• Nem Talált Eredményt

Singular solutions of a nonlinear elliptic equation in a punctured domain


Academic year: 2022

Ossza meg "Singular solutions of a nonlinear elliptic equation in a punctured domain"


Teljes szövegt


Singular solutions of a nonlinear elliptic equation in a punctured domain

Imed Bachar


, Habib Mâagli

*2, 3

and Vicent


iu D. R˘adulescu

**4, 5

1King Saud University, College of Science, Mathematics Department, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia

2King Abdulaziz University, College of Sciences and Arts, Rabigh Campus, Department of Mathematics, P. O. Box 344, Rabigh 21911, Saudi Arabia

3Département de Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Campus Universitaire, 2092 Tunis, Tunisia

4Faculty of Applied Mathematics, AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

5Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, P.O. Box 1-764, 014700 Bucharest, Romania

Received 14 October 2017, appeared 28 December 2017 Communicated by Stevo Stevi´c

Abstract. We consider the following semilinear problem

∆u(x) =a(x)uσ(x), x\{0}(in the distributional sense), u>0, in\{0},

|x|→0lim |x|n−2u(x) =0, u(x) =0, x∂Ω,

where σ < 1, is a bounded regular domain in Rn (n3) containing 0 and a is a positive continuous function in \{0}, which may be singular at x = 0 and/or at the boundary ∂Ω. When the weight functiona(x)satisfies suitable assumption related to Karamata class, we prove the existence of a positive continuous solution on\{0}, which could blow-up at the origin. The global asymptotic behavior of this solution is also obtained.

Keywords: singular positive solution, Green’s function, Karamata class, Kato class, blow-up.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34B16, 34B18, 34B27.

1 Introduction

Let Ω be a bounded C1,1-domain in Rn (n ≥ 3) containing 0. In [33], Zhang and Zhao proved the existence of infinitely many positive solutions for the following superlinear elliptic

BCorresponding author. Email:abachar@ksu.edu.sa

*Email:abobaker@kau.edu.sa, habib.maagli@fst.rnu.tn

**Email:vicentiu.radulescu@math.cnrs.fr, vicentiu.radulescu@imar.ro









∆u(x) =b(x)up(x), x ∈\{0}(in the distributional sense), u>0, in\{0},

u(x) =0, x ∈∂Ω, u(x)∼ c

|x|n2 near x=0, for any sufficiently smallc>0,


where p > 1 and bis a Borel measurable function such that the function x7→ b(x)

|x|(n2)(p1) is in the Kato classKn()given by

Kn() = (

q∈ B(), lim

r0 sup

x Z





=0 )

, whereB()be the set of Borel measurable functions inΩ.

In [23], Mâagli and Zribi generalized the result of Zhang and Zhao [33] by considering the following classK():

K() = (

q∈ B(), lim

r0 sup

x Z





=0 )


whereG(x,y)is the Green’s function of the Laplace operator inΩandδ(x) =d(x,∂Ω)denotes the Euclidean distance fromx to∂Ω. We recall that fory∈ Ω, the Green’s functionG(x,y)of the Laplacian inΩis defined as the solution of the following problem

(−∆G(·,y)(x) =δy(x), x∈ Ω, G(x,y) =0, x∈∂Ω,

whereδy denotes the Dirac measure aty.

Note that the class K() properly contains Kn(). Indeed, from [23, Remark 2 and Re- mark 4], we know that

x7→ |x|µ(δ(x))λ ∈K()⇐⇒ µ<2 andλ<2, and for 1≤λ<2, the functionx7→ (δ(x))λ ∈/Kn().

For more results concerning the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of positive singular solutions associated with similar problems, we refer the reader to [1,3,7,8,12–15,20–

22,27,28,30,31] and their references.

In the present paper, we are interested in the singular and sublinear case. More precisely, we are concerned with the existence and global behavior of positive continuous solutions to the following nonlinear problem:







∆u(x) = a(x)uσ(x), x∈\{0}(in the distributional sense), u>0, inΩ\{0},

|limx|→0|x|n2u(x) =0, u(x) =0, x∈ ∂Ω,


where σ < 1 and a is a positive continuous function in Ω\{0} which may be singular at x = 0 and/or at the boundary ∂Ω. The weight function a(x) is required to satisfy suitable assumptions related to the following Karamata classK.


Definition 1.1. Letη>0 andLbe a function defined on(0,η). ThenLbelongs to the classKif L(t):=cexp

Z η


v(s) s ds

, wherec>0 andv∈C([0,η])withv(0) =0.

Remark 1.2. This definition implies that the classKis given by K=

L:(0,η)−→(0,∞), L∈C1((0,η))and lim


tL0(t) L(t) =0


We refer to [2,25,29] for examples of functions belonging to the classK. A class of functions in this class is defined by

L(t) =

m k=1

logkω t



where logkt =log◦log◦ · · · ◦logt (ktimes),ξkR, andω is a sufficiently large positive real number such thatLis defined and positive on(0,η), and are frequently used as some weight functions (see, for example, [17] and [19]).

Observe that functions belonging to the classKare in particular slowly varying functions.

The initial theory of such functions was developed by Karamata in [16].

In [7], Cîrstea and R˘adulescu have proved that the Karamata theory is very useful to study the asymptotic analysis of solutions near the boundary for large classes of nonlinear elliptic problems.

Throughout this paper, we assume that

(H) ais a positive continuous function inΩ\{0}satisfying

a(x)≈ |x|µL1(|x|)(δ(x))λL2(δ(x)), forx∈\{0}, (1.3) where σ < 1, µ ≤ n+ (2−n)σ, λ ≤ 2 and L1, L2 ∈ K defined on (0,η) (with η >

diam())such that Z η

0 sn+(2n)σµ1L1(s)ds<,

Z η

0 s1λL2(s)ds<. (1.4) We introduce the functionθ defined inΩ\{0}by


1 1σ


1 1σ

, (1.5)

whereeL1 andeL2 are defined on(0,η)by








1, ifµ<2, Rη

t L1(s)

s ds, ifµ=2,

L1(t), if 2<µ< n+ (2−n)σ, Rt

0 L1(s)

s ds, ifµ= n+ (2−n)σ,










1, ifλ<1, Rη

t L2(s)

s ds, ifλ=1, L2(t), if 1<λ<2, Rt

0 L2(s)

s ds, ifλ=2.

Using Karamata’s theory and the Schauder fixed point theorem, we prove the following qualitative property.

Theorem 1.3. Letσ<1and assume that the function a satisfies(H).Then problem(1.2)has at least one positive continuous solution u onΩ\{0}such that


cθ(x)≤u(x)≤cθ(x), (1.6) for x∈\{0}, where c is a positive constant.

Remark 1.4. For µ>2, it is important to note thatu(x)→as|x| →0.

From now on, we denote by B+() the collection of all nonnegative Borel measurable functions inΩ. We refer to the setC()of all continuous functions inΩand letC0()be the subclass ofC()consisting of functions which vanish continuously onΩ. For f,g∈ B+(), we say that f ≈ g in Ω, if there exists c> 0 such that 1cf(x) ≤ g(x) ≤ c f(x), for all x ∈ Ω.

The lettercwill denote a generic positive constant which may vary from line to line.

We define the potential kernelVon B+()by V f(x) =



We recall that for any function f ∈ B+() such that f ∈ L1loc()and V f ∈ L1loc(), we have

(V f) = f, in Ω (in the distributional sense). (1.7) Note that for any function f ∈ B+()such thatV f(x0) < for some x0Ω, we have V f ∈ L1loc()(see [6, Lemma 2.9]).

2 Preliminaries and key tools

2.1 Green’s function

In this section, we recall some basic properties onG(x,y), the Green’s function of the Laplace operator inΩ. By [32], we have

G(x,y)≈ 1

|x−y|n2min (


|x−y|2 )

, x,y ∈Ω. (2.1)

Remark 2.1. Since fora> 0, min(1,a)≈ a

1+a, we deduce from (2.1) that for x,y∈Ω, G(x,y)≈ δ(x)δ(y)


. (2.2)


Lemma 2.2. Let t>0.Then for x∈Rn,we have Z



|x−tω|n2σ(dω) = 1

max(|x|,t)n2, whereσis the normalized measure on the unit sphere Sn1ofRn.

Proof. See [26, Proposition 1.7].

The next result is due to Mâagli and Zribi, see [22, Lemma 1].

Lemma 2.3. Let g∈ B+()and v be a nonnegative superharmonic function onΩ.Then for any w∈ B()such that V(g|w|)<and w+V(gw) =v,we have


2.2 Kato classK()

In this subsection, we recall and prove some properties concerning the classK().

Proposition 2.4. Let q∈ K(), x0and h0be a positive superharmonic function inΩ.Then we have

(i) lim

r0 sup


1 h0(x)





(ii) The function x 7→δ(x)q(x)is in L1(). Proof. See [23].

Proposition 2.5. Let q ∈K().Then the function v(x):=|x|n2


G(x,y)|y|2nq(y)dy belongs to C0().

Proof. Let ε > 0, x0and q ∈ K(). Using Proposition2.4 (i) with h0(x) = |x|2n, there existsr >0, such that






G(ξ,y)|y|2n|q(y)|dy≤ ε 8 and





Bc(0,r)∩B(x0,r)G(ξ,y)|y|2n|q(y)|dy≤ ε 8. Ifx0andx∈ B(x0,2r)∩Ω, we have

|v(x)−v(x0)| ≤2 sup




B(0,r)G(ξ,y)|y|2n|q(y)|dy +2 sup




Bc(0,r)∩B(x0,r)G(ξ,y)|y|2n|q(y)|dy +



|x|n2G(x,y)− |x0|n2G(x0,y)


ε 2+



|x|n2G(x,y)− |x0|n2G(x0,y)|y|2n|q(y)|dy,



Since for allx ∈ B(x0,2r)∩andy ∈ 0, we have|x−y| ≥ r2 and|y| ≥r, we deduce by (2.2) that

|x|n2G(x,y)|y|2n≤ cδ(x)δ(y)

|x−y|nec rnδ(y), wherecandecare some positive constants.

Since (x,y) 7→ |x|n2G(x,y) is continuous on B(x0,r2)∩×0, we get by Proposi- tion2.4(ii) and Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem,



|x|n2G(x,y)− |x0|n2G(x0,y)

|y|2n|q(y)|dy→0 asx→ x0. It follows that there existsδ >0 withδ< 2r such that ifx∈ B(x0,δ)∩,



|x|n2G(x,y)− |x0|n2G(x0,y)

|y|2n|q(y)|dy≤ ε 2. Hence forx∈B(x0,δ)∩, we have

|v(x)−v(x0)| ≤ε.

This implies that


v(x) =v(x0). Ifx0Ωandx∈ B(x0,2r)∩Ω, then we have

|v(x)| ≤ sup




B(0,r)G(ξ,y)|y|2n|q(y)|dy +sup




Bc(0,r)∩B(x0,r)G(ξ,y)|y|2n|q(y)|dy +




Now, since limxx0|x|n2G(x,y)|y|2n = 0, for all y ∈ 0, we deduce by similar arguments as above that


v(x) =v(x0). So, we conclude thatv ∈C0().

2.3 Karamata class

In this section, we collect some properties of the Karamata functions, which will be used later.

Lemma 2.6(See [25,29]). LetγRand L∈ K. We have (i) Ifγ>−1,thenRη

0 sγL(s)ds converges andRt

0 sγL(s)ds ∼


t1+γL(t) 1+γ . (ii) Ifγ<−1,thenRη

0 sγL(s)ds diverges andRη

t sγL(s)ds ∼


γ .


Lemma 2.7(See [5,29]).

(i) For L∈ Kandε>0,we have

tlim0+tεL(t) =0and lim

t0+tεL(t) =∞.

(ii) Let L1,L2∈ Kand p ∈R. Then we have

L1+L2, L1L2, and L1pare inK. (iii) For L∈ K,we have


L(t) Rη

t L(s)

s ds


In particular, we have

t 7→

Z η



s ds∈ K. If furtherRη

0 L(s)

s ds<∞,then we have lim

t0+ L(t) Rt

0 L(s)

s ds =0.

In particular


Z t



s ds∈ K.

Proposition 2.8. For i∈ {1, 2},let Mi ∈ KandλiR.The following properties are equivalent.

(i) The function x7→ |x|λ1 M1(|x|) (δ(x))λ2 M2(δ(x))is in K(). (ii) Rη

0 s1λiMi(s)ds<∞,for i∈ {1, 2}. (iii) λi <2orλi =2withRη

0 Mi(s)

s ds<∞,for i ∈ {1, 2}.

Proof. The proof follows by similar arguments as in [24, Proposition 7].

Next, we recall the following lemma due to Lazer and McKenna [18, p. 726].

Lemma 2.9. Z

(δ(x))rdx< if and only if r >−1.

Following the proof of the previous lemma, we deduce the following property.

Remark 2.10. Letη>0 andψbe a nonnegative continuous monotone function on(0,η)such that Rη

0 ψ(t)dt<. Then


ψ(δ(x))dx< ∞.

Proposition 2.11. Letν2and L∈ Kdefined on(0,η) (η>diam())such thatRη

0 t1νL(t)dt<

∞. Then



(δ(x))1νL(δ(x))dx<∞, that is,R



Proof. Case 1: ν<2.

Using Lemma2.7 (i), we deduce that the function x 7→ (δ(x))1ν2 L(δ(x))is positive and belongs toC0(). Thus, there existsc>0 such that forx ∈

0<(δ(x))1νL(δ(x))≤c(δ(x))ν2 . Therefore by Lemma2.9, we deduce that




Case 2:ν=2.

Letψ(t) = L(tt). Since by Remark1.2limt0+ tLL(0(tt)) =0, we deduce that limt0+ ψ0((tt)) =−1.

So the functionψis nonincreasing in a neighborhood of zero. Hence the result follows from Remark2.10. This ends the proof.

The next result will play an important role in the proof of our main result.

Proposition 2.12. Letγ≤ n,ν≤2and L3, L4 ∈ Ksuch that Z η

0 snγ1L3(s)ds< and Z η

0 s1νL4(s)ds<∞, forη>diam(). (2.3) Set

b(x) =|x|γL3(|x|)(δ(x))νL4(δ(x)), for x∈\{0}. Then for x∈ \{0},

Vb(x)≈ |x|min(0,2γ)eL3(|x|)(δ(x))min(1,2ν)eL4(δ(x)), whereeL3andeL4 are defined on(0,η)by








1, ifγ<2, Rη

t L3(s)

s ds, ifγ=2, L3(t), if2<γ<n, Rt

0 L3(s)

s ds, ifγ=n, and








1, ifν<1, Rη

t L4(s)

s ds, ifν=1, L4(t), if1< ν<2, Rt

0 L4(s)

s ds, ifν=2.

Proof. Letr>0 such thatB(0, 3r)⊂ Ω. For x∈ \{0}, we have Vb(x) =





We distinguish two cases.


Case 1. 0<|x|<r. Using (2.2), we obtain that Vb(x)≈








Now we have 0<






Using Lemma2.2and Proposition2.11, we deduce that Vb(x)≈

Z 2r




≈ |x|2n

Z |x|

0 tn1γL3(t)dt+


Z 2r

|x| t1γL3(t)dt

. Using (2.3) and Lemma2.6, we deduce that

Z |x|

0 tnγ1L3(t)dt≈

|x|nγL3(|x|), ifγ<n, R|x|

0 L3(t)

t dt, ifγ=n



Z 2r

|x| t1γL3(t)dt≈





1, ifγ<2,


|x| L3(t)

t dt, ifγ=2,

|x|2γL3(|x|), if 2<γ≤n.

Hence, it follows by (2.3) and Lemmas2.6and2.7that for 0< |x|< r,








1, ifγ<2,


|x| L3(t)

t dt, ifγ=2,

|x|2γL3(|x|), if 2<γ<n,

|x|2γR|x| 0


t dt, ifγ=n.

It follows that

Vb(x)≈ |x|min(0,2γ)eL3(|x|), for 0<|x|<r. (2.4) Case 2. x∈ \B(0, 3r). Using (2.2), we have fory∈ B(0, 2r),

G(x,y)≈δ(x) and (δ(y))νL4(δ(y))≈1.


Vb(x)≈ δ(x)






0 snγ1L3(s)ds<∞, we deduce that Vb(x)≈δ(x) +










Therefore by [21, Proposition 1], we deduce that

Vb(x)≈(δ(x))min(1,2ν)eL4(δ(x)), forx∈ \B(0, 3r). (2.5) Now, it is clear that the function

x7→ |x|min(0,2γ)eL3(|x|)(δ(x))min(1,2ν)eL4(δ(x)) is positive and continuous onΩ\{0}.

On the other hand, by using (2.3) and Proposition2.8, the function x7→q(x):= |x|n2γL3(|x|)(δ(x))νL4(δ(x)) belongs to the classK().

So, observing thatb(x) =|x|2nq(x), we deduce by Proposition2.5that the functionVbis positive and continuous onΩ\{0}.


Vb(x)≈ |x|min(0,2γ)eL3(|x|)(δ(x))min(1,2ν)eL4(δ(x)), on D, (2.6) whereDis the compact set defined by D:={x ∈,r≤ |x| ≤3r}.

Combining (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6), we obtain for x∈\{0},

Vb(x)≈ |x|min(0,2γ)eL3(|x|)(δ(x))min(1,2ν)eL4(δ(x)). This completes the proof.

Proposition 2.13. Under condition(H),we have

V p(x)≈θ(x), for x ∈\{0}, where p(x):=a(x)θσ(x),σ<1andθis defined in (1.5).

Proof. Leta be a function satisfying(H). Using (1.3) and (1.5), we obtain p(x)≈|x|γL1(|x|)eL1(|x|)

σ 1σ


σ 1σ

, whereγ=µ−min 0,21µσ

σandν=λ−min 1,21λσ σ.

Sinceµ≤ n+ (2−n)σandλ≤2, then one can easy check thatγ≤ nandν≤2.

Now using Lemmas 2.6 and 2.7 and Proposition 2.12 with L3 = L1 eL11σσ

∈ K and L4= L2 eL2


∈ K, we deduce that for x∈\{0},

V p(x)≈|x|min(0,2γ)eL3(|x|)(δ(x))min(1,2ν)eL4(δ(x)). Since min(0, 2−γ) = min 0,21µσ

and min(1, 2−ν) = min 1,21λσ

, we deduce for x ∈ Ω\{0},

V p(x)≈|x|min(0,21µσ)eL3(|x|)(δ(x))min(1,21λσ)eL4(δ(x))≈θ(x). This completes the proof.


3 Proof of Theorem 1.3

This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.3. So, we need to establish some prelim- inary results. Our approach is inspired from methods developed in [22,24] with necessary modifications.

Forα>0, we denote by (Pα) the following problem







∆u(x) =a(x)uσ(x), x∈\{0}(in the distributional sense), u>0 inΩ\{0},

|limx|→0|x|n2u(x) =α,

xlim∂Ω|x|n2u(x) =α.


Proposition 3.1. Letσ <0and assume that hypothesis(H)is satisfied. Then for eachα>0,problem (Pα)has at least one positive solution uα ∈C(\{0})satisfying for x∈\{0}

uα(x) =α|x|2n+


G(x,y)a(y)uσα(y)dy. (3.1) Proof. Let σ < 0 and α > 0. Using hypothesis (H) and Proposition 2.8, we deduce that the functionq(y):=|y|(2n)(σ1)a(y)belongs toK().

By Proposition2.5, we conclude that the function x7→ h(x):=|x|n2


G(x,y)a(y)|y|(2n)σdy is inC0

. (3.2)

Let β := α+ασkhk. In order to apply a fixed point argument, we consider the convex setΛgiven by

Λ={v∈C Ω

:α≤v ≤β}. Define the operatorT onΛby

Tv(x) =α+|x|n2



We claim thatTΛis equicontinuous at each point of Ω.

Indeed, letx0∈ Ω. Since for allv∈ Λ,vσασ, we have for eachv∈Λand allx ∈Ω,

|Tv(x)−Tv(x0)| ≤ασ Z

|x|n2G(x,y)− |x0|n2G(x0,y)

|y|2nq(y)dy, whereq(y) =|y|(2n)(σ1)a(y)∈K().

Now, by the proof of Proposition 2.5, we have for allε>0, there existsδ>0 such that ifx ∈and |x−x0|<δ=⇒ασ


|x|n2G(x,y)− |x0|n2G(x0,y)


This implies that for allε>0, there existsδ>0 such that

ifx ∈and |x−x0|<δ =⇒ |Tv(x)−Tv(x0)| ≤ε, for allv∈Λ.

So the family TΛis equicontinuous at each point ofΩand the claim is proved. In particular, for all v∈Λ,Tv∈C Ω

and thereforeTΛ⊂Λ.


Moreover, since the family{Tv(x),v∈ Λ}is uniformly bounded inΩ, then by Arzelà–Ascoli theorem (see, for example [4, Theorem 2.3]) the setT(Λ)becomes relatively compact inC Ω

. Next, we prove the continuity ofTin Λ. Let(vk)kΛandv∈Λsuch thatkvk−vk →0 as k→∞. Then we have

|Tvk(x)−Tv(x)| ≤ |x|n2



Now, since

|vσk(y)−vσ(y)| ≤2ασ,

we deduce by (3.2) and the convergence dominated theorem that

∀x∈ , Tvk(x)→ Tv(x) ask →. SinceT(Λ)is relatively compact inC Ω

, we obtain

kTvk−Tvk →0 ask →.

So T is a compact mapping of Λ to itself. Therefore, by the Schauder fixed point theorem, there existsvαΛsuch that for eachx∈

vα(x) =α+|x|n2


G(x,y)a(y)|y|(2n)σvσα(y)dy. (3.3) Sincevσαασ, we deduce from (3.3) and (3.2) that

xlim∂Ωvα(x) =α. (3.4)

We claim that

|limx|→0vα(x) =α. (3.5)

Indeed, letr>0 such that B(0, 3r)⊂ andx ∈B(0,r)\{0}. Sinceα≤vαβ, by using (3.3), hypothesis(H)and similar arguments as in the proof of Proposition2.12, we obtain

(vα(x)−α)≈ |x|n2

Z 2r





. (3.6)

Now sincen≥3, and for x∈ B(0,r)\{0}andt ∈(0, 2r), we have

|x|n2 t


max(|x|,t)n2L1(t)≤tn+(2n)σ1µL1(t) =:ψ(t)∈ L1(0,η), and

|limx|→0|x|n2 t


max(|x|,t)n2L1(t) =0, we deduce from (3.6) and the dominated convergence theorem that

|limx|→0(vα(x)−α) =0.

Putuα(x) =|x|2nvα(x), forx∈\{0}. Thenuα ∈ C Ω\{0}and we have uα(x) =α|x|2n+


G(x,y)a(y)uσα(y)dy, (3.7)



α|x|2n ≤uα(x)≤ β|x|2n. (3.8) Now, since the function y 7→ a(y)uσα(y) ∈ L1loc(\{0}) and from (3.7) the function x 7→


G(x,y)a(y)uσα(y)dy∈ L1loc(\{0}), we deduce by (1.7) thatuα satisfies

∆uα(x) =a(x)uσα(x), x∈ \{0}, (in the distributional sense).

By (3.4), we have

|limx|→0|x|n2uα(x) = lim

x|x|n2uα(x) =α.

This completes the proof.

Corollary 3.2. Letσ < 0,and assume that hypothesis(H)is satisfied.For0 < α1α2, we denote by uαi ∈C(\{0})the solution of problem(Pα)given by(3.1). Then we have

0≤uα2(x)−uα1(x)≤(α2α1)|x|2n, for x ∈\{0}. (3.9) Proof. Letgbe the function defined onΩ\{0}by

g(x) =

 a(x)u

σ α2(x)−uσα


uα1(x)−uα2(x), ifuα1(x)6=uα2(x) 0, ifuα1(x) =uα2(x). Sinceσ<0, theng ∈ B+(\{0})and we have


1 +V




= (α2α1)|x|2n. (3.10) On the other hand, by using (3.1), (3.2) and (3.8), we obtain for x∈\{0},







Therefore inequalities in (3.9) follow from (3.10) and Lemma2.3.

Proposition 3.3. Letσ < 0. Under hypothesis (H),problem (1.2) has at least one positive solution u∈C(\{0})satisfying for x∈ \{0}

u(x) =


G(x,y)a(y)uσ(y)dy. (3.11) Proof. Let(αk)k be a positive sequence decreasing to zero. Letuk ∈C(\{0})be the solution of problem(Pαk)given by (3.1). By Corollary3.2, the sequence(uk)k decreases to a functionu, and since σ < 0 the sequence ukαk|x|2n

k increases to u. Therefore, by using (3.1), (3.8) and the fact that σ<0, we obtain for eachx∈\{0},




βσk Z

G(x,y)a(y)|y|(2n)σdy>0, where βk :=αk+ασkkhk andh is given by (3.2).

By the monotone convergence theorem, we obtain u(x) =




Since for each x ∈ \{0}, u(x) = infkuk(x) = supk uk(x)−αk|x|2n, then u is upper and lower semi-continuous function onΩ\{0}and sou∈C(\{0}).

Since the function y 7→ a(y)uσ(y) is in L1loc(\{0}) and from (3.11) the function x 7→


G(x,y)a(y)uσ(y)dyis also in L1loc(\{0}), we deduce by (1.7) that

∆u(x) =a(x)uσ(x), x∈\{0}, (in the distributional sense).

Finally, using the fact that for all x∈ \{0}, 0< u(x)≤uk(x)and thatuk is a solution of problem(Pαk), we deduce that

|xlim|→0|x|n2u(x) =0 and lim

x∂Ωu(x) =0.

Henceuis a solution of problem (1.2).

Proof of Theorem1.3

Assume that the function a satisfies hypothesis(H). By Proposition 2.13, there exists M ≥ 1 such that for eachΩ\{0},


Mθ(x)≤V p(x)≤ Mθ(x), (3.12) whereθ is the function defined in (1.5) andp(y):=a(y)θσ(y).

To prove Theorem1.3, we discuss the following two cases.

Case 1: σ<0.

By Proposition3.3problem (1.2) has a positive continuous solutionusatisfying (3.11). We claim thatusatisfies (1.6).

By (3.12), we have

Mσ(V p)σ(x)≤ θσ(x)≤ Mσ(V p)σ(x), (3.13) Letc= M1σσ. Then by elementary calculus we have

cV p=V a(cV p)σ+V f, (3.14)

where f(x):=ca(x)[θσ(x)−Mσ(V p)σ(x)], forx∈\{0}.

Clearly, we have f ∈ B+(\{0})and by using (3.11) and (3.14), we obtain

cV p−u+V a uσ−(cV p)σ =V f. (3.15) Let gbe the function defined onΩ\{0}by

g(x) =

(a(x)u(σcV p(x)−()(xcV p)−u)σ(x(x)), ifu(x)6= (cV p) (x), 0, ifu(x) = (cV p) (x). Sinceσ<0, then g∈ B+(\{0})and we have

a uσ−(cV p)σ= g(cV p−u). (3.16) Therefore the relation (3.15) becomes

cV p−u+V(g(cV p−u)) =V f.


Now since f ∈ B+(\{0})by using (3.16), (3.11), (3.14) and (3.12), we obtain V(g|cV p−u|)≤V(auσ) +V a(cV p)σ

≤u+cV p


Hence by Lemma2.3, we obtain

u≤cV p.

Similarly, we prove that


cV p≤u.

Thus, by (3.12) usatisfies (1.6).

Case 2: 0≤σ<1.

Let ϕ(x) =|x|n2θ(x), forx ∈Ω. By (3.12), we have 1

Mϕ(x)≤ |x|n2V p(x)≤ Mϕ(x). (3.17) Putc= M11σ and consider the closed convex set given by




. Clearly ϕ∈ A.

We define the operatorT on Aby Tv(x):=|x|n2


G(x,y)a(y)|y|(2n)σvσ(y)dy, x∈Ω.

By using(3.17), we obtain for allv∈ A, 1

cϕ≤ T v≤cϕ.

Since for allv∈ A, we have

|vσ(y)| ≤cσkϕσk, for all y∈Ω, we deduce as in the proof of Proposition3.1that

Tv∈ C0(), for all v∈ A.

So,T (A)⊂ A.

Let(vk)k ⊂C0()defined by v0 = 1

cϕ and vk+1 =Tvk, fork∈N.

Since the operatorT is nondecreasing andT (A)⊂ A, we deduce that 1

cϕ= v0 ≤v1 ≤v2 ≤ · · · ≤vk ≤vk+1 ≤cϕ.



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