• Nem Talált Eredményt

‘Academy of Sciences


Academic year: 2022

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1Hungarian ‘Academy o f Sciences





д о



Nguyen Minh Khuex

Central Research Institute for Physics H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.B. 49, Hungary

Submitted to Acta Phyeica Hungarica

HU ISSN 0368 5330 ISBN 963 371 671 3


P r e s e n t a d d r e s s :

V i e n V a t l y

V i e n K h o a h o c V i e t n a m T u l i e m , H a n o i




The effect of the hopping on the magnetic and dielectric properties

of the box model introduced by A. Zawadowski and M.H. Cohen [1] are considered.

By symmetry reasoning it is shown that the free energy is an even func­

tion of the hopping rate as well as of the external electric field.

It is proved that at finite temperature when the hopping is small enough the hopping processes in various boxed are uncorrelated. Based on this the magnetic and dielectric susceptibilities are calculated up to the second order of the hopping rate.


Исследовано влияние прыжка электронов /hopping/ на магнитные и диэлектри­

ческие свойства систем, описанных в рамках модели коробок /box model/, пред­

ложенной А. Завадовски и М.Г. Когеном.

На основе соображений симметрии показано, что свободная энергия является четной функцией как и внешнего поля так и амплитуды прыжка.

Доказано, что при конечных температурах в случае достаточно малой ампли­

туды прыжков, прыжки, происходящые в различных коробках являются независимыми.

На этом основе рассчитаны магнитная и диэлектрическая восприимчивости во вто­

ром порядке по амплитудам прыжков.


Megvizsgáljuk a hoppingnak az A. Zawadowski és M.H. Cohen által javasolt

"box model" segítségével leírható rendszerek mágneses és dielektromos tulaj­

donságaira gyakorolt hatását.

Szimmetria érvek alapján megmutatjuk, hogy a szabadenergia mind a hopping-amplitúdó, mind a külső tér páros függvénye.

Bebizonyítjuk, hogy véges hőmérsékleten elég kicsi hopping-amplitúdó esetén a különböző boxokban végbemenő elektronátugrások korrelálatlanok. En­

nek alapján kiszámítjuk a mágneses és dielektromos szuszceptibilitást a hopping-amplitúdóban másodrendig.


During the last decade, the study of organic transfer salts has received a great deal of attention. Because of the richness of composition, and the possibility of replacing similarly functioning units by one another, these materials h o l d out the hope of eventually reaching the stage w h e n materials c a n be tailormade for any desired purpose - assuming of course, th a t our w i s h e s are in accord w i t h nature's laws.

As the original excitement about the h i g h a conductivity of TTF-TCNQ gradually died down, it gives place to systematic exploration of different properties of all kinds of TCNQ salts, w h i c h are p roved to be almost as interesting as their never- realized s u p e rconductivity would have been. In particular, a class of compounds w i t h the general composition (DONOR) ( T C N Q ^ w a s found to possess remarkable dielectric and magnetic proper­

ties. Recently A. Zawadowski and M.H. Cohen [1] introduced a simple m o d e l (the so- called b o x model) for their description.

The a structure described by the box m o del is schematically s h own in Fig.l.

The m a i n feature of this structure is that one electron is transfered per donor so that the acceptor chain is quarter field. Furthermore e a c h acceptor chain can be devided into boxes w i t h two acceptor sites as shown in Fig.2.

The Hamiltonian o f the model is

H = £(I*+l/2)(-I*+1 + l/2) (U1 - J o iai + 1 ) + 2 t p ^



Where ск is the Pauli operator used to describe the spin state of the electron in the box i, 1^ and I* are the components of the isospin operator 1^. The two eigenvalues of the operator 1^, namely, I^=-l/2 and 1^=+1/2 correspond to the left and right hand sites in the box i. The operator I* describes the hopping within the box i with rate t, and J are the effective

Coulomb and exchange interactions between two electrons accupying adjacent acceptors in neighbouring boxes. The distance

between two molecules in a b o x is assumed to be smaller than between two next molecules in neighbouring boxes a n d therefore the hopping between boxes is ignored compared to the hopping within a box.

In reference [1] the magnetic properties of the model were considered in two limiting cases, w h e n the h o p p i n g rate t=°° and t=0. It was pointed out that in both cases the model can be solved exactly. In the first case it was shown that

the model behaves like a 1-d Heisenberg chain,the ground state can be ferromagnetic or anti f e r r o m a g n e t i c . In the second case it was found that depending on the signs and relative magnitude of the interactions the ground state can be singlet or para­

magnetic (doublet or triplet) . The ground state of the model in the intermediate case was discussed qualitatively.

In this paper we consider the effect of a w e a k hopping, on both, the magnetic and dielectric properties of the model.

In Section I. we consider the effect of the hopping on the m a g ­ netic properties after p r e s enting briefly the solution obtained by Zawadowski and Cohen in the zero ho p p i n g case, and describing


the physical picture of the ground state in the intermediate case. In Section II. we consider the dielectric properties.



1. Zero Hopping Case

Let us consider the b o x model in a static external magnetic field. The Hamiltonian of the system is

H = HQ +2t£l* (1.1)


H0 = ^ ( I^+l/2)(-I^+1+ l / 2 ) ( U 1- J a ioi + 1 )-yH^oJ (1.2) is the Hamiltonian of the zero hop p i n g system in the field.

Zawadowski and Cohen poi n t e d out that the p r o b l e m with the Hamiltonian HQ can be e x a c t l y solved, when t = 0 the eigenvalues of 1^ are good quantum numbers and the system can be in c o n f i g u ­ rations in which electrons form pairs or stand separately. The levels of the system can be classified following the spin states of single electrons and electron p a irs and following isospin states of electrons. In particular, when U ^ - J > 0 and U ^+3J>0 in the ground state every second site is occupied, the spins are decoupled and the c h ain is paramagnetic, w h e n U^-J <0 and J > 0 the ground state is b u ilt up of electron pairs in triplet state, the ground state is paramagnetic with spin S=l, w h e n

U ^ + 3 J < 0 and J <0 in the g round state electron pairs are in singlet state, the ground state is singlet. Since the levels of H can be classified by the eigenvalues of I? and by spin states of single electrons and e l e c t r o n pairs,the p a r t ition function Zq

c o rresponding to Hq can be easily calculated. After taking the trace in the real spin space we get.

NA, z° * e




A, = vlnZ + ilnZ

1 4 s 2 p

В = 21nZ - InZ

s p



Zs = 2ch(BuH)

-ßE1 - ß E 2

Z = (l+2ch2BuK.)e + e (1.5)

in which E^=U^-J and E 2=U^+3J are the characteristic energies of an electron pair in triplet a n d singlet state, respectively.

The second factor in the right hand side of (1.3) xs the partition function of a 1-d Ising model therefore it can be calculated by using the conventional transfer matrix method

[2] . The result is

i0 - [i;/2ij/4<*i,v ,4 1/4 ,4>i‘' (1-6>

The zero-field magnetic s usceptibility can be obtained directly from (1.6)

„„ 2 r ,l , 2e MiJl-BE.

Xu = NBM ( U +

-BE. -BE, Зе *+е

-) +

+ (i -

2e~ ßEl ч , / -BE. -BE 2 -BE. -BE /V/3e

Зе +e г

+e 2 + -) }

-BE. -BE, 2+/ 3e +e

(1.7) The low temperature susceptibility c a n be obta i n e d by e x p a n d i n g .

(i) In the case E.>0, E,>0, when J>0 we get

I z .

2 1 " ^ Xh = NBW (1+ ~

о 2/3

e 2 ^ } (1.8)



the second term in the r i g h t hand side of (1.8) can be a s ­ sociated with the forming of a triplet pair f r o m two single electrons (Fig.3a).When J < 0 we find

2 1 ~2^^2

Xh = Nßy (1 - j e } (1.9)


Now the second term in t h e right h a n d side of (1.9) c o r ­ responds to the forming o f a singlet pair. (Fig.3b)

(ii) In the case E^<0 and J<0 we get

1MO 2 r . 4 ß(E.-E0) 1 2 ßE2 , (, = T Nßy {4— sr e 1 2 - - e }

ho 3 3 /3

(1.1 0) The second term in the r i g h t hand side of (1.10) corresponds to the excitation of a triplet pair into a si n g l e t pair

(Fig.4a), the third term corresponds to the b r e a k of a triplet pair into two single electrons (Fig.4b)

(iii) In the cas e E 2 <0 a n d J<0 we find

*h = « в М 2 (4ев 'Е 2 - Е 1»*2е5 б Е 2 >




1 1



The first term corresponds to the excitation of a singlet pair into a t riplet pair (Fig.5a), the second term can be associated with the break of a singlet pair into two single electrons (Fig.5b).

2. Finite Hopping Case

a . Independent Hopping A p p r o x i m a t i o n

When the hopping is finite the problem c a n not b,e solved exactly. Basing on physical arguments Zawadowski and C ohen

[1] discussed the effect of the h o p p i n g on the ground state of the system. When the hopping is small the ground state can be constructed star t i n g from the ground state of the zero h o p p i n g system and c o n sidering the effect of the hopping on

these states. In the case when U ^ - J > 0 and U ^ + 3 J > 0 as it was


mentioned the ground state of the zero h o p p i n g system is paramagnetic, every second site is occupied. A small hopping makes, for example, the electron in the b o x i jump to the neighbouring site, then the exchange interaction acts between neighbours and finally the electron jumps b a c k to the original position. In this way there is an effective interaction bet­

we e n spins in neighbouring boxes. This interaction causes the system to behave like a weak ferro- or antife r r o - m a g n e t i c chain.

In the case when U^-J<0 and J>0 in the g r o u n d state of the zero hopping s y s t e m electrons form triplet p a i r s . A small hopping makes electrons jump fro m one site to the o t h e r as above. Two separated triplet pairs can interact after two jumps in which two neighbouring pairs break up and temporarily form a new pair.

In this way a weak exchange interaction is esta b l i s h e d between triplet pairs. Thus the triplet pairs will be ordered as in a Heisenberg chain. In the case w h e n U^+3J<0 and J<0 in the ground state of the zero ho p p i n g system electrons form singlet pairs.

The weak singlet pair breaking results in a weak spin correla­

tion existing between electrons separated b y two unoccupied sites. Thus, in any ease, at low temperatures the hopping,

though it is small gives rise to a correlation between electrons in the chain. This makes the p r o b l e m difficult to solve.

When the temperature is raised the corr e l a t i o n between electrons is expected to become weaker, and in the l i mit when 3t is small enough the effect of the hopping in various boxes mus t be independent and this makes the p r o b l e m solvable.

M a t h e m atically this can be shown as follows. For the finite hopping s y s t e m the partition function can be written in the

following form



Z = Tr{e (1.12)

w h e r e for the usefullness we have introduced the formal n o t a ­ tion t^=t. In order to calculate the trace in the right hand side of (1.12) let us c h o o s e the set of eigenstates of Hq and

By these relations the expansion of the right hand side of (1.12) in powers of ßt^ contain o n l y even powers of the

latter. This is the consequence of the symmetry of the two sites in each box.

By making the use of (1.13) it is easy to prove that up to the second order of ßt^ we have

is the partition function of a s y s t e m in w h ich hopping occurs in the box i only. The Hamiltonian of this s y s t e m is

Equality (1.14) e n a b l e s us to reduce the solving of our p r o b l e m with the Hamiltonian given b y (1.1) to the solving of the problem w i t h the Hamiltonian g i v e n by (1.16) and shows that indeed when ßt^ small e n o u g h the h o p p i n g processes in various boxes are uncorrelated.

It should be noted that equality (1.14) requires the smallness not only of ßt^ but also of t i /Ea (a=l,2) because in the case w h e n t^-E^ w e have no right to ignore the

simultaneously of I^(i=l,...N) to be a basis. Let us suppose that |m> is such a function. It is c l ear that

<m|l*|m> = 0, <m| . . .1*. . . I *. . . |m> = 6i;j (1.13$

(1.14) w h ere




4 4

(ßt ) -terms while the (ßE^) -terms are t a k e n into account.

Thus the restrictions imposed on our approximation w h i c h is based on (1.14) are the same as those imposed on the t h e r m o ­ dynamic perturbation theory. (In fact (1.4) can be p r o v e d directly by using the pertubation expansion of the canonical statistical operator e x p { H Q+ 2 t E l ^ } considering 2t£I^ as a small perturbation). Since equality (1.14) requires t h e small­

ness of ßt^ the approximation is reasonable only when hopping is small and temperature is high enough. In particular it can not be used at T=0°K w i t h t^O. In other w o r d s the results, obtained by u s ing (1.14) do not describe the effect o f the hopping on the ground s t a t e .

b . Modified Transfer M a t r i x Method.

In o rder to calculate we separate the Hamiltonian into two p a rts in such a way that one of t h e m does n o t contain the dynamical variables of the e l e c t r o n in the box i. This can be easily don e by using the following identity

(-I^_1+ l / 2 ) ( I ^ +1+l/2 ) + ( - l J _ 1+ l / 2 ) ( - l J +1+l/2) +

+ (Ii-l+1/2) (4 + l +1/2) + (Ii-l+1/2) ( _ I i+l+1/2)=1 (1.17) The operator then c a n be wri t t e n in the following f o r m

Hi= j^ ^ ( ( I ^ /2)(‘ I i i 1 + 1 / 2)C(ur J V 1+l )^ (^ V i )]

- р Н [ (Ij+l/2)(Ij+1+ l / 2 ) a ? + ( - I j+1/2)(“Ij+1+ l / 2 ) о j+ 1 ]}+

+ ( - I i-l+ 1 / 2 ) (Ii+1+ l / 2 )H(i)+(I^_1+ l / 2 ) ( - I ^ + 1 +l/2)H(i-l,i,i+l) + + ( I i-l+ 1 / 2 ) ( I i+l+ 1 / 2 ) H ( i - 1 'i) + ( - I i-l+;L/2)(-I^+1+l/2) H ( i , i + 1 ) .



IO where


H(i-l,i)=(-I*+l/2) (U1-j0i_ 1ai)+2tiI*-y3t ( о ^ д + с ф


Н(1,1+1)=(1*+1/2) (U1-Jaiai+1)+2tilJ-y5e(a

H(i-1, i ,i+1)=(-1^+1/2)(U1-Jai_1ai)+(I^+l/2)(U1Jaiai+1) + (1.19) These operators c o r r espond to the four c o n f i g urations shown in F i g . 6. where the electrons in the b o x e s i-1 a n d i+1 are situated at determined sites, the hopping takes p l a c e only in the box i. Each term i n (1.18) commute w i t h the o thers therefore the y can be s i m u l t a n e o u s l y diagonalized. Let us

denote the partition f u n c t i o n corresponding to H(i), H(i-l,i), H(i,i+1) and H(i-l,i,i+l) by Z Z 2 _, Z2+ and Z 3 , respectively.

By the symmetry it is c l e a r that Z 2 _ = Z 2+ therefore t h ere remain only three independent functions Z^, Z 2 HZ2_=Z2+ , and Z^. Fr o m (1.18) it is e a s i l y seen that the partition function Z^ c o r r e s p o n d i n g to c a n be expressed in t e r m s of Z^, Z^, and Z^ as follows

( - I j+l/2) ( - I j + 1 + l / 2 ) + ( I j+l/2)(Ij + 1 +l/2)

Zi x

I1 ‘*•Ii - l Ii+l*•*IN

E (I.+l/2)(-I +1/2)

j#i-l,i J 0 ±

x Z JT '

(~Ii_ 1+ l / 2 ) ( I i+1+l/2)


x P

C("Ii - l + 1 / 2 ) ( "Ii + l + 1 / 2 ) + ( I i - l +1/2)(Ii+l+1/2)]

x Z

2 x

(Ii_ 1+ l / 2 ) ( - I i+1+l/2) Z3

x (1 .20)


Using identities Z s =exp[lnZg ] etc. we get

, E B I . I . ^ . + C I , n I. ,, + D ( I . .-I..,) (N-2)A1+ A 2 7 3 + 1 i-1 i + 1 i“l i + 1

1 Ii * • ,Ii-lIi + l * ‘*IN (1-21)

where A^ and В are given by (1.4) and A_=-x(lnZ1-21nZ„ + l n Z 0)

2 4 1 2 3

C =-lnZ^+21nZ2~lnZ (1.22)

D=| ( l n Z 3-lnZ1- l n Z p )

The structure of Z , in (1.21) is again somewhat similar to the partition function of a 1-d Ising m o d e l therefore it should be e x p e c t e d to be calculated in some w a y similar to the transfer m a t r i x method. Let us introduce two matrices and P 2 defined as follows. P^ is the matrix w i t h elements

<Ijip i i I j+ i >=e

B I j I j+l

(1.23) w i t h j ^ i-l,i + 1 ; and P 2 is the m a t r i x with elements

C I i - l Ii+l+ D ( I i-l'Ii + l )

(1.24) i - 1 1 ‘ 2 1 J'i+1'

The right ha n d side of (1.23) can be written in terms of the m a t r i x elements of these matrices as follows

(N-2) A. +A_

Z ±=e x ^Е<1.|Р1 |12 > <

< Г 1 - 2 'B 1 'Ii - 1 > X rl* • •Ii - l Ii+l* * л ы

X<Ii-l I P 2 I Ii+l> < I i + l 1P1IIi + 2 > X

x --*<IN lP llIl> (1.25)

where N is the number of boxes in the chain.

(N-2)A +A

Zi=e Tr{P1N _ 2 P 2 } (1.26)

The eigenvalues of P^ can be e asily found. T h e y are X, = ( Z 1/2Z ' 1 '4 + z ^ z 1 '4 )

1 + s P S p (1.27)



Denoting the matrix w h i c h diagonalizes by T, and the diagonal m a t r i x elements of the m a t r i x T P 2T 1 by X2 + fro m

(1.26) we have

Z i=e ( N - 2 ) A l+A2 ( X ^ 2 X2++x5II 2 X 2 _) (1.28) Since N is v e r y large a . m , A„

Zi=(e Л1 + ) e Л 2+ (1-29)

X ^ c a n be e a s i l y found. It is

X2+= e C ^ + e c h D (1.30)

Comparing (1.29) w i t h (1.6) we see

Z =Z AZ (1.31)

i о where

AZ=(e 1 X1 + ) e ^ X 2+ (1.32)

Due to the equivalence of the boxes in fact Z^ is independent of the box index and therefore (1.14) gives us

Z=Zq(AZ)N (1.33)

Substituting (1.32) into (1.33) and u s i n g (1.4),(1.22), ( 1 . 2 7 ) , and (1.30) we can express the partition function Z in terms of Z^, Z2 , a n d Z^.

c . Calculation of Z^,_Z 2 , and Z ^

The Hamiltonian H(i) can be easily diagonalized and therefore the corresponding p a r t i t i o n function Z^ can be easily found

Z.=2Z ch(ßt) (1.34)

X s Assuming that 8t<<l we have

Zl- 2 Z s« s <Bt)2 (1.35)


In order t o c a l c u l a t e we w r i t e the H a m i l t o n i a n H ( i - l , i , i + l ) in the f o l l o w i n g form

H ( i - l f i)=Ho (i-l,i)+2ti I^C (1.36) w h e r e

H o (i-l,i)=(-I^+l/2)(U1- J a i_1a1 )-uU( o ^ _ 1+ o p (1.37) The eigenstates of this oper a t o r can be easily found.

They are

* í l = < l 1 / 2 > i-ll1 / 2 > i 1. *

Ф 10= /2ф 1 [ I1/2>i- l I 1 / 2 > i + l1 /2 > i- l l 1/2>i ] Ф 11= ф 1 U 7 2 > i_1|i72>.

= /f |l/2>i_ 1 |l/2>.-|l/2>i _ 1 |l/2>.



Where ф* and are the eigenfunctions of the operator 1^ w i t h the eigenvalues +1/2 and -1/2, respectively, |l/2>^

|l/2>^ are the eigenfunctions of the operator with the eigenvalues +1/2, and -1/2, respectively. The signs at ф indicate the site of the electron in the box i, the first index indicates the total spin of the pair formed by the

electrons in the box i-1 and i, the second index indicates the z-component of the total spin.

The matrix c o rresponding to the operator H(i-l,i) is denoted by the same symbol. In the b a s i s formed by the s y s t e m of functions in (1.38) it has the following form

H (i - 1 ,i)=Qq q(-2)®Qq q(0)©Qq q(2)®Qq q(0) where

Q Pq (s ) = /p E l+qE2+SM fc


p'q' t p'E1+q'E2 + su






The eigenvalues of the m atrix H(l-l,i) can be easily found b y solving the characteristic equations corresponding to the submatrices in the d irect sum (1.39). In this way we

obtain 2 2

- ß ( E 1+ |-) ߧ- Z„=(l+2ch2ßMtf)(e 1 +e 1 )

i 2 2

+ - ß ( E 2+lj> ^

(e +e z )


The first t e r m in the right hand side of (1.41) is the contribution of the states w i t h 6=1, the second t e r m is the contribution of the states w i t h S=0.

In getting this we used the condition (t/Ea )<<l (a=l,2) Assuming that ßt<<l we have

Z2=(Zs+ Z p )+

-BE. -ßE,

(l+2ch2yiß ) (1-e ) , (1-e


(Bt)‘ (1.42)

The partition function can be found in a similar w a y Let us write H(i-l,i,i+l) in the following form

H(i-l,i,i+l)=H (i-l,i,i+l)+2t±I* (1.43) where

Ho (i-l,i,i+l)=(-l^+l/2)(U1- J a i _1ai )+(I^+1/2)(U1- J a i ai+1)-

- M * ( o * _ 1+aJ+a*+ 1 ) (1.44)

Th i s operator describes the zero hopping s y s t e m of the three electrons in the boxes i-1, i a n d i+1 in w h i c h the electron in the b o x i-1 occupies the right hand site and the electron in the b o x i+1 occupies the left hand site. In this system the electron in the b o x i can for m pair w i t h the electron in the b o x i-1 or i+1 depending whether it is situated in the left or right site in its box. P aring with the elec t r o n in the box i-1 it leaves the electron in the


box i+1 alone and viceversa. Basing on this the eigenstates of HQ (i-l,i,i+l) can be constructed in the following way.

From t h e eigenfunctions of the operators a^_^, , and we can construct the following independent functions Xi=| 1 / 2 > i_i 11/2>± I 1/2>±-hi » X5= | l 7 2 > i _1|l/2>i |l/2>1+1

X2= l 1 / 2 > i - i


1~ 2 >± I1/2>±+i , X6= | l 7 2 > i_1|l72>i |l/2>1+1 (1.45) X3=|1/2>i_il17 2 >i l1/2>i+ i , X7= | l 7 2 > i _1|l/2>i |l72>i+1

X 4= | 1/ 2> i _ i l 172> i |l7 2> i + i , x 8 =l 1Г 2> ± _ 1 1172> ± I l T 2 > i + 1

T h e three electrons can be in states of total spin equals to 3/2 or 1/2. The spin functions corresponding to these states can be constructed from the functions in (1.45). F o r total

spin S=3/2 we have four states

3/2,3/2 X 1 ' X 3 /2 , 1 /2 X 2+ X 3+ X 5

(1.46) 3 /2, - 3 /2 =X8 ' X 3/2,-l/2= x 4+x6+ x 7

F o r S=l/2 we have eight states

x(1) = / 2 (x5~X 2 ) ' x(1) = / 2 (x6 _ X 7 )

1/2,1/2 1/2,-1/2 b '

X(^) = ji(Y -V ) _ y \

1/2,1/2 / 2 Ц 3 X2 ’ ' X1 / 2 , -1 / 2 / 2 U 4 X 7 ; (1.47) (3)

Cl/2,1/2 /6

l / ,Xc'*"Xo— 2 X-i'> , x < 3 )

= .7c (Л5 A2 " л3)

1/2,-1/2 / 6 (Х6 + Х 7~2Х4 )

X1 /2,1/2 / б (х3+ х 2 ~ 2 х 5 ) ,xl / 2 ,-1/2 / 6 (x4+ x 7 ~ 2x6 )

The eigenstates of Hq (i - 1 ,i ,i + 1 ) now can be c o n structed from these s p i n functions and the isospin functions <p~ . There are



16 functions of them. For S=3/2 we have-

ф З/2,±3/2 ф 1х З/2,±3/2 ф З/2,±1/2= ф 1Х 3/2,±1/2


For S = 1 /2 we hawe

ф1/2, ±1/2 ф 1/2,±1/2

_ - (3)

Ф 1 X l / 2 ,±1/2


where the signs at ф indicate the isospin state of the electron in the b o x i, the first index indicates the total spin of the three electrons, the second index indicates the z-component of the total spin.

F r o m the functions in (1.49) we construct the following symmetric and antisymmetric functions

The m a t r i x corresponding to H(i-l,i,i+l) in the basis formed (1.50)

by the system of functions in (1.48) and (1.50) (denoted by the same symbol) has the following for m

H ( i - l , i , i + l ) = Q ^ ( - l ) © Q ^ ( l ) ® Q Í o ( ‘3 ) ® Q Í Ő (3)®

© R+ (-1)©R~(1)©R+ (1)©r"(-1) . (1.51) where Q ^ , (s) is given by (1.40) and

/e2 ±§ +suK



The eigenvalues of the m a trix H(i-l,i,i+l) can be easily found. The corresponding partition function is



_ f t F + 3 ( 3t)2 _ßp _ 3(ßt)2

Z3=2Zs{e ^ h i ß t ^ e * 1 4ß(E2-El) +e *E2 T O I ^ T j ch(|t)}

(1.53) In getting (1.53) we used the condition (t/Ea )<<l (a=l,2).

The first term in the right hand side of (1.53) is the contribution of the states with S-3/2, the second te r m is that of the states with S=l/2.

Assuming that ßt<<l we have

z3-2zs V zS(t2oh2e^ w S ^ T - Ie 6El + (154)

1 1 — 3E_ 2

+ i4 " 2 3 ( E 2- E 1 ) }(6t) d. Free Energy and Magnetic Susceptibility


M a k i n g use of (1.33),(1.35),(1.42), and (1.54) we can calculate the partition function Z and therefore the free energy. The result is

F = Fo+AF1+ A F 2+ A F 3 (1.55) where Fq is the free energy of the zero hopping system,

AF^, (y=l,2,3) are the contributions of the hopping c o r r e s p o n d ­ ing to the configurations shown in Figs. 6a, 6b and 6c, and 6d, respectively.

4p . ___ < i « 2 ,1/2,

1 „ 1/2, 2 Zp Zs 2ß< V Zp >


Д f 2= (ßt) * (l+2ch2ßufc) (1-e x) + l^e.

ß ( Z s+Zp ) 2 ß E 2


A F 3= (ßt)

T7272- z;1/2Zs{[20h2ey* + i +

2ß ( Z +Z

s p 2ß(E2- E 1)

-] e -ßE-

2ß( E 2-E1 )

■] e -ßE,




(1.55) is nothing but the perturbational expansion of the free energy in powers of (ßt) up to the second order.

In principle, this result can be obtained by using the conventional thermodynamical perturbation theory, in practice, however, we can not do it because of the high

degeneracy of our system. By (1.13) the free energy is an even function of t. Its expansion in powers of (ßt) contains only even powers. This is the consequence of the equivalence of

the two sites in each box.

The magnetic susceptibility can be obtained directly by using (1.55) and (1.56). The result is

V * h +4Xh + * X h + i X h (1.57)

0 1 2 3

where x^ is the magnetic susceptibility of the zero hopping о

system given by (1.7) and Дх^ (y=l,2,3) are the contributions Y

of the hopping c o rresponding to the configurations shown in Fig. 6.

ДХ =(ßt)2 --- ■ -.. Ni ^ ----

1 / “ BE. - ßE_ 3 / - ß E . BE„

(2+/3e x+e z ) /Зе +


-BE. -BE, x (2-/3e +e ' M e

-BE. -BE, 1-e

Axh = ( et)2 ... ... 4 N ß H---- = - 2 / - B E . - B E , 3 -BE. -BE,

(2 + / 3 e +e z ) /Зе х +е

x [

-BE. / -BE. -BE -BE,

(1-e )(/3e +e +2e )


-BE / -BE. -BE, -BE.

(1-e )(/3e x+e ^+2e x ) BE0


A x h =(ßt)' 3


(2+/3e / -BE,



" V / i

-ßE„, 3 / -BE, -BE * " 2

V3( '3e +e

/ -BE. -ßE -BE. -ßE-

x {(2-/3e +e (e -e A)


-ßE. — ßE- 3 [ (14+9/3e J4-e )e

■ßE l / (2-/3.

-ßE. -ßE- -ßE- (2-/3e x+e z )e ] -ßE -ßE,

2ß(3e ±+e

x t (

. . ~ßE. . . ßE-

E--E. ” 2 ^ e _ ^E0-E. + 2 ^ )B ^ (1.58) J2 "1 J2 "1

For hopping small enough we can find its contribution at low temperatures by expanding (1.58).

(i) In the case E^>0 and E2>0 we find Дх^ = Ах^ =0 and 4* h 24 (st) 21)61,2 (|ё^ -

If J>0 we have approximately 2

BE. -) (1-59)

% = f ^ 16t>2


It is the contribution of the hop p i n g corresponding to the configuration shown in Fig.6b (or Fig.6c) in state wit h S=1

(Fig.7a). If J<0 we have approximately

■ > „ - -

2 2E2

(1.61) This is the contribution of the hopping c o rresponding to the configuration shown in Fig.6b (or Fig.6c) in state w i t h S=0

(Fig. 7b).

(ii) In the case E. <0 and J>0 we find Дхи =0 and

> , 2

i x h = - — ( e t ) 2 N 6 u 2 e

n l 3/3





ДХ^ can be associated wi t h the break of a triplet pair to form the configuration shown in Fig.6a (Fig.8a). The first term in (1.63) corresponds to the break of a triplet pair to form the configuration shown in Fig.6d in state with S=3/2

(Fig.8b), the second term corresponds to the break of a triplet pair to form the configuration shown in Fig.6d in state wit h S = 1 /2 (Fig.8c)

(iii) In the case E2<0 and J<0 we find Дх^ =0 and

ДХ^ corresponds to the break of a singlet pair to from the configuration shown in Fig.6a (Fig.9a), Дхь can be associated


with the break of a singlet pair to form the c o nfiguration shown in Fig.6d, in state with S=l/2 (Fig.9b). F r o m (1.54) it is clear that at low temperature the c o n f i g u r a ­ tion shown in Fig.6d in state with S=3/2 gives no contribution.








11, DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES 1. Zero Hopping Case

The box m o del contains not on l y spin but also coordinate variables therefore it can also be use d to describe the

dielectric properties of corresp o n d i n g systems.

Let us consider the model in a static electric field The Hamiltonian of the s y s t e m is

H'=H'+2tZI* (2.1)

° i 1 where

H^=E(I ^ + l / 2 ) ( I ^ + 1 )(U1- J a i0 1 + 1 )+e£ZI^ (2.2) is the Hamiltonian of the zero h o p p i n g system in the field.

The p r o b l e m with H^ can also be solved e xactly in the same way as w h e n solving the p roblem with HQ in Section I.

The partition function Z^ corresponding to H^ can be found by taking the t r ace in the real spin space first. After d o i n g this we get

N A Z'=eо T. e

I I* X N



wit h

K - 2'

Ai 4 inzp+! inz;

B ' = 2 1 n Z '- I n Z '

s p

-PE. -BE, Z '=3e 1+e 2



(2.5) The second f a ctor in the right h a n d side of (2.3) again is the partition function of a 1-d Ising model in an external field therefore it can be calculated by using the conventional transfer m a t r i x m e t h o d . The result is



гД=( Z 'chiße€ + / z ' 2s h 2iße£+Z ')N

S z S Z p

O S Z ' S

The dielectric susceptibility can be obtained directly from (2.6)







NBe / BE. -BE 2/3e +e z


This quantity is always positive. Thus the zero hopping system is p a r a e l e c t r i c . At T = 0 ° K Axeo diverges when U ^ - J > 0 and U 1+3J>0,and becomes zero w h e n U 1~J<0 and J>0 as well as when U 1+3J<0 and.;J<О . This indicates some charge o r d e r i n g in the ground state. Namely, as it can be easily seen, the ground state is ferroelectric in the first case a n d antiferroelectric in the second and third cases* and at high temperatures when even ßE «<1 (a=l,2) w e have


^ e o = (2.8)

The first term has the form of the Curie law describing the free d i p ó l - moment system. The second term describes the effect of the Coulomb interaction. The latter supports or prevents the polarization d e p e n d i n g whether it is repulsion or attraction thereby X0 Ű (U ^>O ) >Xe Q (u 1< 0 ) as it can be seen from (2.8).

2. Finite Hopping Case

a . Independent Hopping Approximation

The p r o b l e m with Hamiltonian H' can not be solved

exactly. It can, however, bf* solved approximately if Bt is small.

Since the eigenstates of have the same structure as that of Hq the same reasoning as in Section I. can be used here to get

z ' = z ' n — o

Z i


oi Z'



where Z' is the partition function corresponding t o H', Z£

is the partition function of the single hopping system described by the following Hamiltonian

H.'=H'+2t,I* (2.10)

i о l i b . Modified Transfer Matrix Method

The function Z^ can be calculated in similar way as

when calculating Z^ in Section I. By using identity (1.17) we can write in the following form

Hi = E ( I ^ + l / 2 ) (-1* + 1 / 2 ) (U.-Ja.o .)+e£ E I*

1 j*L-l,i 3 3+1 1 1 1+1 j*i 1 +

+(' Ii-l+1/2)(Ii + l + 1 / 2 ) H '( i)+(Ii-l+ 1 / 2 ) ( “ Ii+l+ 1 / 2 ) H '(i_1'i 'i+1)+

+ ( I ^ _ 1+l/2)(I^+ 1 + l / 2 ) H ,(i-l,i)+(-ii_1+l/2)(-I^+ 1 + l / 2 ) H ,(i,i+l) (2 .11) where

H' (i)=2tiI^+e€l^ (2.12)

H ' ( i - l ,i)=(-I*+l/2)(U1- J o i_ 1a i)+2ti I^+e£l^ (2.13) H ' ( i , i + l)=(I^+l/2)(U1- J a io i + 1 )+2tiI^+e£l^ (2.14) H' (i-l,i,i+l)=(-I*+l/2) (U1- J a i_ 1a i ) + (l^+l/2) (Uj- J OjO ^ )

+ 2 t ±I^+e£l^ (2.15)

The structure of (2.11) is the same as (1.18) therefore the same arguments as in Section I. can be used here. By using the identity


(Ij+ I j+ l )+I (Ii-l+ I i+ l> (2.16) w h ich can be e a s i l y proved by using the ayclic boundary c o n d i ­ tion

IN+1 I1 (2.17)



we can w r ite Z^ in the following form (N-2)A'+Al

Z[=e 1 Е е

II* *,Ii - l I i + l * *,JN

j|i-l,i B 1 j 1j+1 2- «* <Ij+ I j+1 )

x ec 'I i-iIi+ i+ D " Ii - r D + I i+ i (2.18)

(2.19) where A^ and B' are given by (2.4) and

A'=i(lnZ'+lnZ'+lnZ'+lnZ') C'=-lnZ'+lnZ'_+lnZ'+ -lnZ'

D ±=j(lnZ'-lnZ^ +lnZ ' _ ± l n Z ' + ±ße£-lnZp)

where Z£, Z'_, Z' + f an<* Z3 are Pa r t it i°n functions cor­

responding to H'(i), H'(i-l,i), H ' ( i / i + D » and H ' (i - 1 , i , i+1) respectively. In order to calculate the right hand side of

(2.18) let us indtroduce the matrices and P 2 w i t h matrix elements

<IjlPl l IJ + 1 >-e (2 .20)

with j^i-l,i+l and

<Ii-llp 2 I 1 i+l>=e

c 'I i-lIl+ l+D Ч - г 0 ri+l Relation (2.18) then can be w r i t t e n as


Z[=e 1 2 Tr(P'N _ 2 p'}

The eigenvalues of P^ can be e asily found. They are


(2.2 2)

л. =z'_1/2z'T l /4 (z'chÍ8e£±/z'^3h2Í8e£+z')

1± s p s 2 s 2 p' (2.23)

Denoting the matrix w h ich diagonalizes by T' and the diagonal matrix elements of the matrix T'P'T' ^ by

*2+ from (2.22) we have


(N-2)AÍ+A: м , M ,

'I"« <X1+ X2++ X í- XP


For large N we hav e approximately

г 1 - ( е А Ч £ + )Ы - 2 е А 2 х ’+


XI. can be easily found. A simple calculation g i ves us

2+ ___________ _ Cr^ Q, rC>

[/sh2iße£+e“ B 'ch(D_/2)+sh(i ß e £ ) s h ( D _ / 2 ) ]e4 2+e 4 c h ( D + /2)

X ' =- 2+


/e Sh2 i-ße 6 +1ße (2.26)


D ±= D + ±D- (2.27)

Comparing (2.25) with (2.6) we see

Zj = Z 'A Z ' (2.28)

i о where

A Z ' = ( e A ^X[+ )"2eA 2 X'+ (2.29) Due to the equivalence of the b o x e s in fact is

independent of t h e box index therefore from (2.9) and (2.28) we have

Z'=Z^(AZ')N (2.30)

c. Calculation of Z^,_Z l + , and Z '

The Hamiltonian H'(i), H'(i-lfi)f and H'(i,i+l)can be exactly diagonalized in the same way as when treating wi t h H(i) H(i-l,i), and H(i,i+1) in Section I. The Hamiltonian

H ' ( i - 1 ,i,i+1) c a n not be diagonalized exactly. Its spectrum can be found a pproximately by treating the last term in (2.15) as a small perturbation a n d using the perturbation theory.

In this way we find



Z^=4ch(ßt+ ß e V 8t

Z ' ±= 3 { exp[-ß(E1+ | - ± M 1e£'+N1e2e2 ) ] + 2

+ e x p [ B ( | - ± M 1e£+ N 1e 2£ 2 ) ] } + 2

+ exp[ - ß ( E 2+ | - ± M 2e £ + N 2e 2£.2 ) ] + 2

+exp[ß (g— ± M 2e£+ N 2e 2£ 2 ) ]} .

e 2c 2 e 2^ 2

~3(E, + t+ =j£-) -ß(E -t-

Z'=4[e 1 8t + e 1 8t

+ 2 [ e

+ 2 [ e


+ e


M =

2 4<E2-E l )

.t. 3t2

+ 2+ 4(E2-E l )

.4. 3t2 4(E2-E1 )

2л 2 . T . 2 2C 2

4 r ~ ) -ß(E,+i- - Л- Л — + Ч ~ ) + e

, c 2 C 2 15e £

и 6(е2-е1 :

1 2 4 ( E 2-E1 ) 4t

+ i^ 2£ 2 ) 336(E2- E 1 ) ;

01 2 (E2+ 4 t 2 )1/2

а а (E2+4t2 ) 3/2


(а=1,2) (2.32)

In getting (2.31) we assumed that t>>£ therefore the results obtained in the following are true only for t=^0.

d . Free Energy and Dielectric Susceptibility

By m aking the use of (2.29), (2.30), and (2.31) it can be easily seen that the free energy of the system is an e v e n function of the electric field. This is quite general result and independent of the approximations used. It is the consequence


of the left-right symmetry of the system under consideration.

Since for our s ystem there is no difference between the left and right the free energy is of course independent of the direction of the field.

For the dielectric susceptibility w e find

Xe = Xeo+ A X e (2.33)


x e o i s

the dielectric susceptibility of the zero hopping system, Дхе is the contribution of the hopping.

ДХ 4 N ß e 2{-2Z '-1/2-ieB '/4 +

e 2 p 2

+ B l+ E 2+ ® 3 + eC'/4+ e -C'/4c h D ,

ieC '

/ 4 [ S 2 - S 1 +

+ S3+ ^ ( 2 S eB>/4+ e 3 B ' /,4)2 ]+e C ’ [2(S3 - S 1 ) x

x shD ' - ( S 2-S1+ S 3 )chD'}} (2.34)

where c — 1



ßt .2 7

S = _ 1

2 Ц

-ß(E.+|-) - | C 3 N , ( e 1 E1

ß f2


- e El) + .2


+ N 2 (e 2 E 2 ef- - e E2 ) ]


C ßt L


CO Ы II 1 N| U)

4 <e2- V - 2ohtfb)

2 7

s - 1 -

1 , - e(Ei V

^t 1 3M. le 1 -

Z2 1 2


e E1 ] + .2

-ß(E +§— ) M 2 le E2 -


e E2 ] } (2.33)



in which Z^, Z', Z', and C' and D' are determined by (1.34), (1.41), (1.54) , and (1.22), respectively with it =0.

At high temperature when even 8Ea <<l (a=l,2) we h a v e a p ­ proximately

*e - + l eUl - 3 T B(Ul-J) 1 ( 2 -36)

Comparing (2.36) with (2.7) we see that at the same

temperature the dielectric susceptibility of the finite hopping system is smaller than that of the zero hopping one. This is the direct consequence of the fact that the hopping breaks the order w h ich has been established by the field.


The method used here can clearly be generalized to consider the effect of the hopping on the behaviour of the 3-d box

model coupled by the Coulomb interaction Í 3].

Since the method is based on the uncorrelated hopping processes, which take place only at finite temperature, it can

not be used to consider the e f fect of the hopping on the ground state. This problem is hoped to be solved by using the varia­

tional method [4].



I should like to express my d e e p gratitude to

Dr A. Zawadowski for suggesting me to deal w i t h these problem and helping throughout the work. The work should not be

able to accomplished wi t h o u t his ideas. I am deeply thankful also to Drs J. Sólyom,T. Siklós, F. Woynarovich and P. Fazekas for their valuable helps, discussions and advices.


[1] A. Zawadowski and M.H. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 1 6 , 1730 /1977/

[2] K. Huang; Statistical P h y s i c s ; John Wiley*Sons, Inc;

New York-London, 1963

[3] F. Woynarovich ; Solid State Comm. 24, 797 /1977/

[4] P. Fazekas and A. Kövér, KFKI-1978-48



F i g . 1. Schematic representation of ordered salts of (DONOR) (TCNQ)2 with alternating donor-ion d ipole moments.

The d onor sites are represented by arrows and the dimerised acceptor sites by open circuits.

F i g . 2. The structure of an acceptor chain (d^<d2 )

F i g . 3. The processes giving contributions to the magnetic susceptibility at low temperatures in the case

F i g . 4.

E^>0 and E 2>0

The processes giving contributions to the magnetic susceptibility at low temperatures in the case

F i g . 5.

E^<0 and J>0 .

The processes giving contributions to the magnetic susceptibility at low temperatures in the case

F i g . 6.

e2<o J<0

The configurations corresponding to the four Hamiltonian in (1.19).

F i g . 7. The processes corresp o n d i n g to the contribution of the hopping to the magnetic susceptibility at low t e m p e r a ­

F i g . 8.

F i g . 9.

tures in the case E^>0 E 2 >0 .

The processes c o rresponding to the c o ntribution of the hopping to the magnetic susceptibility at low temperatures in the case E^<0 and J>0 .

The processes corresponding to the c o ntribution of the hopping to the magnetic susceptibility at low t e m p e r a ­ tures in the case E 2<0 and J<0 .




Fig. 6.


Fig. 8.


S-1/2 Ь,

Fig. 9.


Kiadja a Központi Fizikai Kutató Intézet Felelős kiadó: Krén Emil

Szakmai lektor: Zawadowski Alfréd Nyelvi lektor Woynarovich Ferenc Példányszám: 255 Törzsszám: 80-392 Készült a KFKI sokszorosító üzemében Budapest, 1980. junius hó



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