• Nem Talált Eredményt

poly(ethylene terephthalate) Application of low-grade recyclate to enhance reactive toughening of Polymer Degradation and Stability


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Polymer Degradation and Stability


Application of low-grade recyclate to enhance reactive toughening of poly(ethylene terephthalate)

Katalin Bocz


, Ferenc Ronkay


, Kata Enik ˝o Decsov


, Béla Molnár


, György Marosi


aDepartment of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, M ˝uegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

bImsys Ltd, Material Testing Laboratory, Mozaik Street 14/A., H-1033 Budapest, Hungary

cDepartment of Polymer Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, M ˝uegyetem rkp. 3., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary

a rt i c l e i nf o

Article history:

Received 28 December 2020 Revised 20 January 2021 Accepted 2 February 2021 Available online 4 February 2021 Keywords:

poly(ethylene terephthalate) Recycling

degradation Mechanical properties Toughening Impact strength Interphase modification

a b s t r a c t

This paper presents a new recognition in reactive toughening of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), namelythemajoreffectofthemolecularweightofPETontheevolutionofthecompatibilizationand crosslinkingreactions withethylene–butyl acrylate-glycidyl methacrylate(EBA-GMA)type reactiveter- polymer,and thusindirectlyonitstougheningefficiency.Itwasfoundthattheuseofhighlydegraded recycled PET(rPET)grades, dueto theavailablelarger number ofreactivefunctional endgroups and increasedmobilityofthedecreased-molecular-weightchains,multipliestheimpactstrengthoftheprod- uctcomparedtothatoforiginalPET (oPET)withidentical EBA-GMAcontents.Theevinced noticeable differencebetweenthetougheningbehaviourofrPETandoPET isexplainedby morphologicaland in- terfacialfactors and connectedtodifferencesinrheologicalbehaviouras well.Thereactiveoligomeric rPETmacromoleculesformaTougheningEnhancerInterphase(TEI)aroundthedispersedparticles.Based onsystematicanalyses,conclusionsweredrawnregardingthequality,i.e.optimalintrinsicviscosity(IV) range,andquantityofrPETtobeusedtoobtainhigh-impact-strengthPETblends(notchedIzodimpact strengthhigherthan40kJ/m2)withoptimisedmechanical properties,beingsuitableeven forinjection mouldingapplications,atsignificantlylowerterpolymercontents(10.0–12.5wt%)thanexpected.Besides, theproposednewwayofutilisationofPETrecyclates,especiallytheunmarketablehighlydegradedfrac- tions,isbelievedtogiveanewdrivingforceinPETrecycling.

© 2021TheAuthors.PublishedbyElsevierLtd.


1. Introduction

The global production ofpoly(ethylene terephthalate)(PET) is increasing every year, exceeding 30 million tonnes in 2017 [1]. As PET plays a prominentrole in the field of the production of short-lifepackagingmaterials[2],thequantityofdiscarded PETis alsorapidlygrowing.RecyclingofPETwastebyproducingdurable productstargetingotherindustriessuchaselectricalandelectron- ics,automotive,etc.[3–5]wouldmeananimportantmovetowards amorecirculareconomy[6,7].Intheseindustries,injectionmould- ing is themostcommon plasticprocessingmethod,which isthe greatestbarriertousingPET,theinjectionmouldingsofwhichare especially brittle andnotchsensitive [8–10].Furthermore,the in- evitabledegradation(thermalandhydrolyticduetothelargenum-

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: kbocz@mail.bme.hu (K. Bocz).

ber of unstable ester groups) duringthe thermalreprocessing of PETflakesreducestheaveragemolecularweightandincreasesthe rateofcrystallizationandthustheamountofcrystallinefractionin therecycled product[8,11–14] accompaniedwitheven lowerim- pactresistance[15,16].

Blendingwithelasticpolymersisawidelyappliedsolutionfor tougheningofbrittlepolymers[17–19].Ingeneral,distributedelas- tic component can increase toughness in two ways: by forming micro-cracks(crazing)andbyshearbanding(shearyielding)[19]. Thefunctionofthedispersedrubberparticlesistwo-fold[20]:on theone hand,they need togenerate alocal stress concentration, ontheotherhand,theyneedtovoid(cavitateordebond)andthus alter thestress state inthesurrounding matrixmaterialallowing an overall deformation mechanismtotake place [21].The nature of the modified deformation mechanismis highlydependant on the composition and structure of the mixture influenced mainly by thetype [22],the ratioandthesizeof therubberphase [23–

27],the distance betweenthe distributed particles [19–21,24,28],


0141-3910/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )


Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of compatibilisation and crosslinking reactions of PET/E-GMA blends.

the interfacialeffects, and the entanglement of the matrix poly- mer [19,21,29]. Somestudies pointedoutthat therubber particle size generatedduringprocessingandthecriticalinterparticledis- tance are also a function of the molecular weight of the matrix [30–32].Itwasfoundthatwithhighermolecularweighttherange ofrubberparticlesizesforeffectivetougheningiswiderandcon- sequentlyhigherlevelsoftoughnesscanbeachieved.

Since the hydroxyl andcarboxyl functional groupsof thermo- plastic polyesters are highly polar while the elastomeric phase is generallyapolar due to the lack of functional groups, interfa- cial tension is high which makes reactive compatibilization nec- essary [21,33–35]. Thismay beaccomplished bythe useoffunc- tionalized elastomers which provide a direct link between the matrix and the distributed component, or by a third compo- nent compatible with at least one component and that mayre- actwiththefunctionalgroupoftheothercomponents[33].Loyens and Groeninckx reported three studies on enhancing the impact resistance of PET with reactive compatibilization [18,21,33]. In theirexperiments,ethylene-propylenerubbergraftedwithglycidyl methacrylate(EPR-g-GMA)andethylene–glycidylmethacrylate(E- GMA) copolymers with various GMA contents were prepared by reactive extrusion.Similarly to other researchers [17,35–37], they found that during melt blending, GMA reacts with the hydroxyl andcarboxylgroupsofPETforminggraftcopolymersattheinter- face andreducesthe diameterofthedistributedrubberparticles.

This was explained by the strong interfacialinteraction between these phases, which inhibits interface mobility, thus suppressing the interaction and coalescence of the dispersed droplets. It was found that the E-GMA after thecompatibilization is able to per- forma(hydroxyl/epoxide)secondcrosslinking[33,38,39],thepro- posed reaction schemes are illustrated inFig. 1.These interfacial reactions affectthe resultingstructure sincethe distributedcom- ponentbecamemoreviscousandlessdeformable,dropletbreakup isprevented,givingrisetonon-spherical,roughmorphologiesand increasedtorqueresponses[33,40].

Manystudiesfocusedonthecompatibilizationandcrosslinking of elastomeric ethylene–butyl acrylate-glycidyl methacrylate ter-


Liu et al. evinced an outstanding (35-fold) improvement in the notchedIzodimpact strengthwhen 15wt% EBA-GMAand5 wt%

zinc ionomer were used at high processing temperatures, while thetensilestrengthandmodulusdidnotchangesignificantly[18]. Zongetal.[36]alsousedEBA-GMAfortougheningofPETwithan intrinsicviscosity(IV)valueof0.90dl/g.At20wt%EBA-GMAcon- tent,a26-foldincreaseofimpactstrengthwasachieved.Basedon theincreasedprocessingpressurenoticedduringextrusionofthis blend,achemicalreactionbetweenthePETchainsandtheepoxy groupsofEBA-GMAwasassumed. Chengetal.[42] improvedthe toughnessof glassfibre reinforcedrecycled PET(withIVvalue of 0.65dl/g)compositesbyaddingEBA-GMAelastomericterpolymer.

Bysystematically increasing the terpolymerloading from0to 16 wt%,analmostlinearincreaseinimpactstrengthwasfound.

Nevertheless, in the research works conducted towards the reactive toughening of polyesters, the potential influence of the molecular weight of the matrixmaterial on the evolution of the compatibilizationandcrosslinkingreactionsofEBA-GMAandindi- rectlyon thetougheningefficiencyhasnot yetbeeninvestigated.

Ourmain goalis todevelop high-performance secondary materi- alswithreducedadditivecontentofferinganecologicallyandeco- nomically preferable alternative toprimary plastics. Forthispur- pose, unmarketable, highly degraded PET grades, having an in- creasednumberoffunctionalendgroupsandincreasedmolecular mobility,areproposed tobeutilised asmediatorsto enhancethe tougheningefficiencyofEBA-GMA.

2. Materialsandmethods 2.1. Materials

As original material, NeoPET 80 (Neo Group, Lithuania) type PET (oPET) with an intrinsic viscosity (IV) value of 0.80 ± 0.02 dl/g (Mw= 27 400 g/mol asmeasured by GPC) and a bulk den- sity(indicatingtheweightofthematerial,inpellet orflakeform, perunitvolume)of0.97g/cm3wasused.RecycledPETflakes(re-


ceived from JP Pack, Hungary) with an IV of 0.56 ± 0.03 dl/g (Mw=16900g/molasmeasuredbyGPC)wereusedaslow-grade PET(rPET)material.TherPETflakesoriginatefromthefoodpack- aging industry, where sheets were extruded and thermoformed from100%bottle-graderecyclateandthescrapremainedfromthe sheetproductionaftercuttingofparts(trays)wasgroundtoobtain flakestoberecycled.Thebulkdensityoftherecycledmaterialwas measured to be 0.50g/cm3 (d50 = 2.0mm; d90 = 3.6mm). The numberoftotalendgroups,calculatedaccordingtoEq.(1)[43],is estimatedtobe75μeqiv/gand116μeqiv/gfortheoPETandrPET, respectively.

Totalendgroups= 57.46

IV1.205 (1)

ElvaloyPTW(DuPont,USA)typeEBA-GMAwith5.25wt%GMA content andameltingpointof72°Cwasused asreactive tough- eningagent.

2.2. Samplepreparation

Compoundingwasperformedwithan LTE26–48(LabtechSci- entific, Thailand) type twin-screwextruder. Beforeextrusion, PET materials weredriedat160°Cfor4h,whileEBA-GMAwasdried at70°C for4 h.Zonetemperatures betweenthehopperandthe diewerebetween245°Cand270°Candthescrewspeedwas20 1/min.

60 mm × 60 mm × 2 mm plaque specimens were injec- tion moulded usinga 50MEtII (Mitsubishi, Japan)electric injec- tion mouldingmachine.Zonetemperaturesvaried from260°Cto 275 °C, and mould temperature was 60 °C. Injection speed was 80 mm/s,holding pressure was 30 MPa, and back pressure was 2 MPa. Materials were dried at 160 °C for 4 h before injection moulding.

2.3. Methods

Melt flowindex(MFI)measurements werecarried outusinga LMFI-2LENNCN (Dynisco, USA) MFI tester, according to ISO 1133 standard. The applied mass was 2.16 kg, the temperature was 260°C.

IVmeasurementsweredonebyRPV-1(PSLRheotek,USA)auto- maticsolutionviscometeraccordingtoASTMD4603standard.The IVvalueswere measured at30°C ina60/40 wtmixtureofphe- nol/tetrachloroethanesolventwithaconcentrationof0.5g/dl.

Gel permeationchromatography(GPC)analysiswasperformed on the PET raw materials with different IV values to deter- mine the molecular weight distribution and average molecular weights. 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol (hexafluoroisopropanol, HFIP)eluentwasusedforthemeasurements.TheGPCinstrument wasequippedwithaJetstream2 plusthermostat,aWatersHPLC Pump 515, an HFIP-806 M column, and a Jasco RI-4035 differ- ential refractometer detector. The measurement temperature was 40 °C, the flow rate was 0.5 mL/min, and the HFIP eluent con- tained5mMNa-trifluoroacetate.Evaluationofthechromatograms wasperformedbyusingPSSWinGPCsoftwarebasedoncalibration withnarrowmolecularweightdistributionpoly(methylmethacry- late)standards.

Meltrheologyunderdynamicalshearwasinvestigatedusingan AR 2000 type rotationalrheometer (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA)with25mm diameterparallel-plategeometry.Dynamic frequency sweeptests were performedat260°C to measurethe complexshearviscosityoverafrequencyrangeof0.1–100Hzun- dercontrolledstrainof1%.

Torquemeasurementsduringmeltmixingwereperformedina Brabender Plasti-Corder internal mixer. Equally 60 g of materials hadbeenweightedaccordingtothecompositions,dry-mixedand

thenadded inthe50cm3 mixingchamber at260°Cwithrotors rotatingat50rpm andmixedfor10min.Thevariationoftorque momentduringmeltmixingwascontinuouslyrecorded.

Structure of differentblends was characterized by EVO MA15 (Zeiss,Germany)scanningelectronmicroscope (SEM),afterselec- tive extraction of EBA-GMA additive. For this, injection moulded specimens were cut, embedded inepoxy resin, polished, and af- terthat,theembeddedspecimenswereimmersedintoluene(Mo- larChemicalsKft,Hungary)for6hatroomtemperature.ForSEM analysis5nmgoldcoatingwasapplied.

The crystalline phase was analysed by DSC 131EVO(Setaram, France) differential scanning calorimeter. 10 °C/min heating and cooling rate were applied in the 30–300 °C temperature range.

Thecrystalmeltingenthalpy wasmeasured tocalculatethecrys- tallinityofeachmaterialaccordingtoEq.(2):







100%, (2)

where CRFM [%] is the calculated crystallinity from the melting peak; hM [J/g] is the measured mass-specific heat flow during the melting (area of the melting peak), h0 [J/g] is the mass- specific enthalpy ofthe 100%crystalline PET (140.1 J/g); rEBA-GMA [-] is the ratio of the EBA-GMA additive. The crystallinity calcu- latedfromthecoldcrystallizationenthalpywasgivenaccordingto Eq.(3):







100%, (3)

whereCRFM[%]istherelativecrystallinitycalculatedfromthecold crystallizationpeak;hCC[J/g]isthemeasuredmass-specificheat flow during the cold crystallization (area of the cold crystalliza- tion peak).The initial crystallinityof the samples wascalculated byEq.(4):



Izodimpact tests were carried out by 5113.10.01 type (Zwick, Germany) impact tester at room temperature. Pendulum energy was5.4J.Tests wereperformedbasedonISO179–1standardbut usingdouble-notchedspecimens(type3withnotchtypeA)toen- surecompletefractureinallcases.

Flexural tests were performed using an L3369 (Instron, USA) universal mechanical tester according to ISO 178 standard. Span was32 mm, crosshead speedswere 1 mm/min formodulus de- termination, and 10 mm/min for other calculations, respectively.


3. Resultsanddiscussion

3.1. ReactivetougheningofoPETandrPETwithEBA-GMA

Reactive toughening of oPET and rPET was investigated by preparing two-component blends withincreasing EBA-GMA con- tentsranging from0 to 20wt% with5 wt% steps. The evolution of the double-notched Izod impact strength of the two types of injection-moulded specimens is compared in Fig. 2. Accordingly, withincreasingEBA-GMAcontentadistinctivebrittle-ductiletran- sition canbe seen in bothmatrices, reaching more than ten-fold increase in the impact strength. This transition appears at much lower EBA-GMA content (between 5 and 10wt%) when recycled matrix material (rPET)is used than inthe case ofthe oPET ma- trix(between15 and20wt% EBA-GMA content). Inother words, about 50 wt% less reactive compatibilizer suffices to achieve a drasticincreaseintheimpactresistanceofrPETthannecessitated in oPET.In the literature, 20–25wt% of EBA-GMA type compati- bilizerwascommonlyrequiredtoreach thebrittle-ductiletransi- tionofoPET[10,18,36].Nevertheless,Kunimuneetal.[44]achieved


Fig. 2. Izod impact strength as a function of EBA-GMA content in oPET and rPET matrices.

drasticenhancementinthetoughnessofrecycledPETwithaslow as13.5wt%E-GMAadditive.Basedontheseresults,andinaccor- dancewithourfinding,theinfluenceofthepolymermatrixonthe tougheningefficiencyofthereactive compatibilizercanbe antici- pated,still,ithasnotyetbeeninvestigated.

Based on the results in Fig. 2 one can assume that the ob- served difference betweenthetougheningbehaviour ofoPET and rPETmustberelatedtomorphologicaland/orinterfacialfactors.In ordertosupporttheassumption,thestructureofthesampleswas investigated.SEMmicrographstakenfromtheselectivelyextracted cross-sections ofthe two types ofbinary blends with10 and 20 wt% EBA-GMA contents are shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that in the case ofoPET the size of the dispersed droplets are larger andtheir shapeismoreirregularthan inthecaseofrPET, where tracesofnoticeablysmaller(evensubmicronic)andmorespherical EBA-GMA particlesare visible.Irregularlyshaped EBA-GMAparti- clesareassumedtobeformedasaresultofcrosslinkingreactions takingplaceinthedispersedphase,aspartsfixedwithcrosslinks inhibittheachievementoftheidealsphericalsurfacearea/volume ratio[33,40].AccordingtoFig.3b,10%EBA-GMAhasincontrasta homogeneous andstabledispersion inthe rPET matrix,resulting inasmallinterparticledistance,whichexplainsthesharpincrease in toughness. This is consistent with the findings of Wu et al.

[24] thatreducing thedistancebetweenthedispersed phasesbe- low acriticalvalueallowsshockenergytobeabsorbedbyexten- siveshearyielding,asalsoindicatedbythefractionsurfaceofthis binaryblend(Fig.4b).InthecaseofoPET,however,thedispersion isonlyrefinedat20%EBA-GMAcontent(Fig.3c)toanextentthat allows a sharp increase in impact toughness. At lower EBA-GMA contentbrittlefailurecharacteristicscanbeidentified(Fig.4a).

The morphology development during melt-blending was fol- lowed by torque measurements performedin a Brabender inter- nalmixer operatedat260°Cand50rpm.Ithastobe notedthat atthiselevated temperaturethe EBA-GMAishighlyreactive[40], but not only the compatibilization reaction at the PET/EBA-GMA interface isacceleratedbuttheterpolymerbecomesmoresuscep- tibleto crosslinkingaswell. Thetorquechangewithmixingtime as recorded duringthe melt-blendingof oPET andrPET with in- creasingamountofEBA-GMAare showninFig.5a andb,respec- tively. The first peak of the torque response is attributed to the melting ofthe major polymer component, which appearsnotice- ably earlierand is accompanied with lower torque increment in the case of rPET. This phenomenon is mainly due to the differ- encebetweenthefrictionandmeltingcharacteristicsoftheround oPET pellets and the rPET flakes. Then, a second peak orshoul- der displaysin thetorque response asa functionof mixingtime (mostlyvisibleinthe caseoftheblends with10%orhigherEBA-

GMA contents) accompanied withincreasedresulting torque val- ues,clearlyindicatingtheoccurrenceofcompatibilizationreactions betweenthecarboxyland/or hydroxylendgroupsofPETandthe epoxide function ofEBA-GMA [33] (Fig. 1). The terpolymerEBA- GMAitselfisaflexiblepolymerandpossessesahighsensitivityof meltviscositytoshearrate[45].Athighshearrates,applied dur- ing processing(bothinthe internal mixerandin thetwin-screw extruder),the apparentviscosity oftheelastomeric terpolymeris comparablewiththat of rPET (andnoticeably lower than that of oPET),asitcanbe seeninFig.6,still,theequilibriumtorqueval- uesofbothtypesoftheblendscontinuedtoincreasewithincreas- ing EBA-GMA contents. Thus, the increase of the blend viscosity (equilibriumtorque)indicatesachemicalreactiontakingplacebe- tween the blend components. In Fig. 6, the experimentally mea- suredtorquevalues,recordedafter6minofmixing,arecompared to those of theoretically expected torque values, calculated from the rule of mixing of the equilibrium torque values of the indi- vidual blend components (without any reaction). It can be seen thatthedifferencefromthetheoreticallyexpectedvaluesisgreater (bothinabsoluteandinrelativequantification)incaseoftheoPET basedblends,especiallyathigherEBA-GMAcontents.Theobserved hightorquevaluesconfirmedtheoccurrenceofotherreactionsad- ditional to compatibilization, namely crosslinking of the terpoly- mer (Fig.1). Significant crosslinking, also indicated by the broad incrementof the torque curve, wasrevealed from15% EBA-GMA content in the case of oPET matrix (Fig. 5a), while in the case of the rPET matrix, only with the highest (20%) EBA-GMA con- tent (Fig. 5b). Thisdifference is proposed to be attributedto the factthat ata fixedEBA-GMA concentration,theshorter chainsof rPEThave morefunctional groupswithincreasedcarboxylto hy- droxylratio[46,47] accompaniedwithincreasedmobilityto react withtheepoxidefunctionofEBA-GMA.(Itisknownthatbothcar- boxylicandhydroxyl groupscan reactwithan epoxygroup,with theformerbeingmorereactive[48]).Incontrast,intheoPETma- trixmoreepoxygroupsofEBA-GMAremain unreactedleadingto a higher degree ofcrosslinking andin lessdeformable and non- sphericaldispersedphasemorphologiesasaconsequence(Fig.4).

Therheologicalpropertiesofthetwotypesofblends werefur- therinvestigated.InFig.7,thecomplexviscosityof10%EBA-GMA containingoPET andrPET blends, asa function of frequency, are compared in a log-log plot.At higher shear rates (10 1/s <) the complexviscosity oftheoPET basedblend ishigher thanthat of therPETbasedblendwithidentical10%EBA-GMAcontent,which is in connection with the inherent difference in the molecular weight and mobility of the two PET systems. The system con- tainingrPETshowspronouncedshear-thinningbecausetheshorter chain polymer or oligomer macromolecules bonded to the dis- persed particles (acting as a self-compatibilizing interphase) re- stricttheindependentmobilityoftheparticlesatalowshearrate, whiletheinteractionbetweentheinterphasesisgraduallyreleased athigher shear ratethus the free-flowingis lessrestricted. Such interacting interphase is missing around the particles (of larger particlesize)formingthe dispersionin theoPETsystemthus the structure changesonly moderatelywiththe increasing shearrate resulting inlower value ofshear thinning. In therange of lower shearrates(<11/s),theviscositycurveofrPETprevailsoverthat oftheoPET+ 10%EBA-GMA blend,whichisfurtherevidencefor themoreeffectiverPET/EBA-GMA bonding,whichsignificantlyin- creasesthehydrodynamicdiameteroftheresultingcopolymerand by thismeansclearlyleadsto an increase inviscosity. Theinter- phase formed around the dispersed terpolymer particles creates thesignificantlyincreasedimpactresistancethuswecallitTough- eningEnhancerInterphase(TEI).

Further information on the phase structure of the produced blendscan beobtainedbyanalysing theirthermalbehaviour.The resultsoftheDSCmeasurements are showninTable 1.Theglass


Fig. 3. SEM images of the polished cross-section of the blends after selective dissolution of the EBA-GMA phase: a) oPET + 10% EBA-GMA; b) rPET + 10% EBA-GMA; c) oPET + 20% EBA-GMA; d) rPET + 20% EBA-GMA.

Fig. 4. SEM images of the fracture surface of (a) oPET + 10% EBA-GMA and (b) rPET + 10% EBA-GMA.

transition temperature didnot change significantly,it ranges be- tween74.2–77.2°CforbothoPETandrPETmatrices,independently ofEBA-GMAcontent.Comparingtheinitialcrystallinityofthetwo matrix materials, it can be concluded that although both groups show a decreasingtrend withincreasingEBA-GMA content(from 15–18% to 7–11%), the crystallinity of the rPET matrix materials overtheentirerangeisabout3%higherthanthatoftheoPETma-

trixmaterials.ThehighertendencyofrPETtocrystallizecanbeex- plainedby thehigherorderingofshortermolecularchains [8,49].

The abruptdecreaseincrystallinityandmeltingtemperaturedue toEBA-GMAinthecaseofoPETsuggestsmoreimperfectcrystals formedduetolongerchains[50].

Quasi-staticmechanicalpropertieswerecharacterizedbyflexu- ral tests.Figs. 8aandb showthe changeinflexuralstrengthand


Fig. 5. Torque responses as a function of time recorded during melt mixing of the binary blends a) with oPET and b) with rPET (thin arrows point at peaks indicating compatibilization while thick arrows point at changes corresponding to crosslinking).

Table 1

Results of DSC measurements.

Major component EBA-GMA content T g CRF CC T CC CRF M T M CRF 0

[%] [ °C] [%] [ °C] [%] [ °C] [%]

oPET 0 76.4 16.5 125.5 31.7 253.6 15.2

5 74.2 11.2 125 22.5 248.7 11.3

10 76.8 10.6 123.7 20.9 249.2 10.3

15 75.4 9.2 123.3 18.8 249.1 9.6

20 75.6 9.7 123.3 16.4 249.1 6.7

rPET 0 76.6 14.4 126 31.9 252.2 17.5

5 77.2 11.6 124.5 26.9 251 15.3

10 76.2 10.7 124.4 24.3 251 13.6

15 74.5 10.3 123.3 21.7 250.1 11.4

20 75.5 9.0 122.5 19.6 249.9 10.6

Fig. 6. Comparison of calculated and equilibrium torque values registered at 6 min as a function of EBA-GMA content.

modulus as a function of EBA-GMA content, respectively. In the caseofbothoPETandrPETmatrices,thestrengthandstiffnessde- creaseina similarwayastheproportionofthedistributedcom- ponentincreases.Itmustbenoted,however,thatrapidincreasein the Izod-impact strengthof oPET isonly observable at 20% EBA- GMAcontent,whenthestrengthandstiffnessareabout50%lower than those of100% oPET.In the caseofrPET, however,the Izod- impact strength increases sharply alreadyat 10% EBA-GMA ratio, the strength andthe stiffnessatthiscomposition are only about 25%lowerthanthoseofthe100%rPETmaterial.Thisadvantageof rPET based blends can be ofkey importance fromthe aspects of productdevelopment.

Fig. 7. Complex viscosity versus frequency for oPET + 10% EBA-GMA and rPET + 10% EBA-GMA blends (log-log scale).

3.2. ReactivetougheningofdifferentPETgrades

The influence of the molar mass of polymer matrix on the toughening efficiency of the reactive compatibilizer was investi- gated.Forthispurpose,oPETwassubjectedto multipleextrusion cycles(thusmodellingmechanicalrecycling[11])usinganLTE26–

48(LabtechScientific,Thailand)twin-screwextrudertoobtainPET grades differing indegradation state (molecularweight), as char- acterised by IV and GPC measurements (Table 2). During extru- sion,zonetemperaturesbetweenthehopperandthediewerebe- tween 230°C and270°C andthescrewspeed was201/min.By thismethod,a5-memberseries(includingoPETandrPET) ofPET gradeswereobtainedtobeanalysedcoveringawideIVrange.To


Table 2

IV values, average molecular weight and polydispersity index (PDI) of PET grades ob- tained after different number of extrusion cycles.

Sample code Number of extrusion cycles IV [g/dl] M w[g/mol] PDI

oPET 0.80 ±0.02 27 400 2.71

rPET 0.56 ±0.03 16 900 2.43

PET-1x 1 0.74 ±0.02 25 200 2.80

PET-2x 2 0.64 ±0.02 21 500 2.56

PET-3x 3 0.48 ±0.02 14 850 2.38

Fig. 8. Results of the flexural test a) flexural strength vs. EBA-GMA content; b) flexural modulus vs. EBA-GMA content.

Fig. 9. Double-notched Izod impact strength of different PET grades with 15% EBA- GMA content.

examinethetougheningefficiencyofEBA-GMAinthedifferentPET grades,aconstantweightfractionof15wt%compatibilizerwasse- lected forthe binaryblends. Namely, atthisratio only moderate improvement in the Izod impact strength was observed in oPET matrix, while a sharpincrease wasmeasured in rPET withIV of 0.56g/dl (see Fig1).(Compounding andinjectionmouldingwere carriedoutasdescribedintheMaterialsendMethodsSection.)

In Fig. 9,the double-notched Izodimpact strength ofthe 15%

EBA-GMA containing binaryblends is presented asa function of IV value of the usedPET grades. It can be seen that inthe case of oPETand PET-3 × 15wt% EBA-GMA doesnot suffice toreach outstandingimpactresistance.However,inthecaseofPETgrades with IV values ranging between 0.56 and 0.72 g/dl Izod impact strength valueshigherthan40kJ/m2 were measured.The critical molarmassvalue(Mc)forPETtoreachthetransitionfromductile tobrittlebehaviourisconsideredtobearound17000g/mol[15]. Therefore, it is proposed that the inadequate toughening perfor- manceofEBA-GMAinPET-3xmatrixisduetotheinsufficienten-

tanglementdensityofthishighlydegradedgrade(withIVvalueof 0.48g/dl),whichrendersthelow-molecular-weightpolymerinca- pableofabsorbingenergybyshearyieldingtomakethetoughen- ingsuccessful[51,52].Athighmolecularweight(atIVof0.80g/dl orhigher),thePET/EBA-GMAcompatibilizationreactionisbelieved to be suppressed by the limited number of reactive functional groups and lower proportion of the more reactive carboxyl end groups, providing more opportunity to thecompetitive crosslink- ingreactionstotakeplaceandthushinderingstabledispersionof therubber-likecomponent.

It has to be highlighted that the IV values of real PET recy- clates originating from bottle- or sheet production typically fall inthefavourablerangeof0.56–0.72dl/g wherealready15%EBA- GMA outstandinglyincreasesthe notchedimpactresistance. Con- sequently, high impact resistance products can be manufactured from PET waste, independently from its actual quality (degrada- tionstate),withnoticeablyreducedamountofreactivetoughening agent than necessitated in original PET. This finding could serve asa newandeconomic drivingforce forthe productionofhigh- qualityproductsfromsecondarymaterials.

3.3. OptimisationoftherecyclatecontentofPET/EBA-GMAsystems

AlthoughEBA-GMA wasfound to beespecially efficient inin- creasingtheimpactresistanceofPET gradeswithIVvaluesrang- ing between0.56and0.72 dl/g, the highrecyclate contentcould be a limitation inseveral fieldsof application [53]. Forexample, whenwastePETisusedasrawmaterialthenthecolourabilityand glossvalue ofthematerial generallydecreases, andtheprobabil- ityofotherpotentialimpuritiesincreaseswhichmayevendissolve fromtheproducts.Incaseofpossibleutilizationinthefoodindus- try, the recyclatemust be subjected to a ‘super-cleaning’process [54] to meet the requirements, which can significantly increase production costs ifa higher proportion of waste is used. Never- theless, theincorporation ofrecycledpolymer fractionwasfound to be advantageous in many studies, various material properties such astensile strength in wood-HDPE-composites [55]; shrink-


Fig. 10. Double notched Izod impact strength of the three-component blends.

Table 3

Composition of the three-component blends.

oPET content [%] rPET content [%] EBA-GMA content [%]

85.0 5.0 10.0

82.5 5.0 12.5

80.0 5.0 15.0

80.0 10.0 10.0

77.5 10.0 12.5

75.0 10.0 15.0

75.0 15.0 10.0

72.5 15.0 12.5

70.0 15.0 15.0

ageinvirgin/recycled ABSblends [56];orCharpy-impactstrength inPP/PETblends[53]improvedduetotheuseofrecyclates.

Basedontheseconsiderations,sampleswithreducedrPETcon- tents were examined hereinafter, i.e. the characteristics of PET/EBA-GMAblendswereinvestigated,wheretheoPETma- trix was only partially replaced by rPET (with IV value of 0.56 g/dl). To optimise the composition of the toughening system,three-componentblendswithEBA-GMAcontentsof 10, 12.5 and 15% were prepared besides varying the ratio of rPET in the range of 5 to 15%. Possible errors due to thecompoundingorderwereeliminatedbyrandomizingthe production order. The compositions ofthe obtainedthree- componentblendsaregiveninTable3.

The impact strength of the sample series was analysed by double-notched Izod impact tests; the results of which are pre-

sentedinFig. 10.In100%oPET matrix,up to15%EBA-GMAcon- tent, only a moderate increase ofthe impact strength wasmea- sured(seeFig.2).Itwasfoundthat5%rPETonlyslightlyimproves theseresults.However,theadditionof10or15%rPETtotheoPET matrixcausesasharpincreaseintheimpactstrength;at15%EBA- GMA contentnotchedIzodimpact strengthhigherthan 50kJ/m2 wasreached. Itcan alsobe seen fromthediagram that withthe additionofrPET,outstandingimpactstrengthcanbeachievedeven withelastomer contents lower than 15%. While 20% EBA-GMA is requiredintheoPETmatrixtoprovideprominentimpactstrength, with10%rPETaddedtothesystem12.5%EBA-GMAissufficientto achieveasimilarresult.Thisresultisextremelysignificantfroman economicpointofview,asoutstandingimpactstrengthisensured while economizingalmost half of the elastomeradditive, andall thisisachievedbyusingthevalueless(unmarketable), highlyde- gradedsecondaryPETfraction.

Flexural tests were performed to investigate the evolution of the mechanical properties, other than impact resistance, when oPETispartlyreplacedbyrPET.Theobtainedflexuralstrengthand modulus values of the sample series are shown in Fig. 11a and b, respectively. The diagrams show the favourable case that the strengthandstiffnessaremainlyafunction oftheEBA-GMAcon- tent, decreasinglinearly withits increasing ratio. Apparently, the smallproportionofrPET doesnot havea significant influenceon theseproperties;itonlyslightlyincreasesmodulusatlowerEBA- GMAcontents.

Based on the flexural test results, there are further benefits accompanied to our finding that reduced quantity of EBA-GMA is needed to provide prominent impact strength in rPET con- taining matrix. Namely, at reduced proportion of EBA-GMA, the strengthandstiffnessoftheblendscanbemaintainedatahigher level. Compared to the 20% EBA-GMA containing oPET blend, by 37% increased flexural strength and by 48% increased flexu- ral modulus can be ensured withthe 10% rPET containing blend (oPET/rPET/EBA-GMA:77.5/10.0/12.5)ofreduced(12.5%)EBA-GMA contentbutwithcomparablenotchedimpactstrength.

Then,theapplicabilityofotherPETgrades,differingindegrada- tionstate(IVvaluesandMwseeinTable2),aspotentialtoughness improvingmediatorswere investigated.Thetougheningefficiency of15%EBA-GMAwasexaminedbesidesadding10%ofdifferentPET grades while keeping the overall oPET content of 75%. The Izod impact strength ofthe thus producedthree-component blends is presented in Fig. 12. It can be seen that the impact strength of thetwo-componentblend(14kJ/m2)noticeablyincreasestovalues above35kJ/m2justbytheadditionof10%ofdecreased-molecular- weightPET.Theimprovementinimpactstrengthappearstobein-

Fig. 11. Bending test results of the three-component blends a) flexural strength vs. EBA-GMA content; b) flexural modulus vs. EBA-GMA content.


Fig. 12. Double-notched Izod impact strength as a function of the PET additive’s IV value (in the case of 15% EBA-GMA and 10% of recycled PET additive content).

dependentofthequalityoftheaddeddecreased-molecular-weight PET grade,atleastbelowacertain IVvalueof0.74g/dl.Thisisa keyfindingfromapracticalpointofview,asitmeansthatproduct qualityisnotaffectedbyfluctuationsinwastequality.

4. Conclusion

In ourresearch,we havefoundthat theefficiencyoftheEBA- GMA type reactive tougheningagent can be greatlyimproved by the correctchoiceof thePET matrix.Theuseof rPET,dueto the available larger numberofreactivefunctional endgroupsandin- creased mobility of the decreased-molecular-weight chains, mul- tiplies the impact strength of the product compared to that of oPET with identical EBA-GMA content. In other words, 50% less reactive toughening agent(10%EBA-GMA) is sufficientto achieve comparable impact strength using rPET insteadof oPET. The sig- nificantlyincreasedimpactresistanceisascribedtotheformation of a Toughening Enhancer Interphase (TEI) consisting of reactive shorterchainrPETmacromolecules.

Based on systematic experiments conducted with “artificial”

PET waste fractions, i.e.PET grades differingin degradation state as characterized by IV values andMw, the following conclusions weredrawn:

In100%recycledPETmatrix,withIVvaluesbetween0.56and 0.74dl/g,notchedimpactstrengthhigherthan40kJ/m2 canbe reachedwithareducedamount(10%)ofEBA-GMA.

IncaseoforiginalPETmatrixwith12.5%EBA-GMAcontent,the addition of aslow as10% recyclate withIV value lower than 0.74dl/g increasesthe notchedimpact strength from9 kJ/m2 tohigherthan40kJ/m2.

Itisproposed thatduringextrusion,whenall componentsbe- gin to melt, the shorter chains of the recyclate are able to react withthefunctional groupsofEBA-GMA, beingespeciallyreactive atthehighprocessingtemperatureofPET,fasterandtoa greater extent. The simultaneous compatibilization and fragmentation of the elastomer particles are of key importance in the creation of large interfaces and successful toughening (Fig. 13). Thereafter, throughtheunreactedepoxygroupsoftheelastomercrosslinking reactionstakeplaceintheextruderthatstabilizestheparticlesize.

However, ifthere are no short chains presentin the system, the process of attachment of the longer and less mobile PET chains to the EBA-GMA particles will not be able to compete with the crosslinkingreactionwithintheEBA-GMAparticleshinderingtheir fragmentationandthusresultinginlargerparticles.

Consequently, to ensure stable dispersion of the elastomer phase, the compatibilization through carboxyl/epoxide reaction must precede the hydroxyl/epoxide crosslinking (Fig. 1). The in- creased ratio of carboxyl end groups and lower viscosity of the degradedPETchainscontributetotheprevalenceofcompatibiliza- tionovercrosslinking.Belowacertainmolecularweight,however, the insufficient entanglement density of the recycled matrix en- cumberstheeffectiveenergyabsorption byshearyielding. There- fore,thehighlydegradedwastefractions(IVlowerthan0.56dl/g) are suggested to be applied as additives in 10% dosage for suc- cessfulenhancementofthetougheningefficiencyofEBA-GMAand without compromisingother (mechanical,aesthetic, safety) prop- erties. The significantly improved material properties render the impact-resistant PET-based materials suitable for even injection moulding applications. Besides,this wayof utilisation of PET re- cyclate,eventheunmarketablehighlydegradedfractions,cangive anewdrivingforceinPETrecycling.

The application of low-molecular-weight polymer fractions to enhance the efficiencyof reactive additives could be successfully exploitedinother polymeric systems,such asinPBTor PLAma- trix, and/or in combinationwithother reactive modifiersaswell (patentpending[57]).


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompetingfinan- cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


KatalinBocz:Conceptualization,Methodology, Writing-origi- naldraft,Supervision.FerencRonkay:Conceptualization,Method- ology, Writing - original draft. KataEnik˝o Decsov: Investigation, Visualization.BélaMolnár:Investigation.GyörgyMarosi:Supervi- sion,Writing-review&editing.

Fig. 13. Schematic phase morphologies of the PET/EBA-GMA systems.



The authors are grateful to Béla Iván and Györgyi Szarka for performing the GPC measurements. The project was funded by theNationalResearch,DevelopmentandInnovation FundofHun- gary in the frame of 2018–1.3.1-VKE-2018–00017 and 2019–1.3.1- KK-2019–00004 projects. The research was funded by the Hun- garianScientificResearchFund,grantnumberOTKAPD121171and FK128352. K.BoczisthankfulfortheJánosBolyaiResearchSchol- arship oftheHungarianAcademy ofSciences. K.Decsovwassup- ported by the ÚNKP-20–3-I New National Excellence Program of theMinistryforInnovationandTechnologyfromthesourceofthe NationalResearch,DevelopmentandInnovationFund.


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Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of  compatibilisation and crosslinking reactions  of PET/E-GMA blends
Fig. 2. Izod impact strength as a function of EBA-GMA content in oPET and rPET  matrices
Fig.  4. SEM  images of the fracture  surface of (a)  oPET + 10% EBA-GMA and (b) rPET + 10% EBA-GMA
Fig. 5. Torque responses as a function of time recorded during melt mixing of the binary blends a) with oPET and b) with rPET (thin arrows point at peaks indicating  compatibilization  while thick  arrows  point  at changes corresponding to  crosslinking)



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