• Nem Talált Eredményt

Possible applications based on articulatory data



5. Possible applications based on articulatory data

Several applications might be proposed, and one of them has already started to be developed using speech data of Hungarian. Silent Speech Interfaces (SSI) are a revolutionary field of speech technologies, built on the main idea of recording soundless articulatory movements, and automatically generating speech from the movement information, while the original sub-ject is not producing any sound (Denby et al. 2010). This research area has a large potential impact in a number of domains, including the development of communication aids for im-paired people. Recently, novel methods have started to be developed for analysing and pro-cessing articulation (especially the tongue and the lips) during human speech production.

Our goals are to test and improve recognition-followed-by-synthesis and direct synthesis in the field of silent speech interfaces. For these, 2D ultrasound of the tongue and lip video are used to image the motion of the speaking organs. We use high-potential machine learning methods, including various deep neural network architectures. In order to achieve the above goals, we first recorded parallel speech and tongue-ultrasound data with multiple Hungarian speakers. Next, we performed articulatory analysis on that, modeled the articulatory-to-acoustic mapping in various ways, and are evaluating them in objective tests and subjective listening experiments. To fulfill the above goals, a multidisciplinary team was formed with expert senior researchers in speech synthesis, recognition, deep learning, and articulatory data acquisition (Csapó et al. 2018).

SSIs are still in an experimental phase, but several fields of use are predicted by the literature (see e.g. Denby et al 2010) from laryngectomized patients to providing privacy for cellular telephone conversations.

In speech therapy, articulatory devices can also be extensively used (see e.g. Cleland et al.

2015; Preston et al. 2017), as they are able to visualize fine motor behaviour which is unseen with a help of a mirror or video recording. The technique which is used in these applications is biofeedback, which means that the therapists use a kind of electronic tool to monitor and amplify body functions that may be too subtle for being available at a conscious level. Electronic instruments (like UTI or EMA) detect bioelectric signals and supply the subject via sensory modalities (auditory, visual, tactile, or a combination thereof). On this basis, the subject might be able to gain control over these specific body functions (Davis–Drichta 1980). Up until now, Hungarian speech therapy has only used this biofeedback method by relying on the acoustic domain of speech, with transformation of the acoustic signal to a visual output for patients with hearing impairment, e.g.

– Varázsdoboz: http://lsa.tmit.bme.hu/products/speco.html;

– Beszédmester: http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/projectdirs/beszedmester/;

– Beszédasszisztens: http://www.jgypk.hu/mentorhalo/tananyag/az_ikt_alkalmazasa_a_


Now the articulatory methods, especially UTI, are also available for the therapy of motor senso-ry deficits.


This paper was supported by the Thematic Excellence Program of ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, by the Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the ÚNKP-19-4 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.


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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3907336