• Nem Talált Eredményt

individuals were of different social status: based on their grave goods three of them were of the highest status (1a), and another five of them were of the second highest category (1b), buried with heavy bronze

Wieselburg culture

The 29 individuals were of different social status: based on their grave goods three of them were of the highest status (1a), and another five of them were of the second highest category (1b), buried with heavy bronze

jewelries and weapons as status symbols. High status of the deceased ranked to category 1a–b, who may be equipped with a considerable amount of organic grave goods, is also suggested by the size and deepness of their grave pits.

Five individuals were classified into a somewhat lower status category (with small bronze jewelries), 11 in the next one, only with ceramics, and four deceased without grave goods in the lowest category. Based on the excavated part of the cemetery few generations of the one or two high status households of the Bronze Age community at Nagycenk could have been studied.


Rescue excavations at Nagycenk were funded by the Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurt Railway Ltd. The evaluation and publication of the cemetery finds was financially supported by the Momentum Grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The conservation of the metal finds and of the amber bead found in the cemetery was carried out by Zsuzsa Heiserné. The conservation of burial vessels has been done by Veronika Harasztovics (Museum of Sopron) and Ágnes Hunyadi (Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sci-ences). Photographic documentation of the ceramic finds was done by Zoltán Bolodár (Museum of Sopron) and Péter Hámori (Institute of Achaeology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences).

Evaluation and drawing of the chipped stone tools were made by Anna Priskin. The anthropological assessment was carried out by Zsuzsanna K. Zoffmann; the paleopathological analysis was done by Kitti Köhler. The material composition analysis of metal finds was conducted by Boglárka Maróti (Budapest Neutron Centre) and Ernst Pernicka (Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrums Archäometrie). The petrographic examination of ceramic finds was carried out by Attila Kreiter and Péter Skoda (Hungarian National Museum, Laboratory for Applied Research). Krisztina Balassa and Mihály Göbölyös (Museum of Sopron) took part in the excavations as archaeological technicians, re-sponsible to help producing grave plans, drawing archaeological finds, digitizing the field records, and cataloguing

198 schWarz 2014, 718–719, Abb. 1a–1b; meller 2017.


the finds. Hereby, the authors thank for their contribution. The finds of the Bronze Age cemetery are curated by the Museum of Sopron (Inv. No. 2006.1.1.1–2006.1.79.1). We owe a special thank to László Gucsi, for his useful ob-servations, drawing of the finds and editing the figures for this publication.


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