• Nem Talált Eredményt

“In the Spirit of Marcel Duchamp”

A r t P o o L e V e n t s 1 9 7 9 – 1 9 9 1 91

18 October – 7 December 1987

István Király Múzeum (King St. Stephen Museum), Székesfehérvár

“A surprise for our readers!”

“Meglepetés olvasóink részére!”

International artists’ books exhibition

The exhibition, which was initially planned to be a joint event (and initially organized as such) of Artpool and the King Stephen Museum, was in the end organized by the museum without Artpool; yet, it used the international call made by Artpool and the vast international mailing list of the contributors to Artpool’s artists’ books collection.

The exclusion of Artpool from the supposedly joint project was justified by Márta Kovalovszky (the exhibition’s organizer), who referred to Péter Kovács, the director of the museum, by saying that “a state institution cannot enter into co-operation with a private institution.”

Artpool lent several works for the show from its collection:

among others artists’ books by András Balla, Vittore Baroni, Guy Bleus, Nenad Bogdanović, Bruno Chiarlone, Luc Fierens, György Galántai, Klaus Groh, Hejettes Szomlyazók, Endre Szkárosi.

DOCUMENT: correspondence, invitation, catalog, acknowledge-ment of receipt about the loaned works

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Kovalovszky Márta: [Mindig szerettem a színes…], (Bevezető), in: …Meglepetés… olvasóink részére! Nemzetközi művészkönyv-kiállítás (…A surprise… for our readers! International artists’ book exhibition), exh. catalog, Székesfehérvár, 1987, pp. 3–4.

Kemenesi Zsuzsanna: Észforgató kézmozgató 500n ötlet – a IV.

Nemzetközi Művészkönyv-kiállítás, Balkon, 2006/7–8, pp. 14–15.

1–30 November 1987

Utcagaléria (Street Gallery), Szombathely


Ray Johnson Space

Ray Johnson’s 5th Letter – international exhibition of corres-pondence art (dedicated to the 60th birthday of Ray Johnson and the 100th of Marcel Duchamp – 176 participants).

To see a list of participants, visit


DOCUMENT: poster-invitation with the list of participants, photo ARTWORKS: in Artpool’s collection

BIBLIOGRAPHY: s. k.: Novemberi Utca Galéria, Vas Népe, November 6, 1987

11 December 1987 Esztétika Tanszék, ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University, Dept. of Aesthetics), Budapest

In the Spirit of Marcel Duchamp

Symposium, organized by Artpool, to commemorate the 100th birthday of Marcel Duchamp – exhibition, concert, performance, video screening.

Program: from 2–5 pm: videos, slide projection and sound presentation from the margins of art (Infermentál, Tamás Szentjóby, Miklós Erdély, András Szirtes)

• 5–7 pm: concerts on György Galántai’s sound sculptures – assembled from ready-made iron pieces (István Mártha, Tibor Szemző, András Wilheim, Zoltán Rácz)

• from 7 pm: Five-minute lectures (with a chess-clock as time keeper) by 21 leading artists and art critics in the spirit of Marcel Duchamp. Lecturers were: Gábor Andrási, Imre Bak, László Beke, Ákos Birkás, Dezső Ekler, László Földényi F., Péter György, Lóránd Hegyi, Özséb Horányi, Gabriella Kernács, Albart Kováts, Endre Kukorelly, Gábor Pataki, Miklós Peternák, Endre Rózsa T., Talán Sebeő, János Sugár, Endre Szkárosi, Anikó Szőke, Ádám Tábor, Gábor Tóth

• In the framework of the symposium: international exhibition with the participation of 54 artists.

To see a list of participants, visit www.artpool.hu/Duchamp/MDspirit/

DOCUMENT: invitation, flyer, poster, photo, sound, video

PUBLICATION: Marcel Duchamp Szimpozion 1987, Artpool, Buda-pest, 2007, 62 p. [Five Minutes Lectures of the Symposium]

Hommage à Marcel Duchamp, Artpool, Budapest, 2007, 143 p.

[bookwork catalog of the event]

WEB-CATALOG: www.artpool.hu/Duchamp/MDspirit/

ARTWORKS: in Artpool’s collection

BIBLIOGRAPHY: György Péter: A művészet az más. Marcel Duchamp 100 éves – Budapesten. Duchamp szimpozion az ELTE Esztétika Tanszékén [text of the invitation], 1987; Reprinted in: Marcel Duchamp Szimpozion 1987, Artpool, Budapest, 2007, p. 5. and in: Hommage à Marcel Duchamp, Artpool, Budapest, 2007, p. 4.

13–16 December 1987 Liget Galéria, Budapest

Artpool’s Ray Johnson Space

“In the Spirit of Marcel Duchamp”

Ray Johnson’s 5th Letter – international exhibition of corre-s pondence art with 176 participantcorre-s – incorre-stallation and corre-slide show. Organized by György Galántai.

To see a list of participants, visit


DOCUMENT: poster-invitation with the list of participants ARTWORKS: in Artpool’s collection

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Poster of the In the Spirit of Marcel Duchamp event

Translation of the text from the invitation:


Marcel Duchamp is 100 Years Old – in Budapest Duchamp Symposium at the Department of Aesthetics, ELTE

In 1987 interdependence is stronger than ever before, and this is especially true for the systems of relations and chain-like connections generated by disasters. Local workshops, countryside art scenes, neglected little countries and “satellite cultures” have now been rendered helpless without one another, and the concept of national art or art representing various social classes, has lost its viability not because of the emergence of new doctrines but because of the experiences of everyday life. Our century is afflicted and shaped by problems, fears and anxieties that are as universal, supra-boundary and inescapable as the answers we are coerced into by intimidating force.

Chernobyl, acid rain, the global Necropolises dubbed industrial landfills, poisonous gases, holes in the ozone layer, the absurdly vast arsenal of silent arms now stored away but eager to be fired, and the fishing and hunting expeditions that destroy entire species recognize no boundaries, just like computers, television, satellite broadcasting systems, telephone lines, video chains, telefax and teleprinting. The levels of threat and hope may well be proportionate to one another.

The electronic environment, this post-Gutenberg galaxy, has evolved into a social factor, i.e. a self-determining domain and thus urges and demands participation in intercultural communication, the great cycle, the exchange. Let us correspond and send photographs, cassettes and audio materials; transmit signals perpetually and inscrutably! It is virtually imperative to participate in the multi-player dialogue that is evolving nowadays, to take part in the Dialogue of the Worlds, a continuous conversation mediating between the most diverse of experiences – and this is the objective of the upcoming symposium, too.

When the Department of Aesthetics of ELTE University provides publicity for the meeting organized by György Galántai (Artpool), it is doing so in the hope of opening up an opportunity for an arts event through the coming together of aesthetics and living art.

Péter György

You are cordially invited to the symposium commemorating the 100th anniversary of Marcel Duchamp’s birth, to be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, 11 December 1987 at ELTE’s Department of Aesthetics (Budapest V. Szerb utca 21–23.)

iN the SpiRit oF MaRCel duChaMp

A r t P o o L e V e n t s 1 9 7 9 – 1 9 9 1 93

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Program flyer and invitation to the event (recto / verso)

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June–July 1988 Burg Jansenplein, Hengelo, Holland


Ray Johnson Space

International exhibition of correspondence art with 200 participants as part of the mail art show Container con amore (organized by Jenny de Groot).

To see a list of participants, visit


DOCUMENT: poster-invitation with the list of participants ARTWORKS: in Artpool’s collection

17–19 June 1988 Nové Zámky / Érsekújvár, Slovakia


Ray Johnson Space

Exhibition with 211 participants, part of the festival of experi-mental art and literature organized by József R. Juhász.

To see a list of participants, visit


DOCUMENT: poster-invitation with the list of participants ARTWORKS: in Artpool’s collection

24–30 July 1988 Salle polyvalente, Tarascon, France


Ray Johnson Space

Exhibition with 228 participants in the framework of the festival La poésie visuelle a travers le monde (Visual Poetry Around the World). 5e échanges internationaux de poésie contemporaine (organized by Julien Blaine). Hungarian artists invited to the festival: György Galántai, József R.

Juhász, Tibor Papp, András Petőcz, Ákos Székely.

To see a list of participants, visit


DOCUMENT: poster-invitation with the list of participants, photo ARTWORKS: in Artpool’s collection

10 October 1988 Lőwy Sándor Technical College, Vác, Hungary