• Nem Talált Eredményt





In d u stria liz a tio n is accom panied b y th e decay of th e old classic agrarian stru c tu re . This d ecay finds its expression in th e dem ogeographic, economic, an d physiognom ic elem ents of th e s tru c tu re of space. The process is conditioned b y sev eral fa c to rs: th e grow th of in d u s try , its sp atial d istrib u tio n a n d its level of te c h n ic a l developm ent, th e d ev elopm ent of com m unications, an d the te c h n ic a l d evelopm ent and com m ercialization of agriculture. These facto rs are la te r reinforced, p a rtic u la rly a t a h ig h e r stage in th e form ation of a n industrial society, b y an o th er: th e developm ent of te rtia ry activities, in clu d in g p a rtic ­ u larly tra d e and h an d icraft-services as well as p ro d u c tio n which are developed in response to th e c o n sta n t increase in th e dem ands of consum ers. T his process of d ecay in th e dem ogeographic, econom ic, and physiognom ic elem en ts of the old a g ra ria n s tru c tu re and th e g ra d u a l prevalence of th e same elem en ts of the in d u s tria l stru c tu re also depend on th e character of th e p a rtic u la r agrarian s tru c tu re , including th e social-landow nershipstructure, th e sizeof la n d parcels, t he s p a tia l d istrib u tio n of land p arcels, and n a tu ra l conditions. In th is process E a st-E u ro p e a n countries differ significantly from those of W est E u ro p e . In W est E u ro p e an countries, th e d evelopm ent of th e technological, economic, an d social effects of in d u strial tech n iq u es has been sp read over a lo n g er period.

Besides, these effects have developed in a different order. Owing to a different re la tio n sh ip of th e elem ents of technological developm ent in in d u s try , agri­

cu ltu re , an d com m unications, differences are also a p p a re n t in th e s tru c tu re of th e in d iv id u al phases of th e decay of agrarian society and of th e fo rm a tio n of in d u stria l society.

In W est E u ro p ean countries, th e elem ents of in d u strial technique first came to th e fore in in d u stria l production, n e x t in com m unications, and fin ally in th e ag ric u ltu ral econom y. In E ast E u ro p e a n countries, w here in d u strializ atio n is a co m p arativ ely new phenom enon a n d h as come to th e fore as th e p re d o m in a n t econom ic branch only in th e decades afte r W orld W a r II, th e po ssib ility of econom ic p a rity w ith W est E u ro p e an countries perm its the dev elo p m en t of in d u stria l tech n iq u e in all com ponents of in d u stry , in com m unications and in a g ric u ltu ra l technology a t the sam e tim e.

E a c h phase in th e decay of th e old classic ag rarian stru ctu re a n d in the a d v a n c e of th e in d u stria l stru ctu re is accom panied b y specific ty p e s of m igra­

tion. These can be regarded as th e regulators of th e gradual d ecrease of the a g ra ria n o v erp o p u latio n and a t th e sam e tim e as a factor in th e d isap p ear­

ance of old and th e appearance of new social groups w hich differ am o n g th em ­ selves w ith respect to m obility, w ith respect to th e ir role in p ro d u c tio n , and th e ir w hole w ay of life. M igrations also open up previously self-contained agra­

ria n areas. M igrations m ake for th e reduction of a g ra ria n overpopulation, for

out-side farm ing, or to leave for good, b u t th e fam ily or property do n o t p lay any

In th is individual phase and regio n ally , th e industrialization of S lovenia was accom panied by various types of m ig ratio n s. In th e form ation of these ty p es, a decisive role was play ed by th e la n d te n u re system , b y th e geographical v ariety of S lovenia, by th e effects of in d u stria liz a tio n and b y th e influence of W estern E u ro p e and o th e r continents, as w ell as by th e centres of t h e b o rd erlan d


(T rieste, Graz). S m all la n d holdings, p re d o m in a n tly e sta te s w ith 2—4 hectares

th e a d u lt population of th eir own resp ectiv e territo ries. The beginning of m igrations of unqualified agrarian people from th e ag rarian areas, an d th e daily co m m uting of less qualified labour from th e closer surroundings of th e em ploy­

T he m ovem ent of seasonal m ig ra n ts into W e ste rn E urope is likewise rap id ly d u strializatio n a n d of socio-econom ic-spatial d ifferentiation. T he decentralized process of in d u stria liz a tio n and th e developm ent of traffic arteries, and of o th e r

na, in M aribor betw een K öper an d P ira n , w here these m igrations are move intensive, th e suburban areas are grow ing in to a unified urban ized te rrito ry . The v a r ie ty of in d u stry , go od traffic connections, an d th e developm ent of other n o n -a g raria n functions, offer possibilities for em ploym ent to people of various ages, b o th sexes, an d of various professions and qualifications, a n d so such te rrito rie s acquire th e c h a ra c te r of an econom ically stabilized an d in d u s tria l­

ized ty p e of region.

D e ag rarizatio n has rem oved y o ung population from th e co u n try sid e into n o n -a g raria n occupations and left p riv a te farm ing to older farm ers a n d to the m iddle generatio n of th e sem i-farm ing population, th u s presenting problem s for th e ag ric u ltu ral econom y in th e im m ed iate future.


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