• Nem Talált Eredményt

On the first eigenvalue for a ( p ( x ) , q ( x )) -Laplacian elliptic system


Academic year: 2022

Ossza meg "On the first eigenvalue for a ( p ( x ) , q ( x )) -Laplacian elliptic system"


Teljes szövegt


On the first eigenvalue for a ( p ( x ) , q ( x )) -Laplacian elliptic system

Abdelkrim Moussaoui


and Jean Vélin


1Applied Mathematics Laboratory (LMA), Faculty of Exact Sciences, Abderrahmane Mira Bejaia University, Targa Ouzemour 06000 Bejaia, Algeria

2Département de Mathématiques et Informatique, Laboratoire LAMIA, Université des Antilles, Campus de Fouillole 97159 Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe (FWI)

Received 8 September 2018, appeared 28 August 2019 Communicated by Gabriele Bonanno

Abstract. In this article, we deal with the first eigenvalue for a nonlinear gradient type elliptic system involving variable exponents growth conditions. Positivity, boundedness and regularity of associated eigenfunctions for auxiliaries systems are established.

Keywords: p(x)-Laplacian, variable exponents, weak solution, eigenvalue, regularity, boundedness.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J60, 35P30, 47J10, 35A15, 35D30.

1 Introduction and setting of the problem

In the present paper, we focus to find a non zero first eigenvalue for the system of quasilinear elliptic equations




p(x)u= λc(x)(α(x) +1)|u|α(x)−1u|v|β(x)+1 in Ω

q(x)v= λc(x)(β(x) +1)|u|α(x)+1v|v|β(x)−1 in Ω

u=v=0 on ∂Ω


on a bounded domain Ω ⊂ RN. For any function p, ∆p(x)u = div(|∇u|p(x)−2∇u) is usually named the p(x)-Laplacian.

During the last decade, the interest for partial differential equations involving the p(x)- Laplacian operator is increasing. When the exponent variable function p(·) is reduced to be a constant,∆p(x)u becomes the well-known p-Laplacian operator ∆pu. The p(x)-Laplacian operator possesses more complicated nonlinearity than the p-Laplacian. Consequently, the problems arising from the p(x)-Laplacian operator cannot always be transposed to the results achieved with the p-Laplacian. The process of resolving these problems is often very compli- cated and needs a mathematical tool (Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces with variable exponents,

BCorresponding author. Email: abdelkrim.moussaoui@univ-bejaia.dz


see for instance [5] and its abundant reference). Among them, find the first eigenvalue of p(x)-Laplacian Dirichlet presents more singular phenomenon which do not appear in the constant case. This singularity appears for instance by solving the Dirichlet eigenvalue(Dλ):

p(x)u = λf(x,u) in the Sobolev space W01,p(x)() where Ω is an open bounded domain with smooth boundary. For more inquiries on this topic we refer, for instance, to [2], where the authors show that the Dirichlet parameter problem admits a nontrivial weak solution provided λ is in a well estimate interval of parameters. In the constant exponent case the function p(·)is constant (see for instance [12] for p(x) = 2) a lower bound of the parameter λ depends on the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian Dirichlet problem, while it is zero in the variable exponent case.

More precisely, it is well known that the first eigenvalue for the p(x)-Laplacian Dirichlet problem may be equal to zero (for more details, see [10]). In [10], the authors consider that Ωis a bounded domain and p is a continuous function from Ωto ]1,+[. They gave some geometrical conditions which insure that the first eigenvalue is equal to 0. Otherwise, in one dimensional space, the monotonicity assumption on the function p is a necessary and suffi- cient condition which guarantees that the first eigenvalue is strictly positive. Here, it should be noted that the monotinicity condition onpprevents the existence of strictly local minimum or maximum inΩ, with which the first eigenvalue does not exist (see [10, Theorem 3.1]). The same conclusion is obtained in higher dimensional case under a monotonicity assumption required for a suitable function depending on p.

The fact that the first eigenvalue is zero, has been observed earlier by [8]. Indeed, the au- thors illustrate this phenomena by takingΩ= (−2, 2)andp(x) =[0,1](x) + (4− |x|)χ[1,2](x). In this condition, the Rayleigh quotient

µ1 =inf

uW01,p(·)()\{0} R

|∇u|p(x) R


is equal to zero [22]. The main reason comes from the fact that the well-known Poincaré inequality is not always fulfilled. In some particular situations, Maeda in [18] establishes a version of Poincaré inequality. In this paper, the author also discusses others versions given in [13] by Fu.

Further works established suitable conditions drawing to a non zero first eigenvalue (one can see for instance [11,19]).

Compared to a single equation, elliptic systems have their own peculiarity with respect to the first eigenvalue. First of all, when p(x)andq(x) are constant onΩ, in [4], the following elliptic Dirichlet system is considered



pu=λu|u|α1|v|β+1 in Ω

qv=λ|u|α+1|v|β1v in Ω

u=v=0 on ∂Ω.


More precisely, the author establishes the existence of the first eigenvalueλpq > 0 associated to a positive and unique eigenfunction(u,v). In this study Ωis a bounded open set inRN with smooth boundary∂Ωand the constant exponents −1 < α,βand 1 < p,q< Nobey the following conditions

Cα,βp,q : α+p1 +β+q1 =1 and (α+1)NN pp+ (β+1)NNqq <1. (1.3)


Furthermore, this result has been extended by Kandilakis et al. [15] for the system under mixed boundary conditions





pu+λa(x)|u|p2u+λb(x)u|u|α1|v|β+1=0 in Ω,

qv+λd(x)|v|q2v+λb(x)|u|α+1|v|β1v=0 on Ω,

|∇u|p2∇u·ν+c1(x)|u|p2u=0 on

|∇v|q2∇v·ν+c2(x)|v|q2v=0 on ∂Ω,


where Ωis an unbounded domain in RN with non compact and smooth boundary ∂Ω, the constant exponents 0<α,βand 1< p,q< Nare as follows


p + β+q1 =1 and (α+1)NN pp < q, (β+1)NNqq < p. (1.5) Inspired by [4], Khalil et al. [16] showed that the first eigenvalue λpq of (1.2) is simple and moreover they established stability (continuity) for the function(p,q)7−→λpq.

Motivated by the aforementioned papers, in our work we establish the existence of one- parameter family of nontrivial solutions ((uˆR, ˆvR),λR) for all R > 0 for problem (1.1). In addition, we show that the corresponding eigenfunction (uˆR, ˆvR) is positive in Ω, bounded in L()×L() and belongs toC1,γ()×C1,γ() for certainγ ∈ (0, 1)if p,q ∈ C1()∩ C0,θ(). Moreover, by means of geometrical conditions on the domain Ω, we prove that the infimum of the eigenvalues of (1.1) is positive.

To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that the positive infimum eigenvalue for systems involving p(x)-Laplacian operator is studied. However, we point out that in this paper, the existence of an eigenfunction corresponding to the infimum of the eigenvalues of (1.1) is not established and therefore, this issue still remains an open problem.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section2contains hypotheses, some auxil- iary and useful results involving variable exponents Lebesgue–Sobolev spaces and our main results. Sections3and4present the proof of our main results.

2 Hypotheses – main results and some auxiliary results

Let Lp(x)() be the generalized Lebesgue space that consists of all measurable real-valued functionsusatisfying

ρp(x)(u) =



Lp(x)()is endowed with the Luxemburg norm kukp(x) =infn

τ>0 :ρp(x) u


≤1o .

Throughout the paper, to simplify, we will use the notationkukp(x) instead ofkukLp(x)(). The variable exponent Sobolev spaceW1,p(·)()is defined by

W1,p(x)() ={u∈ Lp(x)():|∇u| ∈Lp(x)()}. The classical norm associated iskuk

W01,p(x)() =kukp(x)+k|∇u|kp(x).

W01,p(x)() = C0()k·kW01,p(x)() denotes the closure of C0() respect with the norm of W1,p(x)(). The norm on W01,p(x)() is denoted as kuk

W01,p(x)() and it is well known that



W01,p(x)() = k∇ukp(x). This norm makes W01,p(x)() a Banach space and the following embedding

W01,p(x) ,→Lr(x)() (2.1) is compact with 1<r(x)< N p(x)

Np(x) for all x∈Ω.

In the sequel, we will also use the simplified notationkuk1,p(x)instead ofkuk

W01,p(x)(). 2.1 Hypotheses

(H.1) Ω is an bounded open ofRN, its boundaryΩof classC2,δ, for certain 0<δ<1, (H.2) c:Ω−→R+andc∈ L(),

(H.3) α,β:Ω→]1,+[are two continuous functions satisfying 1<α= inf

xα(x)≤ α+=sup


α(x)<∞, 1< β= inf

xβ(x)≤ β+=sup


β(x)< and

α(x) +1

p(x) + β(x) +1 q(x) =1, (H.4) pandqare two variable exponents of classC1()satisfying

p(x)< N p(x)

N−p(x), q(x)< Nq(x)

N−q(x), for allxΩ.


1< p= inf

xp(x)≤ p+ =sup


p(x)<, 1<q= inf

xq(x)≤ q+ =sup



2.2 Main results

Throughout this paper, the notation X0p(x),q(x)()designates the product space W01,p(x)()× W01,q(x)().

Define onX0p(x),q(x)()the functionalsAandBare given by:

A(z,w) =






q(x)|∇w|q(x)dx, (2.2) B(z,w) =


c(x)|z|α(x)+1|w|β(x)+1dx, (2.3) and denote by k(z,w)k = kzk1,p(x)+kwk1,q(x). The same reasoning exploited in [9] implies thatAandBare of classC1(X0p(x),q(x)(),R). The Fréchet derivatives ofAandB at(z,w)in X0p(x),q(x)()are given by

A0(z,w)·(ϕ,ψ) =R

|∇z|p(x)−2∇z· ∇ϕdx+R

|∇w|q(x)−2∇w· ∇ψdx (2.4)



B0(z,w)·(ϕ,ψ) =


c(x)(α(x) +1)|z|α(x)−1z|w|β(x)+1ϕ +


c(x)(β(x) +1)|z|α(x)+1|w|β(x)−1wψdx,


where(ϕ,ψ)∈X0p(x),q(x)(). LetR>0 be fixed, we set

XR =(z,w)∈ X0p(x),q(x)(); B(z,w) =R .

It is obvious to notice that the set XR is not empty. Indeed, let (z0,w0) ∈ X0p(x),q(x)() such that B(z0,w0) = b0 > 0, if b0 = R we are done. Otherwise, for zR = (R/b0)1/p(x)z0 and wR= (R/b0)1/q(x)w0, it is easy to note thatB(zR,wR) =R.

Now, define the Rayleigh quotients λR= inf



B(z,w), (2.6)

λp(x),q(x)= inf

(z,w)∈X1,p0 (x),q(x)()\{0}


B(z,w) (2.7)


λR= inf


A(z,w) R

c(x)(α(x) +β(x) +2)|z|α(x)+1|w|β(x)+1dx. (2.8) Remark 2.1. The constantλRin (2.6) can be written as follows

R =inf{(z,w)∈XR}A(z,w). (2.9) Our first main result provides the existence of a one-parameter family of solutions for the system (1.1).

Theorem 2.2. Assume that(H.1)–(H.4)hold. Then, the system (1.1) has a one-parameter family of nontrivial solutions ((uˆR, ˆvR),λR)for all R ∈ (0,+). Moreover, if one of the following conditions holds:

(a.1) There are two vectors l1, l2RN\{0} such that for all x ∈ , f(t1) = p(x+t1l1) and g(t2) =q(x+t2l2)are monotone for ti ∈ Ii,x= {ti; x+tili}, i =1, 2.

(a.2) There are x1and x2∈/such that for all w1,w2R\ {0}withkw1k,kw2k=1,the functions f(t1) = p(x0+t1w1)and g(t2) = p(x2+t2w2)are monotone for ti ∈ Ixi,wi ={tiR; xi+ tiwi},i=1, 2.

Then,λp(x),q(x)=infR>0λR>0is the positive infimum eigenvalue of the problem(1.1).

A second main result treats positivity, boundedness and regularity properties for a solution of the problem (1.1).

Theorem 2.3. Let R be a fixed and strictly positive real. Assume that(H.3)holds.

Then,(uˆR, ˆvR)the nontrivial solution of problem(1.1)is positive and bounded in L()×L(). Moreover, if p,q ∈ C1()∩C0,γ() for certain γ ∈ (0, 1) then (uˆR, ˆvR) belongs to C1,δ()× C1,δ(),δ ∈(0, 1).

The proof of Theorem2.2 will be done in Section3while in Section4we will present the proof of Theorem2.3.


2.3 Some preliminaries lemmas Lemma 2.4([5], [8, Theorems 1.2 and 1.3]).

(i) For any u∈ Lp(x)()we have

kukpp(x)ρp(x)(u)≤ kukpp+(x) if kukp(x)>1, kukpp+(x)ρp(x)(u)≤ kukpp(x) if kukp(x)≤1.

(ii) For u∈ Lp(x)()\{0}we have

kukp(x) =a if and only if ρp(x) u


=1. (2.10)

Lemma 2.5([5, Theorem 8.2.4]). Under assumption(H.4),for every u∈W01,p(·)()it holds kukp(·) ≤CN,pk∇ukp(·), (2.11) with a constant CN,p >0.

Recall that if there exists a constant L>0 and an exponentθ ∈(0, 1)such as

|p(x1)−p(x2)| ≤L|x1−x2|θ for all x1,x2Ω,

then the functionp is said to be Hölder continuous onΩand we observe that pis a function of classC0,θ().

For a later use, we have the next result.

Lemma 2.6. For s∈(0, 1)it holds

rn=1(n−1)sn1s (s−1)2. Proof. The proof is immediate and it is left to the reader.

3 Proof of Theorem 2.2

Taking account of the assumption (H.3), we note that the system (1.1) is arising from a nonlin- ear eigenvalue type problem. Solvability of general class of nonlinear eigenvalues problems of typeA0(x) =λB0(x)has been treated by M. S. Berger in [1]. We recall this main tool.

Theorem 3.1([1]). Suppose that the C1 functionalsAandBdefined on the reflexive Banach space X have the following properties:

1. Ais weakly lower semicontinuous and coercive on{x:B(x)≤const.,x ∈X};

2. Bis continuous with respect to weak sequential convergence andB0(x) =0only at x=0.

Then the equationA0(x) =λB0(x)has a one-parameter family of nontrivial solutions(xR,λR)for all R in the range ofB(x)such thatB(xR) =R;and xRis characterized as the minimum ofA(x)over the set{B(x) =R}.


Remark 3.2. In the statement (2) of Theorem3.1, the condition “B0(x) =0 only atx=0” may be replaced by “B(x) = 0 only at x = 0”. Indeed, in the proof of Theorem 3.1, assume that the minimizing problem inf{B(x)=R}A(x) is attained at xR ∈ X then because A and B are differentiable there exists(λ1,λ2)(λ1 andλ2are not both zero) a pair of Lagrange multipliers such that

λ1A0(xR) +λ2B0(xR) =0.

λ16=0 since otherwiseB0(xR) =0 implies xR=0.

In particular, this is true if we assume that there existsγ>0 such that (B0(x),x)≥γB(x) for all x∈ X.

3.1 Properties ofA andB Lemma 3.3.

(i) A(z,w)is coercive on X0p(x),q(x)().

(ii) B is a weakly continuous functional, namely, (zn,wn)*(z,w) (weak convergence) implies B(zn,wn)→ B(z,w).

(iii) Let(z,w)be in X0p(x),q(x)(). Assume thatB0(z,w) =0in X1,p0(x),q0(x)()thenB(z,w) =0.

Proof. (i) For any (z,w) ∈ X0p(x),q(x)() with kzk1,p(x),kwk1,q(x) > 1, using Lemma 2.4 we have







1 p+


|∇z|p(x)dx+ 1 q+



≥min 1

p+, 1 q+




≥2min{p,q}min 1

p+, 1 q+

(kzk1,p(x)+kwk1,q(x))min{p,q}. Since min{p,q}>1 (see (H.4)) the above inequality implies that

A(z,w)→+ as k(z,w)k →+∞.

(ii) Let (zn,wn) * (z,w) in X0p(x),q(x)(). By the first part in (H.4) and (2.1) the embed- dingsW01,p(x) ,→Lp(x)()andW01,q(x) ,→Lq(x)()are both compact, so we get

(zn,wn)→(z,w) inLp(x)()×Lq(x)(). (3.1) Using (H.3) and the definition ofB, we have

|B(zn,wn)− B(z,w)|

≤ kck Z

|z|α(x)+1|w|β(x)+1− |wn|β(x)+1dx+


|wn|β(x)+1|z|α(x)+1− |zn|α(x)+1dx

≤2max(α++)kck Z






By Hölder’s inequality one has Z


|z|α(x)+1 p(x)


|wn−w|α(x)+1 q(x)


whereCα,β,p,q>0 is a constant. Observe that



q(x) β(x)+1


(|w−wn|β(x)+1) q


β(x)+1dx=ρq(·)(w−wn) and also


q(x). Then it follows that

|w−wn|β(x)+1 q(x)



/q+ q(x) . Therefore, the strong convergence in (3.1) ensures that

|w−wn|β(x)+1 q(x)


→0 asn →+∞.

A quite similar argument provides

|z−zn|α(x)+1 p(x)


→0 as n→+∞.

(iii) Clearly, let us notice that for any (z,w) ∈ X0p(x),q(x)(), doing ϕ = z/p(x) and ψ = w/q(x)in (2.5), we get the following identity

B0(z,w)·(z/p(x),w/q(x)) =B(z,w). Then the statement(iii)follows. This concludes the proof of the lemma.

3.2 A priori bound forA

Lemma 3.4. Let R a fixed and strictly positive real number. There exists a constant K(R) > 0 depending on R such that

A(z,w)≥ K(R)>0, ∀(z,w)∈ XR. (3.2) Proof. First, observe from Lemma2.5that ifk∇zkLp(x)()<1, we have

z CN,p

p(x) <1.

Then if follows that





p(x), (3.3)

which combined with Lemma2.5 leads to R


CN,pp(x)dx≤ k∇zkpp(x).


Hence it holds


|z|p(x)dx≤ KN,pk∇zkpp(x)≤KN,pk∇zkpp(x/p)+, (3.4) where

KN,p =

CN,pp+ if CN,p>1 CN,pp if CN,p<1.

A quite similar argument shows that Z


q(x) , (3.5)



CqN,q+ if CN,q>1 CqN,q if CN,q<1.

For every(z,w)∈X0p(x),q(x)(), Young’s inequality and (H.3) implies Z

c(x)|z|α(x)+1|w|β(x)+1dx≤ kck


α(x) +1

p(x) |z|p(x)+ β(x) +1 q(x) |w|q(x)


≤ kck Z






Assume that(z,w)∈ XRis such as max

k∇zkp(·),k∇wkq(·)<1. (3.7) Bearing in mind (H.3), (H.4) and(i)of Lemma2.4, we have

max Z


p(x)|∇z|p(x)dx, Z



<1. (3.8)

Then, from (3.4)–(3.8), it follows that R≤K1



p(x)|∇z|p(x)dx p/p+




q(x)|∇w|q(x)dx q/q+

. (3.9)

From the hypothesis (H.4) on p, p+,qandq+, it follows that R

p+q+ pq ≤2

p+q+ pq1



p+q+ pq 1



p(x)|∇z|p(x)dx q+/q

+K2p+q+/pq Z



p+/p# .


Or again



pq ≤(2K3)

p+q+ pq







(3.11) where

K1= KN,p p+p/p+

kck, K2= KN,q q+q/q+



andK3 =K1+K2. Thus, from (3.11), we conclude that A(z,w)≥

R 2K3


+p+ qp

. (3.12)

Now, we deal with the case when(z,w)∈ XR is such as max


This implies that

max Z

|∇z|p(x)dx, Z




|∇z|p(x)dx≥1, we have p+





|∇z|p(x)dx≥1, which in turn yields

A(z,w) =






q(x)|∇w|q(x)dx> 1

p+. (3.13)

Now forR

|∇w|q(x)dx≥1 a quite similar argument provides A(z,w)> 1

q+. (3.14)

We notice that if max

k∇zkp(·),k∇wkq(·)≥1, from (3.13) and (3.14), it is clear that

A(z,w)>min 1

p+, 1 q+

. (3.15)

Thus, according to (3.12) and (3.15), for all(z,w)∈ XR, one has A(z,w)≥min

 R



+p+ qp

, 1 p+, 1


>0. (3.16)

Consequently, there exists a constantK(R)>0 depending onRsuch that (3.2) holds.

3.3 Proof of (2.6)

We begin with a proposition.

Proposition 3.5. Assume that(H.3)holds. Then, for R>0, (i) 0< ( λR

α++β++2) <λR< λR.

(ii) Anyλ<λR is not an eigenvalue of problem(1.1).

(iii) There exists(uˆR, ˆvR)∈ XRsuch thatλRis a corresponding eigenvalue for the system(1.1).


Proof. (i). First let us show that 0< ( λR

α++β++2)λRλR. Obviously, for all(z,w)∈ XR, we have A(z,w)

(α++β++2)R ≤ A(z,w) R

c(x)(α(x) +β(x) +2)|z|α(x)+1|w|β(x)+1dx ≤ A(z,w)

R .

From (2.6) and (2.8), it follows that (α++λβR++2)λRλR. Now suppose thatλR = 0. Then λR =0 and in virtue of Lemma3.4and Remark 2.1this is a contradiction. HenceλR>0.

(ii). Next, we show that λ cannot be an eigenvalue for λ < λR. Indeed, suppose by contradiction thatλis an eigenvalue of problem (1.1). Then there exists(u,v)∈ X0p(x),q(x)()− {(0, 0)}such as


|∇u|p(x)dx =λ Z

c(x)(α(x) +1)|u|α(x)+1|v|β(x)+1


|∇v|q(x)dx =λ Z

c(x)(β(x) +1)|u|α(x)+1|v|β(x)+1.


On the basis of (H.3), (H.4), (2.8) and (3.17), we get λR


c(x)(α(x) +β(x) +2)|u|α(x)+1|v|β(x)+1dx



p(x)|∇u|p(x)+ 1







=λ Z

c(x)(α(x) +β(x) +2)|u|α(x)+1|v|β(x)+1dx



c(x)(α(x) +β(x) +2)|u|α(x)+1|v|β(x)+1dx, which is not possible and the conclusion follows.

(iii). Now, we claim that the infimum in (2.9) is achieved at an element of XR. Indeed, thanks to Lemma 3.3, B is weakly continuous on X0p(x),q(x)(), then the nonempty set XR is weakly closed. So, since Ais weakly lower semicontinuous, we conclude that there exists an element of XR which we denote (u, ˆˆ vR)such that (2.9) is feasible. Since(uˆR, ˆvR)6= 0, we also haveB0(uˆR, ˆvR)6=0 otherwise it impliesB(uˆR, ˆvR) =0, which contradicts(uˆR, ˆvR)∈ XR. So, owing to Lagrange multiplier method (see e.g. [1, Theorem 6.3.2, p. 325] or [6, Theorem 6.3.2, p. 402]), there existsλRRsuch that

A0(uˆR, ˆvR)·(ϕ,ψ) =λRB0(uˆR, ˆvR)·(ϕ,ψ), ∀(ϕ,ψ)∈X0p(x),q(x)() (3.18) whereA0 andB0 are defined as in (2.4) and (2.5) respectively.

In the sequel, we show that λR is equal to λR. To this end, let us denote byΩ+ andΩ the sets defined as follows

+ ={x∈ ; |∇uˆR|p(x)λR(α(x) +1)c(x)|uˆR|α(x)+1|vˆR|β(x)+1 ≥0} and

={x∈ Ω; |∇uˆR|p(x)λR(α(x) +1)c(x)|uˆR|α(x)+1|vˆR|β(x)+1 <0}. By taking ϕ=uˆR 1+ andψ=0 in (3.18) one has



|∇uˆR|p(x)λRc(x)(α(x) +1)|uˆR|α(x)+1|vˆR|β(x)+1dx=0 (3.19)



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Inspired by the above facts and the aforementioned papers, the main purpose of this paper is to study the existence of infinitely many solutions for problem (P) when F ( x, u )

In particular, we recall a weighted variable exponent Sobolev trace compact embedding theorem and some min-max theorems like mountain pass theorem and fountain theorem with the

Using the mountain pass theorem with the Cerami condition in [13] combined with the Ekeland variational principle in [15] we show the existence of at least two non-trivial

Abstract: In this paper, we prove the existence of at least two nontrivial solutions for a non- linear elliptic problem involving p(x)-Laplacian-like operator and nonsmooth