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Apricot-plum interspecific hybrids

In document Evaluation of fruit cultivars (Pldal 85-90)

4. Major trends of European and Japanese plum breeding and its results recommended for cultivation

4.7. Cultivars which can be recommended for planting

4.6.4. Apricot-plum interspecific hybrids

Figure 4.21. Dapple Dandy (Photo: Szilvia Kovács) Dapple Dandy

Origin: a hybrid of an apricot x plum hybrid of unknown origin and plum under the code number No.

58GA338. A protected cultivar created in the USA. Ripens at the end of July, beginning of August, recommended for the fresh market. The fruits are very large (80-90 g), have a firm flesh, semi-freestone (Figure 4.21.). They are not susceptible to cracking. Self-sterile, its recommended pollinators are ‗Santa

Rosa‘, ‗Burgundy‘, ‗Flavor Supreme‘, ‗Flavor King‘. It has an upright canopy, the tree is moderately vigorous, medium dense. According to Hungarian experiences, its fruitfulness is good.

Figure 4.22. Flavor Grenade (Photo: Szilvia Kovács) Flavor Grenade

Origin: a hybrid of two Japanese plums and an interspecific hybrid, ‗Flavor Queen‘. Ripens in the first-second decade of August, it was bred and protected in the USA. Has an outstanding fresh consumption quality, can be transported easily, has a long shelf life. Its fruits are large (60-70 g), develop a cover colour mostly on the sunny side (Figure 4.22.). The fruits are semi-freestone, not susceptible to cracking. Self-sterile, its good pollinators are ‗Flavor King‘, ‗Dapple Dandy‘, ‗Santa Rosa‘. S-genotype:

SbSc. The tree is moderately vigorous, has a medium dense canopy. According to Hungarian

experiences, it is high-yielding. Fruit thinning and a harvest in two or more stages are recommended.

Control questions:

1. Where can we find the most important breeding centers of European type plum cultivars?

2. Where can we find breeding of Japanese type plum cultivars in the world?

3. What are the major aims of breeding?

4. What are the most common methods of plum breeding?

5. What Prunus species do breeders use to have a better ecological adaptability and winter hardiness inherited?

6. What Prunus species do breeders use to improve fruit quality?

7. What is the reason of the different cultivar use in the world‘s areas with different ecological conditions?

8. What Japanese type plum cultivars can be found in almost all of the major plum producing countries?

9. What are the most popular European plum cultivars of the world?

10. Describe the economic significance of mirabelles and cherry plums, as well as their most important breeding countries!

11. Which European plum cultivars can be used for widening the plum assortment?

12. Which Japanese type plum cultivars and apricot-plum hybrids can be recommended for orchards?


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5. Buchter H. 1999. Japanische Pflaume Obstart für Risiko-freudige. Obst und Garten. 7:248-249.

6. Butac et al. 2011. Overview of plum breeding in Europe. Second Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing. Romania. 5-7 September 2011. Lecture.



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8. Guerra et al, 2010. Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) production in Extremadura (Spain).

Acta Horticulturae. 874:377-379.

9. Halász J., Hegedűs A., Szabó Z., Nyéki J., Pedryc A. 2007. DNA-based S-genotyping of Japanese Plum and Pluot Cultivars to Clarify Incompatibility Relationships. HortScience 42(1):46-50.

10. Hartmann W. 1998. New Plum Cultivars from Hohenheim. Acta Horticulturae. 478:171-174.

11. Hartmann W. 2008. A modern szilvatermesztés perspektivikus fajtái. (Promising cultivars of modern plum cultivation) Gonda I. (szerk.) Magyar szilvatermesztés – stagnálás vagy előrelépés? Konferencia Füzetek. Debreceni Egyetem. 34-48.

12. Hartmann W. 2010. Opening Address. Acta Horticulturae. 874:19-23.

13. Jacob H. B. 2002. New Plum and Mirabelles Varieties out of the Breeding Work and Development in Genseinheim. Acta Horticulturae. 577:173-176.

14. Jacob H. B. 2007. Twenty-Five Years Plum Breeding in Geinsenheim, Germany: Breeding Targets and Previous Realisations. Acta Horticulturae. 734: 341-346.

15. Janes H., Pae A. 2002. Cherry plum hybrid cultivars in Estonia. Acta Horticulturae. 577: 181-186.

16. Liu W. 2004. Plum production in China. Acta Horticulturae. 734:89-92.

17. Kovács Sz., Gengeliczki E. 2010. Kajszilva fajták termesztési és áruértékének értékelése hazai üzemi ültetvényben. (Evaluation of cultivation and market values of apricot-plum hybrid varieties in a Hungarian orchard) Kertgazdaság. 42. (2.): 28-35.

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22. Scorza R. et al. 2007. Deregulation of Plum Pox Resistant Transgenic Plum ‗Honeysweet‘. Acta Horticulturae. 738:669-673.

23. Sottile et al. 2010. Plum production in Italy: state of the art and perspectives. Acta Horticulturae.


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26. Szabó Z., Nyéki J. 2002. Japenese Plums in Hungary. Acta Horticulturae. 577:65-71.

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31. Szabó Z. 2008. A jövő gyümölcse a japánszilva? (Is Japanese plum the fruit of the future?) Gonda I. (szerk.) Magyar szilvatermesztés – stagnálás vagy előrelépés? Konferencia Füzetek.

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34. http://www.vivaicalderoni.it/varieta.cfm 35. http://www.freepatentsonline.com 36. http://www.davewilson.com

5. Major aspects and results of apricot breeding; New domestic and foreign cultivars

In document Evaluation of fruit cultivars (Pldal 85-90)