• Nem Talált Eredményt

Geographical Space


4. Methods and sample

Higher education is a determining area for the 18–24 age group. Their professional careers are based on science education, but higher education also plays a key role in the development of their health care. The professional pattern is crucial for educating a healthy lifestyle, and form the lifestyle, values, habits, and attitudes.

This area is of particular importance if they continue their studies in the field of health and sport science. The knowledge of health development and recreation organizers will be developed in the holistic approach to health, in which the place and role of health education, the development of health promotion and the habitual system of healthy lifestyles are decisive factors. Education covers the health care responsibilities, health as a resource, engaging in commitment to health value.

Based on previous research experience, students of health and sports sciences have a cardio-respiratory system and risk factors for obesity, which will lead to adverse changes in the state of health. The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that the key tasks of specialists in education will be the development of health education and healthy lifestyles (Szakály et al., 2003). Health behavior and prevention are the main guidelines in the research. The research will show the level of health-conscious behavior patterns among the students of the Faculty of Health and Sport Science. The level of their health-conscious behavior is very important because they are going to be the determining lifestyle developers in Hungary. A further issue is the primary prevention in the population, reflecting

their health behavior, and secondary prevention in the light of their health care and health-enhancing activities. This current research is the basis for planning for further research in which health care and health awareness have been examined first and foremost. As a method of this research was used a questionnaire completed by students of the Faculty of Health and Sport Science. The number of elements was 154 students and the range of the age was among 18–23 years. The results of the questionnaire are analyzed in a pilot study. The sampling target group was developed taking into account the size of the sample and the sampling procedures.

5. Results

Based on the results of the questionnaire survey, we can characterize the students’

health and the subjective judgment of their state of health. The gender distribution (N=154) was not equal in this research. In the sample the ratio of females was 70% and that of males was 30%. In terms of the distribution of students participating in the sampling procedure, the dominance of recreational students is evident, which corresponds to the number of students in the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Examined students per department Source: Own editing.

The proportion of residents from the city is 45.5%, and the village is 26.6% in the sample. The county seat is 20.8%, mainly in comparison with the city, while the capital city represents the smallest ratio in the survey, with 7.1% (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Residence in the sample Source: Own editing.

We have analyzed students’ responses by examining the possible differences in perfection in the field of health promotion and health consciousness.

The first issue was focused on satisfaction with residential health services. In this subject, the nurses and health tourism students have expressed their highest satisfaction, while recreation and midwifery students considered them to be mediocre (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Satisfaction with the place of residence healthcare Source: Own editing.

Concerning local sporting facilities, all the courses were clearly considered to be good. Concerning recreational opportunities, it is clear that recreational (36.7%) and health tourism (44.4%) students considered only good recreational opportunities, indicating that recreational opportunities are not well known among students in the area of recreation and tourism. This is an important part of the

information that indicates the lack of knowledge about presenting opportunities for recreational sports and also defines the direction of development. The possibility of free health screening was considered by health tourism (22.2%) and nursing (25.7%) students at the local level, which also indicates the professional orientation. Significant health-related factors were indicated by the highest number of markings on healthy eating, noxious passion and social and mental well-being, while physical exercise only received average ratings. In the case of recreational students, the most passive passion was received most of the markings (68.4%). This is also the case for nurses, but values are significantly higher (88.9%). Among healthcare (82.9%, 66.7%) and midwifery (66.7%, 50%) students, mental well-being and healthy eating are the most important factors in health. In the field of fitness training the professional orientation was strong, in which the students of recreation were most impressed with the “very hard”

judgment (23.5%) (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Evaluation of fitness status by course Sources: Own editing.

Students need to be strengthened in the assessment of health and health awareness (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Evaluating health status by course Source: Own editing.

Health image related to the health of similar age groups was also compared. In this field, recreational students considered themselves healthier compared to their peers (42.9%). This also indicates a professional orientation and reflects the representation of the professional field. Healthcare was evaluated with a similar judgment by those with a similar age in the other groups. Regarding professional orientation, this question does not represent a strong health outlook in addition to the recreational students (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Health image compared to a similar age Source: Own editing.

The issue of health care, in response to the question “How much does it take to protect her health?”, respondents (16.3%) and healthcare specialists (11.1%) rated the “very much” answer, their health awareness was demonstrated. The highest ratio of nursing students was the average health care (65.7%) “When I can not deal with my health enough, that is because....” The completion of the questionnaire was clearly determined by the time factor for each degree. Time management can be an opportunity for prospective professionals to develop their health consciousness.

6. Conclusion

Health consciousness for preventive purposes also entails raising the standard of living for the national economy and the population. The pursuit of quality of life is no longer a luxury, it needs to be an essential activity. The holistic approach to health encompasses physical and mental well-being in the 21st century. With the improvement of the quality of life, the number of healthy years can be increased, and life expectancy at birth can be longer. Compared to the Western European countries, the health status of the Hungarian population is still low, its develop-ment is being investigated by more and more researches that can help to catch up.

The aim of our research was to reveal the attitudes of prospective health and lifestyle of practitioners and in their health and health care, which has a significant impact on the health consciousness of the population as an example. Based on our survey, we could see different areas with a significant development of the image of health and we could measure the level of health consciousness of the individual professional groups by analyzing the specializations. In the research it was discovered that sport as a health factor has a major place for recreational students, whereas in nursing and midwifery medicine the health level has reached a lower level and mental health was more pronounced. In a health-conscious way of life, the results show a positive trend, as positive elements of health such as self-confidence are displayed, but a professional, stronger commitment and behavioral patterns are needed. Health as an economic factor plays a key role in employment, as healthy employees participate in the maintenance of the nation as an economic factor. A health-conscious lifestyle, the increase of health behavior are a national interest, its effects are complex and indirectly reflected in the improvement of the lifestyle of the population. The further direction in the research is the impact assessment of preventive, diagnostic and rehabilitation procedures, health care, lifestyle in healthcare products. The test covers the assessment of health screening tests, fitness tests, and the market demand for other diagnostic tests that help strengthen employee health prevention awareness. Higher education is the ultimate level of education where recreational, health, physical education and

sports, through their teaching and learning process, can be used to create a sense of value and attitude for a healthy lifestyle. A well-motivated, mentally and physically well-mannered intellectual will be able to construct and translate constructive life-spanning, which includes the tasks of health preservation. The resulting pattern of lifestyles is carried by individuals throughout their lifetime (Takács, 1991). With the abovementioned special tasks, the level of education of the students should be transformed so that the acquired knowledge can guide their actions in their future work, incorporating their behavior. This can only be achieved as a result of a long process that has precedence over the pre-tertiary stage of life. If an adequate basis is established at a young age (elementary and secondary school), they can build on them in higher education.

The appearance of health care and health awareness is a priority for prospective professionals in the field of health and sports as the influence of future generations on health is decisive. The survey includes participation in preventive screening tests which do not show large differences with average annual participation in biennial examinations. In the case of disease attitudes, we have found positive results, the disease feeling did not appear among the students. The consequences of the lack of health have shown a clear picture of the negative labor market, economic and social impacts. A fully-fledged response was born to the preventive effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle. The students’ health is moderate and good.

The development of health behavior and health awareness emerging from the results prove to be a priority task which, concerning the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, enhances the social health image of students who work in the field and exemplifies their behavior. In a further study induced by our research, we would like to assess the diagnostic and fitness tests that the population needs and explore whether the results of the diagnostic and fitness tests may change the public health habits of the population. In the latter survey we intend to examine whether the intervention program may change the health habits of the population. We also seek to understand how the procedures for health promotion and health promotion proposed for rehabilitation, therapeutic purposes, appear in the lifestyle of the population. Are there differences in the health consciousness of the population before and after diagnostic and fitness tests and before and after intervention?

Further research will be carried out using basic measurements (cross-sectional) and one or more retrospective (longitudinal) follow-up measurements. Assuming homogeneity of the groups, the effect of the dependent variables is examined by comparing the results of two groups: the experimental group or control group with distinction (Fábián, Zsidegh, 1998). Interventions will be applied to the experimental groups between measurements. Intervention: in some parts of the test sample, learning about undergraduate training, theoretical and practical knowledge, and the procedures described and designated for others in the field of health preservation and development. The sample of continuing research will be

corporate adults (20–50 years of age) and older people (over 60 years). Additional tests are based on diagnostic procedures: spiroergometric (power diagnostic) measurements will be performed.


Establishment of Sport- Recreation- Health Management Cooperational Research Network, project ID: EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00003 provided assistance in the work of the Research Group of the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences of Széchenyi István University.


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