• Nem Talált Eredményt

When all manual and automatic annotations are merged in an .eaf file, possible query options in ELAN include various Single Layer Search and Multiple Layer Search options. Options of Single Layer Search include for instance ‘Search for N-gram within annotations’ (see Figure 5) which helps us identify the co-occurrence patterns of the items. You can search the environment of the selected segment in the same tier (in our case, in the text tier): what it is left context (using # mondjuk), what it is right context (using mondjuk #). In Figure 5 I searched in the search domain of 48 annotation files for all instances where mondjuk (either in the textual transcription of the agent’s or speaker’s speech) is preceded by something (that is, it is not in a segment-initial position). First I had to set the mode from ‘exact search’

to ‘regular expressions’ because I used the # regexp in the search box. In this example, I wanted to search both the agent’s and speakers’ text tiers, therefore, I chose to search all tiers.

Ágnes ABUCZKI / Annotation procedures, feature extraction and query options

Figure 5 Concordance view of the search ‘# mondjuk’

The software also enables the researcher to search the transcription of only one of the speakers. To do so, you simply have to switch the search mode from ‘All Tiers’ to ‘A_agent_text’ and change the search term to ‘mondjuk #’. For example, Figure 6 shows the concordance view of a search to find out what elements mondjuk is followed by in the interviewer’s speech.

Figure 6 Concordance view of the search results of ‘mondjuk #’

To do so, switch from Concordance view to Frequency view by right-clicking and choosing ‘Show Frequency view (by frequency)’ from the drop-down menu.

Figure 7 shows the first page of the results of this frequency query. You can jump to the following search result pages by clicking on the > button. You can move among the several queries and result pages by clicking on either the < (next) or >

(previous) buttons.

Introduction to Electronic Information and Document Processing: Informatics for the Humanities


Figure 7 Frequency view of the search ‘mondjuk #’ by frequency in decreasing order

One can also search what labels in other tiers a segment (e.g. ugye wordseg) entirely or partially overlaps with (left or right overlap). For this purpose, you need to use Multiple Layer Search and have to set the names of the labels and tiers to be searched. For instance, if you want to find out if ugye is a separate unit and phonologically independent or not, you can choose from several search options: (1) search for instances when ugye is surrounded by SL (silence) (shown in Figure 8), (2) search for either left or right overlaps of ugye with SL (this will show instances when ugye is either preceded or followed by silence), (3) search using custom-defined temporal constraints. The most exact results you can achieve using the third method, that is, if you set the time difference allowed between the begin time of a segment (e.g. ugye in wordseg tier) and another one (e.g. SL in text tier).

Figure 8 Search for instances when ugye is preceded by silence

Ágnes ABUCZKI / Annotation procedures, feature extraction and query options

As shown in Figure 9, there is an option to search for labels (e.g. pitch movement, position or thematic labels) overlapping with the target word segment.

If you do not look for a certain pitch movement, but rather would like to search the distribution of all pitch movement types, you may use the regular expression ‘.+’

which looks for all labels in the specified tier.

Figure 9 First page of the search results for pitch movement overlapping with the wordseg amúgy

If you want to refine your search and add more constraints, you may add more columns or tiers to advance your search. For instance, Figure 10 shows a search for the pitch movement types (‘.+’ stands for any type/any label/any word) of only those mondjuk word segments which are in turn-initial (utterance-initial) positions (marked by T as turn-take in the audio annotation of the HuComtech corpus). If you want to get the results in frequency view, you can achieve this by right-clicking on the results and choosing this option. Finally, queries in ELAN can be saved as .xls files (by clicking on ‘Save hits’ or ‘Save hit statistics’), which enables us to perform calculations on them.

Introduction to Electronic Information and Document Processing: Informatics for the Humanities


Figure 10 An example for three-layered multiple layer search

After the queries, the following statistical tests were performed on the data in SPSS 19.02: descriptive and inferential statistical tests, including Pearson’s chi-square test, Fischer’s exact test, Crosstabs test, independent samples t-test, paired t-test, and drawing box plot graphs. Descriptive statistical tests simply measured the frequency of the use of the selected items based on gender, speaker role (interviewer or interviewee) and situation type (job interview or informal).

Pearson’s chi-square test, Fischer’s exact test and Crosstabs test were performed to decide if there is a relationship between two categorial variables (e.g. between thematic role and pitch movement, position and pitch movement, discourse function and hand movement, etc.).


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Keyword extraction: its role in information processing

László Hunyadi