• Nem Talált Eredményt

T h e nerve tissue similarly may be attacked directly by parasites, and a n u m b e r of species oviposit directly into host ganglia. Cysts and nerve lesions have already been described; the latter are often attributed to the toxins in the venom of parasitic Hymenoptera. T h e sudden death of adult honey bees, even while in flight, has been attributed to the sever­

ance of the nerve cord at that instant by certain internal parasites (Clausen, 1940).

D . Tracheae

Host tracheae appear to respond quickly to areas of oxygen want and grow tracheal branches into the area, thereby supplying the respiratory needs of certain parasite embryos, larvae, or pupae. T h e p u n c t u r i n g of

the tracheae by internal parasites and the typical w o u n d reaction that results have been described also.

T h u s all the organs a n d tissues of the host, including gonads, mus­

cular tissue, alimentary canal, a n d salivary glands, may suffer directly from parasitic attack or be affected indirectly by the activities of the endoparasites. These effects are not easily generalized, and most fre­

quently there is a sequence of pathologies which ultimately result in death of the host. Such pathologies have many symptoms and often are reflected in abnormal host behavior. A l t h o u g h m u c h careful investiga­

tional work has been done on the pathologies caused by insect parasites, there remains m u c h more to be accomplished in this interesting, chal­

lenging, and important field of insect pathology.


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