• Nem Talált Eredményt

Froitzheim und Rudert /Fabrik/, B-Reinickendorf West /d/

In document INDEX ACRONYMORUM SELECTORUM (Pldal 173-187)


2. Froitzheim und Rudert /Fabrik/, B-Reinickendorf West /d/

a Fed.Res.Bk.

File Research Council, /GB/ /e/

Felt Roofing Contractors' Advisory Board, L /e/

Federation of Registered Bbusebuilders, L /e/

Fabriques Réunies de Lampes Électriques /f/

Fundusz Remontów Mlynów Gospodarczych /po/

Fédération Romande de Publicité, Lausanne /f/

Federal Reserve System, /US/ /e/

Fédération de la Soierie, Iy /f/


1. Fédération des Syndicats Autonomes /f/

2. Flax Spinners' Association /e/

Federationen Sveriges Allmánna Folkskollárarförening /s/

Föreningen Sveriges Aktivá Handelsresande /s/

Fabryka Samochodów Cifzarowych /po/

Feed Surplus Commodities Corporation, /US/ /e/

Fiscal Service of the Department of the Treasury,/US/ /e/

Fédération des Sociétés Suisses d'Employés, Z /f/

Fédération des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles /f/

Food Service Equipment Industry /Inc./, Ch /e/

Fédération Suisse des Employés de Radiodiffusion, Berne /f/

Federal Subsistence Homesteads Corporation /e/

1. Fédération des Syndicats Internationaux /f/

2. Federation of Sussex Industries, Ltd, Brighton /e/

3. Federation of Swedish Industries, St /e/

4. Fédération Syndicale Internationale /f/

Fédération des Syndicats d Initiative /de Francé/ /f/

Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Association, /US/ /e/

1. Federación de Sindicatos Libres, Managua /es/

2, Föreningen Sveriges Landfiskaler /s/

Federal Savinge and Loan Association /e/

1. Federación Sindical Mundial /es/ = WFTÜ 2. Fédération Syndicale Mondiale /f/ = WFTU 1. Foundry Supply Manufacturers' Association /e/

2. Fruit and Syrup Manufacturers' Association /e/

Federación Sindical de Maestros de Nicaragua /es/

1. Fabryka Samochodów Osobowych, Wa /po/

_2L»_ JPackförbundets Samarbetsorganisation i Finland /s/

3. Funksjonaerenes Sentralorganisasjon /no/

Föreningen Sveriges Postexpeditörer /s/

Fédération des Syndicats Pharmaceutiques de Francé /f/

Federal Surplus Relief Corporation /e/

Federal Supply Service, /US/ /e/

Föreningen. Svenska Trádgárdsarkitekter /s/

Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Mineros de Bolivia, La Paz /es/

Federación Sindical de Trabajadores de la República de Panamá, Panama City /es/

Federación de Sindicatos de Trabajadores al Servicio del Estado, /Mex/ /es /

Federation of Sewage Works Association, Champaign /e/












Fine and Specialty Wire Manufacturers Association, /US/ /e/

Fogyasztási Szövetkezetek Országos Központja, Bp /m/

1. Federation of Tax Administrators, /US/ /e/

2. File Trade Association, Sheffield /e/

3. Flexographic Technical Association, NY /e/

4. Food Tray Association, /US/ /e/

Food, Tabacco, Agricultural and Allied Workers Union of America /e/

Freight Tariff Bureau, /GB/ /e/

Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corp., /US/


Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association, /US/ /e/

Foundry Trades Equipment and Suppliers' Association, Ltd, L /e/

1. Försákringstjánstemannaförbundet /s/

2. Fur Trade Foundation /e/

Facing Tile Institute, /US/ /e/

Federación de Trabajadores de la Indústria Gráfica, Caracas /es/

Föreningen Tekniska Museet /s/

Fachverband der Textilindustrie österreichs, Wi /d/

1. Forged Tool Society /e/

2. Funeral Telegraph Service "Telechapel", /US/ /e/

1. Federation of Trade Unions /e/

2. Federation of Trade Unions, Hong-Kong /e/

Federación de Transportadores Unidos Nicaraguense /es/

Fajiig Ungdom /da/

1. Farm Underwriters' Association, /US/ /e/

2. Farméra' Union of Alberta, Edmonton /e/

Föreningen for Undersöknings- och Upplysningsverksamhet om Industriella Förhállanden /s/

Federazione Unitaria Italiana Lavoratori Cappello e Affini, Montevarchi /i/

Federazione Unitaria Italiana /Liberi/ Lavoratori deli Abbigliamento, Mi /i/

Federazione Unitaria Lavoratori Legno, Artistiche e Varié, R /i/

Federazione Unitaria dei Liberi Lavoratori dello Spettacolo, R /i/

Federazione Unitaria Lavoratori Produtti Industrie Alimenta-ri, R /i/

Federazione Unitaria Lavoratori Trasporti ed Ausiliari del Traffico, R /i/

F U M Fabryka Urzqdzen Mechanicznych /po/

F und Gr Felten und Guilleaume Carlswerk AG., Köln-Mühlheim /d/

F U T Fabryka Urzadzeá Technicznych /po/

FUW 1. Farméra* Union of Wales, Carmarthen /e/

2. Fédération of University Women /e/

Fv. Fachvereinigung /d/

FVCE Fédération Suisse des Ouvriers du Vétement du Cuir et de l'Equipement /f/

FVF Faglige Verdensforbund /da/

FVK Fachvereinigung Kohlé, B /d/

FVMMA Floor and Vacuum Machinery Manufacturers' Association, Oak Park /e/

FVPA Fiat Veneer Products Association, /US/ /e/

F.v.T.A. Federatie van Transportarbeiders /ne/

FWAA Football Writers' Association of America /e/

FWDA Federal Wholesale Druggists* Association, /US/ /e/

FWEC Fort Worth Electronics Club /e/

FWMB Fédération of Wholesale and Multiple Bakers, L /e/

FWRMGB Fédération of Wire Bope Manufacturers of Great Britain, Sheffield /e/

FWS = F.and W.L.S.

FWSAB Fédération of Women Shareholders in American Business /e/




GAMC G and C G and FDNA G and G G.A.N.S.




Guilder /e/

1. Gunmakers' Association /e/

2. Gypsum Association, Ch /e/

1. Gesellschaft zur Aufsuchung von Bodenschatzen, /BRD/ /d/

2. Göteborgs Almaima Byggnadsbyra /s/

Groupe d'Aide au Développement /f/

Georgia Association "Future Farmers of America", Atlanta /e/

Gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft für Angestellten - Heimstát-ten, /BRD/ /d/

Göteborgs Allmannyttiga och Kooperativa Företag /s/

General Association of Ladies' Hairdressers, L /e/

Gas Appliance Manufacturers' Association, /US/ /e/

Gdaáska Agencja Morska i Asekuracyjna /po/

General Agents and Managers Gonference of the National Association of Life Underwriters, /US/ /e/

Gaskell and Chambers /e/

Grain and Feed Dealers' National Association, /US/ /e/

Gordon and Gotch, L /e/

Groups d'Action Nationale Syndicaliste /£/

Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators, L /e/

Perkumpulan Koperasi Gabungan Pembelian Importir Indonesia, Djakarta /ind/

Gospodarie AgricolS de Stat /r/

Gaswerke AG., B /d/

Gabungan Sarekat Buruh Indonesia /ind/

Guild of Ancient Suppliers of Gas Appliances, Skill, Gins, Accessories and Substances /e/

Associazione Nazionale Industriali Gas, R /i/

Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers, L /e/

Germán-American Trade Promotion Company, /BRD-US/ /e/

Gamekeepers' Association of the United Kingdom, Dorset /e/

Gazd. gazdaság /m/

gazd. gazdasági /m/

GB 1. Gazdasági Bizottság, Bp /m/

2. Guild of Bricklayers, West Hartlepool /e/

GBAG Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktiengesellschaft, Essen /d/

GBBA Glass Bottle Blowers' Association, /US/ /e/

G.B.F. Grands Barrages de Francé /f/

Gbg Hdl I Göteborgs Handelsinstitut /s/

GBGSA Association of Governing Bodies of Girls' Public Schools, L /e/

GBMA Golf Ball Manufacturers' Association, Ch /e/

GBSM Guild of Better Shoe Manufacturers, /US/ /e/

GBSNCA Greater Blouse, Skirt, and Neckwear Contractors' Association /e/

GBSV Gemeinsames Büro der Schrottverbraucher /d/ = OCCF GBW Guild of Book Workers, /US/ /e/

G.C. 1. General Ceramics /Co./, /US/ /e/

2. Giunta di Coordinamento /i/

3. Goldsmiths' College /e/

GCA 1. Garden Club of America /e/

2. General Contractors' Association /e/

3. Green Coffee Association of New York City /e/

4. Green Coffee Association of New Orleans /e/

5. Greeting Card Association, /US/ /e/

GC and TPA Garden Cities and Town Planning Association /e/

GCB Giro Central Bank /Germán Savinge Bank/ /e/

GCBA Guernsey Cattle Breeders' Association, /GB/ /e/

G.C.C. Giunta della Camera di Commercio /!/

GCCA Greater Clothing Contractors' Association, /US/ /e/

GCEOC Government and Civic Employees Organizing Committee, NY /e/

GCFI Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, /US/ /e/

GCIA/A/ Gránité Cutters' International Association of America, Quincy /e/

GCJLU General Council of Japanese Labour Unions /e/

GCLO Germán Civil Labour Organization /e/

GCMA Glazed Cement Manufacturers' Association, L /e/

GCMI Glass Container Manufacturers' Institute, /US/ /e/

GCPA Gas Companies' Protection Association /e/

GCRA Giant Chinchilla Rabbit Association, Pearl River /e/

G.C.R.E. Groupement des Controles Radio - Électriques /f/

GCRI Glasshouse Crops Research Institute, /GB/ /e/

G.C.S.A. General Clerical Service Association, Kuala Lumpur /e/

GC6A/A/ Golf Course Superintendents' Association of America, Jacksonville Beach /e/

GCS/I/ Game Conservation Society, Inc., /US/ /e/

GGSIA Gábinete de Cinematografia do Serviqo de Informa^o Agricola, RJ /p/

GCU Glass Cutters'Union, /GB/ /e/

GD Guild of Designer3 /e/

gd. = gazd.g

GDA 1. Gewerkschaftsbund der Angestellten, /BRD/ /d/

2. Groningsch - Drentsche Architectenvereeniging /ne/

GDAA/A/ Gift and Decorative Accessories Association of America, NY /e/

G.D.B. Golddiskontobank /d/

GDBA Gewerkschaft Deutscher Bundesbahnbeamten und-Anwárter, /BRD/ /d/

GDC Guild of Dyers and Cleaners, Faraingham /e/

GdED Gewerkschaft der Eisenbahnen Deutschlands, /BRD/ /d/

G.D.E.F. Groupement de Défense de l'Épargne Fran^aise /f/

G D E í Generálná Direkcija za Eksploatacijo Zelezníc /sl/

G.D.F. Gaz de Francé /f/

G.D.G. Gewerkschaft deutscher Geistesarbeiter, B /d/

GDL Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotiv-Führer, /BRD/ /d/

G.D.M. Gesamtverband Deutscher Metallgiessereien, Dü /d/

GDMB Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten-und Bergleute e.V., Stuttgart /d/

GDNA Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Árzte, /BRD/ /d/

GdP Gewerkschaft der Polizeibeamten, /BRD/ /d/

GDS Gesamtverband Deutscher Spielwaren - Exporteure, Nürnberg /d/

G.E. — G.E.C.^

GEAPS Grain Elevátor and Processing Superintendents, /US/ /e/

GEC 1. General Electric Company, /US/ /e/

2. Government Employees' Council /e/

GECO = GEC-j^ #

GEFA Gesellschaft für Ahsatzfinanzierungen mbH, Wuppertal-Elberfeld /d/

GEFAP Groupement Européen des Associations Nationales de Fabricants de Pesticides, Br /f/

GEFAR Groupement d'Exportateurs, Fabricants et Artisans Réunis /f/

Gefo Gesellschaft für Osthandel, Ha /d/

GEFP Guild of Ethical Funeral Practice, Springfield /e/

GEFU Gesellschaft zur Förderung Gewerblicher Untemehmungen, /DDR/


G E G Gross-Einkaufs-Gesellschaft Deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften m.b.H., Ha /d/

GEHAG Gemeinnützige Heimstátten AG., B /d/

GELKA Gépipari Elektromos Karbantartó Vállalat, Bp /m/

GEMEC General Metallurgical and Chemical Company, /GB/ /e/

GÉMES Gesellschaft für Messegestaltung und-Organisation, /BRD/


G.E.N.S. Gestioni Esercizio Navi Sicilia, Genova /!/

Gen Serv-Res General Service Reserve /e/

GEHP Stichting van Griend- en Rietproducten /ne/

Gesamttextil Gesamtverband der Textilindustrie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.,F. /d/

GESCO General Electric Supply Corporation, /US/ /e/

Gesfürel Gesellschaft für elektrische Unternehmungen, /BRD/ /d/

GESÖ Einkaufs- und Produktionsgenossenschaft von Sodawassererzeu-gern österreichs, Wi /d/

GEVEL Gesellschaft für Verkauf von Elektromaterial mbH, Dü /d/

Gew. Gewerbe /d/

GEWOBAG Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbau-Aktiengesellschaft, /BRD/ /d/

Gewog Gemeinnützige Wohnstátten-Gesellschaft von 1910 mbH, Ha /d/

GF 1. Gazdasági Főtanács, Bp /m/

2. General Fireproofing Co., /US/ /e/

3, General Foods Co. /e/

GFDNA Grain and Feed Dealers' National Association, /US/ /e/

GfK Gewerkschaftsgruppe für Kleinbetriebe, /DDR/ /d/

GFM Gesellschaft für Marktforschung, /BRD/ /d/

GFMA Gold-Filled Manufacturers' Association, Attleboro /e/

G.F.O.C. Gran Federación Obrera de Chile /es/

GFT Grafiska Faktors- och TjSnstemannaförbundet /s/

GfT Gesellschaft für Teerverwertung, /BRD/ /d/

GFTU General Federation of Trade Unions, L /e/

GFVW Geschaftsstelle für verschiedene Waren /d/

GG 1. Gozdno gospodarstvo /sl/

2. Grubenholz-Gemeinsohaft | Gesellschaft, /BRD/ /d/

GGMA Glassine and Greaseproof Manufacturers' Association, /US/


GGR Gummiverkstadernas och Gummiringhandlarnas RiksfSrbund /s/

GGRA Gelatine and Glue Research Association, /GB/ /e/

GH Gazdasági Hivatal /m/

GHG Gemeinwirtschaftliche Hochseefischerei-Gesellschaft, /BRD/


GHHr-Konzern Gutehoffnungshütte-Konzern, Oberhausen /d/

GHK Grosshandelskontor /d/

GI 1. General Instrument Corporation, N Jersey /e/


G. I .E.












2. Grafiska Institutet /s/

3. Grandi Industrie /i/

4. Grocers* Institution /e/

1. Goodwill Industries of America /e/

2. Gummed Industries Association, NY /e/

Groupement International des Analystes de 1'Alimentation /f/

Groupement International pour l'Avancement des Sciences et Techniques Alimentaires /f/

Guilde Internationale des Coopératrices /f/ = ICWG

Groupement Interprofessionnel pour le Dévéloppement de la Production des Oléagineux dans les Territoires d'outre-Mer /f/

Gruppo Industrie Elettromeccaniche per Irapianti all Estero, tói /i/

Gruppo Italiano delle Fiere Associata alla "Union des Foires Internationales" /i/

Gray Iron Founders * Society, /US/ /e/

Vereeniging van Groothandelaren in Ijzer en Andere Metalen, Ijzerwaren en Aanverwante Artikelen /ne/

Groupe des Industries Mócaniques, Métallurgiques et Connexes de la Région Parisienne /f/

Guild of Insurance Officials /e/

Groupement Interprofessionnel des Oléagineux Métropolitains, P / f /

Groupement Interprofessionnel pour l'Étude et le Dévelop-pement de l'Économie Gentrafrioaine, Bangui /f/

Groupe des Industriels de la Région de Gennevilliers et d'Asniéres /f/

Guildes' International Service /e/

Grondkrediet /ne/

Gewerkschaft der Kaufmánnischen Büro- und Verwaltungsangestellten, B /d/

Gőteborgs Kontoristfőrening /s/

Gorlickie Kopalnictwo Naftowe /po/

Gesamtverband Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie e.V.,F /d/

General Longshoremen's Assciation /e/

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Association /e/

Gas Light and Coke Company /e/

Interessen- und Wirtscbaftaschutzverband für Gleis- und tóagazinsanlagen, Wi /d/

1. Cooperative Grange League Federation Exchange, Inc. /e/

2. Gewerkschaft Landwirtschaft und Forsten, /BRD/ /d/

General Light ing Information Service, L /e/

G.L.M. 1. Guéret, Llewellyn, and Merrett, Ltd., Cardiff /e/

2. Guy Lévis Mano /f/

GLMA Great Lakes Mink Association, Kenasha /e/

GLSA Great Lakes Seaplane Association, /US/ /e/

G L S F N R J Glavni Lovaőki Savez FNRJ /h/


GMA Grocexy Manufacturers of America, /US/ /e/

GMAA Gold Mining Association of America /e/

GMAC General Motors Acceptance Corporation, /US/ /e/

GMC General Motors Corporation, /US/ /e/

GMF Glass Manufacturers' Federation, L /e/

GMG Gebrüder Merten, Gummersbach /Fabrik/ /d/

GMhütte Georgsmarienbütte, /BRD/ /d/

GMSI General Milk Sales, Inc. /e/

GMTC Glutamate Manufacturers' Technical Committee, Skokie /e/

GmuH Gesellschaft mit unbeschránkter Haftung /d/

GMW General Metál Workers /e/

GNAPO Groupement National d' Achat des Produits Oléagineux, P /f/

G.N.C.T.U, Grand National Consolidated Trades-Union, /GB/ /e/

GNI Gross National Income, /US/ /e/

GNIFC Groupement National Interprofessionnel des Fruits á Cidre, /Francé/ /f/

GNIEB Groupement National Interprof essionnel de la Production Betteraviére, P /f/

GNP Gross National Product, /US/ /e/

G.N.V.S. De Groote Nederlandsche Verzekerings-Societeit /ne/

G.O.C. Gulf Oil Company j Corporation /e/

GOCZ Golders - Overijselse Coöperatieve Zuivelverkoopvereniging, Zutphen /ne/

G 0 P Górski Okr§g Przemyslowy /po/

GO SSH Glavni Odbor Saveza Sindikata Hrvatske, Za /h/

Gosstat GospodSrie de Stat /r/

GOSz Gépészek Országos Szövetsége, Bp /m/

GOVPF Groupement Obligatoire des Viticulteurs et Producteurs de Fruits, Tunis /f/

GöV Gesellschaft österreichischer Volkswirte, Wi /d/

G.P. 1. General Practitioners /of Australasia/, Melbourne /e/

2. Grantham Productions, Ltd /e/

GPA Glycerine Producers' Association, /US/ /e/

G.P.A.G.P. Groupement Prof essionnel de l'Aviation Commerciale Privée /f/

GPDA Gypsum Plasterboard Development Association, L /e/

G.P.E.M.D.A. Groupe Permanent d'Études des Marchés pour la Fourniture de Denrées Alimentaires /f/

GPLC Guild of Professional Launderers and Cleaners, L /e/

GPMA l.Gasoline Pump Manufacturers' Association, / U S / /e/

2. Groundwood Paper Manufacturers' Association /e/

GHIM/A/ Grain Processing Machinery Manufacturers' Association, /US/ /e/

GPO Association Générale des Producteurs d' Oléagineux /£/

GPOA Guild of Prescription Opticians of America /e/

G.P.O.D. Gemeenschap van het Personeel der Openbare Diensten, Br /vl/

GPP Guild of Public Pharmacists, /GB/ /e/

GPW Great Plains Wheat, Inc., Garden City /e/

GPZB Gdanskié Przemyslowe Zjednoczenie Budowlane /po/

GR Gospodarsko Razstaviáíe, Lj /sl/

gradj gradjevinarstvo /h/

GRADáPED Gradsko Preduzece za Transport i Spediciju, Rijeka /h/

GRAMAT Poduzece za Promet Gradjevinskim Materijalom i TehniÖkom Robom, Za /h/

GRASYMA Granit-Syenit-und Marmorwerke, Wunsiedel /d/

G.R.D. Gemeentelijk Radio Distributiebedrijf /ne/

GRDF Gypsum Roof Deck Foundation, Glenview /e/

GRF Magyarországi Grafikai és Rokoniparosok Főnök-Egyesülete, Bp /m/

GRI Grassland Research Institute, /GB/ /e/

GROFOR Verband des Deutschen Grosshandels mit ölen, Fetten und ölrohsóoffen, Ha /d/

Grondkap.Bk. Coöperatieve Vereeniging Coöperatieve Grondkapitaalbank voor den Landbouw /ne/

Growag Grosskraftwerk Frankén A.G., Nürnberg /d/

GRSE Guild of Radio Service Engineers,/GB/ /e/

Gruga Grosse Ruhrlándische Gartenbau-Austellung in Essen /d/

GS 1. Gerontological Society, Baltimore /e/

2. Gminna Spóldzielnia /po/

GSA 1. Garden Seed Association, /US/ /e/

2. Gourd Society of America, Boston /e/

GSRI Gabungan Serikat Buruh Indonesia, Djakarta /ind/

GSC Grain Stabilization Corporation /e/

G.S.C.D. Groupement Syndical des Collaborateurs Diplőmés /£/

GSDN Garden Supply Dealers' National, /US/ /e/

G.S.E. Générale du Sud-Est, Lyon /{/

GSEE Geniké Synomospondia tön Ergatön Ellados /el/

GSF Gun and Shell Factory /e/

GSGA Gemeinnützige Siedlungs- und WohnungBbaugesellschaft, Aachen /d/

GSK Grafiska Standardiseringskommisaionen /s/

GSPA Grain Sorghum Producers' Association, Amarillo /e/


GWG Schwaben GWI

Groupement Syndicale des Patrons Imprimeurs de Paris et de Banlieu /f/

Glavni Savez Poljoprivrednih Zadruga Narodne Republike Hrvatske, Za /h/

Groupe des Entrepreneurs Suisse de Travaux Publics /f/

Gemengd Syndicalistische Vereeniging /ne/

1. Gemeenschap van Stille Werkers /ne/

2. Gemeinnützige Siedlungs- und Wohnungsbaugesellschaft, B /d/

1. /Farmers' Union/ Grain Terminal Association, S.Paul /e/

2. Gravure Technical Association, /US/ /e/

General Transistoi Corporation, /US/ /e/

Grupo de Trabalho para o Desenvolvimento do Nordeste, /Brasil/ /p/

Gauge and Tool Makers' Association, Ltd, L /e/

GooiBche Technicche Ontwikkelings-club voor het Kappersvak /ne/

Gewestelijke Tarwe-Organisatie /voor Zeeland/ /ne/

Grupo de Trabalho para a Pecuaria, Minas Geraes /p/

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Export Company /e/

Gewerkschaft der Techniker und Werkmeister /d/

Grosshandelns Utredningsinstitut /a/

/Volkseigene Betriebe für/ Gusa- und Schmiedeerzeugnisse, /DDR/ /d/

Great Universal Stores Credit Group of Companies /e/

Gewerkschaftliche Unterstützungseinrichtung für Verkehrs-berufe, /BRD/ /d/

Gemeinde-Unfall-Versicherungs-Aerband/ /d/

Günter und Marta Grüner /Firma/, Karlsruhe /d/

Gemüseproduzenten - Vereinigung des Kantons Zürich und Benachbarter Gebiete /d/

Gesellachaft Werbeagenturen, /BRD/ /d/

Garden Writers' Association of America /e/

Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbau - Genossenschaft Schwaben, GmbH, Stuttgart /d/

Grinding Wheel Institute, Cl /e/

Galvanized Ware Manufacturers' Council, /US/ /e/

1. General Workers' Union /e/ = WUI 2. General Workers Union of Malta /e/

Gyáriparosok Országos Központja, Bp /m/

Magyar Göráriparosok Országos Szövetsége, Bp /m/

Gostinska Zbornica /sl/

Gdanskié Zsűciady Gastronomiczne /po/

1. Górnoslaskie Zaklady Hutnicze /po/

2. Grafifcki Zavod Hrvatske /h/

G Z I P Gdaáskie Zjednoczenie Instalacji Przemyslowych /po/

G Z M E Gdanskié Zaklady Maszyn Elektrycznych /po/

G Z P B Giebultowskie Zakiady Przemysiu Bawelnianego /po/

G Z P G Grudzi^dzkie Zaklady Przemysiu Gumowego /po/

G Z P T Gubinskie Zaklady Przemysiu Terenowego /po/

GZRW Gdynskie Zjednoczenie Robót Wiertniczych. /po/

GZS FNRJ Glavni Zadruzni Savez FNRJ /h/

G Z S NR BiH Glavni ZadruSni Savez Narodne Republike Bosne i Hercegovine /h/

G Z S N R G G Glavni ZadruSni Savez Narodne Republike Crne Gore /h/

G Z ü T Gliwickie Zaklady Urz^dzen Technicznych /po/

GZV Groninger Coöperatieve Vereniging van Zaadtelers /ne/

G 2 Z Gradska Zeljeznica Zagreb /h/

GZZ LRS Glavna Zadruína Zveza Ljudske Republike Slovenije, L j /sl/

GZZS Glavna Zadruzna Zveza Slovenije, Lj /sl/


HA Hardboard Association, Ch /e/

HAA Hotel Accountants' Association of New York City /e/

HÁFÉM Háztartási és Fémtömegcikk Készitő Kisipari Termelő-Szö-vetkezet, Bp /m/

HAFRA British Hat and Allied Feltmakers' Research Association, Droylsden /e/

HAGD Hauptvereinigung des Amhulanten Gewerbes und der Schaustel-ler in Deutschland, /BRD/ /d/

Hageda Handelsgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker, /BRD/ /d/

Hagenuk Hanseatische Apparatehau-Gesellschaft Neufeldt und Kuhnke, GmbH, Ki el /d/

HAIC Hearing Aid Industry Conference, /US/ /e/

HAKA Herren- und Knaben-Oberbekleidungaindustrie, /BRD/ /d/

Hako Hamburger Kommissionsbuchhandel /d/

Hamag Hartmetall - Kommanditgesellschaft, Bad Godesberg /d/

Hanomag Hannoversche Maschinenbau-AG. /d/

HAO Handelns Arbetsgivarorganisation /s/

Hapag Hamburg-Amerika-Paketfahrt AG. /d/

H.A.S. Highland and the Agricultural Society /of Scotland/ /e/

HÁTERV Villamos Hálózati Fejlesztő és Tervező Vállalat, Bp /m/

HATRA Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association, /GB/ /e/

HBA Hoist Builders' Association /e/

HBCC House Banking and Currency Committee, /US/ /e/

HBFTB Hair, Bass and Fibre Trade Board /e/

HBJ Hypothec Bank of Japan, Tokyo /e/

HBS Harvard Business School, Boston /e/

HBSAA Hack and Band Saw Association of America, Evanston /e/

HBV 1. Handel-, Bankén- und Versicherungen /-Gewerkschaft/, /BRD/ /d/

2. Helmstedter Brauhkohlen-Verkauf-Gesellschaft, /BRD/ /d/

HC Houslag Centre, L /e/

HCA Helioopter Council of America, W /©/

HCHI Hand Chain Hoist Institute /e/

HCL International Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers Union of America, W /e/

HCMTB Hat, Cap and Millinery Trade Board /e/

HCMW United Hatters', Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union, NY /e/

HCFNI Hardware Cloth and Poultry Netting Institute /e/

HDGA Hot Dip Galvanizers* Association, L /e/

HDI House Dress Institute, /US/ /e/

HDMA Hardwood Dimension Manufacturers' Association, /US/ /e/

HDP Hauptverband fur Zucht und Prüfung Deutscher Pferde, /BRD/ /d/

In document INDEX ACRONYMORUM SELECTORUM (Pldal 173-187)