• Nem Talált Eredményt

15 The lower bound for graphs of bounded pathwidth

15.2 Constrained Closed Walk and ATSP

To make the hardness proof for ATSPcleaner, we first prove hardness for the variant of the problem, where instead of optimizing the length of the tour, the only constraint is that certain vertices cannot be visited more than once.

Constrained Closed Walk: Given an unweighted directed graphG and set UV(G) of vertices, find a closed walk (of any length) that visits each vertex at least once and visits each vertex inU exactly once.

There is a simple reduction fromConstrained Closed WalktoATSPthat preserves treewidth.

ILemma 87. An instance ofConstrained Closed Walkon an unweighted directed graph D can be reduced in polynomial time to an instance ofATSPwith polynomially bounded positive integer weights on an edge-weighted versionD of D.

Proof. It is easy to see that if we assign weight 1 to every edge (u, v) withvU and weight 0 to every other edge, then theConstrained Closed Walkinstance has a solution if and only if the resulting weighted graph has closed walk of length at most|U|(or, equiavelently, less than|U|+ 1) visiting every vertex. To ensure that every weight is positive, let us replace every weight 0 with weight := 1/(2n2). As a minimum solution ofATSP contains at most n2 edges, this modification increases the minimum cost by at most 1/2. Thus it remains true that theConstrained Closed Walkinstance has a solution if and only if there is a closed walk of length less than|U|+ 1 visiting every vertex. Finally, to ensure that every

cost is integer, we multiply each of them by 2n2. J

The rest of the section is devoted to giving a lower bound for Constrained Closed Walk. The lower bound proof uses certain gadgets in the construction of the instances.

Formally, we define agadgetto be a graph with a set of distinguished vertices calledexternal vertices; every other vertex isinternal. To avoid degenerate situations, we always require that the external vertices of a gadget are independent and each external vertex has either indegree 0 or outdegree 0 in the gadget; in particular, this implies that a path between two external vertices contains no other external vertex. Also, this implies that there is no closed walk containing an external vertex.

We say that a setP of paths of the gadgetsatisfiesa gadget if (1) both endpoints of each path are external vertices and (2) every internal vertex of the gadget is visited by exactly one path inP. If a pathP ∈ P connects two external vertices of a gadget, then we define the typeofP to be the (ordered) pair of its endpoints. IfP satisfies the gadget, then we define the typeofP to be the multiset of the types of the paths inP. For brevity, we use notation such asa×(v1, v2) +b×(v3, v4) to denote the type that containsatimes the pair (v1, v2) andbtimes the pair (v3, v4). For a gadgetH, we let the setT(H) contain every possible type of a setP of paths satisfyingH.

We construct gadgets where we can exactly tell the type of the collections of paths that can satisfy the gadget, that is, the setT(H) is of a certain form. In the first gadget, we have a simple choice between one path or a specified number of paths.

ILemma 88. For everys≥1, we can construct in time polynomial in na gadgetHswith the following properties:

1. Hshas four external vertices ain,aout,bin, andbout. 2. Hsminus its external vertices has constant pathwidth.

3. T(Hs)contains exactly two types: the type(bin, bout)and the types×(ain, aout)(in other words, the gadget can be satisfied by a path frombintobout), can be satisfied by a collection of s paths from ain to aout), but cannot be satisfied by any other type of collection of paths).

bin bout

Figure 6The gadget of Lemma 88 with two collections of paths satisfying it.

Proof. The gadgetHs has 6s internal vertices vji (1 ≤ i ≤ 6, 1 ≤ js) connected as shown in Figure 6(a). Additionally, we introduce the edges (bin, v11), (v6s, bout, and for every 1≤js, the edges (ain, vj3) and (v4j, aout). It is clear that statement (2) holds: Hs minus its vertices is a graph with constant pathwidth.

This gadget can be satisfied by a path frombintobout (see Figure 6(b)) and also by a collection ofspaths where thej-th path isain,vj3,v2j,vj1, v6j,vj5,vj4,aout (see Figure 6(c)).

To complete the proof of statement (3), we need to show that ifP satisfiesHs, thenP is one of these two types. The basic observation is that if a path inP containsv2j, then it has to containvj1 andvj3 as well (as each internal vertex is visited exactly once), hence the three verticesv1j,vj2,vj3have to appear on the same path ofP. The same is true for the vertices v4j, vj5, v6j. Suppose thatP contains a path P starting atbin. Then its next vertex is v11, which should be followed byv21 andv13 by the argument above. The next vertex isv41 (the only outneighbor ofvj3 not yet visited), which is followed byv15andv16. Now the next vertex isv12, the only outneighbor ofv61 not yet visited. With similar arguments, we can show that P is exactly of the form shown in Figure 6(b), henceP contains only this path, andP is of type{(bin, bout)}.

Suppose now thatP does not contain a path starting atbin. Then the only way to reach vertex v11 is with a path starting as ain, v13, v12, v11. This has to be followed by the unique outneighborv61 of v11that was not yet visited. This means that the path contains alsov51 andv41, which has to be followed by aout. Then with similar arguments, we can show for everyj≥2 thatv1j is visited by the pathain, v3j,v2j,vj1,vj6, v5j,v4j,aout. This means that

|P|=sand the type of P iss×(ain, aout). J

ILemma 89. LetX be a set ofnpositive integers, each at mostM and letS=P

x∈Xx. In time polynomial innandM, we can construct a gadgetHXwith the following properties:

1. HX has four external vertices ain,aout,cin, andcout. 2. HX minus its external vertices has constant pathwidth.

ain aout

cin cout


Hx1 Hx2 Hx3

Figure 7The gadgetHX of Lemma 89 for a setX ={x1, x2, x3}of three integers. The gray rectangles represent theinternalvertices of the three gadgetsHx1,Hx2, andHx3.

3. T(Hs)contains exactly|X|types: for everyxX, it contains the type(cin, cout) + (S− x)×(ain, aout).

Proof. The gadgetHX is constructed the following way (see Figure 7). Let us introduce an internal vertexvand the edge (cin, v). For everyxX, let us introduce a copy ofHxdefined by Lemma 88 whereain,aout,v,cout ofHX play the role ofain,aout,bin,bout, respectively.

If we remove the four external vertices ofHX, then we get a graph with constant pathwidth:

if we remove one more vertex,v, then we get the disjoint union of internal vertices of the gadgetsHx’s, which have constant pathwidth by Lemma 88.

For everyxX, the gadget can be satisfied by the following collection of paths. The copy of Hx inHX can be satisfied by a path fromv tocout, which can be extended with the edge (cin, v) to a path fromcin tocout. For everyx0X, x0 6=x, we can satisfy the copy ofHx0 inHX by a collection ofx0 paths fromain toaout. This way, we constructed a collectionP of paths satisfyingHX that consists of a single path of type (cin, cout) and exactly P

x0∈X\{x}x0=Sxpaths of type (ain, aout).

To complete the proof of statement (3), consider a collectionP of paths satisfyingHX. Let P be the unique path ofP visiting vertex v. The vertex ofP afterv is has to be an internal vertex of the copy ofHx for somexX (here we use that the external vertices of the gadget Hx are independent, hencev cannot be followed by any ofain,aout, and cout).

As v was identified with vertexbin of Hx, Lemma 88 implies thatP visits every internal vertex of this copy ofHx and leavesHx at its vertexbout, which was identified with cout. Consider now somex0X withx06=x. Vertex bin ofHx0 was identified withv, pathP is the only path ofP visitingv, and P does not visit any internal vertex ofHx0. Therefore, by Lemma 88, the internal vertices ofHx0 are visited by exactly x0 paths of type (ain, aout).

ThusP contains one path of type (cin, cout) and exactlyP

x0∈X\{x}x0=Sxpaths of type

(ain, aout). J

I Lemma 90. Assuming ETH, there is no f(p)no(p) time algorithm for Constrained Closed Walk on graphs of pathwidth at mostpfor any computable functionf.

Proof. The proof is by reduction from Edge Balancingon a directed graphD withk verticesw1, . . .,wk. We construct aConstrained Closed Walkinstance on a directed graphD the following way. First, let us introduce the verticesw1,. . .,wk intoD, as well as two auxiliary verticescin andcout. For every edgee= (wi1, wi2)∈E(D) with a set Xe

of integers associated to it in theEdge Balancing instance, we construct a copy of the is, each of these paths consists of vertexcin, vertexwi, and one extra newly introduced vertex).

2. For every 1≤ik, we introduce a setPi ofSi paths of length two fromwi tocout. 3. We introduce a setPofS+|E(D)|paths of length two fromcout tocin.

LetZ :={w1, . . . , wk, cin, cout}; note thatZ form an independent set inG (as the external vertices of each gadget are independent). We defineU :=V(D)\Z to be the set of vertices that have to be visited exactly once. This completes the description of the reduction.

Observe that if we remove Z from D, then what remains is the disjoint union of the internal vertices of the gadgetsHXe, which have constant pathwidth by Lemma 89. As removing a vertex can decrease pathwidth at most by one, it follows thatD has pathwidth

|Z|+O(1) = O(k). Thus if we are able to show that the constructed instance D of Constrained Closed Walkis a yes-instance if and only ifDis a yes-instance ofEdge Balancing, then this implies that anf(p)no(p)time algorithm forConstrained Closed Walkon graphs of pathwidthpcan be used to solve Edge Balancingonk vertex graphs in time (k)no(k), which would contradict ETH by Lemma 86.

Balanced assignmentχ⇒closed walk. Suppose that balanced assignmentχ:E(D)→Z+ is a solution to the Edge Balancing instance. For every e = (wi1, wi2) ∈ E(D), the construction of the gadgetHXe implies thatHXe can be satisfied by a collectionPeof paths having type (cin, cout) + (Seχ(e))×(wi1, wi2). LetP be a collection of paths that is the union of the setP, the setsPi+andPifor 1≤ik, and the setPeforeE(G). Observe that every vertex ofU is contained in exactly one path inP and the paths in P are edge disjoint. LetHbe the subgraph ofD formed by the union of every path inP. It is easy to see thatH is connected: every path inP has endpoints inZ and the paths inP,Pi, Pi+ ensure that every vertex ofZ is in the same component ofH. It is also clear that every vertex ofU has indegree and outdegree exactly 1, as each vertex inU is visited by exactly one path inP. We show below that every vertex ofZ is balanced inH (its indegree equals its outdegree). If this is true, thenH has a closed Eulerian walk, which gives a closed walk inG visiting every vertex at least once and every vertex inU exactly once, what we had to show.

The endpoints of every path inP are inZ, hence every vertex ofU is balanced inH (in particular has indegree and outdegree exactly 1). Consider now a vertexwi.

For everyeδD+(wi), the setPecontainsSeχ(e) paths starting atwi. For everyeδD(wi), the setPecontainsSeχ(e) paths ending atwi. The setPi+ containsSi+ paths ending atwi.

The setPi containsSi paths starting atwi.

As these paths are edge disjoint, the difference between the outdegree and the indegree of wi in H is (Si+P

It follows thatcin is balanced inH with indegree and outdegree exactly S+|E(D)|= Pk

i=1S+i +|E(D)|and a similar argument shows the same for cout. Thus we have shown that theConstrained Closed Walk instance has a solution.

Closed walk balanced assignment χ. For the reverse direction, suppose that the constructed Constrained Closed Walkinstance has a solution (a closed walk W). The closed walk can be split into a collectionP of walks with endpoints inZ and every internal vertex inU. In fact, these walks are paths: (1) as each vertex ofU is visited only once, the internal vertices of each walk are distinct, (2) the walk cannot be a cycle, since we have stated earlier that no gadget has a cycle through an external vertex. When defining the sets P,Pi+,Pi, we introduced a large number of vertices intoD with indegree and outdegree 1. The fact that these vertices are visited implies that P has to contain the setPand the setsPi+ andPi for every 1≤ik. Moreover, every path ofP not in these sets contains an internal vertex of some gadgetHXe (here we use thatZ is independent) and a path of P cannot contain the internal vertices of two gadgets (as this would imply that it has an internal vertex in Z). Therefore, the remaining paths can be partitioned into setsPefor eE(D) such that the internal vertices of HXe are used only by the paths in Pe. This means that the setPesatisfies gadgetHXe. Ife= (wi1, wi2), then it follows by Lemma 89 thatPe has type (cin, cout) + (Seχ(e))(wi1, wi2) for some integer χ(e)Xe. In particular, this means thatPecontainsSeχ(e) paths starting atwi1 and the same number of paths ending atwi2.

We claim thatχform a solution of theEdge Balancingproblem. Consider a vertexwi. Taking into account the contribution of the paths inPi andPeforeδD+(wi), we have that the outdegree ofwiin the walkW is exactlySi+P

e∈δ+D(wi)(Se−χ(e)) =Si++Si−χ(δ+D(wi)).

Taking into account the contribution of the paths inPi+ andPeforeδD(wi), we have that the indegree ofwiin the walkW is exactlySi++P

e∈δD(wi)(Se−χ(e)) =Si+Si+−χ(δD(wi)).

As the indegree ofwi inW is clearly the same as its outdegree, these two values have to be equal. This is only possible ifχ(δ+D(wi)) =χ(δD(wi)), that isχ is balanced atwi. As this is true for every 1≤ik, it follows that theEdge Balancinginstance has a solution. J


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