• Nem Talált Eredményt

astragali Vikberg - Stigma and apical part of costa rather pale. Lower half of mesepisternum dull


Although I have not seen the type of P. harai Togashi, however, the description and the figures perfectly match to the type of P. politivaginata (Takeuchi), Fig. 200. Further investigation and evidences are necessary. Togashi did not mentioned P. politivaginata in his differential diagnosis.

Pristiphora bifida (Hellén, 1947) and Pristiphora salicivora (Takeuchi, 1922)

Type checked: Lygaeonematus salicivorus Takeuchi, 1922: Lectotype (Takeuchi only wrote in his original label: Type), female: 20. 09. 1920, Katayama, leg.: Takeuchi.

I could not differentiate these 2 species by external morphology. Genitalia dissection is necessary. All the same, the geographical separation is very helpful to identify the 2 species (if they are really 2 species).

Pristiphora staudingeri (Ruthe, 1859), Pristiphora hyperborea Malaise, 1921 and Pristiphora astragali Vikberg, 1978

Three closely related species. Differential diagnosis is given after Vikberg, 1978:

1. Pterostigma darker than the swollen apical part of costa. Coriaceous microsculptur on lower half of mesepisternum weaker, so that the surface looks more or less shiny.

P. astragali Vikberg

Venation brown. Ratios of the antennái segments: 3 : 3 : 16 : 16 : 14 : 13 : 13 : 13 : 14.

Last abdominal tergite without projection. Inner tooth of claws hardly visible (if pre­

sent). Hind ocelli very close to the hind margin of the head (distance of a hind ocellus from the hind margin of the head about 3/4x as long as the diameter of a hind ocellus).

Head densely and roughly punctured, hardly shiny. Temples narrow. Mesonotal lobes densely and finely punctured, shiny. Mesopleuron unpunctured, with shallow superficial surface sculpture, shiny. Inner hind tibial spur relatively short. Length of inner hind tib­

ial spur: length of basitarsus = 5 : 1 6 . Clypeus truncate. Malar space long, about one and half time as long as the diameter of the front ocellus.

Female. Body entirely black including mouthparts (except apex of mandible) and antenna. Tegula whitish. Legs: femora black, apices of fore and middle femora yellow­

ish white, tibiae and tarsi yellowish white but apical fifth of hind tibia and hind tarsus (hind basitarsus dorsally brownish yellow) dark blackish brown infuscate. Cenchri grey­

ish white. Wings hyaline, stigma, costa transparent light brown. Venation brown. Ratios of the antennái segments: 4 : 2 : 1 7 : 1 4 : 1 3 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 3 . Inner tooth of claws miss­

ing. Hind ocelli very close to the hind margin of the head (distance of a hind ocellus from the hind margin of the head about 3/4x as long as the diameter of a hind ocellus). Head densely and roughly punctured, hardly shiny. Temples narrow. Mesonotal lobes densely and finely punctured, shiny. Mesopleuron unpunctured with shallow superficial surface sculpture, shiny. Abdominal tergites (including propodeum) with fine surface sculpture.

Inner hind tibial spur relatively short. Length of inner hind tibial spur: length of basitar­

sus = 1 : 3. Clypeus truncate. Malar space long, about 1 and half time as long as the diameter of the front ocellus.

Pristiphora murielae Lacourt, 1995

Types checked: Paratype: male: Port d'envalira (AND.), 2500 m, 18. vii. 1993, J. Lacourt, Pristiphora murielae, male, J. Lacourt det, and Paratype, female: topotypic. Valid s p e c i e s .

Female. Body black, including tegula, mouthparts (except apex of mandible) and antenna. Legs: Femora black, apices of femora, tibiae and tarsi straw coloured. Apices of hind and middle tibiae, furthermore hind and middle tarsi brown infuscate. Cenchri brownish white. Ratios of the antennái segments: 4 : 3 : 17: 15 : 16: 13 : 13 : 11 : 13.

Head densely, uniformly, moderately deeply, moderately roughly punctured, moderately shiny. Head contracted behind the eyes. Distance between the hind ocelli from the hind margin of the head about as long as the diameter of a hind ocellus. Clypeus truncate.

Gena long, about one and half times longer than the diameter of the front ocellus. Frontal area flat and raised. Mesonotal lobes minutely, densely and shallowly punctured, mod­

erately shiny. Mesopleuron shiny with shallow, superficial undefined surface sculpture.

First abdominal tergite smooth and shiny, the others with hatched surface sculpture.

Length of inner hind tibial spur : length of hind basitarsus= 1:2.

Male. Body black, including tegula, mouthparts (except apex of mandible) and anten­

na. Legs: Femora black, apices of femora, fore tibia and tarsus brown. Apices of hind and middle tibiae, hind and middle tarsi blackish brown infuscate. Cenchri brownish white. Ratios of the antennái segments: 3 : 2 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 18 : 17 : 16 : 18. Head dense­

ly, uniformly, moderately deeply, moderately roughly punctured, moderately shiny. Head contracted behind the eyes. Distance the hind ocelli and the hind margin of the head about as long as the diameter of a hind ocellus. Clypeus truncate. Gena long, about two times longer than diameter of the front ocellus. Frontal area flat and raised. Mesonotal lobes minutely, densely and shallowly punctured, moderately shiny. Mesopleuron shiny with shallow, superficial undefined surface sculpture. First abdominal tergite smooth and shiny, the others with hatched surface sculpture. Inner hind tibial spur : hind basitarsus: 7 : 1 5 .


Pristiphora camtschaticalis (Enslin, 1927)

Colour black. Yellow: labrum, base of mandible, comers of pronotum, tegula.

Abdominal sternites and 9th tergite light brown. Legs yellow, bases of coxae black.

Femora dorsally dark brown. Wings hyaline, venation brown, costa and stigma dirty yel­

low but sawsheath black. Head clearly punctured all over. Frontal pentagonal area miss­

ing. Vertex narrow, 3x as wide as long. Antennái segments 3, 4 and 5 subequal. Middle lobe of mesonotum finely and densely punctured, hardly shiny. Lateral lobe sporadical­

ly punctured, shiny. Mesopleuron hardly punctured, shiny. Sawsheath as wide as the apex of hind tibia, deeply emarginated apically. 4.5 mm.


I would express my grateful thanks for the supporting of my work to Dr. Levente Ábrahám, Dr. Bert Gustafsson, Dr. Toshiya Hirowatari, Dr. Jean Lacourt, Dr. David Smith, Dr. Meicai Wei, Dr. Stephan Schmidt and Mr. Balázs Zsolnai.


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