• Nem Talált Eredményt

Economy & Society

In document Gazdaság és Társadalom (Pldal 119-123)

VOLUME 4. 2012 NUMBER 12.

Table Of Contents Abstracts


Freedom as Basis for Corporate Moral Responsibility and the Question of Liability

Mark Jóób

Professor of Ethics University of West Hungary, Sopron

ABSTRACT: In this article I intend to rectify the deficient concept of responsibility of the conventional csr-theory. I demonstrate that free will and freedom of action on the one hand and moral responsibility on the other are inseparably interconnected and that, consequently, not corporations but their owners and employees are subjects of moral responsibility. Against this background, I suggest to revise the current limitation of corporate liability in companies law.

KEYWORDS: freedom, responsibility, liability, business ethics, corporate social responsibility

Present Challenges of the International Business Ethics Gabriela Dubcová

University of Economics in Bratislava

ABSTRACT Key Attributes of Ethics Issues in International Environment on the Present. Current Ethics Challenges in International Environment. Analysis of Ethical Standards in Different Cultures. Complicated Assimilation and Globalization Processes between Europe and the USA. Genesis and Status Quo of the Global Business Ethics Development. Supportive System for Improved Functioning of the International Business Ethics.

KEYWORDS Current ethics issues; International business ethics; Ethical standards; Global business ethics.

Monetary and Banking Reform. Bringing back in the monetary fundamentals of finance

Joseph Huber

Chair of Economic Sociology, Martin-Luther-University, D – 06099 Halle an der Saale,

ABSTRACT Modern economy is based on its financial system, which in turn is built upon its monetary system. This constitutes a clear functional order: money governs finance, finance governs the real economy. It is one of the elusive aspects of orthodox economics to see money as a matter of just marginal concern. To any reality-based economics (historical, institutional, behavioural, and, of course, monetarist as well as modern monetary) it is self-evident, to the point of triviality, that money is the pivotal control medium of the economy. However, current debates on the ongoing banking crisis since 2008 and the ensuing sovereign debt crisis (which in turn perpetuates the banking crisis), do not for the most part take into account the fundamental role of the monetary system.

KEYWORDS Banking Reform, Financial Crisis, Credit, Monetary Reform

Festlegung von Lohnuntergrenzen – tariflich oder gesetzlich Olaf H. Bode, Dipl.-Oec.

Fontys International Business School Venlo, The Netherlands Frank Brimmen, M.A., MBA

Fontys International Business School Venlo, The Netherlands Ute Redeker, bc., MBA

GOB Software & Systeme, Krefeld, Deutschland

ABSTRACT Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen einer Mindestlohneinführung. Viele Indikatoren weisen darauf hin, dass sich die deutsche Wirtschaft nach der schweren weltweiten Wirtschaftskrise des Jahres 2008 erholt hat. So steht Deutschland auch in der aktuell schwierigen Situation Europas gut da. Die Einführung eines Mindestlohns könnte die durch die Lohnzurückhaltung der letzten Jahre gesteigerte Wettbewerbsfähigkeit gefährden.

Während ein moderater Mindestlohn den Marktmechanismus höchsten nur marginal beeinträchtigen würde und somit als unkritisch angesehen werden kann, hätte ein zu hoher Mindestlohn sehr negative Folgen für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und hätte einen Anstieg der Arbeitslosenquote als Folge.

KEYWORDS: Anomale Angebotsfunktion, Arbeitslosigkeit, Arbeitsmarkt, Mindestlohn, Rationalisierungs- und Substitutionseffekte, volkswirtschaftliches Arbeitsmarktmodell

National Competitiveness of Slovakia in the Context of Global Competitiveness Indexes

Tomáš Dudáš

University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations ABSTRACT This article aims to describe the evolution of the national competitiveness of Slovakia in the context of the main global competitiveness indexes. The first part of the article focuses on the theoretical background of the national competitiveness and summarizes the most important theories and studies published in this field. The second part of the article presents the methodological background of the main global indices of competitiveness. The third part of the article then deals with Slovakia’s position in the rankings of global competitiveness and with the analysis of sub-indices, with the aim to identify the main weaknesses of the Slovak economy. The conclusion of the article will try to give suggestions to remedy these weaknesses and will provide an outlook for Slovakia’s competitiveness in the coming years.

KEYWORDS Slovakia, competitiveness, economy

Working but poor – countries with different path in European integration Emese Bruder, PhD candidat,

Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Gödöllő Csilla Obádovics PhD, Associate Professor

University of West Hungary, Faculty of Economics, Sopron

ABSTRACT The working poor population had not been gained many emphasis in Europe until the European Union adopted the Lisbon Strategy in 2000 with a special focus on employment, economy and social policies.

In the framework of the Lisbon Strategy, the EU has started to develop a list of statistical indicators on poverty and social exclusion. These indicators aimed to control country level development on the agreed common goals, and were adopted in 2001 at Laeken Council meeting in Belgium. In 2003, a new indicator, the in-work poverty risk has been added to the Laeken indicators. Since then, the existence of working poor population has took a more prominent place in the European debate.

The objective of this paper is to give an insight of the situation of the working poor population in Visegrad countries, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary and compare the results with the Benelux states. These groups of countries both have shared history, and common path in European integration.

We analyse the extent of working poverty, the gender asymmetry and the full-time, part-time proportions over the working poor population.

Based on the 2007 wave of EU-SILC database, we individualise various income sources received by the household in order to obtain total individual incomes.

With this approach, we would like to show how each individual would perform, if he/she could only rely on his/her own income.

KEYWORDS: poverty, working poor, inequality

Analysis of Commission Proposal on Direct Payments in 2014 - 2020 Fekete Pál Győző

Selye János Egyetem, Révkomárom

ABSTRACT The proposal is aimed at 3 major objectives: Viable food production, sustainable management of natural resources and climate action and balanced territorial development. The Commission’s proposal is based on the perception that the pressure on the agricultural income is expected to continue therefore there is a need to maintain the present support also during the next planning period and to reinforce instruments to better manage risks and respond to crisis situations possibly evading from ecologic, climate, energy and biodiversity risks. Concerning the questions of direct payments the article shows that the Commission Proposal would not resulting in elimination of the presently unjustifiable support differences between the Old and New Member States, and in creation of fair, i.e. EQUAL conditions in the field of income and economic competition.

KEYWORDS European Union, agricultural policy, financial support


Three new books from László Kulcsár’s Library Reviewer: László Kulcsár

The Origins of Political Order

[Francis Fukuyama: A politikai rend eredete. Az ember előtti időktől a francia forradalomig. Akadémia Kiadó Budapest. 2012. 688 oldal [ISBN 9789630591935 ]

Urban Sprawl in Europe

[Viktória Szirmai (ed.) Urban Sprawl in Europe. Aula Kiadó Budapest. 2011.

280 oldal [ISBN 9789633390153]

More coming more moving away: Federalism and Decentralization - Compare Switzerland to Hungary

Föderalizmus és Decentralizáció. Kézikönyv a svájci struktúrákról és a magyar hasznosíthatóságról. Szerk. Hajdú Zoltán és Kovács Sándor Zsolt. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont Regionális Kutatások Intézete Dunántúli Tudományos Intézet. Genfi Egyetem Európai Intézet. 2012.[ ISBN 978-963-9899-58-2] 239. Oldal.

In document Gazdaság és Társadalom (Pldal 119-123)