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Chapters beyond the Drava

In document Káptalanok a Drávántúlon (Pldal 175-180)

(The medieval archontology of the cathedral chapters of Bosnia, Kő, and Szenternye, and the collegiate chapter of Pozsega)

This volume contains the medieval archontology of four church institutions behind the Drava river: the Bosnian cathedral chapter (1300–1526), the cathedral chapters of Kő (1263–1526) and Szenternye (1250–1396) belonging to the bishopric of Szerém, and the collegiate chapter of Pozsega (1217–1533).

The first attempt to establish a cathedral and cathedral chapter in Bosnia is connected to the activity of the Hungarian Pósa, a bishop from the Dominican order between 1238–1239 in Ban Brdo. Following the Mongolian invasion of Hungary – by the death of prince Kálmán, who supported the Hungarian expansion in Bosnia and the end of Hungarian military support for Bosnia – and by 1250 the latest, the Bosnian bishop was excluded from his diocese and settled in the lands in Valkó county in Hungary acquired from prince Kálmán. Here, in Diakóvár (present-day Đakovo, Croatia) was built the cathedral out of respect for Apostle Saint Peter. Later, after 1250 the Bosnian cathedral chapter was founded, and its first diploma is dated from before 30 April 1300. The authority of the Bosnian chapter was influenced by the concurrent chapters of Pécs and Pozsega and by the presence of the Benedictine convent of Pécsvárad. However, by the middle of the 14th century, the activity of the Bosnian chapter covered the counties of Valkó, Pozsega, and Szerém and parts of Baranya county beyond the river Dráva, moreover it was tasked many times by the Ban of Macsó as well. The cathedral chapter had twelve prebends in the 1330s, and most probably, this remained the same. Based on this data, this cathedral chapter belonged to the lower level of the cathedral chapter in Hungary, and was on the same level with the seat chapters of Kalocsa and Nyitra and had a lot in common with the important collegiate chapters such as the ones in Arad, Titel, and Vasvár.

The Latin bishopric of Szerém (Sirmium) was established by Ugrin of Csák, the archbishop of Kalocsa, in 1229. For the most part, the diocese encompassed the territories south of the line of the river Sava and Danube (also called as Sirmia Ulterior, and later Macsó). Although, after its establishment, its center was in Kő (also known as Bánmonostor, present-day Banoštor in Serbia) in Sirmia Citerior.

The Mongol invasion destroyed Kő in 1241–1242; therefore, in 1247, the pope made Szenternye (present-day Mačvanska Mitrovica in Serbia) the new center where a new cathedral chapter was also established. Not much later, the episcopal center in Kő restarted its activity, thus creating two centers and two cathedral chapters in the bishopric of Sirmium. This duality, however, ended at the end of the 14th century, because the cathedral chapter of Szenternye beyond river Sava ceased its activity most probably due to the Turkish military excursions in the 1390s.

The cathedral of Kő was consecrated out of respect for Saint Stephan, the first martyr. The chapter of Kő started its activity as a place of authentication almost half a century after its establishment. Its first known diploma dated from before 16 October 1265, and its authority reached Szerém, Valkó, Bács, and Bodrog, and Baranya counties. There is no firm data on the population of the cathedral chapter, but there is a chance to define it based on some of their publications: from 1476, there is data on ten prebends besides the provost; in 1494, there were seven prebends besides the provost. Consequently, it can be acknowledged that the cathedral chapter of Kő had at least ten members besides the provost. This renders Kő among the smallest cathedral chapters just like the Bosnian chapter, and its population instead showed similarity with some significant collegiate chapters.

The cathedral of Szenternye was consecrated out of respect for Saint Irineus, the martyr bishop. There is less diploma remained from the cathedral chapter than from the chapter of Kő. This fact cannot be explained only by the devastation of records; most probably, Szenternye has initially been a less significant center than that of Kő. The first diploma remained from the chapter of Szenternye is dated from 20 August 1276, and the last one is from 12 March 1396. The authority of the chapter as a place of authentication extended to Szerém and Valkó counties in the first place. Although the chapter was located in Macsó in Sirmia Ulterior, its activity is not known south of the river Sava. The prebends of the chapter of Szenternye was expelled by the Scismatics around 1334; from this date on, there are examples of transfers or parities of some person’s name between the chapters of Szenternye and Kő. However, it cannot be claimed unambiguously that the two chapters of the bishopric of Sirmium had the same membership. There are no firm data on the population of the cathedral chapter of Szenternye. However, based on a diploma dated from 1382, it might be possible to determine that there was

a college with ten prebends and a provost in Szenternye. Just like the chapters in Bosnia and Kő, the cathedral chapter of Szenternye was among the smallest, and its population showed similarity with some significant collegiate chapters.

The collegiate chapter of Pozsega (present-day Kaptol, Croatia) consecrated out of respect for Saint Peter was most presumably established by the bishop of Pécs, Kalán of Bár-Kalán in the second half of the 12th century, in the territory of the archdeaconry of Pozsega in the diocese of Pécs. The collegiate chapter worked as a place of authentication, and in the privileges issued here, there is no list of privileges or list of witnesses, except for the earliest diploma that remained; it is only the reading prebend whose name was indicated inordinately in the formula datum per manus. The college had twelve or thirteen members; therefore, it shows similarities with some significant collegiate chapters, such as the population of ones in Arad, Titel, and Vasvár. László Koszta made a collection of the people holding different positions up until 1352 with the starting point at the beginning of the 13th century. The upper limit is defined by the termination of the chapter, and that is also in line with the date that most commonly signifies the end of the Hungarian Middle Ages.

This volume enlists and identifies the members of the chapters of Bosnia, Kő, Szenternye, and Pozsega according to the rules of making archontology. Although this work intends to be comprehensive, due to its genre, this database, as time progresses, will indeed be extended.

First, this volume covers the database of the three cathedral chapters, and then the data on the one collegiate chapter. The order of the enlisted column prebends (canonici columnares) was determined by their position in the cathedral chapter, and the archdeacons of the cathedral chapters follow each other in alphabetic order. The archdeacons are followed by the economic officeholders, namely the name of the deans. After this part, simple prebends come next, and because of easier searchability, their list contains the prebends of every dignitary and rank concerning the benefice they possessed. Of course, we also referenced the names of the prebends who acquired other benefices within the chapter by promotion and became deans by election in the chapter or became vicars by the appointment of the bishop (or by the chapter in the case of a vacancy). After the prebends, chapels, altars of different churches, and their managers appear. After them, the data concerning the members of the ecclesiastic choirs are enlisted in the alphabetic order of the names. With special attention to the time order, we contracted the data pertaining to those who appear by their given name, but every time we signified the ecclesiastic order (subdiaconus, presbiter, sacerdos) of them mentioned in the diplomas.

ISBN (nyomtatott) 978 963 429 521 1 ISBN (digitális) 978 963 429 522 8

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In document Káptalanok a Drávántúlon (Pldal 175-180)