• Nem Talált Eredményt

3 Proof of the main theorem


Academic year: 2022

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L 1 -maximal regularity for quasilinear second order differential equation with damped term

Kordan Ospanov


L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2 Satpaev Street, Astana, 010008, Kazakhstan Received 7 March 2015, appeared 13 July 2015

Communicated by Michal Feˇckan

Abstract. We investigated a quasilinear second order equation with damped term on the real axis. We gave some suitable conditions for existence of the L1-maximal regular solutions of this equation.

Keywords: differential equation, nonlinear damped term, separation of operator, fixed point theorem.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34A34.

1 Introduction and statement of main result

LetR:= (−∞,+),L1:= L1(R)andk · k1 be the norm ofL1. We consider the equation Ly:= −y00+r(x,y)y0+q(x,y)y= f(x), x∈R, (1.1) where ris continuously differentiable andqis a continuous function, f ∈ L1. This is a useful equation in mathematical physics (see [5,26]).

ByC0(k)(R)(k=1, 2, . . .) we denote the set ofktimes continuously differentiable functions with compact support. Let Cloc(j)(R) =y :ψy∈C(0j)(R),∀ψ∈C(0)(R) (j=1, 2).

Definition 1.1. Lety ∈L1, if there is a sequence {yn}n=1 ⊂Cloc(2)(R)such that

nlimkψ(yn−y)k1=0 and lim

nkψ(Lyn− f)k1 =0,

ψ∈C0()(R). Thenyis called a solution of (1.1).

The purpose of this work is to find some conditions forr andqsuch that for every f ∈L1, the equation (1.1) has a solutionywhich satisfies

ky00k1+kr(·,y)y0k1+kq(·,y)yk1 <∞.

BEmail: ospanov_kn@enu.kz


The separability of differential operators introduced by Everitt and Giertz in [7, 8] plays an important role in the study of second order differential equations. Recall that the Sturm–

Liouville operator


acting inL2(R)is separable, if there is a constant c>0 such that

k −y00k2+kq1(·)yk2 ≤c(keLyk2+kyk2), ∀ y∈ D(eL).

Everitt and Giertz [7,8] proved that if q1 and its derivatives satisfy some conditions, then eL is separable in L2(R). In the case q1 is not differentiable function, the separability of eL in L2(R) was discussed in [3, 23]. In [9], Everitt, Giertz and Weidmann give an example of non-separable Sturm–Liouville operator in L2(R) with strongly oscillating and infinitely smooth coefficientq1. The separability of linear partial differential operators was studied in [4,15,17,21,24]. Some sufficient conditions of separability of operators on Riemann manifolds are obtained in [1,2,12,13].

The separability is also an important tool when dealing with quasilinear equations. In [16], Muratbekov and Otelbaev used the separability to discuss the solvability of the nonlinear equation

−y00+q0(x,y)y= f(x), (1.2) where f ∈ L2(R). Grinshpun and Otelbaev showed that the solvability of the equation (1.2) in L1 implies q0 ≥ 1 (see [6]). This method is useful for the multidimensional (Schrödinger) equation−u+q(x,u)u= F(x), x ∈Rn(see [17,20] for details).

In general, the expression (1.1) can be converted neither to (1.2) nor to the form

− p2(x,y)y00

+q2(x,y)y= f(x).

In [22], we considered the equation−y00+r(x,y)y0 = f(x), f ∈ L2(R), and found some conditions forr such that this equation is solvable. In the present paper, we discuss the more general equation (1.1), in the case f ∈ L1. Under weaker conditions on r than in [22] the existence and regularity of solutions of (1.1) are established.

Schauder’s fixed-point theorem is used to prove our main result (see [10]).

Let gandh be some functions onRand let αg,h(t) =

Z t


|g(η)|dηess sup


|h(ξ)|1, t>0, βg,h(τ) =

Z 0


|g(η)|dη ess sup


|h(ξ)|1, τ<0, γg,h=max



αg,h(t), sup



. The main result of this paper is the following.

Theorem 1.2. Let r be a continuously differentiable function and q a continuous function satisfying r≥δ1

p1+x2 (δ1 >0) (1.3)




γq,c0),r,c0)< . (1.4)


Then for any f ∈ L1, the equation(1.1)has a solution y such that

ky00k1+kr(·,y)y0k1+kq(·,y)yk1 <∞. (1.5) Example 1.3. Letr =10+x10+5y4,q=x3+cos4x+2y. Thenr andqsatisfy the conditions of Theorem1.2.

2 Auxiliary statements

By Muckenhoupt’s theorem (Theorem 2 in [14]), we obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 2.1. Let g and h be continuous functions onRsuch thatγg,h< ∞. Then


R|g(x)y(x)|dx ≤γg,h Z

R|h(x)y0(x)|dx, ∀y∈C0(1)(R). (2.1) Moreover,γg,his the smallest constant which satisfies(2.1).

Letrbe a continuously differentiable function and

l0y =−y00+r(x)y0, D(l0) =C0(2)(R). Denote bylthe closure ofl0 in L1.

Lemma 2.2. Let r be continuously differentiable and satisfy(1.3). Then l is invertible, R(l) = L1and ky00k1+kry0k1 ≤3klyk1, ∀y∈ D(l). (2.2) Proof. We use the method of [25] to prove (2.2). Let y ∈ C(02)(R) be a real function, and γ> −1. Then by integration by parts, we get



(y0)2γ/2 dx =



(y0)2γ/2+1 dx.

By Hölder’s inequality, we have that Z


(y0)2γ/2+1 dx≤ Z

R|rαly|pdx 1/pZ

R|rα(y0)γ+1|qdx 1/q

, (2.3)

where 1 < p < ∞, q = p/(p−1). We choose αandγ as follows: (γ+1)q = γ+2, αq= 1.

This implies γ+2 = p. So from (2.3) it follows that kr1/py0kp ≤ kr1/qlykp. Taking the limit p →1, we get

kry0k1≤ klyk1, y∈C0(2)(R). (2.4) Sinceky00k1≤ klyk1+kry0k1 ≤2klyk1, we haveky00k1+kry0k1 ≤3klyk1,∀y∈C0(2)(R). Since lis a closed operator, the last inequality holds for anyy∈ D(l).

From Lemma2.1, (1.3) and (2.4) follows that

kyk1≤c1klyk1, y∈ D(l). (2.5) So the inversel1 oflexists.


Next, we show thatR(l) =L1. Let R(l)6=L1. Sincelis closed, (2.5) impliesR(l)is closed.

Hence there exists a nonzero elementz0R(l)such thatlz0 =−z000−(r(x)z0)0 =0, where l is adjoint operator ofl. Then


Z x

a r(η)dη 0

=c2exp Z x

a r(η)dη

. Letc26=0. Without loss of generality, we can assume that c2=−1. Then


Z x

a r(η)dη 0


i.e. z0(x) is a monotonically decreasing function, moreoverz0(x−k) > exp(k)z0(x), x ∈ R, k=1, 2, . . ., which implies thatz0 ∈/ L(R).

Letc2=0. Then


Z x

a r(η)dη

, c3 6=0.

Thereforez0 ∈/ L(R). We obtain a contradiction, hence R(l) =L1. We consider the following linear equation

ly:=−y00+r1(x)y0+q1(x)y= f(x), x∈R. (2.6) The functiony ∈ L1 is called a solution of (2.6), if there exists a sequence{yn}n=1 ⊂ C0(2)(R) such thatkyn−yk1→0 andklyn− fk1 →0 asn→∞.

Lemma 2.3. Let r1 be a continuously differentiable function such that r1δ1

√1+x2.Assume q1is a continuous function andγq1,r1 <∞. Then for every f ∈ L1, the equation(2.6)has a unique solution y such that

ky00k1+kr1y0k1+kq1yk1≤ c4kfk1, (2.7) where c4depends only onγq1,r1.

Proof. Letx =at(a>0), then (2.6) becomes that

−y˜00+a11(t)y˜0+a21(t)y˜= f˜, (2.8) where ˜y(t) =y(at), ˜r1(t) =r1(at), ˜q1(t) =q1(at), ˜f(t) = a2f(at). Letl0ay˜ = −y˜00tt+a110,


y∈ C(02)(R). Byla we denote the closure in L1of l0a. Since a11(t)satisfies the conditions of Lemma2.2, it follows that the operatorla is continuously invertible and

ky˜00k1+ka110k1 ≤3klay˜k1, ∀y˜∈ D(la). (2.9) Leta=4 1+γq˜1r1

. By2.1, we obtain that ka21y˜k1γq˜1r1

a2 kr˜10k13

4klay˜k1, ∀y˜ ∈ D(la). (2.10) Hence, by a well-known theorem (see [11, Chapter 4, Theorem 1.16]), we find that the operator la+a21(t)Ecorresponding to (2.8) is invertible andR la+a21E

=L1. Let ˜ybe a solution of the equation (2.8), by (2.9) and (2.10), we obtain that

ky˜00k1+ka110k1+ka21y˜k14klay˜k1. (2.11)


From (2.10) it follows that

ka21y˜k13k la+a21E

˜ yk1. So

klay˜k1≤ k la+a21E

y˜k1+ka21y˜k1 ≤4k la+a21E

y˜k1. (2.12) The inequalities (2.11) and (2.12) imply that for the solution ˜yof (2.8), the following inequality holds:

ky˜00k1+ka110k1+ka21y˜k1≤16kf˜k1. Takingt =a1x, we to obtain (2.7).

Remark 2.4. Letr1(x)be continuously differentiable. Assumeq1(x)is a continuous function.

L will denote the closure in L1 of the operator L0y := −y00+r1y0+q1y, D(L0) = C(02)(R). If there is a constantc5>0 such thatk −y00k1+kr1(·)y0k1+kq1(·)yk1≤c5(kLyk1+kyk1),∀ y∈ D(L), thenL is called separable inL1.

If the conditions of Lemma2.3 hold, then the operator Lis separable inL1.

3 Proof of the main theorem

Let C(R) be the space of bounded continuous functions on R with the norm kykC(R) = supxR|y(x)|. Letεand Abe positive numbers. Set

SA= (

z∈C(R): sup


|z(x)| ≤ A )


Letv∈SA. Lv,ε denote the closure inL1of the following linear differential expression L0,v,εy:=−y00+r(x,v(x)) +ε 1+x2

y0+q(x,v(x))y, ∀y∈ C0(2)(R). We consider the equation

Lv,εy= f(x). (3.1)


r1,ε,v(x) := r(x, v(x)) +ε 1+x2

and ˜qv(x) := q(x,v(x)) satisfy all of the conditions of Lemma 2.3. Indeed, by (1.3), ˜r1,ε,v(x) ≥ δ1

1+x2, δ1 > 0. Hence γ1,˜r1,ε,v < ∞. From (1.4) it follows thatγq˜v(x)r1,ε,v(x) ≤C1suptRγq(x,t),r(x,t) <∞. Therefore, for any f ∈ L1, the equation (3.1) has a unique solution yand


r(·, v(·)) +ε(1+x2)y0

1 +kq(·, v(·))yk1 ≤C2kfk1, (3.2) whereC2 does not depend on A. By2.1, we have that

kyk1 ≤C3kr˜1,ε,vy0k1,


1 ≤C4

1+x2 y0

1. (3.3)

By using (3.2), (3.3) and Theorem 1 given in Chapter 3 of [18], we obtain that kykW :=ky00k1+

r(·, v(·)) + (1+x2)y0 1+

h|q(·, v(·))|+p1+x2i y





≤C5kfk1, y∈ D(Lv,ε), (3.4)


whereC5 also does not depend on A.

Let A = C5kfk1+1. SetPε(v) = Lv,ε1f, wherev ∈ SA, ε >0, f ∈ L1 and Lv,ε1 is inverse to Lv,ε. According to (3.4), the operator Pε maps SA into itself. Moreover, the operator Pε maps SAto the set

QA:= {y:kykW ≤ C5kfk1}.

QA is compact inC(R). Indeed, letγ > 0, then by (3.4) there exists l ∈ Nsuch that for any z∈ QA



r(·, v(·)) + (1+x2)z0



h|q(·, v(·))|+p1+x2i z

L1(R\[−l,l]) <γ/2, (3.5) and




(1+x2)3/8 <γ/2. (3.6)

Let ϕl ∈C0()(−l−1, l+1) (l=1, 2, . . .) such that ϕl(x) =1 for x∈[−l, l],ϕl(x) =0 for x ∈/ [−l−1, l+1]and 0 ≤ ϕl ≤1. We denote Tl = {ϕlz:z∈ QA}. By (3.5) and (3.6),Tl is a γ-net ofQA. On the other hand,Tl is a subset of the Sobolev space

W21(−l−1, l+1) =θ∈W12(−l−1, l+1):θ(x) =0, as|x| ≥l+1 .

Notice that the embedding of W 21(−l −1,l+1) in C0[−l−1,l+1] is compact, where C0[−l−1,l+1] = {η∈ C[−l−1, l+1]:η(x) =0, as|x| ≥l+1} (see [19, 27]). So Tl is a compactγ-net ofQA. By Hausdorff’s theorem (see [10, Chapter 1]),QA is compact inC(R).

Next, we show that the operator Pε is continuous on SA. Let{vn}n=1 ⊂ SAbe a sequence such that supxR|vn(x)−v(x)| →0 asn→+. Ifyn (n=1, 2, . . .) andysatisfy

Lv,εy= f, Lvnyn= f. (3.7)

ThenPε(vn)−Pε(v) =yn−y. So it suffices to show that supxR|yn(x)−y(x)| →0 asn→∞.

By (3.7), we deduce that

y−yn =Lv,ε1[r(x,vn(x))−r(x,v(x))]y0n+ [q(x,vn(x))−q(x,v(x))]yn . (3.8) Since functions v and vn (n = 1, 2, . . .) are continuous, we see that r(x,vn(x))−r(x,v(x)) and q(x,vn(x))−q(x,v(x))are continuous functions. Therefore, from (3.8) it follows that

kyn−ykL1(−a,a)≤c max





as n → ∞, for everya > 0. On the other hand, by (3.4), we have {yn}+n=1 ⊂ QA, kynkW ≤ A(n = 1, 2, . . .), y ∈ QA, kykW ≤ A. Since the set QA is compact in C(R), without loss of generality, we can assume that the sequence{yn}+n=1converges to somez∈ C(R). By (3.4)

|xlim|→y(x) =0, lim

|x|→z(x) =0. (3.10)

Since the operatorLv,ε1 is closed, by (3.9) and (3.10), we obtain thatz =y. ThusPε is continu- ous.


SoPε is a completely continuous operator inC(R)and it maps the ball SA into itself. By Schauder’s theorem (see [10, Chapter XVI]), Pε has a fixed pointy inSA, i.e.Pε(y) = y. And ysatisfies the equality

−y00+r(x, y) +ε(1+x2)y0+q(x,y)y= f(x). By Lemma2.3, we obtain that

ky00k1+kr(·, y) +ε(1+x2)y0k1+kq(·, y)y0k1 ≤C5kfk1. Now, let

εj j=1 be a sequence of positive numbers such that limjεj = 0. Recall that Pεj(v) =Lv,ε1jf. Ifyj ∈SAis the fixed point of the operatorPεj, then

−y00j +r(x, yj) +εj(1+x2)y0j+q(x,yj)yj = f(x). Then according to Lemma2.3, we have



r ·, yj(·)+εj 1+x2 y0j

1 +q ·, yj(·)yj

1 ≤C5kfk1. (3.11) Let (a,b) be an arbitrary finite interval. It is known that the spaceW12(a, b)is compactly embedded to L1(a, b). Therefore, by virtue of (3.11), we can select a subsequence


yj j=1 of yj j=1⊂W12(a, b)such thatky˜j−ykL1(a,b)→0 asj→∞. By Definition1.1,yis a solution of equation (1.1). By Lemma2.3, we obtain that forythe estimate (1.5) holds.

Remark 3.1. The condition (1.3) is natural. If (1.3) does not hold, from Lemma2.1 it follows that the domain D(L)ofLis not included inL1.


This work is supported by project 5132/GF4 of Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan.


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