• Nem Talált Eredményt

E.2 Application of nested derivatives in the stress update

Step 5: Thus, the series expansion of the angle ψn+1, using nested derivatives, can be written in the form (see Appendix E.1)

ψn+1 = ˜ψ+ sinmψ˜X



ψ˜(z−z)˜ n

n! , (E.10)

whereDn1[f] denotes the (n−1)th nested derivative corresponding to the functionf(t) =sinmt.

Expressions of the first six nested derivatives have been obtained by utilizing (E.2):

D0[f] (t) = 1, (E.11)

D1[f] (t) = mcost

(sint)1m, (E.12)

D2[f] (t) = m (sint)22m


, (E.13)

D3[f] (t) = mcost (sint)33m

2−7m+ (3 + 3cos2t)m2

, (E.14)

D4[f] (t) = m (sint)44m

−4−2cos2t+ (18 + 11cos2t)m−46m2cos2t+ 24m3cos4t

, (E.15) D5[f] (t) = mcost

(sint)55m [20 + 4cos2t−(114 + 32cos2t)m +(228 + 101cos2t)m2−326m3cos2t+ 120m4cos4t

, (E.16)

D6[f] (t) = m

2 (sint)66m [−4(33 + 26cos2t+ cos4t) + (912 + 792cos2t+ 44cos4t)m + (−57(43 + 42cos2t)−197cos4t)m2+ 8cos2t·(668 + 233cos2t)


−5112m4cos4t+ 1440m5cos6t

. (E.17)

Remark: In the numerical evaluation, such as in a Fortran77 code, of an incomplete beta function, the continued fraction representation is one of the most useful technique. The algorithm given by Press et al. (1992) accepts values of a and b only from the the positive range. During the proposed integration scheme, the argument b is negative in (E.9), therefore, the numerical algorithm presented by Press et al. (1992) cannot be applied directly. To overcome this problem, we can convert the incomplete beta functions in (E.9) to ones having positive b parameters, using the transformation rule (A.17) as


cos2ψ,1 2, b


1 + 1 2b


cos2ψ,1 2,1 +b

− cosψ

bsin2bψ. (E.18)

Therefore, the expression on the left-hand side in (E.18) is transformed to a formula, which contains an incomplete beta function, where the term 1 + b has a positive value. Thus, the numerical algorithm presented in Press et al. (1992) is now applicable for our problem.

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