• Nem Talált Eredményt

Epilogue: Anthropology of Lajos Boglár,

Anthropology of Lajos Boglár,

‘Many Faces of Culture’

and Ephemeral Reality

In all the chapters of this book, the question may have arisen, and how can, or can one learn at all empathy towards other cultures? Can one learn the basic momentum of cul-tural anthropological research, mutual trust and willingness to accept? Is there a method-ological “key” that could be applied to all cultural anthropmethod-ological research?

“Regarding the theoretical debates, as well as the question of fieldwork methodology, I believe – as many wise men say – the key that opens all locks can only be a skeleton key!”

– summarized Lajos Boglár his experiences of fieldwork during his lectures. Professor Boglár prepared hundreds of anthropologists for fieldwork at the ELTE Cultural Anthro-pology Department. He taught, persuaded and encouraged fieldwork, but he did not teach

“the” methodology of fieldwork. We, his students, are committed to making that a success through our research work and by passing on the lessons we learned from him.

I cannot talk about Professor Boglár in past tense. On the walls of the rooms of our department we can still see the pictures he took, his books and video cassettes lined up in

the closets. His ideas, words, love and humor continue to surround the corridors, the halls and the hearts of his students and colleagues. What is certain, that the books he wrote Among the Tropical Indians, the Wahari, and Pau Brasil, will pique the interest of many generations in cultural anthropology and the South American Native cultures, much like Lévi-Strauss: Szomorú trópusok (Tristes Tropiques edited by Boglár), or Franz Boas: Népek, nyelvek, kultúrák (Race, Language, and Culture, compiled and prefaced by Boglár). Only few people know, but Boglár, in addition to the books mentioned, also contributed to the provision of knowledge of Latin American culture and worldview with the translation of Borges’ works, and (together with Péter Kucka) of Popol Wuh, a text that recounts the mythology and history of the Kʼicheʼ, one of the Maya peoples. With dozens of scientific publications, Vallás és antropológia (Religion and Anthropology) notes, Mítosz és kultúra (Myth and Culture), and with his books, A kultúra arcai (Faces of Culture), he has provided indefinite help for national and international social discourse and education. And I have not yet spoken of his exhibitions, albums, and films, the introductions of Native Latin- American art.

In addition to the above, Lajos Boglár’s lifetime achievement, what close to his heart was to establish and develop the Cultural Anthropology Department in Budapest, nowadays known as the “Budapest School” in its time the first in Hungary. There, in addition to the criterion of intensive and direct knowledge of the communities we want to research, we have also learned solidarity and responsibility toward them. Professor Boglár passed it on to us that we can only understand the different cultures and the science of anthropology itself, if by setting aside our prejudices, we live together with the researched community, and try to understand them by understanding their concepts and their own interpretations.

Professor Boglár did not want every student to be a practicing cultural anthropologist;

he sought to make the students situated at the most diverse areas of society impregnate with the world view of cultural relativism, empathy and solidarity, which also feeds on experience. As their disciples and colleagues, we try to preserve, pass on, and keep this spirit alive. That is why I present a methodological course plan inspired by and developed together with Professor Boglár, which can form the basis or supplement the work of other cultural anthropology courses, specializations and workshops.

The specific social science paradigm of cultural anthropology includes the approach of cultural relativism, the holistic interpretation of researched communities and the use of participatory observation. Accordingly, anthropologists are trying to explore the realities of cultural-social meanings through active, living participation in the everyday lives of the communities they research. The theoretical trends and works of cultural anthropology are not known or understood without individual field work experience, since the decisive theoretical works are born along with such experiences, and consequently, they have been thought through or communicated later by anthropologists doing fieldwork. Therefore, one of the basic goals of field work training is to acquire this communication through theoret -ical literature and independent field work. We believe that our students can only understand and apply the approach and methodology of cultural anthropology through this

commu-nication. All this follows the research and methodological principles and practice developed and implemented by Lajos Boglár. This is how Professor Boglár summarized this during one of the interviews:

“We do place great emphasis on fieldwork and want our students to build their the-oretical knowledge on this base. However, we must know that this profession would not have been if Malinowski, Boas, Mead and their peers did not come up with their theories after conducting fieldwork. Just as Clifford Geertz is unimaginable without Morocco and Bali. This is true for education, too. In this profession the theoretical presentation of a teacher can only be credible if it is based on fieldwork. And, for the student, the theory is only important if it can be put into practice. We only grant a diploma to those who complete a minimum of one hundred and thirty days of fieldwork. Of course, there is an exception for student with physical disabilities.

In general, students who do fieldwork generally know much more than the others.”

(CSÁKY 1994: 218)

Therefore, our curriculum is based on students’ fieldwork. The lectures and practical semi-nars that have been attended during the semesters are designed to help students’ research.

Students adapt and modify, even supplementing both theoretical insights and method-ological techniques to their field research experiences. Therefore, all students have the opportunity to have personal and systematic consultations with the instructors of the department, during which they can think together about the professional and human chal-lenges of research. Our department’s educational philosophy, based on the legacy of Lajos Boglár, is founded on the mutual partnership that characterizes the relationship between the student and the instructor as well as the researcher and members of the researched community.

Exercising empathy during fieldwork or in the everyday life of education cannot be taught and learned for everyone, but at the path of Lajos Boglár’s anthropology, we have the opportunity to feel and understand: to accept and understand each other, there is no other way for an anthropologist.

The more general topics analyzed in the book are also based on the results of these meticulous field studies and interpretations. My writing, following the perspectives of cultural anthropology, tried to contribute to the recognition and understanding of the faces of culture.

Culture is a constantly changing reality. “Our flashes” in the worlds of diverse cultures are therefore similar to the moments of “ephemeral reality”. Cultural anthropology attempts to preserve these moments, these “snapshots”, without which we would miss the opportu-nity to marvel at each other’s differences and similarities. The truth of “ephemeral reality”

is that we can understand what is common in us by discovering our differentness.



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