• Nem Talált Eredményt

Martial artists’ (belonging to the combat sports’ category) cardiovascular signs of fitness are little-known, even in their competitors. We aimed also to reveal a special martial art’s, Taiji Quan’s further effects on health.

Dynamic power sportsmen differed from the static power athletes in their blood pres-sure, heart rate, heart’s diastolic distensibility values, left atrial diameter and velocity of circumferential fibre-shortening. In contrast, their results were rather similar to those of endurance athletes. Their ventricular muscle mass, just as in other branches of sports’

athletes, was thicker than non-athletes’ ventricular muscle mass. Their indicators for arterial stiffness did not show any specific effect of physical activity, true enough that we rarely found differences in other sportsmen, too. Our results improve the hypothesis that martial arts’ and combat sports’ training adaptive effects stand out similarly as in other sports, but grouping them to power sports, because of the classical power sports’

(lifting, body building) significantly dissimilar cardiovascular effects, is not right.

Instead of calling them dynamic power sports, we recommend to term the competitive martial artists’ and combat sportsmen’s group combat sports.

Taiji Quan practice proved to be protective on cardiovascular regulation. It increases the antioxidant level of the organism, hereby improves the state of health, and also the mental health by diminishing the level of anxiety, and increasing the self-confidence, creativity, sociability, positive thinking and independence. Although Taiji Quan is considered to be a moderate intensive physical activity, it has many salutary effects on health, some of the Taiji practitioners’ results approached the results of top-level athletes, and some even surpassed them.

Although our studies are only slight pieces of the researches of both martial arts and Taiji Quan’s potential effects on state of health, nevertheless, we haven’t found any articles about echocardiographic studies carried out among martial artists until now, nor detailed examination of Chen-style Taiji Quan practitioners.


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