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3 Existence of one weak solution


Academic year: 2022

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Teljes szövegt


Weak solutions to Dirichlet boundary value problem driven by p ( x ) -Laplacian-like operator

Calogero Vetro


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi 34, 90123 - Palermo, Italy

Received 23 July 2017, appeared 4 January 2018 Communicated by Gabriele Bonanno

Abstract. We prove the existence of weak solutions to the Dirichlet boundary value problem for equations involving the p(x)-Laplacian-like operator in the principal part, with reaction term satisfying a sub-critical growth condition. We establish the existence of at least one nontrivial weak solution and three weak solutions, by using variational methods and critical point theory.

Keywords: Dirichlet boundary value problem, p(x)-Laplacian-like operator, variable exponent Sobolev space.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35D30, 35J60.

1 Introduction

In this article we consider the following Dirichlet boundary value problem:

lp(x)u(x) +|u(x)|p(x)−2u(x) =λg(x,u(x)) inΩ,

u =0 on Ω, (Pλ)



1+ |∇u|p(x) q



is the p(x)-Laplacian-like, Ω ⊂ Rn is an open bounded domain with smooth boundary, p ∈ C()is a function with some regularity satisfying

1< p := inf

xp(x)≤ p(x)≤ p+:=sup



The function g:Ω×RRis Carathéodory (that is, for allz∈R, x→ g(x,z)is measurable and for a.a.x∈ Ω,z →g(x,z)is continuous) andλis a real positive parameter. In the sequel of this article, we assume that the reaction term g(x,z)satisfies the hypothesis:

BEmail: calogero.vetro@unipa.it


(g1) there exista1,a2∈[0,+[andα∈C()with 1<α(x)< p(x)for all x∈ Ω, such that

|g(x,z)| ≤a1+a2|z|α(x)−1 for all (x,z)∈×R, where p(x) = np(x)

n−p(x) if p(x)<nand p(x) = +if p(x)≥n.

Now, let W01,p(x)()be the closure of C0() in the generalized Lebesgue–Sobolev space W1,p(x)() given in Section 2. For a weak solution of problem (Pλ), we mean a function u∈W01,p(x)()such that




|∇u(x)|2p(x)−2∇u(x) q





|u(x)|p(x)−2u(x)v(x)dx=λ Z

g(x,u(x))v(x)dx, for allv∈W01,p(x)().

Existence and multiplicity results for problems involving the p(x)-Laplacian-like were ob- tained by Rodrigues [13] (Dirichlet boundary condition), Afrouzi–Kirane–Shokooh [1] (Neu- mann boundary condition). For other problems driven by the p(x)-Laplacian operator, there are the works of Fan–Zhang [9], Bonanno–Chinnì [3] (Dirichlet boundary condition), and Deng–Wang [7], Pan–Afrouzi–Li [12] (Neumann boundary condition). Also, we mention the comprehensive book on nonlinear boundary value problems by Motreanu–Motreanu–

Papageorgiou [11].

Here, we prove the existence of weak solutions to the Dirichlet boundary value problem (Pλ), by using variational methods and critical point theory. Precisely, we apply a result of Bonanno [2] for functionals satisfying the Palais–Smale condition cut off upper at r (the (PS)[r]-condition for short), to obtain the existence of at least one nontrivial weak solution.

Then, we use a result of Bonanno–Marano [4] to obtain the existence of three weak solutions.

The motivation of this study comes from the use of such problems to model the behaviour of electrorheological fluids in physics (as discussed in Diening–Harjulehto–Hästö–R ˚užiˇcka [8]) and, in particular, the phenomenon of capillarity which depends on solid and liquid interfacial properties such as surface tension, contact angle, and solid surface geometry.

2 Mathematical background

LetXbe a real Banach space andXits topological dual. In developing our study, we consider both the variable exponent Lebesgue space Lp(x)() and the generalized Lebesgue–Sobolev spaceW1,p(x)(). Indeed, these spaces, in respect to the norms defined below, are separable, reflexive and uniformly convex Banach spaces (see Fan–Zhang [9]). So, we have the variable exponent Lebesgue spaceLp(x)()given as

Lp(x)() =

u:Ω→R : u is measurable and Z

|u(x)|p(x)dx< +

, where we consider the following norm

kukLp(x)():=inf (

λ>0 : Z

u(x) λ


dx ≤1 )

(i.e., Luxemburg norm).


On the other hand, the generalized Lebesgue–Sobolev spaceW1,p(x)()is defined by W1,p(x)():=nu∈Lp(x)():|∇u| ∈ Lp(x)()o.

Also, we take the norm

kukW1,p(x)()=kukLp(x)()+k |∇u| kLp(x)(), which is equivalent to the norm

kuk:=inf (

λ>0 :


u(x) λ



∇u(x) λ


dx≤1 )


(see D’Aguì–Sciammetta [6]). In the following, we will use the normkukinstead ofkukW1,p(x)()

on W01,p(x)(). In the proofs of our theorems, we use a Sobolev embedding result; precisely we refer to the following proposition due to Fan–Zhao [10].

Proposition 2.1. Let p∈ C()with p(x)> 1for each x ∈. Then, there exists a continuous and compact embedding W01,p(x)(),→ Lα(x)(), provided thatα∈ C()and1< α(x)< p(x)for all x∈Ω.

Another useful theorem, which links kukLp(x)() to R

|u(x)|p(x)dx (respectively, kuk to R

|u(x)|p(x)+|∇u(x)|p(x)dx), can be stated as follows (Fan–Zhao [10, Theorem 1.3] and Cammaroto–Chinnì–Di Bella [5, Proposition 2.1]).

Theorem 2.2. Let u∈ Lp(x)() (resp., u∈W01,p(x)())and putkuk =kukLp(x)()(resp.,kuk = kuk) andρ(u) = R

|u(x)|p(x)dx (resp., ρ(u) = R

|u(x)|p(x)+|∇u(x)|p(x)dx). Then, we have:

(i) kuk <1(=1, >1)⇔ρ(u)<1(=1, >1); (ii) ifkuk >1, thenkukpρ(u)≤ kukp+; (iii) ifkuk <1, thenkukp+ρ(u)≤ kukp.

Next, letG:Ω×RRbe the function defined by G(x,t) =

Z t

0 g(x,z)dz for allt ∈R, x ∈Ω, and consider the functionalΨ :W01,p(x)()→Rdefined by

Ψ(u) =


G(x,u(x))dx, for allu∈W01,p(x)().

By using(g1), we getΨ∈ C1(W01,p(x)(),R). Also, by Proposition2.1we deduce thatΨhas a compact derivative given as

Ψ0(u)(v) =


g(x,u(x))v(x)dx, for all u,v∈W01,p(x)().


Moreover, letΦ:W01,p()→Rbe the functional defined by Φ(u) =





1 p(x)






p(x)|u(x)|p(x)dx for all u ∈ W01,p(x)(), so that Φ is in C1(W01,p(x)(),R). We recall that Φ is Gâteaux dif- ferentiable and sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous and its Gâteaux derivative Φ0 : W01,p(x)()→(W01,p(x)()) is

Φ0(u)(v) =




|∇u(x)|2p(x)−2∇u(x) q






for allu,v∈W01,p(x)(). From Rodrigues [13], we recall the following proposition.

Proposition 2.3. The functional Φ0 : W01,p(x)() → W01,p(x)() is a strictly monotone and bounded homeomorphism.

Finally, consider the functional Iλ :W01,p(x)()→Rdefined byIλ(u) =Φ(u)−λΨ(u)for allu∈W01,p(x)(). We have



Φ(u) =Φ(0) =Ψ(0) =0.

We conclude this section with the following notion.

Definition 2.4. Let X be a real Banach space and X its topological dual. Then, Iλ : X → R satisfies the Palais–Smale condition cut off upper at r, with fixed r ∈ ]−,+], if any sequence{un}such that

(i) {Iλ(un)}is bounded;

(ii) limn→+kIλ0(un)kX =0;

(iii) Φ(un)<r,

has a convergent subsequence.

3 Existence of one weak solution

In this section we establish an existence theorem producing at least one nontrivial weak so- lution of (Pλ). To this aim, we apply a theorem proved by Bonanno [2, Theorem 2.3], which reads as follows.

Theorem 3.1. Let X be a real Banach space and let Φ,Ψ : X → R be two continuously Gâteaux differentiable functionals such thatinfuXΦ(u) = Φ(0) =Ψ(0) = 0.Assume that there exist r > 0 andu¯ ∈ X, with0<Φ(u¯)<r, such that

(i) σ= 1rsupφ(u)≤rΨ(u)< ΨΦ((u¯)

¯ u) =ρ;


(ii) for eachλ1


the functional Iλ:=ΦλΨsatisfies the(P.S.)[r]-condition.

Then, for eachλΛr :=1


, there is u0,λΦ1(]0,r[)such that Iλ0(u0,λ)≡ϑXand Iλ(u0,λ)≤ Iλ(u)for all u∈Φ1(]0,r[).

Here, we need the function δ : Ω → R given as δ(x) = d(x,∂Ω), with d to denote the Euclidean distance. Let x0 be a point of maximum for δ and let D = δ(x0), then B(x0,D) = {x ∈ Rn : d(x0,x) < D} ⊂ Ω. Now, we fix s ∈ ]1,+[ and put sD = 1s and κD = (ss1)D. Clearly(1−sD)DκD =1. Then, forβ>0 andh∈C()with 1< h, we put

[β]h :=maxn βh


+o . The hypothesis on the functionG:Ω×RRis as follows:

(g2) infxG(x,t)≥0 for allt ∈[0, 1] and lim supt0+ infxG(x,t)

tp = +∞.

Letλ:=a1k1(p+)1/p +αa2[kα]α(p+)α+/p1, wherek1andkαare the best constants for the compact embeddings W01,p(x)(),→ L1()andW01,p(x)() ,→ Lα(x)(), respectively. We establish the following result.

Theorem 3.2. If hypotheses (g1), (g2) hold, then problem (Pλ) admits at least one nontrivial weak solution, for each λ∈ ]0,λ[.

Proof. We consider the functionalsΦandΨgiven in Section2on the Banach spaceW01,p(x)(), and prove that all the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1 hold true with r = 1. Since Φ,Ψ ∈ C1(W01,p(x)(),R)and Ψ0 is compact, the functional Iλ satisfies the (P.S.)[r]-condition for all r >0 (see, Afrouzi–Kirane–Shokooh [1, Theorem 3.1]). We deduce that Theorem3.1(ii) holds true. Then, fixed λ∈]0,λ[, by(g2)we get

0<δλ <min (



mDn(2[κD]p(1−snD) +1)


so that


(2[κD]p(1−snD) +1)(δλ)p > 1 λ. Now, we consider the function uλ :Ω→Rgiven as

uλ(x) =



0, x∈ \B(x0,D), δλ, x∈ B(x0,sDD),

δλκD(D− |x−x0|), x∈ B(x0,D)\B(x0,sDD), where| · | is the Euclidean norm onRn. We obtain
















≤mDn(2[κD]p(1−snD) +1) (δλ)p



wherem:= nΓ(n/2n/2) denotes the measure of unit ball ofRnandΓis the Gamma function. We get



B(x0,sDD)G(x,uλ)dx≥ inf

xG(x,δλ)msnDDn (by left part of(g2))


Φ(uλ) ≥ p


mDn(2[κD]p(1−snD) +1) (δλ)p = p


(2[κD]p(1−snD) +1) (δλ)p > 1 λ. Letr=1. For eachu∈ Φ1(]−∞, 1]), we can use Theorem2.2 and conclude that

kuk ≤ Z

|∇u(x)|p(x)+|u(x)|p(x)dx 1/p

p+Φ(u)1/p ≤(p+)1/p,

⇒ kuk ≤(p+)1/p. (3.1)

Next, Proposition2.1and Theorem2.2imply that Z

|u(x)|α(x)dx= ρα(u)≤hkukLα(x)()


≤ [kαkuk]α (3.2) for allu∈W01,p(x)(), wherekαis the best constant for the compact embeddingW01,p(x)(),→ Lα(x)(). Moreover, the compact embedding W01,p(x)() ,→ L1() (with best constant k1), (g1), (3.1) and (3.2) imply that, for eachu∈Φ1(]−∞, 1]), we have

Ψ(u)≤ a1 Z

|u(x)|dx+ a2 α


|u(x)|α(x)dx≤ a1k1kuk+ a2


≤ a1k1(p+)1/p + a2


⇒ sup


Ψ(u)≤a1k1(p+)1/p+ a2

α[kα]α(p+)α+/p = 1 λ < 1


⇒ sup


Ψ(u)< 1

λ < Ψ(uλ) Φ(uλ).

It follows that Theorem3.1(i) holds true. SinceλΦΨ((uuλ)

λ),sup 1


, by an application of Theorem3.1 withu = uλ andr = 1, we obtain the existence of a local minimum point vλ of the functionalIλsuch that 0 <Φ(vλ)<1. This means thatvλ is a nontrivial weak solution of problem (Pλ).

4 Existence of three weak solutions

In this section we prove a theorem producing at least three weak solutions of (Pλ). To this aim, we apply a theorem proved by Bonanno–Marano [4, Theorem 3.6], which run as follows.

Theorem 4.1. Let X be a reflexive real Banach space and let Φ : X → R be a coercive, continu- ously Gâteaux differentiable and sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous functional whose Gâteaux derivative admits a continuous inverse on X, Ψ : X → R be a continuously Gâteaux differentiable functional whose Gâteaux derivative is compact such thatinfXΦ(x) = Φ(0) = Ψ(0) = 0. Assume that there exist r>0andu¯ ∈X, with0<r<Φ(u¯), such that

(i) σ= 1rsupφ(u)≤rΨ(u)< ΨΦ((u¯)

¯ u) =ρ;


(ii) for eachλ1


the functional Iλ:=ΦλΨis coercive.

Then, for eachλΛr := 1


, the functional Iλ :=ΦλΨhas at least three distinct critical points in X.

The hypotheses on the functionG:Ω×RRare as follows:

(g3) there existc∈[0,+[andγ∈C()with 1<γγ+ < p such that G(x,t)≤c

1+|t|γ(x) for all(x,t)∈×R; (g4) G(x,t)≥0 for all(x,t)∈×[0,+[;

(g5) there existr>0 andδ >0 withr< p1+mDn min


D ,κp


D (1−snD) +1 δp

+ such that

ω:=1 r

a1k1(p+)1/p[r]1/p+ a2


< p

snDinfxG(x,δ) (2[κD]p(1−snD) +1)δp. So, we establish the following result.

Theorem 4.2. If hypotheses(g1), (g3),(g4),(g5)hold, then problem(Pλ)admits at least three weak solutions, for eachλΛr,δ :=(2[κD]p(1snD)+1)δp

psnDinfxG(x,δ) ,ω1


Proof. We adapt the proof of Theorem 3.2 to the new situation. So, we consider the same working space W01,p(x)() with the norm k · k and the functionals Φ,Ψ : W01,p(x)() → R.

This means that the regularity assumptions of Theorem 4.1hold true.

Again, let sD and κD as in Section 3. Let r and δ as in (g5) and consider the function w:Ω→Rgiven as

w(x) =



0, x ∈\B(x0,D), δ, x ∈B(x0,sDD),

δκD(D− |x−x0|), x ∈B(x0,D)\B(x0,sDD).

Following the same arguments in the proof of Theorem3.2(by taking in mind(g4)), we obtain Ψ(w)

Φ(w) ≥ p

snDinfxG(x,δ) (2[κD]p(1−snD) +1)δp. On the other hand, it turns out that

Φ(w)≥ 1 p+


|∇w(x)|p(x)+|w(x)|p(x)dx≥ 1

p+mDnh minn


D ,κp

+ D


(1−snD) +1i δp


Fromr < p1+mDn min


D ,κp


D (1−snD) +1 δp

+, we deducer<Φ(w). Thus, Proposition2.1 and Theorem 2.2imply that


|u(x)|α(x)dx=ρα(u)≤ hkukLα(x)()


≤[kαkuk]α (4.1)


for allu∈W01,p(x)(), wherekαis the best constant for the compact embeddingW01,p(x)(),→ Lα(x)(). For eachu∈Φ1(]−,r]), by Theorem2.2we have

kuk ≤p+Φ(u)1/p ≤[p+r]1/p= (p+)1/p[r]1/p,

⇒ kuk ≤(p+)1/p[r]1/p. (4.2)

Moreover, the compact embedding W01,p(x)() ,→ L1() (with best constant k1), (g1), (4.1) and (4.2) imply that, for eachu ∈Φ1(]−∞,r]), we have

Ψ(u)≤ a1 Z

|u(x)|dx+ a2 α


|u(x)|α(x)dx≤ a1k1kuk+ a2


≤ a1k1(p+)1/p[r]1/p+ a2


1 r sup


Ψ(u)≤ 1 r

a1k1(p+)1/p[r]1/p+ a2


1 r sup


Ψ(u)< Ψ(w) Φ(w).

It follows that Theorem4.1(i) holds true. Finally, we prove that Theorem4.1(ii) holds true too (i.e., Iλ :=ΦλΨis coercive for eachλ> 0). In fact, Proposition2.1and Theorem2.2imply

that Z

|u(x)|γ(x)dx =ργ(u)≤hkukLγ(x)()


≤[kγkuk]γ (4.3) for allu∈W01,p(x)(), wherekγis the best constant for the compact embeddingW01,p(x)(),→ Lγ(x)(). Consequently, for eachu∈W01,p(x)()withkuk ≥max{1,kγ1}, using(g3)and (4.3), we get

Ψ(u) =






≤c(||+ [kγkuk]γ) =c

||+ [kγ]γkukγ+. It follows that








||+ [kγ]γkukγ+



||+ [kγ]γkukγ+

⇒ Iλ is coercive.

SinceΛr,δΦΨ((ww)),sup r


, by an application of Theorem4.1 with u= w, we have that, for eachλΛr,δ,Iλadmits at least three critical points inW01,p(x)(). Obviously, these critical points are three weak solutions of (Pλ).

We conclude this article by dealing with a reaction term satisfying the hypotheses (g1), (g3),(g4). Based on the sub-critical growth condition(g1), we take the functiong :Ω×RR given by

g(x,z) =

(1+|z|q(x)−1, if(x,z)∈×]−∞,r], 1+zγ(x)−1rq(x)−γ(x), if(x,z)∈×]r,+[,


where r is a real positive number greater than 1, and q,γ ∈ C() with 1 < γγ+ <

min{q,p} < p(x) for all x ∈ Ω. Trivially, g is a Carathéodory function satisfying (g1). Next, consider the function G : Ω×RR given as G(x,t) = Rt

0 g(x,z)dzfor all t ∈ R and x∈Ω, so(g4)holds true as g(x,z)≥1 for all (x,z)∈×R. From

G(x,t) =

 t+ tq(x)

q(x), if(x,t)∈×[0,r],

t+ tγ(x)


1 q(x)1


, if(x,t)∈×]r,+[,

by routine calculations, we get G(x,t) ≤ (r+rq+)(1+tγ(x)) for all (x,t) ∈ ×[0,+[ and so (g3)holds true (indeed,G(x,t)≤0 for all(x,z)∈×]−∞, 0]).


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