• Nem Talált Eredményt

Participation in working groups and committee meetings

In document 2005. First semiannum (Pldal 59-62)

1. SF Monitoring Committee meetings in February and November, 2005 and in June, 2005 (3 meetings in total);

2. SF ERDF Steering Committee meetings in October, November, 2004 and January, March, April and May, 2005 (6 meetings in total);

3. SF Advisory working group at the Ministry of Finances in August, September and October, 2004 (3 meetings in total);

4. NGO Advisory working group for the participation in the SF Steering Committee meetings in August, September, October, November, December, 2004, January, February, March, April, May and June, 2005 (12 meetings in total);

5. The meeting of the Council of SMEs and Crafts SF Advisory working group in December, 2004;

6. Public debates on SF organised by NGO on February 3 and May 9, 2005;

7. The meetings for approving the draft Law on the SF Management in March and April, 2005 (5 meetings in total).


1Karîna Janova is the project manager of The Soros Foundation – Latvia project NGO In-volvement in the Planning of National Development: SF Monitoring and the Drafting of the National Development Plan.Has worked at the TI Latvia – Delna, managing SF monitoring and analysis project. The author has a bachelor’s degree in political science, specialising in international relations – European studies and a master’s degree in sociology, specialis-ing in the sociology of politics.

2Generally accepted method of qualitative research in sociology, which comprises the par-ticipation and the presence of the researcher in all observed processes. The conclusions on the process are made not only on the basis of the information obtained in interviews, collected quantitative data or other sources of study, but also the researcher’s observa-tions.

3The SF Monitoring Committee consists of institutions, social partners, non-governmental organisations that are involved in SF planning and management and the representatives of the European Commission with advisory mandate. The MC meetings take place twice per year and they have the mandate to approve of supplements to the Program and to intro-duce amendments to it, to approve of the specific program and project appraisal criteria and to take decisions with regard on many other conceptual planning documents.

4The institutions that are involved in SF planning and management and, in the status of observers, non-governmental organisations participate in ERDF Steering Committee. The SC meetings take place once a month and it has the mandate to approve national pro-grams, the guidelines of open project tenders and grant schemes and application forms, and to decide other issues of ERDF financing allocation and management issues.

5The non-governmental organisations The Soros Foundation – Latvia, the Centre for Public Policy Providus, TI Latvia – Delnaand Latvijas Pilsoniskå alianse participated in the meet-ings for the approval of the draft law from March 25, 2005 to April 21, 2005. See: Janova, K.

Likumprojekts ir novélots un pretrunîgs.Latvijas Véstnesis, 12.05.2005.

6Programme Complement, Latvia Objective 1 Programme 2004–2006. http://www.esfondi.lv/

image/upload/tiesibu_akti/PC%20-%202004%2005%2014.pdf Last accessed on 06.07.2005.

7 The opinion expressed during public debate Viens gads ES struktürfondu apgüßanå.


8Matîsa, V. Kli˚es, klani, korupcija. Diena, 23.04.2005.


10The author’s interview with A. Ëbelis, the Head of the Managing Authority, Deputy State Secretary, August, 2004.

11The notes collected by the author, based on the generally accepted practice of tenders organised by the European Commission.

12Data taken from:

http://www.esfondi.lv/image/upload/ak-saistosie_dokumenti/SF_apkopojums_15042005.pdf Last accessed on 04.07.2005.

13The Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 782 “The Procedure of Submitting and Verifying Information on applying the VAT within the framework of projects co-funded by the EU SF and taking decisions on including the VAT into the eligible costs of the projects.” Adopted on 07.09.2004.Latvijas Véstnesis, 28.09.2004.

14State support program Support to the modernisation of commercial activities sub-pro-gram Improving commercial activities according to the demands of international standards SSP, 2nd priority Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovations 2.2 measure Development of infrastructure promoting entrepreneurship2.2.1 activitySupport to private infrastruc-ture investments for the modernisation of production processes and products according to the market standards and demands with regard to environment protection, labour safety and protection of consumer rights (including the construction and reconstruction of buildings and purchase of the necessary equipment), Paragraph 2.4 of the Guidelines, 16.07.2004.

Guidelines from:

http://www.liaa.gov.lv/lat/atbalsta_programmas/infrastrukturas_modernizacija/?doc=161 Last accessed on 06.07.2005.

15Apermanis, A. ES finanséjums – vai ierédñu izredzétajiem? Diena, 26. 12. 2004.

16A business consultant during the meeting of the Council of SMEs and Crafts with the Ministry of Economics and LIDA, 21.12.2004.

17Interview No. 14 with a business consultant in May, 2005.

18The SPD 2nd priority Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovations Measure 2.5 Support to the development of applied sciences in state research institutions Activity 2.5.1 Support to applied research at state research institutionsguidelines. http://www.esfondi.lv/image/

upload/ak-ES_strukturfondi_no_A_lidz_Z/251.pdf Last accessed on 06.07.2005.

19Adopted on 30.03.2004. Véstnesis, 27.04.2004.

20Regulations of the Competition of Ideas, December, 2004.

21Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 603 “Regulations regarding the Procurement Proce-dure and ProceProce-dures for the Application thereof to Projects Financed by a Commissioning Party.” 13.07.2004. Véstnesis, 03.08.2004.

22Annex 5 to the SF Monitoring Committee minutes No. 5. 14.05.2004. http://www.esfondi.lv/

image/upload/Vadibas%20komietjas/UK_5.pielikums.doc Last accessed on 07.07.2005.

23Latvia’s West coast city Ventspils meant here.

24Source: The Answer of LIDA representative to a question put during the ERDF Steering Committee meeting. 16.03.2005. Unpublished.

25 Source: The Letter of the Council of SMEs sand Crafts to the Ministry of Economics.

15.09.2004. Unpublished.

26Materials of the conference A Year with Structural Funds – Lessons Learned and Future Challenges 5–6.07.2005. P. 2.


Awareness Increases, Experience

In document 2005. First semiannum (Pldal 59-62)