• Nem Talált Eredményt




I. Berecki, Sándor – Németh, E. Rita – Rezi, Botond (eds.), Bronze Age Communities in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 24–26 October 2008, BMM SA I, 2009, Cluj-Napoca.

II. Berecki, Sándor (ed.), Iron Age Communities in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 9–11 October 2009, BMM SA II, 2010, Cluj-Napoca.

III. Man, Nicoleta, Aşezarea romană de la Cristeşti, BMM SA III, 2011, Cluj-Napoca.

IV. Berecki, Sándor – Németh, E. Rita – Rezi, Botond (eds.), Bronze Age Rites and Rituals in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 8–10 October 2010, BMM SA IV, 2011, Târgu Mureş.

V. Berecki, Sándor (ed.), Iron Age Rites and Rituals in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 7–9 October 2011, BMM SA V, 2012, Târgu Mureş.

VI. Rezi, Botond – Németh, E. Rita – Berecki, Sándor (eds.), Bronze Age Crafts and Craftsmen in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 5–7 October 2012, BMM SA VI, 2013, Târgu Mureş.

VII. Berecki, Sándor (ed.), Iron Age Crafts and Craftsmen in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 10–13 October 2013, BMM SA VII, 2014, Târgu Mureş.

VIII. Németh, E. Rita – Rezi, Botond (eds.), Bronze Age Chronology in the Carpathian Basin, Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 2–4 October 2014, BMM SA VIII, 2015, Târgu Mureş.

IX. Man, Nicoleta – Pánczél, Szilamér-Péter (eds.), Roman Dacia and Beyond, BMM SA IX, Cluj-Napoca.

– Forthcoming

X. Berecki, Sándor, The Bronze Age Site from Luduş, BMM SA X, 2016, Cluj-Napoca.

XI. Gál, Szilárd-Sándor (ed.), The Talking Dead, New Results from Central- and Eastern European Osteoarchaeology. Proceedings of the First International Conference of the Török Aurél Anthropological Association from Târgu Mureş 13–15 November 2015, BMM SA XI, 2016, Cluj-Napoca.

XII. Berecki, Sándor (ed.), Iron Age Chronology in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 8–10 October 2015, BMM SA XII, 2016, Cluj-Napoca.

XIII. Soroceanu, Tudor – Rezi, Botond – Németh, E. Rita, Der Bronzedepotfund von Bandul de Câmpie, jud.

Mureş / Mezőbánd, Maros megye. Beiträge zur Erforschung der spätbronzezeitlichen Metallindustrie in Siebenbürgen, Prähistorische Konfliktforschung bd. 1, BMM SA XIII, 2018, Bonn–Târgu Mureş.

XIV. Bonta, Coralia Dorina, Locuirea din bazinul Someşului Mic în secolele VII–IX. Aşezarea de la Jucu de Sus-Răscruci (județul Cluj), BMM SA XIV, 2017, Cluj-Napoca.

XV. Németh, E. Rita – Rezi, Botond (eds.), Bronze Age Connectivity in the Carpathian Basin, Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 13–15 October 2016, BMM SA XV, 2018, Cluj-Napoca.

XVI. Berecki, Sándor (ed.), Iron Age Connectivity in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 13–15 October 2017, BMM SA XVI, 2018, Cluj-Napoca.

XVII. Gál, Szilárd-Sándor (ed.), The Talking Dead [2], Past and Present of Biological Anthropology.

The Heritage of Török Aurél’s Oeuvre. New results from ancient tuberculosis and leprosy research.

Proceedings of the Second International Conference of the Török Aurél Anthropological Association from Târgu Mureş, 13–15 October 2017, BMM SA XVII, 2018, Cluj-Napoca.


I. Rustoiu, Aurel – Pop, Horea – Ursuţiu, Adrian – Gogâltan, Florin – Gudea, Alexandru, Habitat und Gesellschaft im Westen und Nordwesten Rumäniens vom Ende des 2. Jahrtausends v.Chr. zum Anfang des 1. Jahrtausends n.Chr. (11. Jh. v.Chr. – 2. Jh. n.Chr.), IEC I, 2002, Cluj-Napoca.

II. Cosma, Călin – Gudea, Alexandru, Habitat und Gesellschaft im Westen und Nordwesten Rumäniens in den 8.-10. Jahrhunderten n.Chr., IEC II, 2002, Cluj-Napoca.

III. Rustoiu, Aurel, Războinici şi artizani de prestigiu în Dacia preromană, IEC III, 2002, Cluj-Napoca.

IV. Rustoiu, Aurel – Ursuţiu, Adrian (eds.), Interregionale und kulturelle Beziehungen im Karpatenraum (2. Jahrtausend v.Chr. - 1. Jahrtausend n.Chr.), IEC IV, 2002, Cluj-Napoca.

V. Ursuţiu, Adrian, Etapa mijlocie a primei vârste a fierului în Transilvania: cercetările de la Bernadea, com. Bahnea, jud. Mureş, IEC V, 2002, Cluj-Napoca. (“Vasile Pârvan” prize of the Romanian Academy)

VI. Cosma, Călin, Vestul şi nord-vestul României în secolele VIII – X d. H., IEC VI, 2002, Cluj-Napoca. (“Vasile Pârvan” prize of the Romanian Academy)

VII. Cosma, Călin – Rustoiu, Aurel (eds.), Comerţ şi civilizaţie: Transilvania în contextul schimburilor comerciale şi culturale în antichitate / Trade and civilization. Transylvania in the frame of trade and cultural exchanges in antiquity, IEC VII, 2005, Cluj-Napoca.

VIII. Nemeth, Eduard – Rustoiu, Aurel – Pop, Horea, Limes Dacicus Occidentalis: die Befestigungen im Westen Dakiens vor und nach der römischen Eroberung, IEC VIII, 2005, Cluj-Napoca.

IX. Gudea, Alexandru Ion, Contribuţii la istoria economică a Daciei Romane: Studiu arheozoologic, IEC IX, 2007, Cluj-Napoca.

X. Cosma, Călin (ed.), Funerary offerings and votive depositions in Europe’s 1st Millennium ad: cultural artefacts and local identities, IEC X, 2007, Cluj-Napoca.

XI. Gudea, Nicolae, Castrul roman de la Feldioara: încercare de monografie arheologică / Das Römerkastell von Feldioara: Versuch einer archäologischen Monographie, IEC XI, 2007, Cluj-Napoca.

XII. Berecki, Sándor, The La Tène Settlement from Moreşti, IEC XII, 2008, Cluj-Napoca. (“Debut prize”

of the Transylvanian Museum Society)

XIII. Rustoiu, Aurel, Războinici şi societate în aria celtică transilvăneană: studii pe marginea mormântului cu coif de la Ciumeşti / Warriors and society in Celtic Transylvania: studies on the grave with helmet from Ciumeşti, IEC XIII, 2008, Cluj-Napoca.

XIV. Bondoc, Dorel – Gudea, Nicolae, Castrul roman de la Răcari: încercare de monografie, IEC XIV, 2009, Cluj-Napoca.

XV. Gudea, Alexandru Ion, Soldatul roman în Dacia (106-275 p. Chr.): studiu de arheozoologie privind creşterea animalelor şi regimul alimentar în armata romană, IEC XV, 2009, Cluj-Napoca.

XVI. Gudea, Nicolae, Christiana minora: Studii, articole si note în legatura cu crestinismul timpuriu din Dacia romana, Dacia postramana si unele provincii vecine / Studien, Aufsätze und Notizen betreffend die Geschichte des frühen Christentums in Dakien, in den dakischen Provinzen nach Aurelian's Rückzug und in einigen Nachbarprovinzen, IEC XVI, 2011, Cluj-Napoca.

XVII. Rustoiu, Aurel – Egri, Mariana, The Celts from the Carpathian Basin: between continental traditions and the fascination of the Mediterranean: a study of the Danubian kantharoi / Celții din bazinul Carpatic: între tradițiile continentale şi fascinația Mediteranei: un studiu privind kantharoi-i danubieni, IEC XVII, 2011, Cluj-Napoca.

XVIII. Cosma, Călin, Funerary pottery in Transylvania of the 7th–10th centuries, IEC XVIII, 2011, Cluj-Napoca.

XIX. Tudor, Dumitru – Popilian, Gheorghe – Bondoc, Dorel – Gudea, Nicolae, Castrul roman de la Slăveni. Încercare de monografie arheologică, IEC XIX, 2011, Cluj-Napoca.

XX. Cosma, Călin (ed.), Studii de arheologie şi istorie: omagiu profesorului Nicolae Gudea la 70 de ani

/ Studies in archaeology and history. An anniversary volume to professor Nicolae Gudes on his 70th birthday, IEC XX, 2011, Cluj-Napoca.

XXI. Dragotă, Aurel, Podoabe şi accesorii vestimentare din Banat, Crişana şi Transilvania (secolele X–

XI), IEC XXI, 2014, Cluj-Napoca.

XXII. Cosma, Călin, Warriors, weapons, and harness from the 5th–10th centuries in the Carpathian Basin, IEC XXII, 2015, Cluj-Napoca.

XXIII. Cosma, Călin, Războinici avari în Transilvania / Avar warriors in Transylvania, IEC XXIII, 2017, Cluj-Napoca.

XXIV. Egri, Mariana, Connectivity and social dynamics in the Carpathian Basin (1st century BC – 1st century AD) an archaeological investigation, IEC XXIV, 2019, Cluj-Napoca.

XXV. Cosma, Călin, The military equipment of the 7th–8th century warriors from Transylvania. Weapons, military equipment, harness parts and accessories / Echipamentul militar al războinicilor din Transilvania secolelor VII–VIII. Arme, piese de echipament militar, piese şi accesorii pentru harnaşament, IEC XXV, 2019, Cluj-Napoca.

XXVI. Drăgan, Andreea, Living on the River. A Study of the Interactions in the Lower Danube Gorge during the Late Iron Age and Early Roman Times, IEC XXVI, 2020, Cluj-Napoca.