• Nem Talált Eredményt

Operation of the market

In order to understand the operation of the market we have to take into consideration the demand and supply elements, parallel to emphasising the importance of the intermediary sector creating the connection between the two.

When discussing the birth of theme routes we must mention that both in Europe and Hungary, the European Union plays an outstanding role in the initial financing of the routes, offering considerable amounts of support for their establishment. The development of the theme routes is given a significant prestige by the accession to the routes of the Council of Europe, and an even greater recognition is the award of the world heritage title. The Union wishes to increase the popularity of European culture by awarding the support, securing the primacy of Europe among the tourism macro-regions of the world. On the other hand, the strengthening of the European identity and the mediation of the basic values of the Council of Europe also play a significant role.

The operation of the market also involves the 3 groups of the theme routes, as there are visited, less visited and absolutely unknown routes among them. Unfortunately the latter category is most typical in Hungary (and their number is still increasing), for which it is partly the operational incompetence of the mediating sector to blame.

Of course the competition among the regions for the creation of a larger number of theme routes is also a problem. The leading position in the number of routes is held by the region of Middle Transdanubia (40 routes counted), followed by the region of North Hungary. Regions look at the creation of theme routes as one of the most important tools of rural development, while the municipal governments do not seem to be keen on the financial support of this grandiose idea.

Among the operational features of the market we have to mention that it is in vain to continuously increase supply if this information does not reach tourists on the demand side. To improve the operation of the mediating sector, the marketing activity of the respective routes should be intensified, travel agencies should be more active in offering visited theme routes to their clients, while the state should increase the amount of supports for research and development. Unfortunately the theme routes maintained by associations and private persons lack both the financial means and the relationship systems for this, and even their cooperation is rather problematic.

Also, the creation of a single image and logo are important, as is the updating and advertisement of event calendars and websites.

A characteristic feature of the theme routes is their continuous development, the routes plans described earlier (Puczkó-Rátz, 2000) have been obsolete for long. At that time the duration of the introduction of theme route was maximised at two hours, now it exceeds 3 and half hours at the film tourism theme route called Sex and the City. The number of attractions was earlier maximised at 20, now it is over 40 at the formerly mentioned film tourism theme route.

10.1. Characteristics of the supply

When discussing the demand and supply factors, we have to take into consideration that theme routes are rather different from each other (as they connect attractions of completely different types), so it is often very difficult to apply the same template for them.

Attractions and their infrastructure and suprastructure features should be separately discussed in accordance with the groupings. From among the ways of grouping theme routes can actually be categorised on geographical grounds (maybe on the basis of their catchment areas) and according to their topics. In a geographical approach we can distinguish among theme routes of local, regional, national and international catchment area. A vital element of theme routes is continuous expansion and their goal is usually to develop into a route of international recognition (if this is not the case, the very reason for the existence of the theme route can be questioned) – but it all necessitates the exploration of a good theme.

At least as important is the presence of the infrastructure and suprastructure conditions, and the continuous development of these. Transport on the theme routes requires various transport means to approach the

attractions, from local public transport through bicycle and coaches to cars. The diversification of transport tools is a basic factor now, the Andrássy street in Budapest can be travelled by the Millennium Underground, but it can also be managed by bicycle, bus and car. Of course it is not possible to build out such a transport network everywhere, but it should be a conscious effort to allow the use of as many transport vehicles as possible when accessing and travelling a theme route. In the recent years we have seen a revolutionary development of communication devices and their use on the theme routes. GPS should be mentioned in this place, together with mobile phones and modern touchscreen devices.

At theme routes the primary suprastructure conditions are decisive, as secondary suprastructure conditions (retail trade, auxiliary services, money exchange places, renting facilities and personal services) only play an indirect role. Among the primary suprastructure conditions, catering facilities play an important role at local, regional, national and international levels as well, while accommodation is more important for national and international theme routes.

Classification of theme routes according to their topics 1. Cultural routes

Cultural routes include chateau routes, castle routes, pilgrimage routes, historical routes, arts routes, theme routes of film tourism, and wine and gastronomy routes (discussed separately in sub-chapter 2). Among them it is pilgrimage routes and theme routes of film tourism that attract the largest number of tourists in the world, and both are characterised by the provision of opportunity to manage the route by coach and car. Theme routes attracting millions of tourists have a significant demand for accommodation and catering facilities.

As regards attractions, the following ones can be distinguished:

– Buildings reminiscent of historical times (Chateau Route, Route of North Castles)

– Unique architectural works (Baroque Route, Secession Style buildings in Budapest hallmarked by the name of Ödön Lechner and his contemporaries)

– Scenes of historical events (Amber Route, Bunker Route)

– Stations in the lives of famous people (Liszt Route, Sissi Route , Mozart Route) – Living spaces coming from the social division of labour (Andrássy street)

– Cultural traditions (Palóc Route, Viking Route, Route of Iron Culture, Textile Route) – Spiritual sphere (Mary Route, Route of St. Elizabeth, Route of St. Martin)

– Works significant in cinematography history (Lord of the Rings theme route in New Zealand) Figure 1: St- Martin‘s Route in Szombathely

Source: www.viasanctimartini.eu (2010) 2. Wine and gastronomy routes

They are theme routes that can be taken as parts of the cultural routes, with the objective to introduce the traditions of local gastronomy culture.

– Gastronomy (Plums Route, Route of summer pastures)

– The world of production and work (Horseradish Route, Watermills Route from Velem to Röjtökmuzsaj) – Wine routes (Tokaj-Hegyalja wine route, Eger wine route)

Wine and gastronomy routes have special demands as regards infrastructure and suprastructure. Although catering is possible on the spot, organisers have to provide travel and accommodation for the guest of such theme routes, because of the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

3. Nature routes

Natural attractions are connected by green routes all over Europe (Danube-Ipoly Green route), but they also include routes demonstrating prehistoric habitats (Ipolytarnóc Route), geotourism routes demonstrating geological and geomorphologic values, and also built-out hiking paths that are usually named after the colour of the signalling. A characteristic feature of these routes is that travelling in the nature routes often leads to the growing popularity of walking and cycling. At the establishment of the infrastructure and suprastructure thus these needs must be taken into consideration, which is especially important in connection with cycling tourism (cycling hotels, bicycle repair shops etc.).

10.2. Characteristics of the demand

Theme routes set as a goal the persuasion of several target groups, i.e. they offer adventures to everyone, irrespective of their age, gender, interests and income positions.

Primary and secondary school students usually have access to the attraction elements of theme routes as a supplement of their studies, during class excursions and tour competitions. For this generation an objective is teach and play, as gathering information is the most simple for them with playful methods. Another important aspect in their case is the maintenance of the interest and the provision of an opportunity of exploration, as their

interests cover a broad range of topics at this age. In the framework of youth tourism it is pupils and students who can be most easily persuaded to visit nature routes and participate in cultural and heritage tourism.

The task of the teachers is to organise quality programmes. For teachers who find recreation and good atmosphere as important as learning, a route can be a tool of teach and play. Teachers are interested in gaining knowledge, so they can be most easily persuaded to visit cultural routes.

For families with children it is important to explore cultural heritage, their main motivation is the creation of quality entertainment. Most attractive for them are chateau routes, castle routes, art history routes and theme routes related to famous persons.

Young adult intellectuals are most curious about novelties and new types of attractions; they seem to follow the latest tendencies, so they seem to be most interested in film tourism routes.

Explorers always search new things during their excursions, of decisive importance for them are individual and unique things, the route for them carries the message ‗I‘ve got to see this‘. According to surveys, they visit geotourism routes.

Hikers and excursionists usually choose a route on the basis of some idea or topic; they are interested in one particular topic. Their interest is matched both by nature and cultural routes, but they prefer to manage the route on foot or by bicycle.

Those interested in spiritual things are open to different religious disciplines, philosophies and psychology, and their primary range of interest is in accordance with this. They are happy to participate in pilgrimages or other religious history tours (European Route of the Jewish Heritage).

Academic researchers can be museologists, university lecturers or maybe college students for whom the auxiliary information and details may also be important.

The group of those who have left the country knows that their ancestors lived in this region, so for them it is important to find their roots, a slogan form them is ―Hungarian blood in running in my veins‖. They participate in VFR tourism (visiting friends and relatives) and make a large target group of theme routes. They can be approached not by the mediating sector in the first place but by the families receiving them.

As regard pensioners, their interest lies in their environment and history, so the message of the route for this target group is ‗I want to get here, I want to see this once in my life‘.

When looking at the school education of the participants, it is striking that theme routes are most popular among those with secondary and even more so with higher education schooling.