• Nem Talált Eredményt

Uniform boundedness and extinction results of solutions to a predator–prey system


Academic year: 2022

Ossza meg "Uniform boundedness and extinction results of solutions to a predator–prey system"


Teljes szövegt


Uniform boundedness and extinction results of solutions to a predator–prey system

Mokhtar Kirane


, Salah Badraoui


and Mohammed Guedda


1LaSIE, Fac. des Sciences et Technologies, Univ. La Rochelle, 17042 La Rochelle, France

2Laboratory of Analysis and Control of Differential Equations “ACED”, Fac. MISM, Dept. Maths, Univ. 8 Mai 1945 Guelma, Algeria

3LAMFA, CNRS UMR 7352, Dept. Mathematics, Univ. Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France

Received 26 May 2019, appeared 3 February 2020 Communicated by Péter L. Simon

Abstract. Global existence, positivity, uniform boundedness and extinction results of solutions to a system of reaction-diffusion equations on unbounded domain modeling two species on a predator–prey relationship is considered.

Keywords: reaction-diffusion, global existence, positivity, predator–prey, extinction of solutions.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35A01, 35A02, 35B09, 35B50, 35K57.

1 Introduction

We consider the qualitative theory of the Cauchy problem for a system of reaction-diffusion equations modeling two species interacting with predator–prey relationship. The system in consideration is

La,ν ≡ut−auxxνux =−pu+quv≡ f(u,v), x ∈R, t>0, (1.1) Lb,µ ≡vt−bvxxµvx = +rv−suv ≡g(u,v), x ∈R, t>0, (1.2) supplemented with the initial conditions

u(x, 0) =u0(x), v(x, 0) =v0(x), x∈R. (1.3) The functionsu= u(x,t)andv=v(x,t)represent the densities of predators and preys in time t and at position x, respectively. The coefficient of diffusion a and b are positive constants which describe the rate of movement of predators and prey respectively. The nonnegative constants p andr are the coefficients of evolution, and the coefficientsq ands are related to the increase of the density of predators, and the decrease of the density of preys due to the presence of predators, respectively. The initial conditions u0 and v0 are two bounded and uniformly continuous functions onR.

BCorresponding author. Email: badraoui.salah@univ-guelma.dz


For a biomathematical discussion of these factors and for a background of the equations, see see [10] and [15].

For the modeling of this system see for example [12], page 53: if we have a lack where there are two species of fish: A, which lives on plants of which there is a plentiful supply, andB(the predator) which subsists by eating A(the prey), where u = u(x,t)represents the population ofBandv=v(x,t)represents the population of A.

Further, we suppose the domain is unbounded without boundary and no flux boundary con- ditions, instead of this we can suppose that the initial species distribution are describing by functions of finite supportu0andv0; namely, the initial conditions are of the form

u(x, 0) =u0(x) for −u< x<u, otherwiseu(x, 0) =0.

v(x, 0) =v0(x) for −v <x< v, otherwisev(x, 0) =0.

where∆u and∆vgive the radius of the initially invaded domain, see [16].

The problem could be treated in the realistic two spatial dimension setting, in order to simplify the mathematics we are to treat it by one dimension space.

When the initial data are continuous, uniformly bounded, and nonnegative, it is shown that (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3) has a classical positive global solution. Under some conditions on the coefficients or on the initial data, we show that this solution is in fact globally bounded.

Moreover, if

• r=0, p> qkv0k, thenvis bounded and u→0 exponentially ast→∞.

• p= 0,u0≥ k >r/sor u0 =min

u0,u+0 >r/s, where u±0 = limx→±u0(x)then u(t) is bounded andv→0 exponentially ast →∞.

On the other hand, we study the behaviour of(u,v)whenx→ ±wheneveru0 andv0have limits at ±∞. We show that u(±∞,t) and v(±∞,t) satisfy an ordinary differential system (ODS) int. The qualitative behaviour of solutions to (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3), asx → ±∞, can then be obtained from the ODS associated to it [7].

Some systems of predator–prey were studied in bounded domains, see [9,19] and in the references therein. Also, some results about global existence of solutions for systems of reaction-diffusion systems were established in [4,5,8,13,14].

In the following,u0andv0will be taken nonnegative and are elements of the Banach space X= (BUC(R),k·k), the space of bounded and uniformly continuous functions onRendowed with the supremum normkuk=supxR|u(x)|.

Note here that every continuous function of finite support is a uniformly continuous func- tion onR.

2 Existence, positivity and a priori bounds

We denote byA1 andA2 the linear operatorsa(·)xx+ν(·)x andb(·)xx+µ(·)x, respectively. It is well known thatAj, j=1, 2, generates an analytic semigroup of contractions on the Banach spaceXgiven explicitly by the expression


(x) = √ 1 4παt

Z +


exp −|x+σtξ|2 4αt


u(ξ)dξ, (2.1)


whereα= aandσ =νforj=1, andα=bandσ=µforj=2.

Moreover, for any integern there is a positive constantc = c(n)such that for any u ∈ X, any positivetwe have DnSj(t)u∈ Xand the estimates


≤ctn/2kuk, (2.2)

where Dn=dn/(dx)n, andj=1, 2, holds true [6].

Our first result provides the existence of a global positive solution.

Theorem 2.1. Suppose that u0,v0 ∈ X,there exists a unique global classical nonnegative solution to the problem(1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3).

Proof. Local existence and uniqueness follow from standard arguments of abstract parabolic theory or from fixed point arguments involving the heat kernel and the Duhamel principle;

whence, there exists a t0 > 0 such that the problem (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3) has a unique local mild solution(u,v)∈ C([0,t0];X)× C([0,t0];X), i.e.

u(t) =S1(t)u0+

Z t

0 S1(t−s)f(u(s),v(s))ds, t ∈[0,t0], v(t) =S2(t)v0+

Z t

0 S2(t−s)g(u(s),v(s))ds, t ∈[0,t0].

From the Lebesgue theory and the fact the functions (x,y)7−→ f(x,y)and(x,y) 7−→ g(x,y) are of classC(R2;R)we can conclude that the solution(u,v)∈ C(]0,T];X)× C(]0,T];X) for all 0 < T < Tmax, and (u(t),v(t)) ∈ C(R;R)× C(R;R)for allt ∈]0,T]; whereTmax is the maximal time of existence of the solution.

The continuous dependence of the solution on the initial data makes use of the local existence result and the Gronwall lemma.

The nonnegativity of the solution can be proved as follows: let λ1 = sup{ku(t)k, 0 ≤ t ≤ T}andλ2 = sup{kv(t)k, 0≤ t≤T}where 0 < T < Tmax(Tmax is the maximal time of existence of(u,v)), andλ0≥sup{r+sλ1,p+qλ2}. The substitutionsu=eλ0tϕandv=eλ0tψ transform system (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3) into

ϕt−aϕxxνϕx+ (p−qv+λ0)ϕ≡0, x∈ R, 0< t≤T, ψt−bψxxµϕx+ (−r+su+λ0)ψ≡0, x∈ R, 0< t≤T, with

ϕ(x, 0) =eλ0tu0(x)≥0 and ψ(x, 0) =eλ0tv0(x)≥0, x ∈R.

Asu, v∈ C([0,T];X)and p−qv+λ0 ≥0 and−r+su+λ0 ≥0 for allt ∈[0,T], we can use Theorem 9 on page 43 of the maximum principle in [11] to get that ϕandψare nonnegative which in turn implies the nonnegativity ofuandv.

If one can establish the existence of a priori bounds for the solution components u, v on [0,Tmax[, standard continuation arguments yield global well posedness.

The solution to (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3) can be written in integral form as follows u(t) =eptS1(t)u0+

Z t

0 ep(tτ)S1(t−τ)qu(τ)v(τ)dτ, (2.3) v(t) =e+rtS2(t)u0

Z t


e+r(tτ)S2(t−τ)su(τ)v(τ)dτ. (2.4)


Using the nonnegativity of(u,v)we get

kv(t)k ≤ertkv0k, for allt ≥0. (2.5) Using (2.3) and (2.5) we obtain

ku(t)k ≤ ku0k+qkv0k

Z t

0 eku(τ)kdτ, for allt ≥0. (2.6) Gronwall’s inequality yields

ku(t)k ≤ ku0keqkv0kk(t), for all t≥0, (2.7) where

k(t) = (1

r ert−1

, ifr>0,

t, ifr=0.

Estimates (2.5) and (2.7) imply that the solution is global, i.e.,Tmax= +∞.

3 Boundedness and extinction results

The solution to (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3) established in Theorem2.1is not always bounded as is shown in the following proposition.

Proposition 3.1. Assume v0 6≡0(v0 is not identically null) and r is sufficiently large, then(u,v)is unbounded. More precisely, v grows exponentially as t goes to∞.

Proof. Assume the contrary that (u,v) is a globally bounded solution, i.e., ku(t)k ≤ C and kv(t)k ≤ Cfor any t ≥ 0 and some constant C > 0. Asv0 6= 0, there exists a constantδ > 0 such thatS2(t)v0δ for anyt ≥0. Furthermore, we use (2.4) to obtain

v(t)≥ δ−sC2/r

ert+sC2/r, for allt ≥0.

Choosingr >sC2/δwe clearly havekv(t)k −→+astgoes to+∞. Whence(u,v)could not be bounded.

It is now clear that to get bounded solutions we have to impose some restrictions either on the coefficients of the system or on the initial data.

Theorem 3.2. If u0,v0∈ X then we have the estimates

kv(t)k ≤ kv0kert, for all t≥0, (3.1) ku(t)k ≤e(qkv0kerTp)tku0k, for all t∈[0,T]. (3.2) Moreover, if r=0and p >qkv0kwe have

tlimku(t)k=0. (3.3)


Proof. Setting

u= ϕexp(−pt), (3.4)

v= ψexp(rt), (3.5)

the system (1.1)–(1.2) becomes

ϕt−aϕxxνϕx= qertϕψ, (3.6)

ψt−bψxxµψx= −septϕψ, (3.7) with the initial data satisfying

ϕ0(x) =u0(x), (3.8)

ψ0(x) =v0(x). (3.9)

As ϕ≥0 andψ≥0, we first have from (3.7) and (3.9) ψ(t) =S2(t)v0−s

Z t

0 S2(t−τ)eϕ(τ)ψ(τ)dτ≤S2(t)v0 ≤ kv0k, (3.10) for all (x,t)∈R×[0,T]. Whencev(t)≤ kv0kert, for allt ≥0.

Substituting (3.10) into (3.6) yields

ϕt−aϕxxνϕx≤ qkv0kertϕ. (3.11) If we set ϕ=eMtw, where M =qkv0kerT, then we have overR×[0,T]

wt−awxxνwx0, w(x, 0) =ϕ0(x) =u0(x). (3.12) Furthermore

w(t) =S1(t)u0≤ ku0k, for allt≥0. (3.13) Whence ϕ≤eMtku0kand then

u(t)≤eMtku0kept =e(qkv0kerTp)tku0k, for all t∈[0,T]. Thus we obtain (3.2).

We deduce from (3.1)–(3.2) that ifr =0 andp >qkv0kwe will have kv(t)k ≤ kv0k, for all t≥0 and lim


Theorem 3.3. If r = 0, a ≤ b andν = µ, then the solution to (1.1)–(1.2) is globally bounded. We have the estimates

kv(t)k ≤ kv0k, for all t≥0, (3.14) and

ku(t)k ≤ ku0k+q s

√b/akv0k, for all t ≥0. (3.15)


Proof. LetYandZbe the solutions to

Yt−aYxxνYx+pY=uv, Y(x, 0) =0, (3.16) and

Zt−bZxxµZx =uv, Z(x, 0) =0, (3.17) respectively, where(u,v)is the solution to (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3) withr =0, a≤ bandµ= ν. Then (u,v)can be written in terms of(Y,Z)as follows

u(x,t) =eptS1(t)u0(x) +qY(x,t), t≥0, (3.18) v(x,t) =S2(t)v0(x)−sZ(x,t), t ≥0. (3.19) Using the positivity of Z(x,t) we deduce (3.14) from (3.19). By the explicit formulas of Y andZ:

Y(t) =

Z t

0 ep(tτ)S1(t−τ)u(τ)v(τ)dτ≤

Z t

0S1(t−τ)u(τ)v(τ)dτ, (3.20) Z(t) =

Z t

0 S2(t−τ)u(τ)v(τ)dτ. (3.21) Asa ≤b,ν=µand (2.1), it is easy (see [1]) to deduce that


bS2(t)w, for allw∈X and then

S1(t)w≤ rb

aS2(t)w, for allt≥0. (3.22) From (3.20)–(3.22) we obtain

Y(t)≤ rb

a Z t

0 S2(t−τ)u(τ)v(τ)dτ= rb

aZ(t), for allt≥0. (3.23) Asvis nonnegative, from (3.19) we get

Z(x,t)≤ 1

sS2(t)v0, for allt≥0. (3.24) Using (3.24) in (3.23) we get

Y(t)≤ 1 s


aS2(t)v0, for allt≥0. (3.25) Finally, from (3.25) in (3.18) we get (3.15).

Theorem 3.4. Assume p=0and u0≥r/s for all x ∈R.Then we have

kv(t)k ≤ kv0k, for all t≥0. (3.26) Moreover, if there is a constant k>r/s such that u0>k for all x ∈R, then

ku(t)k ≤

1+ q

ks−r ku0k

kv0k, for all t≥0, (3.27) and

kv(t)k ≤e−(ksr)tkv0k, for all t≥0. (3.28) In particular, v−→0uniformly in x∈Ras t−→.


Proof. For p=0 andu0 ≥r/s, from (2.1) we get

u(t)≥r/s, for allt≥0. (3.29)

SettingB(t) =r−su(t), we have

vt = [A2+B(t)]v(t). (3.30) As the linear operator B(t) is dissipative on X [18], A2+B(t) generates for each t fixed a semigroup of contractions. Whence A2+B(t)generates on Xa system of evolutionP(t,τ)of contractions [18]. Whence the solution to (3.17)–(1.3) is

v(t) =P(t, 0)v0, for allt≥0. (3.31) This implies (3.26).

Ifu0 ≥ k> r/s, then from (1.1) we getu(t)≥k, and consequentlyr−su(t)≤ r−ks<0 for any t≥0. Settingω :=ks−r(ω >0), equation (1.2) can be written in the form

v(t) = [A2+B(t) +ωI]v(t)−ωv(t). (3.32) The dissipative operator B(t) +ωI generates on X a system of evolution G(t,τ) of contrac- tions. Consequently, A2+B(t)generates a system of evolutionU(t,τ)given by

U(t,τ) =eω(tτ)G(t,τ). Hence the solution v(t)of (3.32)–(1.3) can be written in the form

v(t) =U(t, 0)v0=eωtG(t, 0)v0, for all t≥0. (3.33) This implies estimate (3.13). Using (1.1), (3.33) and Gronwall’s lemma we get (3.15).

In what follows, we denote byC±the closed subspaces ofXdefined as follows C± :=

u∈ Xsuch that : lim



Lemma 3.5. Let f ∈C±be such that f+, f>0. Then for anyε>0there exists t >0such that Sj(t)f

(x)≥ fε, for all x ∈R, where f :=min(f+,f).

Proof. The proof is similar to that of [4, Lemma 5.3].

In what follows we denoteu±0 =limx→±u0(x)andu0 =min

u0,u+0 .

Theorem 3.6. Assume p =0and u0 ∈ C±. If u0 > r/s, then there exists t > 0and three positive constants C1,C2andω such that

kv(t)k ≤C1eω(tt), for all t≥t, (3.34) ku(t)k ≤C2, for all t≥t. (3.35)


Proof. Chooseε > 0 such thatu0ε > r/s, then by Lemma3.5, there existst >0 such that [S1(t)u0] (x) ≥ u0ε, for any x ∈ R. We then have u(t) ≥ uε, for any t ≥ t. Using Theorem3.4 with initial data(u(t),v(t))andk=u0ε,ω =ks−r, we then have

kv(t)k ≤ kv(t)keω(tt), for allt≥ t. We get (3.34) by setting C1 =kv(t)k.

Now, combining (2.3) and (3.34) we infer ku(t)k ≤ ku0k+qC1eωt

Z t


eωτku(τ)kdτ, for all t≥t. The Gronwall inequality yields

ku(t)k ≤ ku0keqCω1eωt =C2, for allt ≥t. Whence (3.35).

4 Stability of the solution

Definition 4.1. We say that the solution to the problem (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3) is unconditionally stable on R+, if for all T > 0 and all ε > 0, there exist δ = δ(T,ε) > 0 such that for all solution(u,v)with initial condition(u0,v0)to the same problem satisfyingku0−u0k<δand kv0−v0k<δ we haveku(t)−u(t)k<εandkv(t)−v(t)k<ε for allt∈ [0,T].

Proposition 4.2. The solution of the problem(1.1)–(1.2)is unconditionally stable onR+. Proof. From the integral writin of the solution(u,v)and(u,v)we get

ku(t)−u(t)k ≤ ku0−u0k+

Z t


{pku(τ)−u(τ)k+qku(τ)v(τ)−u(τ)v(t)k}dτ, (4.1) kv(t)−v(t)k ≤ kv0−v0k+

Z t


{rkv(τ)−v(τ)k+sku(τ)v(τ)−u(τ)v(t)k}dτ. (4.2) SettingΦ= (u,v),Φ= (u,v), Φ0= (u0,v0), Φ0= (u0,v0)and define

kΦ(t)k= k(u(t),v(t))k=ku(t)k+kv(t)k; then from (4.1)–(4.2) we get

Φ(t)−Φ(t)Φ0Φ0+ (p+r)

Z t


ku(τ)−u(τ)kdτ + (q+s)

Z t

0 ku(τ)v(τ)−u(τ)v(t)kdτ.


Letε>0 andT>0. Asu,v, u,v∈C(R+;X); then, they are bounded over[0,T]. Define kuk = sup


ku(t)k, for allu ∈ C R+;X

, (4.4)

then we have

kuv−uvk ≤M

Φ(t)−Φ(t), for allt ∈[0,T], (4.5) where M=kuk+kvk.


From (4.3) and (4.5) we get

Φ(t)−Φ(t)Φ0Φ0+ [p+r+M(q+s)]

Z t


Φ(τ)−Φ(τ)dτ. (4.6) Using Gronwall inequality we obtain

Φ(t)−Φ(t)Φ0Φ0e[p+r+M(q+s)]t, for allt ∈[0,T]. (4.7) The estimate (4.6) gives the stability of the solution to the problem (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3).

5 Remarks

Remark 5.1. In turns out that ifu0,v0 ∈ C+then the diffusive system for x large will behave like the system of ordinary differential equations associated to it, and hence, for x large can be replaced by the latter which is simpler to analyze [7]


dt =−pU(t) +qU(t)V(t), for all t>0, dV(t)

dt = +rU(t)−sU(t)V(t), for all t>0, satisfying the initial data

U(0) = lim

x→+u0(x), V(0) = lim

x→+v0(x), where

U(t) = lim

x→+u(x,t), V(t) = lim


This result is based on the fact that ifh∈ C+withh+=limx→+h(x), then limx→+ Sj(t)h


h+, forj=1, 2.

The same thing holds ifu0,v0∈ C.

Remark 5.2. The same analysis can also be done for x ∈ [0,+[. In this case, the explicit formula associated to (1.1)–(1.2)–(1.3)

u(t) =eptS1(t)u0+

Z t

0ep(tτ)S1(t−τ)f(u(τ),v(τ))dτ, v(t) =e+rtS2(t)u0+

Z t

0 e+r(tτ)S2(t−τ)g(u(τ),v(τ))dτ, will be

u(x,t) =




Z t



t−τK1(x,t−τ)u1(τ)dτ +

Z t


Z +

0 N1(x,ξ,t−τ)f(u,v)(ξ,τ)dξdτ, and

v(x,t) =


0 N2(x,ξ,t)v0(ξ)dξ+ +

Z t



t−τK2(x,t−τ)v1(τ)dτ +

Z t


Z +





N1(x,ξ,t) =K1(x−ξ,t)−K1(x+ξ,t), K1(x,t) = √ 1

4πatexp −|x+νt|2 4at

! , N2(x,ξ,t) =K2(x−ξ,t)−K2(x+ξ,t), K2(x,t) = √ 1

4πbtexp −|x+µt|2 4bt

! , and

u1(t) =u(0,t), v1(t) =v(0,t),

withu1,v1 bounded. These expressions can be deduced from [17, Chapter 3, Section 3].

It will be interesting to perform the same analysis for the case x ∈ [0,+[ with other boundary conditions.

Remark 5.3. For x∈Rn(n≥2)and replacingauxxandbvxxin (1.1)–(1.2) by the second order uniform elliptic operators


n i,j=1


uxi, L2u=

n i,j=1

bij(x)vxj vxi,

the problem deserves to be studied in appropriate functional spaces using the results in Aronson [2] and [3].


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In this paper, we study the existence of a positive periodic solution for a two-species semi-ratio-dependent predator-prey system with time delays and impulses in a

In this section we study the boundedness and persistence of the positive solutions of (1.3) and the convergence of the positive solutions of (1.3) to the unique

We investigate the existence and nonexistence of positive solutions of a system of second- order nonlinear ordinary differential equations, subject to integral boundary

Soriano, Existence and Uniform decay of solutions of a degenerate equation with nonlinear boundary damping and boundary memory source term, Nonlinear Differential Equations

Yu, Multiplicity results for periodic solutions to delay differential equations via critical point theory.. Torres, On periodic solutions of second-order differential equations