bme.hu Department of Physical Chemistry