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INDEX Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to, although his name is not cited in the text.


Academic year: 2022

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Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to, although his name is not cited in the text.


Allsopp, C. B., 102 Anno, T., 89 Astier, R., 77 Azarraga, L., 55

Azumi, T., 24, 41, 54, 55, 56

Β Backstrom, H. L. J., 84,103 Baczynzki, Α., 39

Barbaron, M., 20 Basu, S., 25 Bauer, R., 39

Becker, R. S„ 24, 39,106 Becquerel, Ε., 112 Beer, M., 18,102,103 Bennett, R., 119 Bersohn, R., 105

Bhaumik, M. L., 48, 49(14), 103 Blackwell, L. Α., 30,55,60,61 (8), 67(8),


Blake, N. W., 7,10(7), 11 (7), 16(7), 22,55 Bogus, J. D., 26

Bowen, K, 68(32), 70 Brand, J. C. D., 103 Brandon, R. W., 14, 48 Brewster, R. G., 43

Briegleb, G., 26, 61, 64, 67(13) Brinen, J., 103

Britt, R. D., 112, 132, 139 Brocklehurst, B., 68(32), 70 Byers, G. W., 46


Calvin, M., 13 Carr, E. P., 102 Chapman, J. H., 126 Charles, S. W., 14 Chaudhuri, J. N., 25 Ch'in-Kuoli, 105 Chowdhury, M., 90

Christodouleas, N. D., 24, 25, 128 Clar, E., 36, 62, 63(18), 64(18), 65(18),

67(18), 68, 69, 70(18), 71(18), 78, 124, 168

Clementi, E., 6,16(3), 42 Cohen, Α., 72, 103 Cohen, B. J., 106

Corkill, J. M., 25, 81,82, 83 Cox, R. G., 126

Craig, D. P., 36, 44, 76

Czekalla, J., 19, 26, 31, 61, 63, 64, 67(13, 22), 68(32), 70, 77

D Daigre, G. W., 24, 128 Daigre, J., 24,122 Dalton, J. C , 62 Dann, O., 126 Debye, P., 105

de Groot, M. S., 14, 34, 71 Desai, S. R., 95

Dexter, D. L., 46 Di Giorgio, V., 103

Dikun, P. P., 30, 54, 60, 61 (5), 67(5), 77 Diner, S., 86


Dôrr, F., 31,40,41,42,56,91,92,93 (11), 94, 116

Douzou, P., 105

Drushel, H. V., 126, 149, 175, 176, 177, 178

Dupuy, F., 18, 55

Ε Edwards, J. D., 105 El-Bayoumi, Μ. Α., 39, 70 Elbert, W. C.5 174 Elder, E., 26

El-Sayed, Μ. Α., 18,39,40,41,42,43,48, 49(14), 57, 89, 90, 91,103,116,119, 120

Ermolaev, V. L., 18, 22, 45

Evans, D. F., 7,10(6), 13,25,26(16-20), 33, 60, 61(9, 10, 12), 64, 89, 93, 94, 95(14), 102

F Fell, G. S., 71

Ferguson, J., 17,39,61,67,78,79,80,113 Fialkovskaya, Ο. V., 95

Finkelnburg, W., 5, 6(1) Fischer, P. H. H., 14

Fôrster, Th., 9, 13, 33, 40, 46, 49, 51, 57, 59,126

Foster, R., 82, 83 Franck, H. G., 170 Franck, J., 9

Franke, W. H., 94, 95(15), 98, 99, 100 Freed, S., 106,179,181

Frosch, R. P., 18, 25, 31, 34, 39, 75, 76

G Geacintov, N., 119 Gerkin, R. E., 14, 48

Gibson, G. E., 34, 35(4), 38(4), 39(4), 75, 76(44), 80,117

Gilmore, E. H., 34, 35, 38(4), 39(4), 75, 76, 80, 117

Girdzhiyavskaite, E., 68(31), 70

Glier, R., 26

Goodman, L., 16, 40, 41, 42, 84, 89, 90, 103

Goodmann, L., 28,106 Gordon, M. P., 147

Graham-Bryce, I. J., 25, 81, 82, 83 Gropper, H., 31,40,41,42,91,92,93 (11),


H Hadley, S. G., 37 Hall, G. G., 16, 62 Ham, N. S., 16 Hameka, H. F., 76 Hammick, D. L., 82, 83 Hammond, G. S., 46, 62,121

Hanada, K., 30,68(38), 71,101,120,166 Hanst, P. L., 7,10(7), 11 (7), 16(7), 22 Hardwicki, R., 119

Hartmann, H., 86, 87(1), 89(1) Harvey, L. G., 110

Hatchard, C. G., 10,11, 50, 51, 53, 54(4, 9), 55(9), 56, 75, 112, 114, 129, 130, 156

Haug, Α., 105 Hauser, T. R., 141

Heckman, R. C., 36, 68(38), 71, 95, 99, 100, 101

Heicklen, J., 11 Hélène, C., 105 Heller, Α., 48, 49(15) Hercules, D. M., 142,143 Herkstroeter, W. G., 62, 121 Herre, W., 26, 61,64, 67 Hesse, G., 118

Hirota, N., 55

Hirshberg, Y., 67, 77, 78 Hirt, R. C., 90

Ho, M., 126

Hochstrasser, R. M., 20, 39, 41, 42, 46, 57, 123

Hollas, J. M., 76

Hollifield, H. C., 104, 186, 188, 189 Hood, G. M., 82, 83(10)

Hornig, A. W., 14


Hubert-Habart, M., 68(28), 70,114 Hutchison, C. Α., 14, 48, 55, 76 Hutton, E., 54

Hyde, J. S., 14

I Iljina, Α. Α., 68(27, 29), 70

Iredale, T., 61, 67(11), 78, 79, 80,113 Ironside, C. T., 71

Isenberg, J., 105

Kern, J., 56

Khaluporskii, M. D., 17,175 King, G. W. I., 76

Kingstedt, F. W., 89 Klevens, H. B., 65

Klimova, L. Α., 68(31), 70(31, 33) Koide, S., 42, 76

Kortiim, G., 126 Kotlyav, J. P., 22 Krishna, M., 89

Krishna, V. G.,40,41,42 Kruber, O., 164

Kuwana, T., 14

Jablonski, Α., 49 Jermolaev, W. L., 41,42 Johnson, H., 147,174 Jones, T. H., 37 Joyce, Τ. Α., 56,156 Judeikis, H. S., 24


Kahn, Α., 119 Kaiser, H., 151

Kajigaeshi, S., 30, 68(38), 71, 101, 120, 166

Kallmann, H., 55

Kanda, Y., 20, 30, 31, 55, 60, 61(8), 64, 67(8), 68(38), 71, 77, 84, 85, 89, 92, 94,101, 120, 166

Kaseda, H., 84, 89

Kasha, M., 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16(3), 17, 18(15), 22, 24, 27, 28, 35, 36, 57, 59, 60, 61 (10), 62, 63, 67, (3,15, 22), 71 (3), 77(3), 79, 80, 81, 82, 83(7), 84, 89(3), 91, 93(10), 94, 102, 103(1), 112

Kautsky, H., 52, 54 Kauzmann, W., 5 Kearns, D. R., 29, 60, 65 Keirs, R. J., 112,132,139 Keller, R. Α., 37

Kellogg, R. E., 34, 35, 37(7), 116, 119

L Laffitte, E., 119

Lamola, Α. Α., 46, 62,121 Lang, K. F., 68(39), 71 La Paglia, S. R., 22,104 Laposa, J. D., 34

Latz, H. W., 104,154, 181,183,184 Leermakers, P. Α., 46

Lewis, G. N., 7, 11,12,13,18, 35,43, 59, 60, 61(10), 62, 67(3), 71(3), 77(3), 79, 81, 82, 84, 94,102,103(1), 112 Lim, E. C , 34, 56

Lipkin, D., 13, 43 Lippert, E.,91,126 Livingston, R., 37 Lochet, R., 55,179 Longuet-Higgins, H. C , 18 Longworth, J. W., 106 Lorenz, E., 86, 87(1), 89(1)

Lower, S. K., 18, 39(17), 40, 41, 46, 57, 90, 120,132

Lothian, G. F., 132


McAndrew, Β. Α., 78 McCallum, Α., 71

McCarthy, W. J., 148, 189,190


McClure, D. S., 6, 7, 10(7), 11 (7), 14(3), 15,16(3, 7), 20,22, 33, 34, 35(4), 36, 38(4), 39(4), 43, 55, 63, 67(22), 68 (27, 32, 38), 70, 71, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 84, 103, 104(10), 116, 117, 122

McDowell, C. Α., 14

McGlynn, S. P., 24,25,26,27, 35, 36,41, 54(11), 55(11,18), 56,57,62,67(15), 77(15), 79, 80, 118, 122, 128, 129, 141, 152, 154

McPherson, Ε. M., 102 Magel, T. T., 13, 43

Mager, K. J., 19, 26, 31, 63, 67(22), 68 (32), 70, 77

Maki, A. H., 14 Mamedov, Kh. J., 175 Mangum, B. W., 14, 76 Martinez, Α., 84,116 Matsumura, T., 84, 89

Melhuish, W. H., 38, 117, 119,126 Merkel, H., 52

Meyer, Y., 77 Michelson, A. M., 105 Mika, N., 40, 41 Misra, T. N., 55 Mizushima, M., 42, 76 Moffitt, W., 16, 102 Moodie, M. M., 67(56), 77

Moye, Η. Α., 104,148,155,185,191,192, 193

Muel, B., 68(28), 70,114 Miiller, G. O., 52 Miiller, R., 91,93(11) Mulliken, R. S., 25 Muntz, M., 102 Muromtsev, V. J., 14 Murrell, J. N., 25

Ν Nàgele, W., 126

Nauman, R. V., 33, 79, 84 Nebbia, G., 126

Neely, B. T., 141, 152, 154 Neely, C , 141, 152, 154 Nickel, P., 126

Nieman, G. C , 19, 55, 57, 71 Nouchi, G., 18

Nurmukhametov, R. N., 14


O'Dwyer, M. F., 39, 70 O'Haver, T. C , 112 Oosterhoff, J. L., 76 Oster, G., 119 Ozerova, G. Α., 14

Ρ Pabel, J. C , 101

Padhye, M. R., 27, 35, 36, 62, 67(15), 77, 79, 80, 95, 101

Paris, J. P., 90 Pariser, R., 16, 62

Parker, C. Α., 10,11, 50, 51, 53, 54(4, 9, 15), 55(9, 19), 56, 75, 110, 112, 113, 114(10), 126,127,129,130,156,166, 167

Pauncz, R., 72 Pavlopoulos, T., 40 Personov, R. J., 68(31), 70 Pesteil, L., 18, 20 Pesteil, P., 18, 20, 77

Pfaff, J. D., 137, 146, 148(6), 154, 174 Pickett, L. W., 102

Piette, L. H., 14

Pilipovich, V. Α., 17, 41,42 Piskunov, A. K., 14 Pitts, Α., 60, 61 Pitts, J. Ν., 14 Piatt, I. R., 65

Porter, G., 12, 44, 45(4), 56, 57, 62 Potts, W. J., Jr., 102

Pringsheim, P., 13, 39, 51, 59 Pullman, B., 86

Pvatnitskii, Β. Α., 85


R Rappen, L., 164 Rast, H. E., 37

Rees, W. T., 110,113, 126,127

Reid, C.,23, 57, 61, 62, 67(56), 68(14), 70(14), 77, 103

Reynolds, M. J., 24,128 Richmond, M. H., 71

Robinson, G. W., 18, 19, 25, 31, 34, 39 (3), 55, 57, 75, 76, 103

Rodomakina, G. M., 175 Roquitte, B. C , 104 Ross, I. G., 36, 44 Rousset, Α., 18, 55, 179 Ruedenberg, K., 16 Rybak, B., 179


Sado, Α., 89 St. John, P. Α., 118 Sakai, Y., 30, 71,120 Salmre, W., 106,181 Sanders, A. C. E., 82, 83(10) Sandorfy, C , 27, 60 Sandros, K., 84,103

Sauerland, H. D., 152,154,159 Sawicki, E., 137,141, 146,147,148,154,

174 Scheibe, G., 56 Schildknecht, H., 118 Schimph, U., 146,147 Schmidt, G. C., 12 Schmidt, H., 159 Schmillen, Α., 14, 26, 37 Schmitt, R. G., 90

Schwenker, R. P., 34, 35, 37(7), 116,119 Scott, D. R., 39

Seiboldt-Blankenstein, I., 126 Sharp, J. H., 14

Shigorin, D. N., 14

Shimada, R., 30, 31, 64, 68(38), 71, 77, 84, 89, 92, 94, 101,120,166 Shpol'skii, Ε. V., 30, 68 (27, 29, 31), 70


Shull, H. J., 30, 59, 61 (4), 67(4) Shull, L., 28

Sidman, J. W., 11,19, 57, 61, 67(13), 89, 103

Sidorov, N. R., 175 Siegel, S.,24r 116 Singh, J. S., 106 Skarsvâg, Κ., 116 Sklar, A. L., 7

Smith, F. J.,24, 118, 122 Smith, J. K., 118 Snow, C. P., 102

Sommers, A. L., 126, 149, 175, 176, 177, 178

South, D., 147

Sponer, H., 9,20, 30, 55, 60,61 (8), 67(8), 77, 120

Spruch, G. M., 55 Staiger, U., 126 Stanley, T. W., 141,174 Steele, R. H., 106 Sternlicht, H., 19, 55, 57 Stevens, B., 53, 54, 56 Streitwieser, Α., Jr., 27, 30 Strickler, S. J., 39, 70 Stucklen, H., 102 Sunseri, R., 25

Sveshnikov, B. Ya., 30, 60, 61 (5), 67(5), 77

Svitashev, Κ. K., 22 Swenson, G. W., 56 Sweshnikow, B. Ja., 17, 41 Szent-Gyôrgyi, Α., 106, 146

Τ Takei, Κ., 85

Taylor, J. Α., 61, 67(11), 78, 79, 80, 113 Teller, E., 9, 11(8)

Teplyakov, P. Α., 71,85 Terenin, Α., 13, 18, 45 Theiling, Ε. Α., 68(39), 71

Tin, M., 104, 154, 155, 185, 186, 187 Tinson, H. J., 17

Tinti, D., 71


Trussow, W. W., 71 Tschampa, Α., 37 Tsubomura, H., 25 Turk, W. E., 113 Turnbull, J. H., 106

U Udenfriend, S., I l l


Vahlsensieck, H. J., 26, 61, 64, 67(13) van der Waals, J. H., 14, 34, 71 van Roggen, Α., 116

Vincent, J. S., 14 Vise, Η. M., 179 Viswanath, G., 18 Vladimirov, Yu. Α., 105

von Foerster, G., 14, 37, 38(10), 39(10) Voss, W.,91,126

Vroom, R. Α., 116

W Walker, M. S., 53, 54, 56 Wassermann, E., 48,49(15) Weimer, E. Q., 126 Weissman, S. J., 23

Wentworth, W. E., 112,132,139(1) White, C. E., 126

Wiedemann, E., 13 Wilkinson, F., 45 Williams, R.,41,54 Windsor, M. W., 56

Winefordner, J. D., 104, 112, 118, 142, 143,148,154,155,181,183,184,185, 186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193 Wright, M. R., 12, 25,31,76

Y Yuster, P., 23


Zander, M., 17,18,20, 32, 33, 36, 37,47, 48,52,55,62,63(18), 64(18), 65(18), 67(18,21), 68(18,21,39), 69,70(18), 71(18, 21), 74(37), 78, 81, 86, 87(2), 88, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 120, 122, 128, 129,130, 131, 132, 137(3), 141,143,145,146,147,152,153,154, 155,157,159,160,161,162,163,164, 165, 167, 168(4), 169, 170, 171, 172, 173

Zmerli, Α., 18, 20, 71,77 Zudin, Α. Α., 81



Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to although his name is not cited in the text. Numbers in italic show the page on which

Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to although his name is not cited in the text.. Numbers in italic show the page on

Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to although his name is not cited in the text. Numbers in italics indicate the page on

Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's name is referred to although his name is not cited in the text.. Numbers in italic show the page on

Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to although his name is not cited in the text.. Numbers in italic show the page on

Numbers in parentheses are references numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to although his name is not cited in the text.. Numbers in italics refer to the page

Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers and indicate that an author's work is referred to although his name is not cited in the text. Numbers in italic show the page on which

The numbers in parentheses are footnote numbers and are inserted to enable the reader to locate a cross reference when the author's name does not appear at the point of reference