• Nem Talált Eredményt



Academic year: 2022



Teljes szövegt





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The G eographical R esearch In stitu te w as set up in 1952 by the

H ungarian A cadem y of Sciences. ^


N épköztársaság ú tja 62 B udapest VI

H ungary

O bjectives: R esearch of the physical and economic geography of H ungary. E xploration of th e general correlations and rules of geography. E laboration and application of new m ethods serving eith er the advance of geographical studies, or the developm ent of national economy.

C hief tasks: I. R esearch for th e general rules and processes of physical and economic geography relating to th e te rrito ry of H ung­

ary, prim arily. 2. Physico- and economico-geographical research on regional and b ran ch level. 3. Theoretical and methodological im ­ provem ent of th e geographical sciences.

The In stitu te is developing w ide relations w ith th e cognate institutions of H ungary and those of other countries as well.

In addition to its w ork schedule, the In stitu te is often comis­

sioned by o th er institu tions to do certain w orks fittin g into its scope of research. This applied research, in general, serves practical life directly.

The scientific plan is suggested by the tw o departm ents and the w ork schedules projected u n te r th e guidance of the H ungarian Academ y of Sciences. They reflect the actual needs and tren ds of developm ent of th e society and of the geographical studies alike.

The scientific plan is suggested by the tw o d epartm en ts and th e w ork-team s of th e In stitu te ; th e project is discussed by the m anagem ent, and a fte r the approval of th e director, it is subm itted to the Academy.

The planning of th e In stitu te w ork, th e co-ordination of non-

in stitu te w ork as w ell as th e evaluation of its scientific activity are

supported also by the Scientific C om m ittee of G eography of the



Organization of the Institute


D eputy director

S ecretary in charge of the scientific w ork

D epartm ent of Physical G eography

D epartm ent of Economic G eography

Finance D epartm ent L ibrary and D ocum entation L aboratory (subbm itted to the

Dept, of Physical Geography)

dr. Pécsi, M.

corresponding m em ber of the Academ y of Sciences

dr. Enyedi, Gy.

candidate in geographical studies dr. Marosi, S.

candidate in geographical studies

(chief: dr. Szilárd, J.

candidate in geographical studies)

(chief; dr. Borai, A. ' candidate in geographical studies)

(chief: Jenőfi, L.)

(chief: Mrs. Helen Cravero) (chief: Mrs. Em őke Szebényi)

The p erm anent staff consists of 52 persons, of which

research fellows 24

assistant and adm inistrative em ployees 20

other w orkers 8

contracted employees • 9

Accordingly, the total staff •onsists of 61 persons. The In stitu te employs also 8 outside collaborators.

Fourteen of the research fellows hold an academ ic degree (one corresponding m em ber of the Academy, one academ ic doctor, 12 candidates in geographical studies).

Two research fellows presented already th eir dissertations for obtaining a candidate’s degree, th ree are ju st preparing it. F our research fellows are preparing th eir dissertations for obtaining doctor’s decree from the university, the others are already g rad u a­




Its staff num bers 16 persons altogether: 10 research fellows, 4 laboratory assistants (7 of the research w orkers hold the candidate’s degree). The D epartm ent employs also 2 contracted w orkers. It has’

a laboratory w hich serves research-w ork by p utting continental deposits and soils u n d er physical and chemical exam inations. The D epartm ent is concerned w ith the exploration of the general phy- :,ico-geographical correlations of endogenous and exogenous su r­

face-form ing processes as basic research, and w ith th e forecast of prospective surface developm ent as well. W ithin the scope of app­

lied geogx-aphy, synoptic and detailed physico-geographical m app- mg serves as a basis for th e complex evaluation of the physico- geographical landscape on the one hand, and as a support for regional planning, on the other.


Its staff consists of 15 reg u lar em ployees: 13 research fellows (7 hold the candidate’s degree), and 6 assistants, w ho are employed as part-tim e w orkers.

The D epartm ent aims at investigating the regional location of the productive forces, population and settlem ents and also the rules and factors of location as basic research. A fter the exploration of the rules and active forces it is possible to decide w ether the established location was favourable in view of the cou ntry ’s economic developm ent. By the practical application of the results of basic research it is possible to give prognostics about location trends for regional planning.

The regional location of the productive forces are investigated in relation to H ungary, using the generalized rules gained by com parative in tern atio n al studies. These investigations are valu­

able contributions to the theory and m ethodology of economic geography.

The D epartm ent co-ordinates its research activity w ith the

economico-geographical research of other institutions and practical

organs. It takes p a rt in the international co-operation of economic




Its staff consists of 4 librarians and one contracted w orker. It is a research library, m em ber of the lib rary n etw o rk of the H ungarian Academ y of Sciences. Its chief task is to support the scientific activity of the Institute, how ever, its stock of books and periodicals are available for other institutions, too. Its collection in terest covers geography and related disciplines. The L ibrary aims at a com plete­

ness in the H ungarian lite ratu re on geography, prim arily; n ev e rt­

heless, it collects the most im portant w orks of foreign lite ratu re and those of the related disciplines as well. It collects also th e docum ents of the Institute.

The stock of the L ibrary consists of 52 000 volumes of books, periodicals and m aps registered by an author and a subject cata­


D ocum entation implies inform ation on the recent publications, p reparation of them atic docum entation and bibliographies. B rief traiislations are m ade if they w ere urgently needed. The redaction and technical w orks of the m im eographic publications form also' p a rt of docum entation work.

The L ibrary has established exchange relations w ith more th an

200 H ungarian and foreign institutions.



A ) Topics on p hysical geography


The general objectives im ply the exploration of the advantageous and disadvantageous conditions of the physico-geographical environ­

m ent by m ethods perm itting the practical application of the results.

D uring the last th ree years, investigations focused on th e follow­

ing topics:


O bjectives: observation of the physico-chem ical and biological processes of th e endogenous and exogenous surface-form ing feat­

ures, and finding out the correlations among them in order to explain landscape and surface form ation and to give prognostics on th eir fu tu re trend. Prognostication serves also for the control of deleterious effects.

This topic includes: investigations in surface developm ent, elaboration of the system of surface features, slope developm ent and slope morphology, valley developm ent, loess- and sand- morphology and genetics, periglacial morphology. Q uaternary chronology, foreground of m ountains, denudation features, genetic classification of slope sedim ents, mass movements, palaeopedology, experim entally induced investigation of soil erosion, recent surface changes, anthropogenous m orphology, classification and nom encla- tural interpretatio n of the exogenous processes, exploration of hydro- geographical, micro-climatological, soil-geographical and vegetation- geographical rules etc.

W ithin the scope of the above-m entioned topics, some com parat­

ive observations and evaluations w ere m ade, chiefly on the basis of regional research covering the total territo ry of H ungary, and of laboratory exam inations as w ell; however, in several part-topics, tnis study covered the whole Earth, m ore countries, or clim ato- morphological provinces, respectively. The results, of international im portance in m any respects, w ere published in m ore th an 100 studies and in a num ber of handbooks (see bibliography).

Slope morphology. In the course of slope-m orphological studies, on

sam ple areas of different lithological construction, the correlations

among the slopifying agents, slope dynam ics and the accum ulation


of slope sedim ents w ere examined. The genetic process of slope developm ent and the types of slope sedim ents w ere for the first lim e sum m ed up and estim ated in the H ungarian literature. By the recognition of polygeny in slope developm ent and on the basis of Ihe genetic evaluation of slope sedim ents, it was possible to point out the efficiency of slope processes; this also perm itting prognosti­

cation of slope evolution.

B asic researches, first of all geom orphological in v estig a tio n s w ere ch a­

racteristic of th e first period In th e h ystory of the In stitu te. The th ick ­ n ess o f th e p ro file of th e alread y w o rld -fa m o u s lo ess exp osu re of P aks;

exp lored at th e bottom of th e cutter o f th e brick factory in 1952, has been com p leted by now in to 60 m etres. On th e picture L. A dám , S.

M arosi, J. S zilárd and th e borers brigade can be seen. P hoto: L. A dám


Of th e secon d period in th e h ystory of th e In stitu te w e r e b esid e an in crea se of co m p lex ity th e p red om in an ce of geom orp h ological in v e s tig a ­ tion s characteristic. The cu tter of th e g ra v el-m in e by Sárvár, rich in p eriglacial occurences, 1961. On th e p ictu re th e la te d irector B. B ulla, d eceased in 1962, p resen t director M. P écsi and h is co llea u g es L. G óczán, J. S zilárd and S. M arosi can be seen . P hoto: P. Jakucs

Slope developm ent as a result of anthropogenous effects. D uring the investigation of this topic, correlation w as found am ong hum an activity, relief, w a te r economy of the soil, form ation and soil eros­

ion, vegetation etc. It w as an im portant perception th a t th e form er slope developm ent can be traced by th e present-day character and state of the soils; this also supports the prognostics of slope develop­


Denudation features and denudation processes of the Hungarian

m ountains of m ed ium height and their foregrounds. Both the

H ungarian and the foreign lite ra tu re on this topic w ere critically

evaluated. It w as pointed out th a t the pedim ent surfaces of the

H ungarian m ountains of m edium height developed m ostly in the


U pper Pliocene and in the Lower Pleistocene. The m arginal steps attaching to th e pedim ent surfaces w ere peneplains th at got denu- dated to the levels of th e U pper M editerranean and the S arm atian, or P annonian Sea, resp., or they w ere abrasional surfaces th a t became superim posed step-like, or fell into intervalley ridges on the effect of recent elevations. D uring th e T ertiary period, the tropical peneplains p artly sank in, p artly elevated to different heights. The sunk-in and covered karstic cone peneplains re-elevated bu t u n d er their lateritic-bauxitic cover, they have been conserved in a fav ou r­

able state. A t th e end of the Mesozoic (cretaceous) era, an extensive peneplanation took place in the m ountains of m edium height, on the effect of tropical planation processes. W ithin the scope of this topic, the In stitu te held a successful international sym posium in 1968," entitled „Geomorphological and nom enclatural problem s of the denudation features of m ountains and th eir foregrounds”.

The third period o f d evelop m en t is characterized am ong others by th em atic geographical m apping. On th e picture from th e le ft to the right L, G óczán, Z. K eresztesi, J. Szilárd, S. Som ogyi, M, P écsi and S.

M arosi can be seeen . P hoto: MTI 1963.


Loess research. It aim s at the investigation of U pper Pleistocene loesses in order to determ ine the types and chronology of loess-like sedim ents, to exam ine th eir genesis and teh ir special geom orphologi- cal problem s as well. The most im portant result in this field was the exact survey of our loessy areas and exposures, and th e chrono­

logical classification of the U pper Pleistocene loesses. This invest­

igation serves for both an internatio nal research program , and the interests of engineering practice.

Sand morphology. Investigations purposed the genetics and m or­

phology of the w ind-blow n sandy areas of H ungary, and the explora­

tion of the rules of sand m ovem ent. New sand features w ere dis­

covered and in terpreted, and a correlation was pointed out betw een the stru ctu re of w ind-blow n sand and soil form ation.

Pleistocene and Holocene chronology. Investigations are carried on by th e application of m ethods of bio- and lithostratigraph y, geo­

morphology, archeology, and absolute dating.

‘ ■

Hydrogeography. We have studied the changes taken place in the D anubian floodplain and in the netw ork of beds since the regula­

tion. O ur second aim w as the typology of m ortlake and backw ater generations. The analysis of developm ent served as basis for th e geomorphological and landscape-ecological typology of the flood- plains, and for the form ulation of the .symbols of hydrogeographical m apping. By the evaluation of the result of alluvial m easurem ents, it was possible to prepare a m ap on the reach character of the H ungarian rivers.

Vegetation and m icro-clim ate. The first objective was the explana­

tion of the dynam ic interrelations of vegetation and h ab itat as well as the possible production, developm ent and range of phytocenoses.

For this purpose, phytocenologic, structural, ecological and succes- -sional investigations w ere carried on the forest fringe ecosystems either at home, or abroad.

The second objective aim ed a t the exploration of m icro-clim atic scapes by instru m en tal observations, the definition of environm ental factors and the experim entally induced investigation of the clim atic elem ents increasing landscape production. The m icro-clim atic d ata of sam ple areas, collected for several years, perm itted th e charac­

terization of th e m icro-clim atic types and type-groups of th e m oun­

tains, hum m ocks and plains of H ungary, and th eir complex physico-

geographical evaluation as well.


Soil geography. W ithin the fram e of this topic, the soil-form ing agents w ere revealed in meso- and micro-landscapes. In addition, new genetic soil types and varieties w ere discovered on the basis of local and laboratory exam inations. A ttem pt was m ade a t th e elaboration of the methodology of applied soil geography serving agricultural activity. We have prepared m ore series of soil genetical m aps and studies on several sam ple areas.

On the basis of investigations in exogenous surface-form ing processes and em pirical data collection, w e have accomplished the com prehensive classification and nom enclatural in terpretatio n of the p art-factors of exogenous processes, fu rth e r we have elaborated our studies into a m onograph keeping applied geom orphology in view.

This has developed a new tendency and view contributing to the foundation of „engineering geom orphology”.

Some up-to-date research m ethods w ere introduced such as th e application of pedology, w ith a geom orphological view, to th e in­

vestigation of slope developm ent; use of the dating m ethod elab orat­

ed on the basis of preiglacial typology, and radiocarbon d ata for the specification of the chronology of loess exposures; m athem atical and statistical m ethods for th e elaboration of m icro-clim atic d ata;

application of the G erm an profile-w eighing in soil-geographical investigations; u ltra-violet and light-absorption spectro photom etric methods fo r the com parative qualitative analysis of hum ic m aterials.

A g re at deal of th e physico-geographical research m ethods has resulted in practical application, m ainly in the field of engineering geological, soil deteriorational and soil protectional m apping an d in the d rafting of study-projects; hydrogeographical investigations offered suggestions for flood-control, w hile vegetation-geographical investigations contributed to sylviculture.


By this topic the In stitu te has aim ed a t presenting an up-to-date and synthetical elaboration of the physico-geographical landscapes of H ungary. N otew orthy results w ere achieved in the field of theoretical foundation, classification of H ungary into landscapes and geomorphological regions, elaboration of the principles and m etho­

dology of physico-geographical landscape evaluation w ith a view to

practical life (eccfriomy), and the complex research of the land ­

scapes of Hungary. These results w ere entitled „The landscape

geography of H ungary”. This serial is devoted to the publication of

H ungary’s landscape geography in five volumes. It will contain the


complex physico-geographical characterization of each m eso-land- scape and the complex economic evaluation of the six m acro-land­

scapes. By this means, the serial serves also economic planning. The first volum e „The D anubian P lain” appeared in 1967, while the

second one „The T isza-Plain”, in 1969. '


O bjective: establishing a basis for landscape typology and complex physico-geographical landscape evaluation — new trends of regional planning and applied physical geography — by a com prehensive local survey and m apping of th e landscape-form ing agents.

W ithin the scope of synoptic physico-geographical mapping, th e m anuscript project of the „Synoptic geomorphological m ap of H un­

g ary ” has been prep ared and published on a one m illion scale. The conception and key of the geom orphological w all-m ap of H ungary was established on 1 : 300 000 scale and an experim ental sam ple-

•sheet was published on the region of Lake Balaton. Several geo­

m orphological m aps w ere prepared on the V értes and D unazug Mts on 1 : 200 000 and on 1 :100 000 scales. Several sheets w ere p repared w ithin the vegetation m apping of H ungary on 1 : 200 000 scale. The land use m ap of H ungary (1 :1 000 000) has been published already.

W ithin the scope of synoptical them atic mapping, a num ber of economico-geographical m aps w ere also prepared.

Detailed them atic mapping. D etailed them atic m ap v arian ts and in terpretations w ere prepared on the d ifferen t territo ria l types of H ungary.

Investigations in this field resulted in a considerable num ber of them atic m aps prepared by new methods. Beside th e plastic representation of the surface features, also the character of the landscape is show n indicating the chief trends of the dynam ics of surface-form ing processes. A nother significant result is m anifested by the m apping of w atersheds and of soil erosion on th e te rrito ria l types of H ungary. Beside the representation of th e percentual deterioration of the soil draw n to scale, these m aps throw light upon the close relations of genetic soils, soil erosion, anthropogenous effects and slope developm ent.

Several new m ethods w ere introduced such a s : concurrent

survey in complex physico-geographical m apping, complex lithologi-


cal, morphological, soilgenetic and soil deterioratio nal investiga­

tions, and the predom inance of complex physico-geographical view in evaluation. There has been developed a key and a survey m ethod for applied geomorphological m apping w ith a view to building;

th ere are a num ber of sheets and in terpretations perform ed.

D etailed them atic m apping includes d ifferen t m aps of distinct character. T heir use is m ultifarious. The complex physico-geographi­

cal m ap series provide, first of all, a basis for the long-range and w orking plans of agriculture and sylviculture.


The common physico- and economico-geographical investigations are directed tow ards the exploration of the n a tu ra l resources, th e state­

m ent of th eir economic utility, of th eir role in the regionally d if­

ferentiated pace and trend of economic developm ent, and in the spatial distribution of the productive forces. A fu rth e r stu dy aims at th e elaboration of m ethods for the evaluation, typology and m apping of the homogeneous features of landscapes — ecotopes — on th e basis of th e quan titativ e and qualitative characteristics of the n atu ral and artificial factors. W ithin th e scope of this topics, we try to find out the effects of recent erosion-denudational proces­

ses and control on ag ricultural activity. We also investigate the dynam ics of the recent anthropogenous surface form ation of th e hum m ocky areas un d er cultivation, and w e intend to elaborate the effective w ays of intervention.

In the course of realization of the above-m entioned objectives, a detailed analysis w as given on the effects of the n atu ra l resources on th e economic developm ent of each county, and the study-projects and cartogram s m ade suggestions to _^ffective developm ent and to overcome unfavourable conditions.

Relying on the form er investigations serving practical purposes and on the m ethodological results of the H ungarian and foreign literature, we have prepared th e first basic m ap on the landscape typology of H ungary, w ith a detailed interpretation.

We are also studying th e regionally differentiated n a tu ra l and economic unbalances, and the possibilities of the re-establishm ent of balances. The iong-range program s belonging to this topics are:

evaluation of the n atu ra l resources, protection of th e n a tu ra l en ­

vironm ent, exploration of th e interrelations of n atu ra l and an th ro ­

pogenous landscape-form ing processes by territo ria l types; connec­


tions betw een the narrow ness of n atu ra l resources and the lower economic level of some regions; supplies of industrial raw m aterials as the optim um spatial stru ctu re of th e exploitation an d utilization of n atu ra l resources. The com plex program s of investigation rely on well-organized w ork-team s and by th eir in ter- and m ultidisciplinary character, they req u ire a co-operation w ith the cognate sciences o'f geography.

B) Topics on econom ic geography

T he chief objective is to fulfil such tasks of research which, by using up-to-date methods, lead us to generalizable scientific results th a t can be utilized in practical life, too.


The spatial p a tte rn of the economic branches are studied in order to state the regional types and developm ent features of economy.

Investigations in the spatial structure of econom y aim a t th e ex­

ploration of the localization and developm ent rules of agriculture, in d u stry and settlem ent netw ork, w ith special regard to th e situ a­

tion of the H u ngarian national economy, th e influence of n atu ra l resources and the effect of m anagem ent systems.

Territorial localization of the population covers the study of the basic dem ographic and population geographical processes, m igration, social restratification, em ploym ent, the territo rial problem s of labour force supply and tourism as a special form of population movement.

One of th e particu lar concom itants of H ungarian economic developm ent w as th e large-scale social restratification of th e popu­

lation, and m igration tow ards the industrial centres. Studies w ere directed tow ards dem ographic phenom ena and m anpow er problem s both nationally, and regionally.

Regional analysis of the m anpow er conditions of the N orth-H ung- arian coal districts. The study aim ed a t the statem ent of the pros­

pective shift in th e stru ctu re of production of th e region and its

effect on the em ploym ent of the local population.


M igration of the population of inhabited outskirts. This topic com ­ prised the synthetic elaboration of the m icro-census d ata of 1966 and the analysis of the proportions and pace of the m ig ration of population of th e detached farm steads (tanya). The results achieved by these investigations are utilized in settlem ent planning.

Effect of industrialization on the spatial distribution of the popula­

tion. Chief results: determ ination of th e spatial changes in economic, social, cultural dem ands and the state of supply of th e po pu lation ; the effect of population agglom eration on th e location of in d u stry and labour force m ovement, w ith special reg ard to th e ch aracte­

ristics of the spatial distribution and utilization of fem ale labour.

Geographical investigations of tourism in H ungary. This topic has been treated the first tim e in H ungary w ith in th e scope of geo­

graphical research. Therefore, prim ary atten tio n w as given to th e them atics and m ethodology of th e geography of tourism . In addition, the touristic settlem ents of the country — above 200 in n u m b er — w ere categorized, the touristic regions w ere described an d analysed.

Geographical investigation of settlem ents aims a t th e tra n sfo rm a ­ tion of the p a tte rn of H ungarian settlem ents, elaboration of th e up-to-date conception of settlem ent-m orphological researches, deve­

lopm ent problem s of detached farm s (tanya) and settlem ent n e t­



O bjective: G enetic investigations of urban agglomerations, i. e. se tt­

lem ents w hich are larger and m ore complex th an a tow n, an d developed also in H ungary as a consequence of th e advance of urbanization. R esult: determ ination of th e place of agglom erations

in the h ierarchy of settlem ents.

A ttraction areas of the Hungarian tow ns. Studies aim ed a t the H ungarian u rb a n netw ork, w ith special reference to th e a ttra ctio n of urb an functions. Investigations resulted in the principle-m etho­

dological elucidation of an attraction area, a new classification of

tow ns an d ru ra l settlem ents according to central activity a n d in

the exploration of an u rb a n h ierarchy relying on th e analysis of

206 functions. A considerably great num ber of new m ethods w ere


applied by these investigations, e.g. the attractio n areas of urban functions w ere synthetized by m athem atic-statistical methods.

The results of this subject w ere utilized in regional and settle­

m ent planning.

A num ber of complex u rb a n geographical studies w ere prep ­ ared. N otew orthy results w ere achieved in the investigation of village stru ctu re and in the social and economic tren d of ru ral settlem ents.

Geographical problem s of the detached farm s (tanya). Investigations aim ed at the prospective tren d of detached farm s as the most im p o rtan t question raised by the transfo rm ation of th e settlem ent netw ork of the G reat Plain. The earlier assum ptions concerning the liquidation of detached farm s proved to be a failure because they still fulfil an im po rtan t function in production. Detached farm s will disappear only gradually. In the liquidation of detached farm s as dwelling places, distinction m ust be m ade among the detached farm s of the D anube-Tisza Interfluve, the region beyond th e Tisza, and the Nyírség Region. W ithin these regions, the detached farm s m ust be d ifferentiated according to th eir spatial distribution, too.

Location of industry. This topic covers the developm ent and location p articularities of in d u stry based on raw m aterials, prim arily energy bearers, the problem s of th e concentration of industry, th e geo­

graphical relations of the exploitation and utilization of th e supplies of raw m aterials and also regional studies.

Location of agriculture. It aim s at the research for the spatial features and models of the developm ent of H ungarian agriculture, and for the land use types of agriculture.

Agricultural geography. As a result of com prehensive studies, we have m anaged to perform the agro-geographical typology of H un­

gary and of the w orld w ith achievem ents and m ethods new in the foreign literatu re. A nother im p o rtan t w ork w as th e detailed regional analysis of stock-breeding and fodder production of H ungary, re su lt­

ing in consequences draw n for practical utilization. Complex regional

investigations attem pted, frist of all, at solving th e problem s of

ag ricultural developm ent w ith in narro w physical conditions (slopes,

sandy areas). A gricultural land use m apping has become m ore



Geographical types of Hungarian agriculture.

I n v e s t ig a t io n s a im e d a t t h e s p a t ia l s t r u c tu r e o f a g r ic u ltu r e a n d r e g io n a l- e c o n o m ic t y p i f y ­ in g o n m ic r o -, m e s o - a n d m a c r o - le v e ls .

M icro-typifying became realized in agricultu ral land use m ap p ­ ing. A key and a surveying m ethod w ere elaborated for detailed m aps on 1 : 25 000 scale.

A synoptic agricultural land use m ap w as prep ared for th e N ational Atlas of H ungary on 1 : 500 000 scale.

M eso-typifying covers the spatial types of H u ng arian ag ri­

culture. M athem atic-statistical m ethods w ere also applied to this work. Results achieved; determ ination of the regional d istrib u tio n of agricultural incomes and com prehensive characterization of th e regional-econom ic developm ent of H ungarian agricu ltu re d u rin g 30 years.

M acro-typology is the continuation of the w orld-w ide synoptic typifying elaborated in the previous plan period. W ithin this scope, we have perform ed the regional typology of ag riculture of th e E uropean socialist countries in the post-w ar period, and th e d e te r­

m ination of the geographical types of H ungarian viticu ltu re as well.


O bjective: Proving of the relations betw een the socialist tra n sfo r­

m ation and regional developm ent of ag ricu lture and th eir correla­

tions w ith the regional characteristics of population and settlem ents.

The statem ent of the tren d of developm ent was also set as an aim.

Transform ation of the structure of stock-hreeding and fo dd er production in the Great Hungarian Plain. Investigations w ere p e r­

form ed in the size and stru ctu re—of stock-breeding considering the geographical conditions of the region inclusive of the possibili­

ties of fodder production and other economic potentials.

Regional connections betw een stock-breeding and fodder p ro ­

duction w ere pointed out and suggestions w ere m ade in o rd er to

overcome the difficulties in producing fodder-crops. The economic

efficiency and profitability of stock-breeding w ere investigated and

th eir connections w ith geographical factors w ere indicated. Each

possibility of fodder production was analysed in detail. Some of th e

results of these investigations w ere utilized by. th e ag ricu ltu ral

research institutes.


Possibilities of irrigation farm ing on the sandy areas of the Great Plain. Objectives: research for the possibilities of obtaining irrig a­

tion w a te r from g round-w ater, on th e one hand, and characterization of the economic level of farm enterprises by areal types according to th eir suitability for irrigation, on the other. These researches lesu lted in the elaboration of the tren d and m ethods of applied hydrogeology. New d ata w ere obtained on the relations and move­

m ent of the stocks of grou n d -w ater and 14 hydrological m icro-units w ere delim ited in th e n o rth ern p a rt of the region beyond the Tisza, according to th e su itability of the stocks of w a te r for long-range irrigation. In th e course of investigations of the economic conditions of irrigation, th e economic level and labour force conditions of th e large-scale farm s w ere analysed in detail.

Research-w ork w as also directed tow ards the regional specializa­

tion of agriculture, the possibilities of industrialization and the tran sform ation of the settlem ent netw ork.

On the basis of our analyses, we are able to determ ine the regionally d ifferentiated alternatives of developm ent. In our ap pr­

oach to find out the m ethods of the developm ent of backw ard areas, we gained some experiences th a t can be applied in other areas, too.


The investigation of the geography of foreign countries belongs to the tasks of our Institute. B oth th e Physico-geographical and the Economico-geographical D epartm ents took p art in it.

The results of this w ork w ere published in the „G eography of

E urope”, th e „G eography of P oland”, and in the „G eography of

F rance”.



The institute has established relations w ith institu tio ns of th e cogn­

ate disciplines and w ith the planning, adm inistrativ e and practical organs as well.

Home relations

The In stitu te used to m ake agreem ents w ith d ifferent institu tio n s on the co-ordination of scientific research.

Some of our tasks of research are perform ed in co-operation w ith several national planning, scientific and practical institutions.

These relations are best evidenced by the successful contracted works, by the elaboration of H ungary’s landscape geography etc.

The m ultifarious co-operational activity facilitates the realiza­

tion of the tasks of long-range research conception.

International relations _

The In stitu te has established regular and fru itfu l in tern a tio n al relations. Some topics w ere investigated as p a rt of the w orld-w ide research, in co-ordination w ith the d ifferen t commissions of th e Internatio nal Geographical Union. In m ore cases the In stitu te took the iniciative in such kind of work.

The director and deputy director are m em bres of th e following international com m issions:

Dr. Pécsi, M. president of the INQUA H ungarian N ational C om m ittee; m em ber: of the INQUA Executive Com m ittee and of the INQUA Sub-Com m ittee for Loess S tratig rap h y in E urope; cor­

responding m em ber: of the INQUA. Commission for C ontinental Deposits, of the INQUA Sub-C om m ittee of Recent C rustal Move­

ments, of the IGU Commission on Periglacial Geom orphology and of the IGU Commission on Recent Processes.

Dr. Enyedi, Gy. president of th e IGU H ungarian N ational Com­

m ittee; vice-president of the IGU Regional Sub-C om m ittee of Land Use S urvey in E ast-C entral Europe; corresponding m em ber: of the IGU Commission for A gricultural Typology and of th e IGU Com­

mission for Applied Geography.

The In stitu te organized two intern ational geographical cong­

resses in 1955 and 1962 w hich enabled the foreign geographers to

get acquainted w ith the results of H ungarian geography.


The In stitu te oragnized several conferences and symposia upon the request of the IGU and INQUA commissions: 1. Conference of the INQUA Commission for the International Q uatern ary Map of Europe, in 1963. 2. C onference of the IGU Commission for P eri- glacial Geomorphology, in 1964. 3. Conference of the IGU Régiónál Sub-C om m ittee of Land Use S urvey in E ast-C entral Europe, in 1964. 4. Conference of the INQUA Commission for Loess S tra ti­

graphy, in 1965. 5. F rench-H ungarian G eographical Sym posium in 1964, 1966 and 1968. 6. Sym posium on „The effect of industrializa­

tion on the ag ricu ltu ral population in the E uropean socialist coun­

tries”, in 1967. 7. Sym posium on „Geomorphological and nom en­

clature problem s of the denudation features of m iddle m ountains and th eir pedim ents”, in 1968. 8. Sym posium on ”Loess — Periglacial

— Palaeolith”, organized in 1968 in co-operation w ith th e INQUA N ational Com m ittees of the USSR, G erm an D emocratic Republic, Czechoslovakia and H ungary. 9. M eeting of the w ork-com m ittee of the Geomorphological Map of Europe of the IGU Sub-C om m ittee for Geomorphological M apping, in 1968.

F ren ch —H ungarian sym p osia h a v e becom e regular. P resid en ce of the o p en in g session in 1968.


A s a result of w id en in g relations of th e In stitu te at h om e an d abroad several in tern ation al p rogram m es h a v e b een organ ized in H ungary. A

group of th e participants of th e IN Q U A lo ess-sy m p o siu m 1965: J. D resh M. K retzoi, E. Scherf, A. S zék ely, J. D ylik, I. M észáros, M. P é c si, j ’ Szilárd, M. K aiser, A. R ónai, Gy. H ahn. P hoto: F. S ch w eitzer.

In m ore topics, a perm anent co-operation w as b ro u g h t


w ith the research institutes of the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Poland and the G erm an Democratic Republic. A w ide-range exchange of publica­

tions and experiences was established w ith the geographical in­

stitutions of the G erm an Federal llep u b lic , A ustria and F rance.

O ur scientific relations became m ore intensive w ith th e


States, Canada, India and w ith Several E uropean countries, too.

O ur research-w orkers took p art in several congresses, confe­

rences and in foreign study-trips as well. D uring th e last five years, they w ere several tim es invited by foreign universities and research institutes to deliver lectures. O ur In stitu te is frequ ently visited by foreign specialists which also provides opportunity of the exchange of experiences.




The In stitu te publishes a quarterly, the Földrajzi Értesítő (Geo­

graphical Bulletin), presenting the recent results of geographical research sum m arized in English, French, G erm an or Russian langu­

ages. Articles of researchers of other institutions and foreign geo­

graphers are also published in it.

Földrajzi T a nulm ányok (Geographical Studies) is a serial publica­

tion, containing the results of the different branches of geography and inform ations on the regions and landscapes of H ungary. It has been launched in 1964 and 11 volumes of it appeared so far.

The series of Studies in Geography in H ungary is published in English, and it serves the propagation of our results abroad. It has been lauched in 1964 and 8 volumes of it appeared so far.

Földrajzi M onográfiák (Geographical M onographs) is a serial publication p resenting m onographic elaborations of th e differen t landscapes and regions of H ungary. It has been launched in 1959 and 8 volumes of it w as published so far.

Beside the serial publications, popular w orks and studies on regional geography are published, too.

O ur m im eographic publications contain them atic docum enta­

tions, m aterials of debates and congresses (Physico-Geographical D ocum entation, Econom ico-Geographical D ocum entation, Principle and Methodological M aterials of Debate, R eports on Research).

The series of Abstracts is an English digest of geographical books and studies published in H ungarian.


Dr. Abella, M. (1922) research fellow, economic geographer. Special field of research: geography of tourism , population and settlem ent geography.

Dr. Asztalos, I. (1927) candidate in geographical studies, senior research fellow, economic geographer. Special field of research;

ag ricultural geography (correlations of stock-breeding and fodder production).

Dr. A dám L. (1927) candidate in geographical studies, senior rese­

arch fellow, physical geographer. Special field of research; geo­

m orphology (geomorphological, soil erosional m apping, landscape evolution, general rules of physical geography).

Barta, Gy. (1946) assistant research fellow, economic geographer.

Special field of research; industrial geography.


Dr. B elu szky, P. (1936) research fellow, economic geographer. Special field of research: settlem ent geography (attractio n areas of the H ungarian towns, detached farm steads (tanya) of the region beyond the Tisza).

Dr. Bencze, I. (1932) candidate in geographical studies, research fellow, economic geographer. Special field of research: industrial geography, regional economic geography.

Dr. Borai, A. (1923) candidate in geographical studies, chief of the D epartm ent of Economic G eography, economic geographer. Special field of research; in d u strial geography (geography of coal mining).

Mrs. Buczko, E. (1938) research fellow, physical geographer. Special field of research: geomorphology, cartography (them atic m apping on physical geography, geom orphological m apping, m apping of geo­

logical-engineering, rules of slope evolution).

Dr. Enyedi, Gy. (1930) candidate in geographical studies, deputy director, economic geographer. Special field of research: agricultural geography (geographical types of ag riculture in H ungary and other countries in com parison, spatial localization of economy).

Dr. Góczán, L. (1927) candidate in geographical studies, senior rese­

arch fellow, physical geographer. Special field of research: soil geo­

g raphy (soil geographical correlations and rules, them atic physico- geographical mapping).

Dr. Jakucs, P. (1928) academ ic doctor in biological studies, university professor, physical geographer. Special field of research: geobotany (research for vegetation, vegetation m apping, exploration of cor- lelations by m icro-clim atic investigations, landscape evaluation).

Juhász, A. (1943) I'esearch fellow, physical geographer. Special field of research: geom orphology (them atic physico-geographical m app­

ing, general rules of physical geography).

Dr. Katona, S. (1941) research fello\^^, economic geographer. Special field of research: industrial geography (building m aterial and

building industry).

Dr. Lettrich, E. (1925) candidate in geographical studies, senior rese­

arch fellow: settlem ent geography (investigation of th e special features agglom erations in H ungary, settlem ent-m orphological rese­


Dr. Marosi, S. (1929) candidate in geographical studies, senior rese­

arch fellow, secretary in charge of the scientific w ork, physical geo­

grapher. Special field of research; geomorphology (them atic phy-


sico-geographical m apping, landsfcape evaluation, slope evolution), redaction of geographical publications.

Papp, S. (1946) assistant research fellow, physical geographer.

Special field of research: landscape research, com plex m apping. : Dr. Pécsi, M. (1923) corresponding m em ber of the H ungarian Aca­

dem y of Sciences, director, titu la r professor, physical geographer.

Special field of research: geomorphology (rules of physical geo­

g raphy and geom orphology, genesis and chronology of Q u aternary deposits, landscape research, principle-m ethodological questions of applied geom orphology, them atic phisico-geographical m apping).

Dr. Petri, E. (1922) candidate in geographical studies, research fel­

low, economic geographer. Special field of research: population and settlem ent geography [detached farm s (tanya) of the G reat Plain], Dr. Sárfalvi, B. (1925) candidate in geographical studies, senior rese­

arch fellow, associate professor, head of a university departm ent, economic geographer. Special field of research: population geo­

g rap h y (restratification of the agricultural population, labour force in agricultural regions and m ining districts).

Dr. Som ogyi, S. (1926) candidate in geographical studies, senior research fellow, physical geographer. Special field of research:

hydrogeography (exploration of the correlations and rules of hydro­

geography, them atic and detailed physico-geographical landscape evaluation).

Mrs. Dr. Szebényi, E. (1918) research fellow, chief of the laboratory, pedologist. Special field of research: direction of m aterial testings, (investigation of the rules of slope evolution).

Dr. Szilárd, J. (1923) candidate in geographical studies, chief of the D epartm ent of Physical G eography, physical geographer. Special field of research: geom orphology (general rules of physical geo­

graphy, synoptical and detailed physico-geographical mapping, landscape evaluation).

Mrs. V. Tajti, E. (1925) research fellow, economic geographer.

Special field of research: population geography (effect of in d u stria­

lization on the territo ria l d istribution of the population).


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1962— 1967

The bibliography o f th e In stitu te co v erin g th e d eca d e 1952— 1961, w as published in 1962, on th e o ccasion o f th e g eograp h ical con gress o f in ter­

national character, o rgan ized in H ungary. W e b rin g ou t th e b ib liograp h y of the w orks p u b lish ed sin c e th en in tw o parts 1962— 1967 and 1968—


The item -n u m b ers in th e com m on au th or in d e x o f the tw o separated periods are continuous.

C om piled by: Mrs. J u d y S im o n j a i



D ev elo p m en t and curren t p ro b ­ lem s o f geograp h ical scien ces in H ungary.




N yíri István geográfiai m u n k ás­


= B orsodi Szem le. M iskolc, 1961.

Tóm. 5. No. 4. pp. 411—418.

The geographical a ctiv ity of I.

N yíri.


B U L L A B éla

Tíz é v es az M TA F öld rajztu d o­

m án yi K utatócsoport.

= F öldrajzi Értesítő. Budapest, 1962. Tóm. 11. N o. 1. pp. 1— 17.

Res. Russ., Engl.

On th e 10th an n iversary of the G eographical R esearch Group of th e H ungarian A cad em y of S ci­



M AROSI Sándor

Tíz é v es az M TA F öld rajztu d o­

m ányi K utatócsoport.

= A föld rajz tanítása. Budapest, 1962. No. 3. pp. 92—93.

On th e lOth an n aversary of the G eographical R esearch G roup of th e H ungarian A cad em y of S ci- 4.

PÉCSI M árton

A föld rajztu d om án yok időszerű kérdései.

= M agyar T udom ány. B udapest, 1965- Tóm. 10. No. 5. pp. 305—319.

C urrent problem s o f geography.


PÉCSI M árton

A m agyar föld rajztu d om án yok ú t­

ja a felsza b a d u lá s óta és időszerű kérdései.

= F öldrajzi K öelem én yek . B u d a ­ pest, 1965. Tóm. 13. N o. 3. pp.

207— 223.

PÉCSI, M árton

R azvitie i szovrem en n ü e p ro b le- m ü geografii v V en gerszk oj N a - rodnoj R eszpublike.

= Izd. A kad. N au k SzSzSzR . S ze- rija Geogr. M oszkva, 1967. N o. 4.

pp- 5—20.


PÉCSI, M árton—ENYEDI, G yörgy G li studi geografici in U n gh eria.

= B o lletin o d ella S o cieta G eo g ra - fica Italiana. R om a, 1964. N o. 11__

12. pp. 529—542.

The State of geography in H ungary.


PÉCSI, M árton—ENYEDI, G yörgy Stan n auk geograficzn ych _ na W egrzech.

= P rzeglad G eograficzny. W ar­

szaw a, 1966. Tom. 38. No. 4. pp 619—633.

The state of geography in H u n ­ gary.


PETRI Edit ö t v e n év-

= Földrajzi Értesítő. B ud ap est, 1967. Tom. 16. No. 4. pp. 449—450.

F ifty years. (On th e 50th a n n i­

versary of th e S o v iet S o cia list . R evolution.)



SIM O N László

A N agy O któberi S zocialista F or­

radalom és a m agyar geográfia.

= Földrajzi K özlem ények. B u d a ­ pest, 1967. Tóm. 15. No. 3. pp.

193— 197.

The G reat October S ocialist R e ­ volu tion and the H ungarian g eo ­

graphy. _ __




m e t h o d o l o g i c a l p r o b l e m s

1 1-

m a r o s i Sándor—s z i l á r d Jen ő A ternnészeti föld rajzi tá jérték elés elvi-m ód szertan i k érd éseiről.

= Földrajzi É rtesítő. B ud ap est, 1963. Tóm. 12. No. 2. pp. 393—417.

On th e p rin cip le-m eth o d o lo g ica l problem s o f p h y sico -g eo g ra p h ica l landscape evalu ation .

1 2


m a r o s i Sándor—SZ IL A R D Jen ő A term észeti földrajzi tá jérték elés m ódszertani k érdései, k ü lön ös te ­ k in tettel dom bsági tá ja k é r té k e ­ lésére. B udapest, 1963. MTA.

FKCs. 20 p.

(MTA. FKCs. E lm életi és M ód­

szertani V itaan yagai. 2.)

M ethodological p rob lem s o f p h y ­ sico-geograp h ical la n d sca p e e v a ­ luation w ith sp ecia l regard to th e h ill-region s.


MAROSI, S án d or—SZ IL A R D , Jenő

Landscape evaluation as an app­

lied discipline of geography.

= A pplied G eography in H u n ­ gary. B udapest, 1963. A kad. K.

pp. 20—35.

(Studies in G eography. 2.) 14.

m a r o s i Sándor—SZ IL A R D Jenő Üj irányzatok az M T A F ö ld ra jz­

tudom ányi K utató In tézet term é­

szeti föld rajzi k u tatásaib an .

= Földrajzi K özlem én yek . B u d a ­ pest, 1967. Tóm. 15. No. 1. pp.

1—24. Res. Engl.

N ew trends o f research in p h y ­ sical geography at th e G eogra­

phical R esearch In stitu te H u n ga­

rian A cad em y of Sciences-


PÉCSI M árton

Tíz é v term észeti föld rajzi k u ta­


= F öld rajzi É rtesítő. B udapest, 1962. Tóm . 11. N o. 3. pp. 305—

336. R es. G erm . R uss.

T en y ea rs o f p h ysico-geograp h ical researches.


PÉC SI, M árton

Ten y ea rs of p h ysicogeograp h ic research in H ungary. Budapest, 1964. A kad. K. 132 p. 12t, Bibl- pp. 123— 131.

(Studies in G eography. 1.) 17.

PÉCSI M árton

A fö ld fe lsz ín i k ü lső (exogén) fo ­ lyam atok osztá ly o zá sa és n e v e - zék tan i értelm ezése.

= F öld rajzi K özlem én yek . B u d a­

pest, 1967. Tóm. 15. No. 3. pp.


Res. R uss., Engl-

C la ssifica tio n and term in ological in terp retation o f ex o g en o u s pro­



B U L L A B éla

M agyarország term észeti fö ld ­ rajza. B ud ap est, 1962. T an k ön yv- kiadó. 423p. 7t. 1 map.

P h y sica l geograp h y o f H ungary.


B U L L A B éla

M agyarország term észeti tájai.

= F öld rajzi K özlem én yek . B u d a ­ pest, 1962. Tóm . 10. N o. 1. pp.

1— 16.

Res- Germ .

T he p h y sica l lan d scap es o f H u n ­ gary.


PÉCSI, M árton—SÁ R FA L V I, B éla D ie G eographic U ngarns. B u d a ­ pest, 1962. C orvina. 399p 1 map.



PÉCSI, M árton—SÁ R FA L V I, B éla V engrija. O cserki fizicseszk oj i ék onom icseszkoj geografii.

M oszkva, 1962. 316p. l i t . 22


PÉCSI, M árton—SÁ R FA L V I, B éla T h e G eography of H ungary. B u d a ­ pest, 1964. C orvina. 14, 300p 2 m aps.


PÉCSI M árton—SOMOGYI Sándor

M agyarország term észeti földrajzi tájai és geom orfológiai körzetei.

= -Földrajzi K özlem ények- B u d a­

pest, 1967. Tóm. 15. N o. 4. pp.


T he p h ysico-geograp h ical regions and geom orp h ological d istricts of H ungary.



M agyarország új term észeti fö ld ­ rajzi tájbeosztása.

= A föld rajz tanítása. Budapest, 1964. Tóm . 7. N o. 3. pp. 68—76.

T he n ew p h ysico-geograp h ical r e ­ gion alization o f H ungary.


The Danube Plain


Á D Á M L ászló—M ARO SI Sándor

—SZ IL Á R D Jen ő

M ezőföld. A dom borzat k ia la k u ­ lá sa és m ai képe-

= A dunai A lföld . Budapest, 1967. A kad. K. pp. 253—263.

(M agyarország tájföldrajza. 1.) T he M ezőföld R egion. D ev elo p ­ m en t and p resen t p h y sica l pattern

o f th e relief.


JA K U C S P ál

A z A lfö ld n ö v én y fö ld ra jzá n a k á l­

ta lá n o s jellem ző i.

= A d u n ai A lfö ld . B u d ap est, 1967 A kad. K. pp. 74—77.

(M agyarország tá jföld rajza. 1.) The g en era l ch a ra cteristics o f th e v e g eta tio n geograp h y o f th e G reat P la in s o f H ungary.


PÉCSI M árton

B ácskai löszös hátság. A d om b or­

zat k ia la k u lá sa és m ai képe.

= A dunai A lföld . B u d a p est 1967. A kad. K. pp. 244— 248.

(M agyarország tá jföld rajza. 1.) T he lo ess p la tea u x o f B ácsk a.

D ev elo p m en t and p resen t p h y s i­

cal p attern o f th e r elief.


PÉC SI M árton

D una—T isza k özi hátság. A f e l­

szín k ia la k u lá sa és m ai k ép e.

= A dunai A lföld . B u d ap est, 1967 A kad. K. pp. 214—221.

(M agyarország tá jfö ld ra jza 1-) R id ge o f th e D anube— T isza M id - R egion. D ev elo p m en t and p resen t p h y sica l pattern o f th e re lie f.


PÉCSI M árton

D u n am en ti-sík ság. A dom borzat k ialak u lása és m ai képe.

= A dunai A lfö ld . B ud ap est, 1967 A kad. K. pp. 165—176.

(M agyarország tájföld rajza 1-)

The Danube Riverine. Develop­

ment and present physical pattern of the relief.


SOMOGYI Sándor A z A lfö ld tájérték elése.

= A dunai A lföld. B u d ap est 1967. A kad. K. pp- 91— 163.

(M agyarország tájföld rajza 1-) L andscape evalu ation o f th e G reat P la in s of H ungary.



The concept consists of corporate responsibili- ties (i.e., economic, legal, ethical and philan- thropic), social issues of business (e.g., labor standards, human rights,

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In this paper a short illustrative case demonstrates a decision support method which can be applied in the process to choose the orientation of the social