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Improvement on the Crossing Number of Crossing-Critical Graphs


Academic year: 2022

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Improvement on the Crossing Number of Crossing-Critical Graphs

János Barát1,2,3 ·Géza Tóth3,4

Received: 28 April 2020 / Revised: 3 November 2020 / Accepted: 5 November 2020

© The Author(s) 2020


The crossing number of a graphGis the minimum number of edge crossings over all drawings ofGin the plane. A graphGisk-crossing-critical if its crossing number is at leastk, but if we remove any edge ofG, its crossing number drops belowk. There are examples ofk-crossing-critical graphs that do not have drawings with exactlyk crossings. Richter and Thomassen proved in 1993 that ifGisk-crossing-critical, then its crossing number is at most 2.5k+16. We improve this bound to 2k+8√


Keywords Crossing critical·Crossing number·Graph drawing Mathematics Subject Classification 05C10·68R10·05C62

1 Introduction

The crossing numbercr(G)of a graphGis the minimum number of edge crossings over all drawings ofGin the plane. In the optimal drawing ofG, crossings are not

Editor in Charge: János Pach

Supported by National Research, Development and Innovation Office, NKFIH, K-131529, KKP-133864, and the Grant of the Hungarian Ministry for Innovation and Technology (Grant Number:


János Barát

barat@mik.uni-pannon.hu Géza Tóth


1 Department of Mathematics, University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10., 8200 Veszprém, Hungary 2 MTA-ELTE Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics Research Group, Pázmány P. sétány 1/C,

1117 Budapest, Hungary

3 Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, P.O. Box 127, 1364 Budapest, Hungary 4 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, SZIT, Budapest, Hungary


necessarily distributed uniformly on the edges. Some edges can be more “responsible”

for the crossing number than others. For any positive integerk, there exists a graph Gwhose crossing number isk, but it has an edgeesuch thatGeis planar. On the other hand, Richter and Thomassen [6, Sect. 3] conjectured that ifcr(G)=k, then G contains an edgeesuch thatcr(Ge)kc

k for some constantc. They observed that this bound would be optimal, as shown, e.g., by the graphK3,n. They managed to prove a much weaker bound, namely, ifcr(G)=k, thenGcontains an edgeesuch thatcr(Ge)≥2k/5−8.

A graphGisk-crossing-criticalifcr(G)≥ k, butcr(Ge) < kfor any edge eof G. The structure and properties of crossing-critical graphs are fundamental in the study of crossing numbers. It is easy to describe 1-crossing-critical graphs, and there is an almost complete description of 2-crossing-critical graphs [3]. Fork >2, a description ofk-crossing-critical graphs seems hopeless at the moment. It has been proven recently, that the bounded maximum degree conjecture fork-crossing-critical graphs holds fork≤12 and does not hold fork >12 [2]. More precisely, there is a constantDwith the property that for everyk≤12, everyk-crossing-critical graph has maximum degree at mostD, and for everyk>12,d ≥1, there is ak-crossing-critical graph with maximum degree at leastd.

We rephrase the result and conjecture of Richter and Thomassen [6] as follows. They conjectured that ifG isk-crossing-critical, thencr(G) ≤ k+c

k for somec>0 and this bound would be optimal. They proved that ifGisk-crossing- critical, thencr(G)≤2.5k+16. This result has been improved in two special cases.

Lomelí and Salazar [5] proved that for anyk there is ann(k)such that ifG is k- crossing-critical and has at leastn(k)vertices, thencr(G) ≤ 2k+23. Salazar [7]

proved that if G isk-crossing-critical and all vertices of G have degree at least 4, thencr(G)≤2k+35. It is an easy consequence of the Crossing Lemma [1] that if the average degree in ak-crossing-critical graph is large, then its crossing number is close tok[4]. That is, ifG isk-crossing critical and it has at leastcnedges, where c≥7, thencr(G)≤kc2/(c2−29). In this note, we obtain a general improvement.

Theorem 1.1 For any k >0, if G is a k-crossing-critical multigraph, thencr(G)≤ 2k+8√


We need a few definitions and introduce now several parameters for the proof. We also list them at the end of the paper.

LetGbe a graph. IfCis a cycle ofGandvis a vertex ofC, then we call the pair (C, v)thecycle C with special vertexv. The special vertex is meant to be a vertex with large degree. When it is clear from the context, which vertex is the special one, we just writeC instead of(C, v). SupposeCis a cycle with special vertexv. Letx be a vertex ofC. An edge, adjacent tox but not inC, ishanging from x in short.

Letl(C)=l(C, v)be thelength of C, that is, the number of its edges. For any ver- texx, letd(x)denote the degree ofx. Leth(C)=h(C, v)=

uC,u=v(d(u)−2), that is, the total number of hanging edges from all non-special vertices ofC (with multiplicity). A set of edges isindependentif no two of them have a common endver- tex.


2 The Proof of Richter and Thomassen

In [6], the most important tool in the proof was the following technical result. In this section we review and analyze its proof. The algorithmic argument recursively finds an induced cycleCsuch thath(C)is small.

Theorem 2.1 ([6]) Let H be a simple graph with minimum degree at least3. Assume that H has a set E of t edges such that HE is planar. Then H has an induced cycle K with special vertexvsuch that h(K)t+36.

Proof The proof is by induction ont. The induction step can be considered as a process, which constructs a graphHfrom the graph H, and a cycle K ofH, either directly, or from a cycleKinH. For convenience, for any planar graphH, defineH= ∅. In the rest of the paper we refer to this as the Richter–Thomassen procedure. The statement of Theorem2.1fort=0 is the following.

Lemma 2.2 ([6]) Let H be a simple planar graph with minimum degree at least3. Then H has an induced cycle K with special vertexvsuch that l(K)≤5and h(K)≤36.

Here we omit the proof of Lemma2.2. Suppose now thatt >0 and we have already shown Theorem2.1for smaller values oft. LetHbe a simple graph with minimum degree at least 3. Assume thatHhas a setEoftedges such thatHEis planar and lete=uwE. LetH=He. We distinguish several cases.

1.Hhas no vertex of degree 2. By the induction hypothesis,Hhas a cycleK with a special vertexvsuch thath(K)t+35. InH, ifeis not a chord ofK, thenK = Kwith the same special vertex satisfying the conditions forH. Let H = H. Ifeis a chord ofK, then K+edetermines two cycles, and it is easy to see that either one satisfies the conditions. So, letKbe one of them. IfK containsv, thenvremains the special vertex. IfK does not containv, then we can choose the special vertex ofKarbitrarily. Let H=H.

2.Hhas a vertex of degree 2. Clearly, onlyuandwcan have degree 2. Suppress vertices of degree 2. That is, for each vertex of degree 2, remove the vertex and connect its neighbors by an edge. Let H be the resulting graph. It can have at most two sets of parallel edges.

2.1. H has no parallel edges. By the induction hypothesis, H contains a cycleKwith a special vertexvsuch thath(K)t+35. It corresponds to a cycleKinH. LetH=H.

2.1.1. The edgeeis not incident withK. In this case,K = Ksatisfies the conditions, with the same special vertex asH.

2.1.2. The edgeehas exactly one endvertex onK. In this case, letK =K with the same special vertex. Nowh(K)=h(K)+1≤t+36 and we are done.

2.1.3. The edgeehas both endvertices onK. Now, just like in case 1., K+edetermines two cycles and it is easy to see that either one satisfies the conditions. If the new cycle containsv, the special vertex, then it will remain the special vertex; if not, then we can choose the special vertex arbitrarily.


2.2. Hhas one set of parallel edges. Letx andybe the endvertices of the parallel edges. We can assume that one of thex yedges inHcorresponds to the pathxuyinHandH. Clearly,d(u)=3.

2.2.1. Anotherx yedge inHcorresponds to the pathxwyinHandH. In this cased(u)= d(w)= 3, so for the cycleK =uxwwith special vertexx we haveh(K) ≤ 2 and we are done. Let H = ∅. We do not defineKin this case.

2.2.2. Nox yedge in Hcorresponds to the pathxwyinH andH, and eitherd(x)≤37+t ord(y)≤37+t. Assume thatd(x)≤37+t, the other case is treated analogously. Since there were at least twox yedges in H, H contains the edgex y. For the cycle K = ux y, with special vertexy, we haveh(K)≤35+t+1, so we are done. LetH= ∅.

2.2.3. No x y edge in H corresponds to the path xwy in H and H, and bothd(x),d(y) > 37+t. Replace the parallel edges by a single x yedge in H. In the resulting graph H, we can apply the induction hypothesis and get a cycleK with special vertexvsuch thath(K)≤ 35+t. Now K cannot contain both x and y and if it contains either one, then it has to be the special vertex. Therefore, the cycle K in H, corresponding toK, with the same special vertex, satisfies the conditions, since the only edge that can increase h(K) ise, and e is not a chord ofK.

2.3. Hhas two sets of parallel edges,x y andabsay. Now H contains the edgesx yandab. We can assume by symmetry thatHcontains the pathsxuy andawb. Alsod(u)=d(w)=3 inH.

2.3.1. At least one ofa,b,x,yhas degree at most 37+t inH. Assume thatd(x)≤37+t, the other cases are treated analogously. For the cycle K =ux ywith special vertexy, we haveh(K)≤35+t+1, so we are done. Let H= ∅.

2.3.2. d(x),d(y),d(a),d(b) > 37+t. Replace the parallel edges by single edgesx yandabinH. In the resulting graphH, we can apply the induction hypothesis and get a cycle Kwith special vertexv such that h(K)≤35+t. However,Kcan contain at most one ofx,y,a, andb, and if it contains one, then it has to be the special vertex. Therefore, the cycleKinH, corresponding toK, with the same special vertex satisfies the conditions.

It is clear from the procedure that K does not have a chord in H since we always chooseK as a minimal cycle. This finishes the proof of Theorem2.1.

3 Proof of Theorem1.1

The main idea in the proof of Richter and Thomassen [6] is the following. Suppose that Gisk-crossing-critical. Then it has at mostkedges whose removal makesGplanar.

Then by Theorem2.1, we find a cycleCwith special vertexvsuch thath(C)k+36.

Letebe an edge ofCadjacent tov. We can drawGewith at mostk−1 crossings.


Now we add the edgee, alongCe, on the “better” side. We get additional crossings from the crossings onCeand from the hanging edges, and we can bound both.

Our contribution is the following. Take a “minimal” set of edges, whose removal makesGplanar. Clearly, this set would contain at mostkedges. However, we have to define “minimal” in a slightly more complicated way, but still our set contains at mostk+√

kedges. We carefully analyze the proof of Richter and Thomassen, extend it with some operations, and find a cycleCwith special vertexvsuch that (roughly) l(C)+h(C)/2k+6√

k. Now, do the redrawing step. Ifh(C)or the number of crossings onCeis small, then we get an improvement immediately. If both of them are large, thenl(C)is much smaller than the number of crossings onCe. But in this case, we can remove the edges ofC, and get rid of many crossings. This way, we can get a bound on the “minimal” set of edges whose removal makesGplanar.

As we will see, for the proof we can assume thatGis simple and all vertices have degree at least 3. But if we want to prove a better bound, say,cr(G)≤(2−ε)k+o(k), then we cannot prove that the result for simple graphs implies the result for multigraphs.

Therefore, the whole proof collapses. Moreover, even if we could assume without loss of generality thatGis simple, we still cannot go below the constant 2 with our method.

We cannot rule out the possibility that all (or most of the)k−1 crossings are onC−e.

Proof of Theorem1.1 Suppose thatG isk-crossing-critical. Just like in the paper of Richter and Thomassen [6], we can assume thatG is simple and all vertices have degree at least 3. We sketch the argument.

IfGhas an isolated vertex, then we can remove it fromG. Suppose that a vertexvof Ghas degree 1. Thencr(G)=cr(G−v), contradicting crossing criticality. Suppose now thatvhas degree 2. We can suppressv(remove it and connect its neighbors by an edge). The resulting (multi)graph is stillk-crossing-critical and has the same crossing number asG. Clearly,Gcannot contain loops, as adding or removing a loop does not change the crossing number. Finally, suppose thateand f are parallel edges, both connectingxandy. SinceGisk-crossing-critical, we havecr(Ge)k−1. Take a drawing of the graphGewith at mostk−1 crossings. Add the edgee, drawn very close to f. The obtained drawing of Ghas at most 2k−2 crossings, consequently cr(G)≤2k−2<2k+6√

k+47 and we are done. So, we assume in the sequel that Gis simple and all vertices have degree at least 3.

Letkbe the smallest integer with the property that we can removekedges from Gso that the remaining graph is planar. Define the function f(x,y)=x

k+y. Let (t,t)be the pair of numbers that minimizes the function f(t,t)=√

kt+tsubject to the following property: There exists a setE oft edges such thatGE is planar, and the setEcontains at mosttindependent edges. In the next lemma, (i) is from [6];

we repeat it here for completeness.

Lemma 3.1 The following two statements hold:(i)kk and(ii)tk+√ k.

Proof (i) SinceGisk-crossing-critical,G−ecan be drawn with at mostk−1 crossings for any edgee. Remove one of the edges from each crossing in such a drawing. We removed from G at most k edges in total and got a planar graph. (ii) Let E be a set ofk edges inG such thatGE is planar. Suppose that E contains at most kindependent edges. Nowkk. By the choice of(t,t), f(t,t)f(k,k).




k+t = f(t,t)f(k,k)k

k+k. Therefore, tk+k/


kby part (i).

Now setE = {e1,e2, . . . ,et} ⊆ E(G), whereE contains at mosttindependent edges and GE is planar. Apply the Richter–Thomassen procedure recursively starting withH0 =G. We obtain a sequence of graphsH0,H1, . . . ,Hs,st, such that for 0 ≤is−1,Hi = Hi+1, andHs = ∅. The procedure stops with graph Hs, where we obtain a cycleCs either directly, in cases 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.3.1, or by Lemma2.2, when Hs is planar. In all cases,l(Cs)≤5. Following the procedure again, we also obtain cyclesCs1, . . . ,C0of Hs1, . . . ,H0, respectively, such that for 0≤is−1,Ci=Ci+1. LetC0=Cwith special vertexv.

Lemma 3.2 There is a cycle K of G such that l(K)+h(K)/2t+7√ k+48.

Proof The cycleK will be eitherC, or a slightly modified version ofC. Recall that C is an induced cycle so it does not have a chord inG. Consider the moment of the procedure when we get cycleC. We get it either directly, when we apply Lemma2.2, and in cases 2.2.1, 2.2.2, or 2.3.1, or we get it fromC. In the latter case, all hanging edges ofCcorrespond to a hanging edge ofC, with the possible exception ofe=uw. Therefore, if we get a new hanging edgee, theneE. Taking into account the initial cases in the procedure, that is, when we apply Lemma2.2, or we have cases 2.2.1, 2.2.2, or 2.3.1, we get the following easy observations. We omit the proofs.

Observation 3.3 (i) All but at most36edges of GC adjacent to a non-special vertex of C are in E.

(ii) For all but at most four non-special vertices zof C, all edges of GC incident to zare in E.

Suppose thatl(C) >t+6. Considert+5 consecutive vertices onC, none of them being the special vertexv. By Observation3.3(ii), for at leastt+1 of them, all hanging edges are inE. Consider one of these hanging edges at each of theset+1 vertices. By the definition oft,t>0 and theset+1≥2 edges cannot be independent: at least two of them have a common endvertex, which is not onC. Suppose thatx,yC, z/C,x z,yzE. Letabe thex yarc (path) ofC, which does not contain the special vertexv. Take two consecutive neighbors ofzina. Assume for simplicity, that they arexandy. Let the cycle(C,z)be formed by the arcaofC, together with the path x zy. See Fig.1. The cycleCdoes not have a chord inG. We havel(C)t+6, h(C)h(C). The edgeszx andzyare the only new hanging edges ofC from a non-special vertex. They might not be inE, therefore, the statement of Observation3.3 holds in a slightly weaker form.

Observation 3.4 (i) All but at most38edges of GC adjacent to a non-special vertex of Care in E.

(ii) For all but at most six non-special vertices zof C, all edges of GCincident to zare in E.

Let cycleK =C, ifl(C)t+6, and letK =C, ifl(C) >t+6. In both cases, for the rest of the proof, letvdenote the special vertex ofK. Leth=h(K),l =l(K). We have

lt+6. (1)


z x

y v

C C’

Fig. 1 CyclesCandC

The cycleKdoes not have a chord. In particular, none ofe1,e2, . . . ,etcan be a chord ofK. Now we partitionEinto three sets,E=EpEqEm, whereEpis the subset of edges ofEthat have exactly one endvertex onK(these are the hanging edges inE), Eq=EK, andEmis the subset of edges ofEthat do not have an endvertex onK. Letp= |Ep|,q= |Eq|,m= |Em|. Letpdenote the number of edges ofEphanging from the special vertexv. By definition,

t =p+q+m (2)

andpp. It follows from Observations3.3(i) and3.4(i) that

hpph−38. (3)



Since all vertices have degree at least 3, andK does not have a chord,hl−1.

Now, at each vertexxof K, whereallhanging edges belong toEp, take one such edge. The set of these edges isE. By Observations3.3(ii) and3.4(ii),|E| ≥l−7.

See Fig.2. LetF =EpE(K)∪EmEwhereE(K)is the set of edges ofK. Since FEE,G=G(FE)is a planar graph. LetG=GE=GF. In G, each edge ofEhas an endvertex of degree one. Therefore, we can add all edges ofEtoGwithout losing planarity. Consequently, the graphG=GE=GF is planar. Since |E| ≥ l −7, we have |F| = |Ep| + |E(K)| + |Em| − |E| ≤

p+l+m(l−7)= p+7+mt+7 by (2). That is,

|F| ≤t+7. (4)

LetFFbe a maximal set of independent edges inF. We have|F| = |FEm| +

|FEp| + |FE(K)|. The edges in FEm are disjoint fromK and clearly

|FEm| ≤ |Em| =m. The edges in|FEp|have exactly one vertex onK. There are pphanging edges of K from non-special vertices, and E contains at least l−7 of them, soFcontains at mostpp(l−7)hanging edges from non-special vertices. Clearly,Fcan contain at most one hanging edge from the special vertexv.





Fig. 2 The edge setE

Consequently,|FEp| ≤ pp(l−7)+1. Finally, each edge in|FE(K)|

“occupies” two vertices ofK. Summarizing,

|F| = |FEm| + |FEp| + |FE(K)|

≤ |FEm| + |FEp| +l− |FEp| 2


2 = pp

2 +4+m.

By the choice of the pair(t,t),t

k+t≤ |F|√

k+ |F|. Therefore, pp

2 +4+m≥ |F| ≥t

k+t− |F|

kt−7√ k,

using (4). Now by (3) we obtainh/2+4+m(pp)/2+4+mt−7√ k.



kby (1). Summarizing, we have h+mt+38, h

2 +ml−10−7√ k,

which implies

mth+38, h

2 +th+38≥l−10−7√ k, and finallyt+7√

k+48≥l+h/2. This concludes the proof of Lemma3.2.

Now we can finish the proof of Theorem1.1. By Lemma3.2, we have a cycleKin Gwith special vertexvsuch thath(K)/2+l(K)t+7√

k+48. Letebe an edge of K adjacent tov. SinceGwask-crossing-critical, the graphGecan be drawn with at mostk−1 crossings. Let us consider such a drawingD. Leth =h(K),l =l(K).

Suppose the path Kehascr crossings in D. Remove the edges of K from the drawing, and one edge from each crossing not onKe. Together withe, we removed at mostk+lcr edges fromGto get a planar graph. Therefore,l+kcrk. Combining this with Lemma3.1(ii) we have

l+kcrt−√ k.



e K

Fig. 3 Adding the missing edgee



kby Lemma3.2. That is, k+8√

k+48≥cr+h 2.

Consider the drawing DofGe. We can add the missing edgeedrawn along the pathKeon either side. See Fig.3. The two possibilitiestogethercreate at most h+2cr crossings. Choose the one which creates fewer crossings. That makes at most h/2+cr crossings. Sincek+8√

k+48 ≥ cr +h/2, we can addewith at most k+8√

k+48 additional crossings. Hencecr(G)≤2k+8√



Here we give a list of the parameters and their definitions, used in the proof.

k: Gisk-crossing-critical.

k: the smallest integer with the property that we can removekedges fromG so that the remaining graph is planar.

(t,t): the pair of numbers that minimizes the function f(t,t) = tk +t subject to the following property: There exists a set E oft edges such thatGEis planar and the setEcontains at mosttindependent edges.

p= |Ep|: the number of edges inEthat have exactly one endvertex onC.

q = |Eq|: the number of edges inEC.

m= |Em|: the number of edges inEthat do not have an endvertex onC.

p: the number of edges ofEphanging from the special vertexvofC.

h =h(C): the total number of hanging edges from all non-special vertices of C (with multiplicity);h(C)=h(C, v)=


l=l(C): the length ofC.

Acknowledgements We are very grateful to the anonymous referees for their very helpful remarks and suggestions.

Funding Open access funding provided by the University of Pannonia.

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