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Bu da pest,

2007. feb ru ár 28., szerda

23. szám

Ára: 3234,– Ft


2007: IV. tv. Az ENSZ Ég haj lat vál to zá si Ke ret egyez mény ben Ré szes Fe lek Kon fe ren ci á já nak 1997. évi har ma dik ülés sza kán el fo ga dott Ki o tói Jegy zõ könyv kihirdetésérõl. . . . 1059 2007: V. tv. Egy rész rõl az Euró pai Kö zös ség és tag ál la mai, más rész rõl a

Ma rok kói Ki rály ság kö zött lét re jött eu ro-me di ter rán lé gi - köz le ke dé si Meg álla po dás kihirdetésérõl. . . . 1082 2007: VI. tv. A kon zu li vé de lem rõl szóló 2001. évi XLVI. tör vé ny módosítá -

sáról. . . . 1099 22/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. A Ma gyar Köz tár sa ság Kor mány a és a Szlo vák Köz tár sa ság Kor -

mány a kö zött a Szlo vák Köz tár sa ság ál lam te rü le tén ta lál ha tó föld te rü le tek nek a ma gyar Sal gó tar ján-So mos kõ új fa lu te le pü lés ál tal épí tett szenny víz csa tor na üze mel te té sé re és kar ban tar tá sá ra tör té nõ ide ig le nes igény be vé te lé rõl szóló Meg álla po dás ki hir de - té sé rõl . . . . 1100 23/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. A köz szol gá la ti mû sor szol gál ta tók 2007. évi lét szám csök ken té sé -

nek költ ség ve té si támogatásáról. . . . 1101 24/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. A hosszú távú kö te le zett sé gek vál la lá sá nak egyes sza bá lya i ról . . . 1103 25/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. A köz biz ton ság ra kü lö nö sen ve szé lyes esz kö zök rõl szóló 175/2003.

(X. 28.) Korm. ren de let mó do sí tá sá ról. . . . 1105 26/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. Ha di tech ni kai esz kö zök és szol gál ta tá sok ki vi te lé nek, be ho za ta lá -

nak, transz fer jé nek és tran zit já nak en ge dé lye zé sé rõl szóló 16/2004. (II. 6.) Korm. rendelet módosításáról . . . . 1106 27/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. A tu laj don vi szo nyok ren de zé se ér de ké ben, az ál lam ál tal az ál lam -

pol gá rok tu laj do ná ban igaz ság ta la nul oko zott ká rok rész le ges kár pót lá sá ról szóló 1991. évi XXV. tör vé ny vég re haj tá sá ról szóló 104/1991. (VIII. 3.) Korm. ren de let és az egyes ér ték pa pí - rok elõ ál lí tá sá nak, ke ze lé sé nek és fi zi kai meg sem mi sí té sé nek biz ton sá gi sza bá lya i ról szóló 98/1995. (VIII. 24.) Korm. rendelet módosításáról . . . . 1136 28/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. A tár sa da lom biz to sí tá s el lá tá sa i ra és a ma gán nyug díj ra jo go sul tak -

ról, valamint e szol gál ta tá sok fe de ze té rõl szóló 1997. évi LXXX.

tör vé ny vég re haj tá sá ról szóló 195/1997. (XI. 5.) Korm. rendelet módosításáról . . . . 1137 29/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. A he lyi ön kor mány za tok cím zett és cél tá mo ga tá sa fel hasz ná lá sá nak

rész le tes sza bá lya i ról szóló 19/2005. (II. 11.) Korm. ren de let módosításáról . . . . 1139 30/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. Az Euró pai Unió struk tu rá lis alap ja i ból és Ko hé zi ós Alap já ból szár -

ma zó tá mo ga tá sok ha zai fel hasz ná lá sá ért fe le lõs in téz mé nyek rõl szóló 1/2004. (I. 5.) Korm. rendelet módosításáról . . . . 1140 31/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. r. A te rü let fej lesz tés sel és a te rü let ren de zés sel kap cso la tos informá -

ciós rend szer rõl és a kö te le zõ adat köz lés szabályairól . . . . 1141 12/2007. (II. 28.) FVM r. A nö vény egész ség ügyi fel ada tok vég re haj tá sá nak rész le tes sza bá -

lya i ról szóló 7/2001. (I. 17.) FVM ren de let módosításáról . . . . . 1152

A tar ta lom jegy zék az 1058. ol da lon foly ta tó dik.



25/2007. (II. 28.) GKM r. A nyil ván tar tás ba vé tel re kö te le zett áruk és szol gál ta tá sok kö ré rõl és az ezek re vo nat ko zó ke res ke del mi te vé keny ség gya kor lá sá nak

feltételeirõl . . . . 1153

6/2007. (II. 28.) KvVM r. A 2007. évi la kos sá gi víz- és csa tor na szol gál ta tás tá mo ga tás igény - lé sé nek és el bí rá lá sá nak rész le tes fel té te le i rõl, valamint az egész - sé ges ivó víz zel való el lá tás ide ig le nes mó do za ta i nak el len té te le - zé sé rõl . . . . 1154

10/2007. (II. 28.) OKM r. A kül föl di kul tu rá lis in té ze tek rõl . . . . 1160

7/2007. (II. 28.) AB h. Az Alkot mány bíró ság ha tá ro za ta . . . . 1162

8/2007. (II. 28.) AB h. Az Alkot mány bíró ság ha tá ro za ta . . . . 1165

28/2007. (II. 28.) KE h. Bí ró sá gok ül nö ke i nek meg vá lasz tá sa idõ pont já nak ki je lö lé sé rõl . . 1179

29/2007. (II. 28.) KE h. Ki tün te tés vi se lé sé rõl . . . . 1179

30/2007. (II. 28.) KE h. Ki tün te tés vi se lé sé rõl . . . . 1180

1008/2007. (II. 28.) Korm. h. A díj fi ze té si rend szer be be vont út há ló zat ki ter jesz té sé nek elveirõl. 1180 A Ma gyar Köz tár sa ság Leg fel sõbb Bí ró sá ga jog egy sé gi ha tá ro za ta (1/2007. KPJE szám) . . . . 1181

A Ma gyar Köz tár sa ság Kül ügy mi nisz té ri u má nak pá lyá za ti fel - hívása „Pro jekt ko or di ná ci ós iro da mû köd te té se, munkahely - teremtõ és ok ta tás fej lesz tõ pro jek tek meg va ló sí tá sa az af ga nisz - tá ni Bagh lan tar to mány ban a magyar vezetésû Tar to má nyi Új já - épí té si Cso port ke re té ben” tár gyá ban. . . . 1183

A Nem ze ti Em lék hely és Ke gye le ti Bi zott ság közleménye . . . . 1197

A Ma gyar or szá gi Szo ci ál de mok ra ta Párt 2005. évi pénz ügyi be - számolója . . . . 1198

A Ma gyar or szá gi Szo ci ál de mok ra ta Párt 2006. évi pénz ügyi be - számolója . . . . 1199

Az Or szá gos Szlo vén Ön kor mány zat 2007. évi költ ség ve té se . . . . 1200



Tör vé nyek

2007. évi IV.

tör vény

az ENSZ Éghajlatváltozási Keretegyezményben Részes Felek Konferenciájának 1997. évi harmadik

ülésszakán elfogadott Kiotói Jegyzõkönyv kihirdetésérõl*

(A Jegy zõ könyv a Ma gyar Köz tár sa ság te kin te té ben 2005. feb ru ár 16-án lé pett ha tály ba.)

1. § Az Or szág gyû lés az ENSZ Ég haj lat vál to zá si Ke ret - egyez mény ben Ré szes Fe lek Kon fe ren ci á já nak 1997. évi har ma dik ülés sza kán el fo ga dott Ki o tói Jegy zõ köny vet (a továb biak ban: Jegy zõ könyv) e tör vénnyel ki hir de ti.

2. § A Jegy zõ könyv hi te les an gol nyel vû szö veg e és annak hi va ta los ma gyar nyel vû for dí tá sa a kö vet ke zõ:

,,Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The Parties to this Protocol,

being Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, hereinafter referred to as

„the Convention”,

in pursuit of the ultimate objective of the Convention as stated in its Article 2,

recalling the provisions of the Convention, being guided by Article 3 of the Convention,

pursuant to the Berlin Mandate adopted by decision 1/CP.1 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention at its first session,

have ag re ed as fol lows:

Article 1

For the purposes of this Protocol, the definitions contained in Article 1 of the Convention shall apply. In addition:

1. ,,Conference of the Parties” means the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.

* A tör vényt az Or szág gyû lés a 2007. feb ru ár 19-i ülés nap ján fo gad ta el.

2. ,,Convention” means the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted in New York on 9 May 1992.

3. ,,Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”

means the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change established in 1988 jointly by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme.

4. ,,Montreal Protocol” means the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, adopted in Montreal on 16 September 1987 and as subsequently adjusted and amended.

5. ,,Parties present and voting” means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote.

6. ,,Party” means, unless the context otherwise indicates, a Party to this Protocol.

7. ,,Party included in Annex I” means a Party included in Annex I to the Convention, as may be amended, or a Party which has made a notification under Article 4, paragraph 2(g), of the Convention.

Article 2

1. Each Party included in Annex I, in achieving its quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under Article 3, in order to promote sustainable development, shall:

(a) Implement and/or further elaborate policies and measures in accordance with its national circumstances, such as:

(i) Enhancement of energy efficiency in relevant sectors of the national economy;

(ii) Protection and enhancement of sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, taking into account its commitments under relevant international environmental agreements;

promotion of sustainable forest management practices, afforestation and reforestation;

(iii) Promotion of sustainable forms of agriculture in light of climate change considerations;

(iv) Research on, and promotion, development and increased use of, new and renewable forms of energy, of carbon dioxide sequestration technologies and of advanced and innovative environmentally sound technologies;

(v) Progressive reduction or phasing out of market imperfections, fiscal incentives, tax and duty exemptions and subsidies in all greenhouse gas emitting sectors that run counter to the objective of the Convention and application of market instruments;

(vi) Encouragement of appropriate reforms in relevant sectors aimed at promoting policies and measures which


limit or reduce emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol;

(vii) Measures to limit and/or reduce emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the transport sector;

(viii) Limitation and/or reduction of methane emissions through recovery and use in waste management, as well as in the production, transport and distribution of energy;

(b) Cooperate with other such Parties to enhance the individual and combined effectiveness of their policies and measures adopted under this Article, pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2(e)(i), of the Convention. To this end, these Parties shall take steps to share their experience and exchange information on such policies and measures, including developing ways of improving their comparability, transparency and effectiveness. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall, at its first session or as soon as practicable thereafter, consider ways to facilitate such cooperation, taking into account all relevant information.

2. The Parties included in Annex I shall pursue limitation or reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol from aviation and marine bunker fuels, working through the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization, respectively.

3. The Parties included in Annex I shall strive to implement policies and measures under this Article in such a way as to minimize adverse effects, including the adverse effects of climate change, effects on international trade, and social, environmental and economic impacts on other Parties, especially developing country Parties and in particular those identified in Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention, taking into account Article 3 of the Convention. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol may take further action, as appropriate, to promote the implementation of the provisions of this paragraph.

4. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, if it decides that it would be beneficial to coordinate any of the policies and measures in paragraph 1(a) above, taking into account different national circumstances and potential effects, shall consider ways and means to elaborate the coordination of such policies and measures.

Article 3

1. The Parties included in Annex I shall, individually or jointly, ensure that their aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of the greenhouse gases listed in Annex A do not exceed their assigned amounts, calculated pursuant to their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments inscribed in Annex B and in

accordance with the provisions of this Article, with a view to reducing their overall emissions of such gases by at least 5 per cent below 1990 levels in the commitment period 2008 to 2012.

2. Each Party included in Annex I shall, by 2005, have made demonstrable progress in achieving its commitments under this Protocol.

3. The net changes in greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from direct human-induced land-use change and forestry activities, limited to afforestation, reforestation and deforestation since 1990, measured as verifiable changes in carbon stocks in each commitment period, shall be used to meet the commitments under this Article of each Party included in Annex I. The greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks associated with those activities shall be reported in a transparent and verifiable manner and reviewed in accordance with Articles 7 and 8.

4. Prior to the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, each Party included in Annex I shall provide, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, data to establish its level of carbon stocks in 1990 and to enable an estimate to be made of its changes in carbon stocks in subsequent years. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall, at its first session or as soon as practicable thereafter, decide upon modalities, rules and guidelines as to how, and which, additional human-induced activities related to changes in greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks in the agricultural soils and the land-use change and forestry categories shall be added to, or subtracted from, the assigned amounts for Parties included in Annex I, taking into account uncertainties, transparency in reporting, verifiability, the methodological work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the advice provided by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice in accordance with Article 5 and the decisions of the Conference of the Parties. Such a decision shall apply in the second and subsequent commitment periods. A Party may choose to apply such a decision on these additional human-induced activities for its first commitment period, provided that these activities have taken place since 1990.

5. The Parties included in Annex I undergoing the process of transition to a market economy whose base year or period was established pursuant to decision 9/CP.2 of the Conference of the Parties at its second session shall use that base year or period for the implementation of their commitments under this Article. Any other Party included in Annex I undergoing the process of transition to a market economy which has not yet submitted its first national communication under Article 12 of the Convention may also notify the Conference of the Parties serving as the


meeting of the Parties to this Protocol that it intends to use an historical base year or period other than 1990 for the implementation of its commitments under this Article. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall decide on the acceptance of such notification.

6. Taking into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Convention, in the implementation of their commitments under this Protocol other than those under this Article, a certain degree of flexibility shall be allowed by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol to the Parties included in Annex I undergoing the process of transition to a market economy.

7. In the first quantified emission limitation and reduction commitment period, from 2008 to 2012, the assigned amount for each Party included in Annex I shall be equal to the percentage inscribed for it in Annex B of its aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of the greenhouse gases listed in Annex A in 1990, or the base year or period determined in accordance with paragraph 5 above, multiplied by five. Those Parties included in Annex I for whom land-use change and forestry constituted a net source of greenhouse gas emissions in 1990 shall include in their 1990 emissions base year or period the aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by sources minus removals by sinks in 1990 from land-use change for the purposes of calculating their assigned amount.

8. Any Party included in Annex I may use 1995 as its base year for hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride, for the purposes of the calculation referred to in paragraph 7 above.

9. Commitments for subsequent periods for Parties included in Annex I shall be established in amendments to Annex B to this Protocol, which shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of Article 21, paragraph 7.

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall initiate the consideration of such commitments at least seven years before the end of the first commitment period referred to in paragraph 1 above.

10. Any emission reduction units, or any part of an assigned amount, which a Party acquires from another Party in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 or of Article 17 shall be added to the assigned amount for the acquiring Party.

11. Any emission reduction units, or any part of an assigned amount, which a Party transfers to another Party in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 or of Article 17 shall be subtracted from the assigned amount for the transferring Party.

12. Any certified emission reductions which a Party acquires from another Party in accordance with the

provisions of Article 12 shall be added to the assigned amount for the acquiring Party.

13. If the emissions of a Party included in Annex I in a commitment period are less than its assigned amount under this Article, this difference shall, on request of that Party, be added to the assigned amount for that Party for subsequent commitment periods.

14. Each Party included in Annex I shall strive to implement the commitments mentioned in paragraph 1 above in such a way as to minimize adverse social, environmental and economic impacts on developing country Parties, particularly those identified in Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention. In line with relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties on the implementation of those paragraphs, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall, at its first session, consider what actions are necessary to minimize the adverse effects of climate change and/or the impacts of response measures on Parties referred to in those paragraphs. Among the issues to be considered shall be the establishment of funding, insurance and transfer of technology.

Article 4

1. Any Parties included in Annex I that have reached an agreement to fulfil their commitments under Article 3 jointly, shall be deemed to have met those commitments provided that their total combined aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of the greenhouse gases listed in Annex A do not exceed their assigned amounts calculated pursuant to their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments inscribed in Annex B and in accordance with the provisions of Article 3. The respective emission level allocated to each of the Parties to the agreement shall be set out in that agreement.

2. The Parties to any such agreement shall notify the secretariat of the terms of the agreement on the date of deposit of their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of this Protocol, or accession thereto. The secretariat shall in turn inform the Parties and signatories to the Convention of the terms of the agreement.

3. Any such agreement shall remain in operation for the duration of the commitment period specified in Article 3, paragraph 7.

4. If Parties acting jointly do so in the framework of, and together with, a regional economic integration organization, any alteration in the composition of the organization after adoption of this Protocol shall not affect existing commitments under this Protocol. Any alteration in the composition of the organization shall only apply for


the purposes of those commitments under Article 3 that are adopted subsequent to that alteration.

5. In the event of failure by the Parties to such an agreement to achieve their total combined level of emission reductions, each Party to that agreement shall be responsible for its own level of emissions set out in the agreement.

6. If Parties acting jointly do so in the framework of, and together with, a regional economic integration organization which is itself a Party to this Protocol, each member State of that regional economic integration organization individually, and together with the regional economic integration organization acting in accordance with Article 24, shall, in the event of failure to achieve the total combined level of emission reductions, be responsible for its level of emissions as notified in accordance with this Article.

Article 5

1. Each Party included in Annex I shall have in place, no later than one year prior to the start of the first commitment period, a national system for the estimation of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol. Guidelines for such national systems, which shall incorporate the methodologies specified in paragraph 2 below, shall be decided upon by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol at its first session.

2. Methodologies for estimating anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol shall be those accepted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties at its third session. Where such methodologies are not used, appropriate adjustments shall be applied according to methodologies agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol at its first session. Based on the work of, inter alia, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and advice provided by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall regularly review and, as appropriate, revise such methodologies and adjustments, taking fully into account any relevant decisions by the Conference of the Parties. Any revision to methodologies or adjustments shall be used only for the purposes of ascertaining compliance with commitments under Article 3 in respect of any commitment period adopted subsequent to that revision.

3. The global warming potentials used to calculate the carbon dioxide equivalence of anthropogenic emissions by

sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases listed in Annex A shall be those accepted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties at its third session.

Based on the work of, inter alia, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and advice provided by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall regularly review and, as appropriate, revise the global warming potential of each such greenhouse gas, taking fully into account any relevant decisions by the Conference of the Parties. Any revision to a global warming potential shall apply only to commitments under Article 3 in respect of any commitment period adopted subsequent to that revision.

Article 6

1. For the purpose of meeting its commitments under Article 3, any Party included in Annex I may transfer to, or acquire from, any other such Party emission reduction units resulting from projects aimed at reducing anthropogenic emissions by sources or enhancing anthropogenic removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in any sector of the economy, provided that:

(a) Any such project has the approval of the Parties involved;

(b) Any such project provides a reduction in emissions by sources, or an enhancement of removals by sinks, that is additional to any that would otherwise occur;

(c) It does not acquire any emission reduction units if it is not in compliance with its obligations under Articles 5 and 7; and

(d) The acquisition of emission reduction units shall be supplemental to domestic actions for the purposes of meeting commitments under Article 3.

2. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol may, at its first session or as soon as practicable thereafter, further elaborate guidelines for the implementation of this Article, including for verification and reporting.

3. A Party included in Annex I may authorize legal entities to participate, under its responsibility, in actions leading to the generation, transfer or acquisition under this Article of emission reduction units.

4. If a question of implementation by a Party included in Annex I of the requirements referred to in this Article is identified in accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 8, transfers and acquisitions of emission reduction units may continue to be made after the question has been identified, provided that any such units may not be used by a Party to meet its commitments under Article 3 until any issue of compliance is resolved.


Article 7

1. Each Party included in Annex I shall incorporate in its annual inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, submitted in accordance with the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties, the necessary supplementary information for the purposes of ensuring compliance with Article 3, to be determined in accordance with paragraph 4 below.

2. Each Party included in Annex I shall incorporate in its national communication, submitted under Article 12 of the Convention, the supplementary information necessary to demonstrate compliance with its commitments under this Protocol, to be determined in accordance with paragraph 4 below.

3. Each Party included in Annex I shall submit the information required under paragraph 1 above annually, beginning with the first inventory due under the Convention for the first year of the commitment period after this Protocol has entered into force for that Party.

Each such Party shall submit the information required under paragraph 2 above as part of the first national communication due under the Convention after this Protocol has entered into force for it and after the adoption of guidelines as provided for in paragraph 4 below. The frequency of subsequent submission of information required under this Article shall be determined by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, taking into account any timetable for the submission of national communications decided upon by the Conference of the Parties.

4. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall adopt at its first session, and review periodically thereafter, guidelines for the preparation of the information required under this Article, taking into account guidelines for the preparation of national communications by Parties included in Annex I adopted by the Conference of the Parties. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall also, prior to the first commitment period, decide upon modalities for the accounting of assigned amounts.

Article 8

1. The information submitted under Article 7 by each Party included in Annex I shall be reviewed by expert review teams pursuant to the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties and in accordance with guidelines adopted for this purpose by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol under paragraph 4 below. The information submitted under Article 7, paragraph 1, by each Party

included in Annex I shall be reviewed as part of the annual compilation and accounting of emissions inventories and assigned amounts. Additionally, the information submitted under Article 7, paragraph 2, by each Party included in Annex I shall be reviewed as part of the review of communications.

2. Expert review teams shall be coordinated by the secretariat and shall be composed of experts selected from those nominated by Parties to the Convention and, as appropriate, by intergovernmental organizations, in accordance with guidance provided for this purpose by the Conference of the Parties.

3. The review process shall provide a thorough and comprehensive technical assessment of all aspects of the implementation by a Party of this Protocol. The expert review teams shall prepare a report to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, assessing the implementation of the commitments of the Party and identifying any potential problems in, and factors influencing, the fulfilment of commitments. Such reports shall be circulated by the secretariat to all Parties to the Convention. The secretariat shall list those questions of implementation indicated in such reports for further consideration by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol.

4. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall adopt at its first session, and review periodically thereafter, guidelines for the review of implementation of this Protocol by expert review teams taking into account the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties.

5. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall, with the assistance of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and, as appropriate, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, consider:

(a) The information submitted by Parties under Article 7 and the reports of the expert reviews thereon conducted under this Article; and

(b) Those questions of implementation listed by the secretariat under paragraph 3 above, as well as any questions raised by Parties.

6. Pursuant to its consideration of the information referred to in paragraph 5 above, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall take decisions on any matter required for the implementation of this Protocol.

Article 9

1. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall periodically review this


Protocol in the light of the best available scientific information and assessments on climate change and its impacts, as well as relevant technical, social and economic information. Such reviews shall be coordinated with pertinent reviews under the Convention, in particular those required by Article 4, paragraph 2(d), and Article 7, paragraph 2(a), of the Convention. Based on these reviews, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall take appropriate action.

2. The first review shall take place at the second session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol. Further reviews shall take place at regular intervals and in a timely manner.

Article 10

All Parties, taking into account their common but differentiated responsibilities and their specific national and regional development priorities, objectives and circumstances, without introducing any new commitments for Parties not included in Annex I, but reaffirming existing commitments under Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention, and continuing to advance the implementation of these commitments in order to achieve sustainable development, taking into account Article 4, paragraphs 3, 5 and 7, of the Convention, shall:

(a) Formulate, where relevant and to the extent possible, cost-effective national and, where appropriate, regional programmes to improve the quality of local emission factors, activity data and/or models which reflect the socio-economic conditions of each Party for the preparation and periodic updating of national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, using comparable methodologies to be agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties, and consistent with the guidelines for the preparation of national communications adopted by the Conference of the Parties;

(b) Formulate, implement, publish and regularly update national and, where appropriate, regional programmes containing measures to mitigate climate change and measures to facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change:

(i) Such programmes would, inter alia, concern the energy, transport and industry sectors as well as agriculture, forestry and waste management. Furthermore, adaptation technologies and methods for improving spatial planning would improve adaptation to climate change; and

(ii) Parties included in Annex I shall submit information on action under this Protocol, including national programmes, in accordance with Article 7; and other Parties shall seek to include in their national communications, as appropriate, information on

programmes which contain measures that the Party believes contribute to addressing climate change and its adverse impacts, including the abatement of increases in greenhouse gas emissions, and enhancement of and removals by sinks, capacity building and adaptation measures;

(c) Cooperate in the promotion of effective modalities for the development, application and diffusion of, and take all practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, the transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound technologies, know-how, practices and processes pertinent to climate change, in particular to developing countries, including the formulation of policies and programmes for the effective transfer of environmentally sound technologies that are publicly owned or in the public domain and the creation of an enabling environment for the private sector, to promote and enhance the transfer of, and access to, environmentally sound technologies;

(d) Cooperate in scientific and technical research and promote the maintenance and the development of systematic observation systems and development of data archives to reduce uncertainties related to the climate system, the adverse impacts of climate change and the economic and social consequences of various response strategies, and promote the development and strengthening of endogenous capacities and capabilities to participate in international and intergovernmental efforts, programmes and networks on research and systematic observation, taking into account Article 5 of the Convention;

(e) Cooperate in and promote at the international level, and, where appropriate, using existing bodies, the development and implementation of education and training programmes, including the strengthening of national capacity building, in particular human and institutional capacities and the exchange or secondment of personnel to train experts in this field, in particular for developing countries, and facilitate at the national level public awareness of, and public access to information on, climate change. Suitable modalities should be developed to implement these activities through the relevant bodies of the Convention, taking into account Article 6 of the Convention;

(f) Include in their national communications information on programmes and activities undertaken pursuant to this Article in accordance with relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties; and

(g) Give full consideration, in implementing the commitments under this Article, to Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Convention.

Article 11

1. In the implementation of Article 10, Parties shall take into account the provisions of Article 4, paragraphs 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, of the Convention.


2. In the context of the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 3, and Article 11 of the Convention, and through the entity or entities entrusted with the operation of the financial mechanism of the Convention, the developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II to the Convention shall:

(a) Provide new and additional financial resources to meet the agreed full costs incurred by developing country Parties in advancing the implementation of existing commitments under Article 4, paragraph 1(a), of the Convention that are covered in Article 10, subparagraph (a); and

(b) Also provide such financial resources, including for the transfer of technology, needed by the developing country Parties to meet the agreed full incremental costs of advancing the implementation of existing commitments under Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention that are covered by Article 10 and that are agreed between a developing country Party and the international entity or entities referred to in Article 11 of the Convention, in accordance with that Article.

The implementation of these existing commitments shall take into account the need for adequacy and predictability in the flow of funds and the importance of appropriate burden sharing among developed country Parties. The guidance to the entity or entities entrusted with the operation of the financial mechanism of the Convention in relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties, including those agreed before the adoption of this Protocol, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the provisions of this paragraph.

3. The developed country Parties and other developed Parties in Annex II to the Convention may also provide, and developing country Parties avail themselves of, financial resources for the implementation of Article 10, through bilateral, regional and other multilateral channels.

Article 12

1. A clean development mechanism is hereby defined.

2. The purpose of the clean development mechanism shall be to assist Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention, and to assist Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under Article 3.

3. Under the clean development mechanism:

(a) Parties not included in Annex I will benefit from project activities resulting in certified emission reductions;


(b) Parties included in Annex I may use the certified emission reductions accruing from such project activities to contribute to compliance with part of their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under Article 3, as determined by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol.

4. The clean development mechanism shall be subject to the authority and guidance of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol and be supervised by an executive board of the clean development mechanism.

5. Emission reductions resulting from each project activity shall be certified by operational entities to be designated by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, on the basis of:

(a) Voluntary participation approved by each Party involved;

(b) Real, measurable, and long-term benefits related to the mitigation of climate change; and

(c) Reductions in emissions that are additional to any that would occur in the absence of the certified project activity.

6. The clean development mechanism shall assist in arranging funding of certified project activities as necessary.

7. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall, at its first session, elaborate modalities and procedures with the objective of ensuring transparency, efficiency and accountability through independent auditing and verification of project activities.

8. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall ensure that a share of the proceeds from certified project activities is used to cover administrative expenses as well as to assist developing country Parties that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change to meet the costs of adaptation.

9. Participation under the clean development mechanism, including in activities mentioned in paragraph 3(a) above and in the acquisition of certified emission reductions, may involve private and/or public entities, and is to be subject to whatever guidance may be provided by the executive board of the clean development mechanism.

10. Certified emission reductions obtained during the period from the year 2000 up to the beginning of the first commitment period can be used to assist in achieving compliance in the first commitment period.

Article 13

1. The Conference of the Parties, the supreme body of the Convention, shall serve as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol.


2. Parties to the Convention that are not Parties to this Protocol may participate as observers in the proceedings of any session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol. When the Conference of the Parties serves as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, decisions under this Protocol shall be taken only by those that are Parties to this Protocol.

3. When the Conference of the Parties serves as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, any member of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties representing a Party to the Convention but, at that time, not a Party to this Protocol, shall be replaced by an additional member to be elected by and from amongst the Parties to this Protocol.

4. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall keep under regular review the implementation of this Protocol and shall make, within its mandate, the decisions necessary to promote its effective implementation. It shall perform the functions assigned to it by this Protocol and shall:

(a) Assess, on the basis of all information made available to it in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol, the implementation of this Protocol by the Parties, the overall effects of the measures taken pursuant to this Protocol, in particular environmental, economic and social effects as well as their cumulative impacts and the extent to which progress towards the objective of the Convention is being achieved;

(b) Periodically examine the obligations of the Parties under this Protocol, giving due consideration to any reviews required by Article 4, paragraph 2(d), and Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Convention, in the light of the objective of the Convention, the experience gained in its implementation and the evolution of scientific and technological knowledge, and in this respect consider and adopt regular reports on the implementation of this Protocol;

(c) Promote and facilitate the exchange of information on measures adopted by the Parties to address climate change and its effects, taking into account the differing circumstances, responsibilities and capabilities of the Parties and their respective commitments under this Protocol;

(d) Facilitate, at the request of two or more Parties, the coordination of measures adopted by them to address climate change and its effects, taking into account the differing circumstances, responsibilities and capabilities of the Parties and their respective commitments under this Protocol;

(e) Promote and guide, in accordance with the objective of the Convention and the provisions of this Protocol, and taking fully into account the relevant decisions by the Conference of the Parties, the development and periodic refinement of comparable methodologies for the effective implementation of this Protocol, to be agreed on by the

Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol;

(f) Make recommendations on any matters necessary for the implementation of this Protocol;

(g) Seek to mobilize additional financial resources in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 2;

(h) Establish such subsidiary bodies as are deemed necessary for the implementation of this Protocol;

(i) Seek and utilize, where appropriate, the services and cooperation of, and information provided by, competent international organizations and intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies; and

(j) Exercise such other functions as may be required for the implementation of this Protocol, and consider any assignment resulting from a decision by the Conference of the Parties.

5. The rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties and financial procedures applied under the Convention shall be applied mutatis mutandis under this Protocol, except as may be otherwise decided by consensus by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol.

6. The first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall be convened by the secretariat in conjunction with the first session of the Conference of the Parties that is scheduled after the date of the entry into force of this Protocol.

Subsequent ordinary sessions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall be held every year and in conjunction with ordinary sessions of the Conference of the Parties, unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol.

7. Extraordinary sessions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall be held at such other times as may be deemed necessary by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol, or at the written request of any Party, provided that, within six months of the request being communicated to the Parties by the secretariat, it is supported by at least one third of the Parties.

8. The United Nations, its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any State member thereof or observers thereto not party to the Convention, may be represented at sessions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol as observers. Any body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, which is qualified in matters covered by this Protocol and which has informed the secretariat of its wish to be represented at a session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol as an observer, may be so admitted unless at least one third of the Parties present object. The admission and


participation of observers shall be subject to the rules of procedure, as referred to in paragraph 5 above.

Article 14

1. The secretariat established by Article 8 of the Convention shall serve as the secretariat of this Protocol.

2. Article 8, paragraph 2, of the Convention on the functions of the secretariat, and Article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention on arrangements made for the functioning of the secretariat, shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Protocol. The secretariat shall, in addition, exercise the functions assigned to it under this Protocol.

Article 15

1. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and

Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation established by Articles 9 and 10 of the Convention shall serve as, respectively, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation of this Protocol. The provisions relating to the functioning of these two bodies under the Convention shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Protocol. Sessions of the meetings of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation of this Protocol shall be held in conjunction with the meetings of, respectively, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation of the Convention.

2. Parties to the Convention that are not Parties to this Protocol may participate as observers in the proceedings of any session of the subsidiary bodies. When the subsidiary bodies serve as the subsidiary bodies of this Protocol, decisions under this Protocol shall be taken only by those that are Parties to this Protocol.

3. When the subsidiary bodies established by Articles 9 and 10 of the Convention exercise their functions with regard to matters concerning this Protocol, any member of the Bureaux of those subsidiary bodies representing a Party to the Convention but, at that time, not a party to this Protocol, shall be replaced by an additional member to be elected by and from amongst the Parties to this Protocol.

Article 16

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall, as soon as practicable, consider the application to this Protocol of, and modify as appropriate, the multilateral consultative process referred to in Article 13 of the Convention, in the light of any

relevant decisions that may be taken by the Conference of the Parties. Any multilateral consultative process that may be applied to this Protocol shall operate without prejudice to the procedures and mechanisms established in accordance with Article 18.

Article 17

The Conference of the Parties shall define the relevant principles, modalities, rules and guidelines, in particular for verification, reporting and accountability for emissions trading. The Parties included in Annex B may participate in emissions trading for the purposes of fulfilling their commitments under Article 3. Any such trading shall be supplemental to domestic actions for the purpose of meeting quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under that Article.

Article 18

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall, at its first session, approve appropriate and effective procedures and mechanisms to determine and to address cases of non-compliance with the provisions of this Protocol, including through the development of an indicative list of consequences, taking into account the cause, type, degree and frequency of non-compliance. Any procedures and mechanisms under this Article entailing binding consequences shall be adopted by means of an amendment to this Protocol.

Article 19

The provisions of Article 14 of the Convention on settlement of disputes shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Protocol.

Article 20

1. Any Party may propose amendments to this Protocol.

2. Amendments to this Protocol shall be adopted at an ordinary session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol. The text of any proposed amendment to this Protocol shall be communicated to the Parties by the secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption. The secretariat shall also communicate the text of any proposed amendments to the Parties and signatories to the Convention and, for information, to the Depositary.


3. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to this Protocol by consensus. If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the amendment shall as a last resort be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting. The adopted amendment shall be communicated by the secretariat to the Depositary, who shall circulate it to all Parties for their acceptance.

4. Instruments of acceptance in respect of an amendment shall be deposited with the Depositary. An amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph 3 above shall enter into force for those Parties having accepted it on the ninetieth day after the date of receipt by the Depositary of an instrument of acceptance by at least three fourths of the Parties to this Protocol.

5. The amendment shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after the date on which that Party deposits with the Depositary its instrument of acceptance of the said amendment.

Article 21

1. Annexes to this Protocol shall form an integral part thereof and, unless otherwise expressly provided, a reference to this Protocol constitutes at the same time a reference to any annexes thereto. Any annexes adopted after the entry into force of this Protocol shall be restricted to lists, forms and any other material of a descriptive nature that is of a scientific, technical, procedural or administrative character.

2. Any Party may make proposals for an annex to this Protocol and may propose amendments to annexes to this Protocol.

3. Annexes to this Protocol and amendments to annexes to this Protocol shall be adopted at an ordinary session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol. The text of any proposed annex or amendment to an annex shall be communicated to the Parties by the secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption. The secretariat shall also communicate the text of any proposed annex or amendment to an annex to the Parties and signatories to the Convention and, for information, to the Depositary.

4. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed annex or amendment to an annex by consensus. If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the annex or amendment to an annex shall as a last resort be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting. The adopted annex or amendment to an annex shall be communicated by the secretariat to the

Depositary, who shall circulate it to all Parties for their acceptance.

5. An annex, or amendment to an annex other than Annex A or B, that has been adopted in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 above shall enter into force for all Parties to this Protocol six months after the date of the communication by the Depositary to such Parties of the adoption of the annex or adoption of the amendment to the annex, except for those Parties that have notified the Depositary, in writing, within that period of their non-acceptance of the annex or amendment to the annex.

The annex or amendment to an annex shall enter into force for Parties which withdraw their notification of non-acceptance on the ninetieth day after the date on which withdrawal of such notification has been received by the Depositary.

6. If the adoption of an annex or an amendment to an annex involves an amendment to this Protocol, that annex or amendment to an annex shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to this Protocol enters into force.

7. Amendments to Annexes A and B to this Protocol shall be adopted and enter into force in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 20, provided that any amendment to Annex B shall be adopted only with the written consent of the Party concerned.

Article 22

1. Each Party shall have one vote, except as provided for in paragraph 2 below.

2. Regional economic integration organizations, in matters within their competence, shall exercise their right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of their member States that are Parties to this Protocol. Such an organization shall not exercise its right to vote if any of its member States exercises its right, and vice versa.

Article 23

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the Depositary of this Protocol.

Article 24

1. This Protocol shall be open for signature and subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by States and regional economic integration organizations which are Parties to the Convention. It shall be open for signature at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 16 March 1998 to 15 March 1999. This Protocol shall be open for accession from the day after the date on which it is closed


for signature. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.

2. Any regional economic integration organization which becomes a Party to this Protocol without any of its member States being a Party shall be bound by all the obligations under this Protocol. In the case of such organizations, one or more of whose member States is a Party to this Protocol, the organization and its member States shall decide on their respective responsibilities for the performance of their obligations under this Protocol. In such cases, the organization and the member States shall not be entitled to exercise rights under this Protocol concurrently.

3. In their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, regional economic integration organizations shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by this Protocol.

These organizations shall also inform the Depositary, who shall in turn inform the Parties, of any substantial modification in the extent of their competence.

Article 25

1. This Protocol shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date on which not less than 55 Parties to the Convention, incorporating Parties included in Annex I which accounted in total for at least 55 per cent of the total carbon dioxide emissions for 1990 of the Parties included in Annex I, have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

2. For the purposes of this Article, „the total carbon dioxide emissions for 1990 of the Parties included in Annex I” means the amount communicated on or before the date of adoption of this Protocol by the Parties included in Annex I in their first national communications submitted in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention.

3. For each State or regional economic integration organization that ratifies, accepts or approves this Protocol or accedes thereto after the conditions set out in paragraph 1 above for entry into force have been fulfilled, this Protocol shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

4. For the purposes of this Article, any instrument deposited by a regional economic integration organization shall not be counted as additional to those deposited by States members of the organization.

Article 26

No reservations may be made to this Protocol.

Article 27

1. At any time after three years from the date on which this Protocol has entered into force for a Party, that Party may withdraw from this Protocol by giving written notification to the Depositary.

2. Any such withdrawal shall take effect upon expiry of one year from the date of receipt by the Depositary of the notification of withdrawal, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification of withdrawal.

3. Any Party that withdraws from the Convention shall be considered as also having withdrawn from this Protocol.

Article 28

The original of this Protocol, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Done at Kyoto this eleventh day of December one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have affixed their signatures to this Protocol on the dates indicated.

Annex A Greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Methane (CH4) Nitrous oxide (N2O) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)

Sectors/source categories Energy

Fuel com bus ti on Energy in dust ri es

Ma nu fac tu ring in dust ri es and const ruc ti on Trans port

Ot her sec tors Ot her

Fu gi ti ve emis si ons from fu els So lid fu els

Oil and na tu ral gas Ot her

Industrial processes Mi ne ral pro ducts Che mi cal in dust ry


Me tal pro duc ti on Ot her pro duc ti on

Pro duc ti on of ha lo car bons and sulp hur he xaf lu o ri de Con sump ti on of ha lo car bons and sulp hur

he xaf lu o ri de Ot her

Solvent and other product use Agriculture

En te ric fer men ta ti on Ma nu re ma na ge ment Rice cul ti va ti on Ag ri cul tu ral so ils

Presc ri bed bur ning of sa van nas Fi eld bur ning of ag ri cul tu ral re si du es Ot her


So lid was te dis po sal on land Was te wa ter hand ling Was te in ci ne ra ti on Ot her

Annex B

Party Quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment

(percentage of base year or period) Australia 108

Austria 92 Belgium 92 Bulgaria* 92 Canada 94 Croatia* 95

Czech Republic* 92 Denmark 92 Estonia* 92

European Community 92 Finland 92

France 92 Germany 92 Greece 92 Hungary* 94 Iceland 110 Ireland 92 Italy 92 Japan 94 Latvia* 92 Liechtenstein 92 Lithuania* 92 Luxembourg 92 Monaco 92 Netherlands 92 New Zealand 100 Norway 101

Poland* 94 Portugal 92 Romania* 92

Russian Federation* 100 Slovakia* 92

Slovenia* 92 Spain 92 Sweden 92 Switzerland 92 Ukraine* 100

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 92 United States of America 93

* Co unt ri es that are un der go ing the pro cess of tran si ti on to a mar ket eco - no my.”

„Kiotói Jegyzõkönyv az Egyesült Nemzetek Éghajlatváltozási Keretegyezményéhez E Jegy zõ könyv ré szes fe lei,

lé vén ré szes fe lei az Egye sült Nem ze tek ég haj lat vál to - zá si ke ret egyez mé nyé nek (a továb biak ban: egyez mény),

tö re ked ve az egyez mény 2. cik ké ben ki nyil vá ní tott vég - sõ cél ki tû zés el éré sé re,

em lé kez tet ve az egyez mény ren del ke zé se i re, kö vet ve az egyez mény 3. cik két,

meg fe lel ve az egyez mény ré szes fe lei ál tal tar tott kon fe - ren cia elsõ ülés sza ká nak 1/CP.1 ha tá ro za tá val el fo ga dott Ber li ni Man dá tum nak,

a kö vet ke zõk ben ál la pod tak meg:

1. cikk

E jegy zõ könyv al kal ma zá sá ban az egyez mény 1. cik ké - ben sze rep lõ meg ha tá ro zá so kat kell al kal maz ni. Ezen kí - vül:

1. ,,Fe lek Kon fe ren ci á ja”: az egyez mény ré szes fe le i - nek kon fe ren ci á ja;

2. ,,egyez mény”: az Egye sült Nem ze tek New York ban, 1992. má jus 9-én el fo ga dott ég haj lat vál to zá si ke ret egyez - mé nye;

3. ,,ég haj lat vál to zás sal fog lal ko zó kor mány kö zi mun - ka cso port”: 1988-ban a Me te o ro ló gi ai Vi lág szer ve zet és az Egye sült Nem ze tek Kör nye zet vé del mi Prog ram ja ál tal kö zö sen lét re ho zott, ég haj lat vál to zás sal fog lal ko zó kor - mány kö zi mun ka cso port;

4. ,,Mont re a li Jegy zõ könyv”: az 1987. szep tem ber 16-án, Mont re al ban el fo ga dott, és azt köve tõen ki iga zí tott és mó do sí tott Mont re a li jegy zõ könyv az ózon ré te get le - bon tó anya gok ról;

5. ,,je len lévõ és sza va zó fe lek”: a meg je lent és tá mo ga - tó vagy el uta sí tó sza va za tot le adó fe lek;


6. ,,fél”: ha a szö veg kör nye zet más ra nem utal, a jegy - zõ könyv ré szes fele;

7. ,,az I. mel lék let ben sze rep lõ fél”: az egyez mény adott eset ben mó do sí tott I. mel lék le té ben sze rep lõ fél, vagy olyan fél, amely meg küld te az egyez mény 4. cik ke (2) be kez dé sé nek g) pont ja sze rin ti ér te sí tést.

2. cikk

(1) Az I. mel lék let ben sze rep lõ va la mennyi fél, a 3. cikk sze rint mennyi sé gi leg meg ha tá ro zott ki bo csá tás kor lá to zá - si és -csök ken té si kö te le zett sé ge i nek tel je sí té se kor, a fenn - tart ha tó fej lõ dés elõ se gí té se ér de ké ben, meg te szi a kö vet - ke zõ ket:

a) A kö vet ke zõ po li ti kák és in téz ke dé sek vég re haj tá sa és/vagy rész le te sebb ki dol go zá sa sa ját nem ze ti adott sá ga i - nak meg fele lõen:

(i) az ener gia ha té kony ság nö ve lé se az érin tett nem zet - gaz da sá gi ága za tok ban;

(ii) a Mont re a li Jegy zõ könyv ál tal nem sza bá lyo zott üveg ház ha tást oko zó gá zok lég kör bõl való ki ke rü lé sét biz to sí tó nye lõk és tá ro zók vé del me és fej lesz té se, figye - lembe véve az adott fél vo nat ko zó nem zet kö zi kör nye zet - vé del mi meg ál la po dá sok sze rin ti kö te le zett sé ge it; a fenn - tart ha tó er dõ gaz dál ko dá si gya kor lat, az er dõ te le pí té sek és új ra er dõ sí té sek tá mo ga tá sa;

(iii) a fenn tart ha tó me zõ gaz da sá gi for mák tá mo ga tá sa az ég haj lat vál to zá si szem pon tok figye lembe véte lével;

(iv) új és meg úju ló ener gia for mák, szén di oxid-meg kö - té si tech no ló gi ák és kör nye zet vé del mi szem pont ból ha la - dó és új sze rû tech no ló gi ák ku ta tá sa, tá mo ga tá sa, fej lesz té - se és nö vek võ mér té kû al kal ma zá sa;

(v) a pi a ci egye net len sé gek, pénz ügyi ösz tön zõk, adó- és vám men tes sé gek, valamint tá mo ga tá sok egy re na gyobb mér té kû csök ken té se és fo ko za tos meg szün te té se min den olyan üveg ház ha tást oko zó gázt ki bo csá tó ága zat ban, amely az egyez mény cél ki tû zé sé vel el len té te sen mû kö dik, to váb bá pi a ci sza bá lyo zó esz kö zök al kal ma zá sa;

(vi) az érin tett ága za tok ban a Mont re a li Jegy zõ könyv ál tal nem sza bá lyo zott üveg ház ha tást oko zó gá zok ki bo - csá tá sá nak kor lá to zá sá ra vagy csök ken té sé re vo nat ko zó po li ti ká kat és in téz ke dé se ket tá mo ga tó meg fe le lõ re for - mok ösz tön zé se;

(vii) a köz le ke dé si ága zat ban a Mont re a li Jegy zõ könyv ál tal nem sza bá lyo zott üveg ház ha tást oko zó gá zok ki bo - csá tá sá nak kor lá to zá sát és/vagy csök ken té sét cél zó in téz - ke dé sek;

(viii) a me tán ki bo csá tás kor lá to zá sa és/vagy csök ken - té se a hul la dék gaz dál ko dás ban mind az új ra fel dol go zás és hasz no sí tás ré vén, mind az ener gia ter me lés, -szá ll ítá s és -el osz tás te rü le tén;

b) együtt mû kö dés a töb bi, I. mel lék let ben sze rep lõ fél - lel az e cikk sze rint el fo ga dott po li ti kák és in téz ke dé sek egye di és együt tes ha té kony sá gá nak nö ve lé se ér de ké ben, az egyez mény 4. cik ke (2) be kez dé se e) pont ja (i) al pont já -

nak meg fele lõen. E cél ból a fe lek lé pé se ket tesz nek e po li - ti kák kal és in téz ke dé sek kel kap cso la tos ta pasz ta la ta ik és in for má ci ó ik ki cse ré lé sé re, be le ért ve olyan mód sze rek ki - dol go zá sát, ame lyek a po li ti kák és in téz ke dé sek össze ha - son lít ha tó sá gá nak, át lát ha tó sá gá nak és ha té kony sá gá nak ja ví tá sát szol gál ják. A jegy zõ könyv ben ré szes fe lek ta lál - ko zó já ul szol gá ló Fe lek Kon fe ren ci á ja elsõ ülés sza kán vagy azt köve tõen a le he tõ leg ha ma rabb meg vizs gál ja ezen együtt mû kö dés elõ moz dí tá sá nak le he tõ sé ge it, figye - lembe véve va la mennyi lé nye ges in for má ci ót.

(2) Az I. mel lék let ben sze rep lõ fe lek arra tö re ked nek, hogy kor lá toz zák vagy csök kent sék a Mont re a li Jegy zõ - könyv ben nem sza bá lyo zott, re pü lés bõl és a ha jók tar tály - te ré ben tá rolt üzem anyag ból szár ma zó, üveg ház ha tást oko zó gá zok ki bo csá tá sát, együtt mû köd ve a Nem zet kö zi Pol gá ri Re pü lé si Szer ve zet tel és a Nem zet kö zi Ten ge ré - sze ti Szer ve zet tel.

(3) Az I. mel lék let ben sze rep lõ fe lek igye kez nek oly mó don vég re haj ta ni az e cikk sze rin ti po li ti ká kat és in téz - ke dé se ket, hogy mi ni ma li zál ják a ká ros ha tá so kat, be le ért - ve az ég haj lat vál to zás ká ros ha tá sa it, a nem zet kö zi ke res - ke de lem re gya ko rolt ha tá so kat és azon tár sa dal mi, kör nye - ze ti és gaz da sá gi ha tá so kat, ame lyek a töb bi fe let, kü lö nö - sen a csat la ko zott fej lõ dõ or szá go kat, és kö zü lük is el sõ - sor ban az egyez mény 4. cik ké nek (8) és (9) be kez dé sé ben meg ne ve zet te ket érin tik, fi gye lem mel az egyez mény 3. cik ké re. A jegy zõ könyv ben ré szes fe lek ta lál ko zó já ul szol gá ló Fe lek Kon fe ren ci á ja szük ség sze rint to váb bi lé - pé se ket te het az e be kez dés ben fog lalt ren del ke zé sek vég - re haj tá sá nak elõ se gí té se ér de ké ben.

(4) Amennyi ben a jegy zõ könyv ben ré szes fe lek ta lál ko - zó já ul szol gá ló Fe lek Kon fe ren ci á ja úgy dönt, hogy ked - ve zõ len ne a fen ti (1) be kez dés a) pont já ban sze rep lõ po li - ti kák és in téz ke dé sek bár me lyi ké nek össze han go lá sa, fi - gye lem mel az or szá gok el té rõ kö rül mé nye i re és a le het sé - ges ha tá sok ra, meg vizs gál ja e po li ti kák és in téz ke dé sek össze han go lá sá nak meg va ló sí tá si le he tõ sé ge it és eszkö - zeit.

3. cikk

(1) Az I. mel lék let ben sze rep lõ fe lek ön ál ló an vagy együt te sen biz to sít ják, hogy az ál ta luk ki bo csá tott, az A) mel lék let ben fel so rolt, üveg ház ha tást oko zó gá zok szén di oxid-egyen ér ték ben meg adott, össze sí tett em ber i ere de tû ki bo csá tá sai nem lé pik túl azt a szá muk ra ki bo - csát ha tó mennyi sé get, ame lyet a B) mel lék let ben mennyi - sé gi leg meg ha tá ro zott ki bo csá tás kor lá to zá si és -csök ken - té si kö te le zett sé ge ik sze rint és e cikk ren del ke zé se i vel össz hang ban szá mí tot tak ki, szem elõtt tart va e gá zok összes együt tes ki bo csá tá sa i nak leg alább 5%-kal az 1990.

évi szint alá tör té nõ csök ken té sét a 2008 és 2012 kö zöt ti kö te le zett ség vál la lá si idõ szak ban.



Keywords: folk music recordings, instrumental folk music, folklore collection, phonograph, Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály, László Lajtha, Gyula Ortutay, the Budapest School of

Th e position of most of the parties was not easier either as it was diffi cult to accommodate the role the intelligentsia played in the past anti the political views of

5. Five years following the entry into force of this Protocol, the Meeting of the Parties shall ensure at its next session that evidence-based research is conducted to

The Competent Authorities of the Contracting Parties or their delegated institutions or agencies may, upon the request of the employer, or in regards to the Republic of Hungary upon

States Parties shall co-operate and consult, as appropriate, with each other directly or through the International Atomic Energy Agency and other relevant international

This Agreement shall apply to investments made in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties in accordance with its laws and regulations by investors of the other Contracting

The transcendental force that s,veeps him into the middle of the dance is like the whirlwind in the previousl y mentioned poems, while the loss of the narrator's

Here Sidney employs a conception of the image-making power of the poet which is clearly cognate with that faculty defined by Shelley as imagination; Shelley’s use of images